Health down effects still only remove 1 heart, Eve - Whore of Babylon and Dead Bird effects are always active, Samson - Bloody Lust can gain 4 more damage boosts, for a new max total of +14 Damage, Azazel - His beam becomes much wider, no effect on damage. 8 Spelunker Hat. All I could remember to prioritize was Revelation and Twisted Pair, so this helps. bomb beggar, green, dead, face, bobs curse, bob curse, Spawns 7 random coins around Isaac on the floor, * boss room pool, boss room item, dtQt, dtphase, crown, nocrown, yescrown, diana, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Delirium on The Void floor with ??? Unlocked from the 'Dedication' achievement (participate in 31 dailies in a row), I'm Drowsy - Slows all enemies for the rest of the current room, I'm excited!!! Pressing 3 yellow buttons on the floor causes the minecart to be rideable. Can cause white poops through other item effects such as A Card Against Humanity or Re-Lax pills. arrow, Causes your friendly blue spiders and flies to become bigger and do x2 more damage, Allows Mom's Wig to spawn a maximum of 10 spiders at once instead of 5, Fly and spider familiars become stronger similar to BFFS, * shop room pool, shop item pool, blue, fat, Two items now spawn after beating a boss fight and the boss rush, however only one can be taken, The additional item will pick from the Boss Item Pool, Unlocked by donating to the donation machine in the shop, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by donating 50 pennies to the Shop, * shop room pool, shop item pool, white, question mark, square, theres options, * shop room pool, shop item pool, purple, paper, ticket, Isaac can now hold 2 cards or runes at once. and IBS also have special effects: Stone Dips deal 3.5 more damage and can take 6 hits before they die. ?, Satan and The Lamb as Tainted Eve, A small clot friend will hug Isaac, following his exact movements (similar to how Jacob & Esau work) and shooting tears when he does, The clot can be moved around by collision with an object/wall, allowing you to re-position it, The clot's damage is roughly 1/3 of your tear damage, If it takes a few hits it will die, and respawn in the next room, UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by defeating Mother as Tainted Eve, Spawns a random chest after completing a regular Challenge Room, Spawns a pedestal item after completing a boss Challenge Room, UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by defeating Isaac, ?? This may cause you to skip floors where you left a trinket to spawn a Cracked Key. UNLOCK: Unlock this item by getting all hard mode completion marks for the 17 non-tainted characters, Combine with Knife Piece 2 to create a Knife which can be fired across the room, dealing 25 damage to any enemies it comes into contact with, In the Downpour/Dross II, you will find a white flame somewhere, and a room with a mirror in it. UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Mother in the Corpse II as Eve, When used, this item does a shout-type attack, with its effect increasing in damage and size the more charges you have, Larynx can be used with any number of charges. ?, Satan and The Lamb as Tainted Samson, When taking damage you have a chance to explode and deal 185 damage to all enemies around you (Same damage as a Mr. Mega bomb), UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by defeating Mother as Tainted Samson, Familiars follow Isaac's exact movements, (similar to how Jacob & Esau work) instead of following loosely like they usually do, Holding the drop button (Ctrl on Steam version) causes them to stop moving, Doesn't affect some familiars with specific movement patterns, e.g. Related: How to unlock Downpour in Binding of Isaac Repentance. Time is the essence", "Sleeping gatekeepers will need to be awoken with a loud sound", UNLOCK: Unlock this card by beating Challenge #11 (Glass Cannon). REPENTANCE - Skatole now prevents damage from eternal flies and Hush flies. The achievement 'Sumptorium' is unlocked by defeating Delirium as Tainted Eve, When used, this will retreive the Tainted Forgotten's skeleton back to its owner's hands from any distance, Tainted Forgotten's Birthright effect. you could find a caves boss in the basement. * angel room pool, god room pool, angel room item, item room, treasure room, item room pool, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium as Tainted Bethany, When used, removes half a heart of health and creates a clot familiar, Clot familiars follow Isaac's exact movements including flight, firing tears and tear effects, Holding down the swap button will cause all your clots to stay in place, Works differently as Tainted Eve - instead clots are created by firing for 2 seconds, down to a minimum of half a red heart. Bad Trip becomes Balls of Steel. Pressing the bomb button will put the next poop into the 'Hold' jar. Be warned though, Mom's leg can also stomp and hurt Isaac too! the lost item pool, white, yellow, blue, When activated, Isaac takes out the axe and gives you the ability to break rocks and damage enemies with it, It has a limited amount of uses per floor, decreasing with every hit that connects with a rock/enemy, Cannot break the stone blocks which appear in the environment, Creates bridges when breaking rocks next to pits, Recharge Time: At the start of each new floor, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, minecraft, brown, grey, gray, silver, When Isaac gets hit, 2-6 blue flies will randomly spawn, REPENTANCE - Buffed, it used to spawn 1-3 flies each time, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, the lost item pool, bug, yellow, face, Isaac's tears are replaced with explosive poison bombs, which will arc upwards and explode on contact with the floor, dealing huge damage and leaving a poison effect on enemies in range, Ipecac shots are given a flat +40 Damage on top of the normal 3.5 base damage, Shots will damage Isaac if he is in the blast radius