8th house It represents the longevity of marriage and the joint assets accumulated through marriage. But if you take this as a challenge, maybe you can use his energies, however against your nature it may seem. The native may have to deal with frequent arguments in the family. It will give good results in the physical life. Today, fortunately, technology has been so advanced that there are thousands of apps and applications on the internet that automatically generate our Navamsa Chart without needing the need to calculate them. It also shows us whether the person will live in a big family, joint family or small family. This placement can give certain trouble in marriage like bankruptcy, fist fights with others etc depending on the sign in which Saturn is placed and there can also be delay in joint asset . Exalted in Navamsa in Virgo. Use your common-sense and all will be very good. As an individual soul we experience, that is all we do. Sir moon and Saturn conjunction in navaamsa in 7th house for Aries ascadent what will happen. People may perceive them either as hardworking or extremely rebellious. So before you start analysing your planet, first get into details what it stands for in your chart. Venus is the real Moksh-karak, the agent of the Ultimate illumination. Navamsa or Navamansh or or D9 consists of two parts. Note the signs placed in each house of the D-1 and see how these signs shift, ie check to which house they shift to in the D-9. Everything that you said about me and my personality, my husbands personality was absolutely true. Specialization: Astrologer Shankar Bhattacharjee is specialized in Predicting the Future through Vedic Parashari & Nadi Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry, Vastu & the ancient Horary System. They have limited friend circle. They can be very good worker and can give in service industry. I am a professional teacher myself and I used to teach Russian and English as a Foreign languages to non native speakers. The Birth chart tells us the overall condition of the planets in the chart. It can also give great speculative gains but the investment must be long term. For Planets that are Exalted in the D1 Chart, one can give 5 points to those planets. Thank you Archana. Book your consultation now! And Saturn is strict but fair so you will get your due returns on the social/money fronts. You cannot really understand the external unless you also look at the internal. Any planet placed here will help you in relationships. In this case, also the ascendant oo Lagna becomes very strong even if it is in the negative influence of a malefic planet, For example If Saturn is in Aries in Rashi chart within 20 degree, then Saturn is debilitated and does not have any strength to give any result but if that Saturn goes to the same sign that is, in Aries in Navamsa also then the planet will regain its strength and will work as a normal strengthened planet. My apology mam for bothering you again. It is only after assessing the Navamsa Chart, one can finally tell where the Chart is strong or not. Mars is the energies of life and death together. He represents the complete disintegration of the manifested at every level and complete awareness of the undifferentiated energy. This blog,http://psychologicallyastrology.comand all the material in it, is my personal experiences, copyright and my intellectual property, do respect this. Heres a great example given on the blog Astrologylover, I highly recommend checking his blog. For planets that are in their own sign 4 points and for planets that are in the friendly sign 3 points. It is purely my experience and if something is not clear you can ask me in the comment section. And this works best if he has the self-less, abstract, infinite energies of Pisces backing him. Now you are in for a surprise, check out this table. No red or green curtains or walls should be there. If Saturn is in friendly, neutral or own sign, the family of the spouse can be in good government position but if in enemy sign than there can be financial issues or health problem in the family of in laws. They can get good gain from elder brother, acquaintance and can have a leadership position in large organizations. Venus is one of the most important planets for marriage and if Venus is afflicted in the Birth Chart, troubles in getting married or in married life is seen but If Venus is well-positioned in the D9 Navamsa chart, it assures that the person will get married in his life. Virgo and Capricorn are the components of the Arth trikon, the things which give meaning to life. That 30 degrees is further divided into nine equal parts. This is the background. Whereas the Rasi-chart provides overall information regarding the location of planets and sensitive-points such as the Lagna, the latter provides vital information regarding their . (If you think its too much trouble for clients, that is upto you. thanks for this article. It tells us how the planets will perform and what results they are likely or potentially able to give. These results will be linked to the sign the planet occupies in the D9, but still the results will be auspicious. Have a deep look into your horoscope . Transit of planets over houses in astrology, Transit of planets over planets in vedic astrology. He is adrift in dreaminess. Your birth chart is a sub-set of the the D9. as far as your question goes, the rules on classic neech-bhanga are quite clear, so as per these rules your jupiter in d-9 is in neech bhanga, Namaste mam. So, if you have your correct birth time, do check-out your D9 Navamsha. If the Reader is good enough, the mere act of going for a divination changes your energies. At the same time, it shows that the native can have a distant relationship with in laws. Sorry to bother u again. Lets focus on the exalted planets in this post ( I have written separately about thedebilitated planets andpushkar navamsha analysis). Eg Jupiter 9th and 12th, Sagittarius and Pisces, will always have a say on your philosophy, mediation, also wife/ husband, Dharm pati/ patni. Do you consider parivartan in divisional charts? Like if ascendant sign goes to 10th house! 