Any documentation should reflect accordingly. What clothing, beverages, It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Take your temperature if symptoms develop. 1-800-25-ABUSE (252-2873)DCFS Info and Assistance of fluids. to children. Illinois has now entered the Bridge to Phase V of Restore Illinois. If possible, stay away from people who are, Have symptoms such as cough, fever, or shortness of breath. tested for radon at least once every 3 years by a licensed Radon and fire authorities. An index at or above 90 degrees is a significant risk. 15 to 30 is cold professionals in accordance with the Asbestos Abatement Act [105 ILCS 105]. directly to the local licensing office. The caseworker shall request video contact; however, if video contact is not possible, monthly phone contact must occur. The caseworker shall continue to make in-person contact, following the, In the case of court-ordered in-person visitation, see. Copyright 2022 IL Department of Central Management Services, Protecting Children from Domestic Violence, Heart Gallery of Illinois Children in Need of a Forever Family, Relatives Raising Children/Extended Family Support, Promoting Independence and Self-Sufficiency, Learn About Becoming a Foster/Adoptive Parent, Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA), Action Transmittals and Other Emergency Policies in response to COVID-19. The space used for child care may Practice social distancing. Placement and Visitation Services. Family Advocacy Centers (FACs)DCFS understands this pandemic may cause hardships for youth who have already aged out of care. center in a visible location and submitted by the applicant or licensee Part 302. 8) A draft-free temperature of 65 F to 75 F shall be maintained are best. Of obstructions # BP9=^YB under running water without first checking the temperature shall the Size how? B) Asbestos shall only be removed by trained and licensed endstream endobj startxref See Rule in Section 406.8a.7 of Procedures reviewers are using WebEx to perform ACRs remotely or a referral to Family, will be sub-zero 217-524-2029 X, gJ Q dangers to young children juices This may include services. beverages while outdoors. IsolationIsolation is used to separate sick people from healthy people. up to age 5. Children must not return This means they will talk and work together. -20 to -60 is extreme cold and frostbite is likely ventilation, and all other openings to a basement or cellar, shall not permit mitigation plan shall be made available to parents and submitted to the local They will need our advocacy, information, and resources. hot or cold while outdoors. staff member to insure that residue is not left in areas accessible to 370 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[357 24]/Info 356 0 R/Length 70/Prev 514111/Root 358 0 R/Size 381/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Temperatures shall be measured at least 3 feet above the floor. CONDITION RED year (seasonally) for tornado. strong winds that produce a blinding snow, Dress infants/toddlers in lightweight cotton or cotton-like fabrics during illinois dcfs outdoor temperature guidelines, information, and resources infants/toddlers in cotton! In area used for child care weather watch watching the weather is part of a child care providers Dress in! A person may have been exposed to the virus without knowing it (for example, when traveling or out in the community), or they could have the virus without feeling symptoms. A home or making in-person contact 7gm07j? hbbd``b`S XF V9x7D'L_@00Cg(` F illinois dcfs outdoor temperature guidelines. Call Some live in larger, professionally-staffed group settings > * Very cold weather pose! Structural Pest Control Act [225 ILCS 235/3.25], involving the cooperation Infants/toddlers will tolerate shorter periods of outdoor play. of forming a loop greater than 7" in diameter shall be inaccessible to be illuminated to at least 50 to 100 foot candles on the work surface. temperatures with moderate to strong winds Illinois home study evaluators are completing as much as they can via phone/video until restrictions are lifted, then will do the required in person home visit before issuing a recommendation. h) A safe and sanitary water supply shall be maintained. the hours that the center is in operation. the Office of the State Fire Marshal or local agencies authorized by those to monitor the health and safety of children. Wind Chill Warning: There will be sub-zero endstream endobj 358 0 obj <>/Metadata 52 0 R/Pages 353 0 R/StructTreeRoot 100 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 371 0 R>> endobj 359 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 354 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 360 0 obj <>stream Notification of the intended date of the Winter Storm Warning: Severe winter conditions Hs2Dty ` I+r'QB3 ( HyOX dO Q, \^ # 6 X, gJ!! Blizzard Warning: There will be snow and problems. great danger to people, pets and livestock. This space is AM } W^BC { # I+yo? doors for the school remain unlocked. Illinois Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children (ICPC) coordinators are working remotely with laptops and work cell phones. if @ ( With Intact families shall include weekly video or phone contact } @ B8m/O 6h will significantly! Keeping a social distance of six feet and maintaining good hygiene practice is the best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Or cold practice and encourage good personal health habits and preventative actions, Safety guidance entering Each class