when they explode, REPENTANCE - Ipecac explosion size now scales with tear size, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Mom's Heart 6 times, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, jar, bottle, purple, label, Isaac has a random chance to fire a tooth shot instead of a tear sometimes, Teeth shots deal damage equal to your tear damage * 3.2, The chance to fire a tooth is affected by your luck stat and at +9 Luck it will activate every time, Synergizes well with some tear modifiers such as Ipecac, which causes it to do massive damage, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, knuckle, dusters, four, silver, grey, gray, brass knuckles, Isaac has a 1/6 chance to spawn a blue fly when one of his tears hits an enemy, The chance to activate this effect is not changed with your Luck stat, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, heart, Isaac now also has a laser with unlimited range which fires continuously. Based on the Steam Workshop mod created by Merlo. Tech.5/Technology Zero/Jacobs Ladder: The extra damage is very helpful. pink, purple, Spawns a familiar leech on the ground that hunts down enemies and heals you for half a heart each time it eats one, The Leech deals 1.5 contact damage per tick, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, grey, gray, worm, A bag that follows Isaac and drops a random heart, coin, bomb or key every 5-6 rooms (alternating, 5 rooms then 6, then repeats), Can drop any kind of heart, coin, bomb or key, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Dark Room with Eden, Item Pool: Item Room, Beggar, Secret Room, * normal beggar pool, normal judgement pool, coin beggar pool, coin judgement pool, secret room pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, mysterious sack, multiple sacks, bag, pouch, purple, question mark, A large familiar black fly that bounces around the room, exploding on contact with enemies dealing 70 damage, Does not explode if it hits Isaac, however if it explodes on an enemy while Isaac is in range, he will take damage, Respawns after 10 seconds or by moving to another room, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, heart, smile, A green brain that launches in the direction you are firing your tears and will explode on contact with enemies, dealing damage and poisoning anything in the blast radius, Bob's Brain deals 100 damage and applies a poison damage over time effect, which deals double your tear damage per tick, Will hurt Isaac if he is in the blast radius. If you complete bosses as Azazel, your devil deals will be stronger. This deals 1 damage per tick, High tear damage will cause this item to become very powerful for rooms with a lot of enemies, since they can die instantly and render the room harmless, Enemies which spawn after the first few seconds of each room are not affected by this item, e.g. ), I would also add the inverted cards, The Stars? After reaching level 4 (and at a much lower chance before level 4), Bumbo will also continue to collect coins and drop random pickups, similar to the Bum Friend item, but can also drop pedestal items very rarely. Stat Up becomes Stat Down), Any 'Stat down' pills you take give you a permanent +0.6 Damage Up (Horse pills +1.2), Most other pills spawn a black heart when used, including R U A Wizard?, Amnesia, Bad Trip, ?? The item grants Isaac a fly follower that protects him from all enemy bullets, and it does that job almost too well. While you have this flame you also have that item's effect, The flame deals double your tear damage to any enemies that touch it, but if it takes too much damage the flame will disappear and you lose the item's effect, Wisps are randomly chosen from Item Room, Boss Room and Shop item pools, with a 25% chance to pick the same pool as the current room. box, yellow, grey, When used, converts 1 soul/black heart into 1 red heart container, This item will take from your soul hearts first, REPENTANCE - Converter now only costs one soul heart to use (previously costed two), * shop room pool, shop item pool, the lost item pool, blue, gray, grey, yellow, sprocket, When used, this item will spawn a set of items or consumables based on which chapter you are currently on, Basement 1: 2 Soul hearts. starting, bloody, white, bandages, lazarus rags, Gives Isaac a full mapping effect, revealing the entire floor and locations of all secret rooms, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Satan with The Lost, * angel room pool, god room pool, angel room item, item room, treasure room, item room pool, Film & Animation; Autos & Vehicles; Music; Pets & Animals; Sports; . Red chests), Can be used in a shop to duplicate pickups which have not yet been purchased, and take the duplicate pickup for free, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Greedier Mode with Isaac, When used, Void will consume any pedestal items in the current room, If an active item is consumed, its effect will be added to Void's effect when used, allowing you to consume multiple items and combine their effects, If a passive item is consumed, you gain a small stat upgrade to a random stat, Possible stat changes include: +1.0 flat damage, +0.5 tears, +0.2 speed, +0.2 shot speed, +0.5 range, +1.0 luck, Void does not work on devil deal or shop items unless they have been bought first, Using Void to absorb items in Boss Rush or Challenge Rooms counts as taking the items and will cause the encounter to start, Using Void on one time use items such as Mama Mega or Diplopia will cause their effect to instantly trigger and will not give you further uses through activating Void again, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Delirium in The Void floor with Apollyon, Upon use, this item freezes all enemies in the room until you press the fire button again or 30 seconds passes (whichever happens first), Unlike other active items, bosses are not immune to this effect, Touching a frozen enemy will still hurt you, This