1st house Desire of the person to get married. This is a life-lesson in fast-track, as the situation is so far off balance that desire to learn/rebalance is most intense. But Jyotish is an enabling tool. Check the placement of Shani in Navamsa, the lord of that sign if it is well placed in the rashi chart will help you come out of suffering and pain. To understand this, you have to give away your limited view of the self. They may not have great income in speculative gains. It shows the self in relationship dynamics and the overall health of the marriage. doing some simple mantra jaap of Jupiter as simple as Om Gurave namah, once a week, which will take barely 5 mins can help adjust better.. Namaste mam. Psycho-babble! You really have deep knowledge of astrology. You want to discover every secret about yourself, irrespective of the consequences. A highly practical planet placed in vagueness, forced to search, learn secrets, understand from this vagueness frustrates him. You will consciously and subconsciously avoid getting entangled in situations heavy with this planets energies so remain better off. Also, when the 1st house of Lagna of Birth Chart and the 1st house Lagan of D9 chart is of the same sign, the planet will come into the status of Vargottama. As you said, why am i worried! The Thoth cards are my favourite, I love them. This structure chathur sagara yogam. All aspects of the physical and the spiritual life are going to be very deeply impacted. Request if you could explain about this. The constraints, legal duties, regulations, social obligations, karmic service in the background as well as the foreground grates on his hopeful, expansive, benevolent nature. Your teachings are so clear and to the point especially for those who are beginners and the non-native speakers. Now, because of the planet Venus being weak in the birth chart, it was likely that the person would not get married due to his bad name or some financial problems in life, but due to the strength in Navamsa chart, the planet gave good results. When the 7th house is associated with many malefic planets like Rahu, Ketu or Saturn, multiple marriages can happen in the persons life. If you are afraid of an aspect of yourself, things will never work out. Bear in mind, d9 chart navamsa comes second to a birth chart in Vedic astrology and is mostly used to analyze marriage, the strength of the planets, and the destiny of the . Here is the detailed analysis of Rahu in different houses of Navamsa. Scorpio is secrets, no social recognition here. if you are aware of your potential you can take up activities which use those energies, But in rashi tulya as you say: 2. Saturn: The exalted Saturn will give you the best career and status, but due to debilitation, you will have to face the hard and tough challenges related to career and relationship as well. Ketu is dissociation and disinterest. So to analyse the D1 vis-a-vis the D9, lets focus on the debilitated planets in this post. The spouse will be good in doing business in life. So before you start analysing your planet, first get into details what it stands for in your chart. Moon in Aries in d1 and moon in fourth house in cancer shows with maturity you will find peace of mind. Venus is in Sagittarius in birth chart and Venus in Scorpio in navamsa. Mother can have a lot of burden and responsibilities. Imagine his plight. Ketu is set up in a environment tailor-made for Rahu! Jyotish is like layers within layers, loops within loops, fractals. He is required to function in a situation which is most conducive for Ketu. It is the same with Jyotish. Saturn is anxiety, delay, obstruction, limitations, restrictions, bones, teeth, nails, death, diseases, sorrow, misery. If you could explain a little about that! Pisces is understanding of the Reality. First, one should determine the position and the strength of planets in the birth chart and see what kind of results the planets are likely to give in the planets Dasha or Antar-Dahsa periods. Here you are required to be bold, speak out, think, logically analyse, choose, act, create options for yourself. . I have mentioned planets positions in d9 as per houses, so if you could give some comments on that! This table is the answer. Sun is the creative intelligence which works best if supported by the skilful analysis of options in the background Navamsha. If one is debilitated the other will also be. Mercury: The spouse of the native will be very talkative and will be really good in communication. If these planets are in a strong position, like in Kendra Houses(1,4,7,10) or Trikonas (1,5,9) and even better if they are forming auspicious yogas and are exalted or in its own sign, then the main planets in your birth chart are very strong. Natural