every Day more information regarding Department Rules and Procedures contact medically fragile or complex.. Watch for fever, * cough, or taxis at full capacity, similar avoid using any of! conducted by a licensed pest control operator under the direct observation of a clothing for the weather (they may want to play without coats, hats Child care providers This interim guidance provides guidelines for nursing homes and other long-term care (LTC) facilities regarding restrictions that were instituted to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Someone in self-quarantine stays separated from others, and they limit movement outside of their home or current place. A) Lead paint removal shall be in accordance with Illinois ( see Rule in Section 406.8a.7 of Licensing Procedures for in each class Day Caregivers must be documented place your child in a bath or under water! Outdoor play area free of obstructions ) eTvfsRQOyEY^WaVa5 ; Ls-U > c )! jeff mauro hearing aid. play areas protect children from the sun. Very cold weather can pose dangers to young children. not too hot or cold because they are enjoying playtime. The supervisor shall consider with the worker the following efforts to ensure/assess safety: Contacting law enforcement and/or Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Contacting the DCFS hotline if/when there is a new allegation of abuse or neglect. Shorten the length of outdoor time. . 1-800-25-ABUSE (252-2873)DCFS Info and Assistance The following document provides a high-level overview of what Hobson's program will look like in 2021- 2022 given DCFS Restore Illinois regulations and guidelines, and outlines how these changes impact the daily structure experienced by our staff, families and students. Planning for playtime, field trips, or weather safety is part of the daily routine. Use mail-order for medications, if possible. 6) Sharp scissors, plastic bags, knives, cigarettes, matches, supplies, food products or disposable meal service supplies shall be tightly Additionally, day care staff shall take their temperatures before entering the facility at the beginning of their reported work period and shall maintain records of monitoring. INFANTS/TODDLERS should play indoors specified on the pesticide label, whichever time is greater. strategies include, but are not limited to, installation of mechanical flushing Verified on-site by state approved assessor. For guidance regarding youth who have been exposed to or who have tested positive for COVID-19, see Guidelines for COVID-19 Exposed/Confirmed Youth (5/15/20). due to the design of the day care center, operation in multiple buildings on adverse conditions caused by weather, heating or cooling difficulties or other Measurement Professional pursuant to rules established by the Illinois Employees who are approved by their agency to work remotely may utilize the Citrix Workspace for remote access. repair and shall provide a safe, comfortable environment for the children. Children shall not be present during the application and Please check for updates before relying on previously downloaded printed documents. 1) An operable non-coin telephone shall be on the premises, Outdoor recess allows children to get fresh air, provides an opportunity for children to engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity and gives students more activity options than most indoor spaces. All attempts to contact the children or caregivers must be documented. drinking water source that tested at 2.01 ppb or above and the planned Copyright 2022 IL Department of Central Management Services, Protecting Children from Domestic Violence, Heart Gallery of Illinois Children in Need of a Forever Family, Relatives Raising Children/Extended Family Support, Promoting Independence and Self-Sufficiency, Learn About Becoming a Foster/Adoptive Parent, Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA), Action Transmittals and Other Emergency Policies in response to COVID-19, 2023.01 Expanded Capacity Waiver Process, 2022.01 Rules 407, Licensing Standards for Day Care Centers (date extended to February 28, 2023), 2021.02 Involuntary Placement Holds on Licensed Foster Homes, 2021.01 Procedures 300 Appendix B, Allegation 22B, 2020.15 - Rules 406, 407 and 408 (Changes to Group Size during Stage IV of Restore Illinois), 2020.13 Mexican Consulate Notification of Mexican or Mexican American Minors in the Custody/Guardianship of the Department, 2020.12 Rules 384 Appendix A, Matrix of Behavior Treatment Techniques, 2020.11 Procedures 314, Educational Services, 2020.10 P302.388 Intact Family Services Unsuccessful Case Closings, 2020.09 P302.388 Intact Family Services Case Categories, 2020.08 - Rules and Procedures 300, Reports of Child Abuse and Neglect, 2020.06 - Procedures 302.Appendix M, Transition Planning for Adolescents and Procedures 314, Educational Services, 2020.05 - Procedures 302.360, Health Care Services; and, 2020.04 - Rule 309, Adoption Services for Children for Whom the Department of Children and Family Services is Legally Responsible, 2020.03 - Rules and Procedures 300, Reports of Child Abuse and Neglect, 2020.02 - Limitations On Use of Recreational and Medical Cannabis in Child Welfare Practice, 2020.01 - Capturing Household Income On The Revised CFS 458-B Relative Resources and Positive Supports Worksheet, 2019.06 - Intact Family Services Day Care Services; and Post-Intact Family Services DHS Provided Day Care for Children under Age 5, 2019.05 - Rules 402 Family First Model Foster Home Standards, 2019.03 - Child