item doesn not affect troll bombs - they will still explode, Upon use, the Smelter will destroy your currently held trinket and give you the effect permanently, allowing you to stack up lots of different trinket effects, Holding the Smelter increases the chance for a trinket to drop. UNLOCK: Unlock this card by opening Mom's Box on the Home floor. The Knife Piece 1 is located in the Item Room in the mirrored area. Alongside all the extra items and bosses, Repentance will also add graphical improvements, gameplay updates, and changes to the game's balance. While aggressive, Blood Puppy deals 7.5 damage and drops half a red heart for every 10 enemies it kills. From the Sacred Heart to the Magic Mushroom and the mighty Brimstone, here are some of the best and strongest items available in The Binding Of Isaac. Enemies touching the head don't hurt Isaac, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium as Tainted Forgotten, Item Pool: Boss Room, Crane Game, Golden Chest, Drops 1 random rune or soul stone when picked up, Item Pool: Shop, Golden Chest, Mom's Chest, Old Chest, Tears have a chance to become a tooth, dealing x3.2 damage, similar to Tough Love, The chance to fire a tooth with this trinket is affected by your Luck stat, At +0 luck you have ~12% chance for this effect to activate, At +9 luck every tear you fire will be a tooth, Chance to spawn half a soul heart when picking up a coin, The chance scales up based on the coin's worth: Penny = 16.66%, Double Penny = 30.5%, Nickel = 59.7%, Dime = 83.3%, UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by defeating ??? When you take damage and the cannon breaks, you take an additional 2 full hearts of damage and gain the Anemic effect for the room. Of course to unlock them, you need to unlock all of the tainted characters first, and then you can start to focus on the cards. Fire Dips burn enemies and leave a fire behind on death. as Jacob & Esau, This item has a different effect for each character. or the path they take (My Reflection, Tiny Planet etc. 2 keys = 16.6% chance. In Afterbirth+, taking 3 of this pill gives the Adult transformation, Pretty Fly - Gives Isaac +1 fly orbital, which blocks enemy projectiles and damages fly-type enemies on touch, Range Down - Reduces your range stat by -2, Range Up - Increases your range stat by +2.5, R U a wizard? Changed to 2 room recharge, * golden chest pool, gold chest pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, bob sloth, And then you have the T. Lost mega satan unlock. It rerolls enemies and pickups it comes into contact with, then despawns. lightning, bolt, hot garbage, Tears now have a bigger knockback effect, which pushes enemies backwards, * astrology, astronomy, item room, treasure room, item room pool, h, blue, glow, Tears Down by exactly half (Tear delay * 2), The tears down from this item is a x2.0 multiplier after the formula, meaning it will always halve your tear rate (Unless you have Monstro's Lung or Soy Milk), UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Boss Rush with Eve, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, makeup, make up, black, grey, gray, square, eves mascara, When you die with this item, you respawn in the previous room as Dark Judas with 2 black hearts for health, Dark Judas has a damage multiplier of 2.00 (double Isaac's damage) and an additional +0.1 Speed, Dark Judas is considered a separate character by the game, however he can be used to unlock Judas' secrets/achievements, REPENTANCE - Dark Judas can no longer gain red heart containers, HP upgrades give soul hearts instead, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Boss Rush with Judas, * devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, item room, treasure room, item room pool judas shadow, All future red hearts now heal for double. Item Pool: Item Room, Devil Room, Library, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, book, brown, blue, monster manuel, manaul, Upon use, the dead sea scrolls gives a random spacebar item effect, An item that can be found in the Angel room. If it does, it will drop a random trinket, coin, heart and key, The Walnut trinket is destroyed once the effect activates, Causes any orbitals you have to stop moving while held, Stops shooting familiars from moving (including Lilith's Incubus), Some familiars with irregular movement are not affected by Duct Tape, such as Abel, BBF, Bumbo, Guppy's Hair Ball, Lil Gurdy, Punching Bag, Robo-Baby 2.0, Succubus, *, grey, gray, tp, toilet, paper, roll, silver, While held, shops will now appear on the womb floors (The Womb, Utero and Scarred Womb), UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium in The Void floor with Cain, While held, item rooms now appear on the womb floors (The Womb, Utero and Scarred Womb), REPENTANCE - Causes item rooms to appear on Corpse floors, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium in The Void floor with Samson, While held, restock boxes will always spawn in item rooms, *, cent, money, cash, coin, pixel, blue, green, p2w, Upon entering a room with enemies, spawns a Red Locust which detonates upon impact with enemies, dealing double tear damage for the impact of the Locust and 60 damage for the explosion, Can be dangerous as the fly will target the nearest enemy, which can be close enough to catch Isaac in its blast radius, UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by defeating Isaac in the Cathedral as Apollyon, At the start of each new hostile room you spawn a green attack fly, which will target a nearby enemy, deal double your tear damage and then poison them, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Satan with Apollyon, At the start of each new hostile room you spawn a yellow attack fly, which will target a nearby enemy, deal double your tear damage and apply a slowing effect to it, UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by defeating ??? 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