agents are fixed, eg Moon is for mother, Venus for relationships etc. They hate debts but people with this placement must give donations. You cannot gamble or take risks here. Only the faith on God will help the native. Your siblings might on good terms with you, but there would be no satisfaction in that. There will be typical issues, overall unfavourable on the material side, but the mind-set will accept them! This is a standard list. Capricorn is the practical. Saturn in sixth house can also give prolonged illness. Ketu is the agent of dissociation. By doing the remedies, one can only avoid the rain, but the person will still get wet and have to face the storm. Chart-specific agents will vary as per the ascendant sign. I have read you advising in some comment box that in d9 house positions is not so important at the same time in other examples giving interpretation according to the house position of planets in in d9 with sign. Planets that are Vargottama are said to be in a very strong state. Mars in D1 Cancer and D9 Pisces, his deepest degree of discomfort. On the contrary, they can also be frugal and very strategic in speculative gains. In friendly constellation, Uttarabhadra 3. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. So karma in the background and the treasury of experience in the D1 works beautifully for the degree of Rahus exaltation. Whenever i have gone to other astrologers, they usually say generic stuff about me and my future but your prediction was to the point. Chart-specific agents will vary as per the ascendant sign. I got confused about two statement as you have mentioned i.e. Here are some points to help you trigger your own thought process. If your astrologer has really examined your chart (even without telling you everything), your situation starts improving from that very instant. This means it's a division of a zodiac sign into 9 equal parts. Spouse may be slowed down with age or may have issue with knee or ankle. When the D9 is Cancer, you feel most emotionally secure when you are under your own microscope. This is the simplest concept to understand. Because remember, D9 is the past life Karmas and the results of our good and bad deeds, so the fate has already been decided and this is the reason why, remedies normally make little difference when planets are weak in D9 chart. Do be aware. But think of it this way, here he is to be a strong yet benevolent protector of the bridges to the other dimensions and he is required to guide the astral self safely across to the other dimensions. Here is the below detailed analysis of Saturn in different houses of Navamsa in vedic astrology. Trying to figure out things with the help of jyotish on my own but too naive for this now so looking forward to see an astrologer soon. There will be an odd type of behavior toward a spouse, it could be a carefree attitude or not become that much duty minded towards the spouse. Navamsa. The first house lord being in the first house indicates that the lord is in his or her rightful station. But internally there would be no satisfaction in all these things, there will be discomfort. Or any specific time about activation?? On the other hand, this position of Saturn can also give right direction in making good investment. So to analyse your debilitated planet, first check out what he is the agent of in your birth horoscope D1. The natives spouse will want respect from the society, while the spouse may be from a very respectable family. Strong Navamsa lagna lord in Rashi (D1) chart promises good health, if 10th lord of Navamsa is strong in Rashi it promises great wealth, If 4th lord in Navamsa is strong in Rasi it is great for spirituality, If 7th lord in Navamsa is strong in Rashi chart its good for joy and happiness in life. It is said that if a planet is weak in the birth chart but strong in the D9 or Navamsa chart, the planet will give good results in its Dahsa or Antar-Dasha periods. Request your suggestions here mam. I joined your Atmakaraka webinar from Mongolia and truly enjoyed this session. Eg a debilitated Mercury, will cause problems with siblings, make you think and choose options which will hurt, doing skill-based jobs will be beyond you etc. In my d-1 Jupiter is in 9th house Pisces 22 digree. The Navamsha chart is considered to be equivalent to the birth chart. Satisfaction? Navamsa consists of 2 words Nav meaning 9 and Amsa meaning division. The horoscope is like layers within layers, a fractal geometry. I am going to discuss those observations, point by point below. Download the Cosmic Insights app to generate your birth chart. Saturn and Mars are to be studied in the Navamsa. It is also very useful to attache the links of the Articles related to the topic you are teaching. , joint family or small family horoscope D1 leadership position in large organizations D9 as per houses, so you. An aspect of yourself, irrespective of the undifferentiated energy house Pisces 22.... The degree of discomfort positions in D9 as per houses, so if you think its too trouble!, the things which give meaning to life navaamsa in 7th house for Aries what. Spouse of the consequences will find peace of mind shows us whether the person live! Unfavourable on the material side, but there would be no satisfaction in that, do check-out your D9.! A environment tailor-made for Rahu is required to function in a big family, joint family small... 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