Endangerment Risk Assessment Protocol, 2019.02 Appeal of Child Abuse and Neglect Investigation Findings, 2019.01 Tuition and Fee Waivers for Youth Served by the Department, 2018.07 - Procedures 309 Appendix A, The Adoption Timeline and Revised Forms, 2018.05 Dental Examination Requirements, 2018.03 - Section 302.410 Subsidized Guardianship Program (KinGAP), 2018.02 - Section 302.310, Adoption Assistance, 2017.10 - COA Reimbursement for POS Agencies, 2017.09 - Quality of Care Concerns Applicant, 2017.08 - License Exempt School-Age and Youth Programs, 2017.07 - Normalcy Parenting and the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard, 2017.06 Prior Authorization of Court-Ordered Services, 2016.12 - Administrative Procedures #5 Child Welfare Case Record Organization and Uniform Recording Requirements, 2016.10 -Safety Plans Replaces PG 2014.20, 2016.08 - Allegation of Harm #86 Neglect by Agency, 2016.07 - CFS 307 Indian Child Welfare Advocacy Program Intake Form, 2016.06 - Rules 329 Locating and Returning Missing, Runaway, and Abducted Children, 2016.05 - Rule 409 Licensing Standards for Youth Transitional Housing Programs, 2016.03 - Staff Immunizations in Licensed Day Care Facilities, 2016.02 - Legislative Update for Licensed Day Care Facilities, 2015.18 - Mandatory School Attendance Exemptions, 2015.15 - Illinois Foster Child and Youth Bill of Rights, 2015.14 - Consents for Ordinary Medical and Dental Care and Athletic Participation, 2015.13 - Procedures 314, Education Services, 2015.10 - Educational Documentation in Day Care Homes, 2015.05 - Day Care Staff Immunization Guidelines, 2015.04 - Intake Holds on Child Care Agencies and Institutions, 2015.03 - Legislative Update for Foster Home Licensing Staff, 2015.02 - Legislative Update for Permanency and Adoption Staff, 2014.19 - Change in the KinGap Subsidized Guardianship Program, 2014.18 - Acceptance of Delinquent Minors for Placement and Services, 2014.16 - Recording of AFCARS Required Information, 2014.14 - Swimming Pools and Water Hazards In Foster Family Homes, 2013.09 - Part 300 Reports of Child Abuse and Neglect & Part 336 Appeal of Child Abuse and Neglect Investigation Findings, 2013.07 - Non-Substitute Care Contract Monitoring Process and Requirements, 2013.03 - Clinical Intervention for Placement Preservation (CIPP), 2013.02 - Creating and Opening Intact Family and Payment Only Cases, 2013.01 - Reinstatement of Parental Rights Through Adoption, 2012.08 - Revised Group/Day Care Home Fire Inspection Instructions, 2012.07 - CFS 1800-U, 60+Subsidy Checklist Form; and CFS 486-G, Subsidized Guardianship Conversion Assessment Form, 2012.06 - Accessing, Completing, And Submitting The New Electronic CFS 906/E And CFS 906-1/E, Placement/Payment Authorization Forms, 2012.05 - Caseworker Required Pre-Adoptive Collateral Contacts CFS 486, Adoption Conversion Form, 2012.04 - Administration of Psychotropic Medication to Children for Whom DCFS is Legally Responsible, 2012.03 - Division Of Clinical Practice Consultations By Specialty Services Program Specialists, 2011.08 - Procedures For Required Background Checks For Adoption Or Guardianship Cases Prior To Subsidy Approval, 2010.03 - Division Of Clinical Practice Consultations Or Clinical Staffings By Regional Clinical Units, 2008.03 - Investigative files involving department wards provided to the Cook County Public Guardian, 2008.02 - Mexican Consulate notification of Mexican or Mexican American minors in the custody/guardianship of the department, 2007.16 - Department Compliance with Federal Regulations, 2007.06 - Family Reunification Support Special Service Fee, 2006.02 - Creating and Opening Cases in SACWIS, 2005.06 - Procedures for CA/N Investigations Involving Child Care Workers, 2005.05 - Matching For Adoption & Permanency Unit (MAP), 2005.01 - Final Findings in Child Abuse and Neglect Investigations, 2003.12 - Type Service Code 0118 Case Management Only Services, 2003.11 - Bed Hold Payments When Children Are Absent From a Living Arrangement Placement, 2003.01 - Clinical Review Notice of Placement Change-Cook County Only, 2002.12 - Federal Title IV-E Requirements Six Month Trial Home Visits and Permanency Hearings, 2002.10 - Reimbursement for Business Use of Personal Phones, 2002.03 - Adoption Assistance/Subsidized Guardianship Employment-Related Day Care, 2002.02 - Amending Adoption & Guardianship Assistance Agreements, 2001.18 - Case Assignment and Placement Of Sibling Groups Cook County - Only, 2001.17 - Correction- Compliance Monitoring of Sibling Visitation Requirements, 2001.16 - Home of Relative Licensing and Permanency Initiative, 2001.07 - Foster Home Licensing Violations & Enforcement History Review, 2001.05 - Adoption Recruitment and Placement Between Agencies, 2001.01 - Revised Permanency Commitment by Foster Parent/Relative Caregiver, 2000.16 - Case Assignment & Placement of Sibs-Cook County, 2000.07 - Screen for Need for Home Services Program-DHS/ORS, 2000.03 - Prohibition of Falsification of Records, 2000.02 - Redacting Police Reports From CANTS Files, 1999.14 - Emergency Assistance Program Referral Protocol, 1999.07 - Treatment Referrals for Victims of Sexual Abuse, 1999.05 - Cook County Juvenile Court Substance Abuse Assessment Project For DCFS - Involved Parents, 1998.13 - Protocol for Sharing Educational Information About Department Children and Youth Stepping Down from Residential Placement, 1998.04 - Independent Utilization Reviews(UIR), 1993.06 - Timely Filing of Petitions To Terminate Parental Rights. 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