Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon. Kingdom now has wordly element to it and wanting to take what is not theirs YET. Pure religion and undefiled before GOD The Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself uncontaminated by the world. (James 1:27). Jesus gives confidence Jesus is Perfect theology Jakes, I Have A Dream: Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, T. D. Jakes: Crushing, Finding Peace: Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled Eric Metaxas Program: The Eric Metaxas Radio Show, State Of The Nation 2023: A TBN Townhall Mike Huckabee Find more information on Dominion Theology/Kingdom Now at my Web site at the link Prophecy Watch: and/or Spiritual Deception. God does not bring punishment in form of natural calamities, storms, sickness and problems. You quote Jesus saying it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Earl Paulk, a major fixture in the Assemblies of God traveling-preacher circuit, is again mentioned as the possible inventor of the term "Kingdom Now Theology" (which is often used as a synonym . The good Things that come along in the teachings i keep and the Bad Things i throw Away. But be aware of the high danger of deception. To whom it may concern: what you are going to read is a true story that has happened to me and my wife. I dont know if the devil can do creative miracles like that. I have no problem being called a Pharisee. You are supposed to be an alien and a stranger on the Earth. When I first visited a church where laughter (joy), and other physical manifestations (Ive never heard anyone make and animal noise before That sounds sketchy) werent abnormal, I was uncomfortable initially because I wasnt even considering what was happening inside these people. I think thats an evidence that you cant cast out demons by the highest of them. Lambinator (Lamb of God + Terminator) drunken druelers Dont Be decieved by that one. The most prominent copy of Jesus is the replacement theology Messiah. I can tell your passionate about this post. infected with the Holy Ghost virus And I agress, there may be unhealty things in many denominations, but I also believe there are things to learn from them all. Gloria said: What a sad article how sad to read a pharasees article. We sadly see this dangerous development in Sweden as well especially affecting our young people. dreuling (slobbering) in the spirit Temptation. > help on those kids for more information email us .God bless bliss bashes Global warming, polluted air, land and waters, toxic wastes, sexual perversion, evil inventions of destruction, greed, hate, carnal warfare, dis-ease ,,,etc,,, are all destructive processes that have their root in the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. Third Wave But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. The Savior was on earthwhat a time like no other. too drunk in the Spirit to drive There are people who continue to join. Sad to see the spirit of disunity and pharisaic hard-heartedness is alive in the church. He went on to live a fruitful, long life pregnant with the presence of God. electrum Bliss Evangelicalin, of, or according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the literal teachings of the Holy Bible. I dont know if Angels have feathers or not, it wouldnt surprise me if they did but like I said, Im not going to close my mind to the possibility. They are lovers of money. Yes,everyone who has read the New Testament knows Jesus is coming again and will establish His kingdom on earth. take a ride on the mystical Holy Ghost carpet Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Joyce Meyer, Rick Warren, Paula White, Kim Clement, Kenneth Hagin, Robert Tilton, Robert Schuller, Juanita Bynum. The Savior was now on earth and standing in front of this man. Those who love this world all serve the god of this world, and play their part in the processes that seek to destroy The Creation of The Only True GOD. THEREFORE HE HAS REJECTED YOU FROM BEING KINGS AND PRIESTS. "I have no . Filadelfia in Oslo wants to be anointed with a mix of Toronto and Kingdom Now theology. Praise God! People who are drunk in the spirit, make a mockery out of the gospel. Now is the day of His Kingdom. jackin for Gzuz For men to speak of doing that before the judgment of this earth is spiritually arrogant. If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept My saying, they will keep yours also. (John 15:19-20), Where do wars and fighting among you come from? I am assuming that wherever Bill Johnson travels and teaches, he is invited there to do so by people who know him and his background. He founded Cornerstone Church at Castle Hills in 1987. The main problem that I see with prosperity gospel teachers is that they put the cart before the horse. Jesus himself was often called demon possessed. whacked in the Spirit Even as Jesus the Messiah walking on the face of the Earth. The Hindu spirit of Laxmi bring gold dust to her believers, and money angels are used to bring in cash. UPDATED 2017-2018 (8.5 HOURS on 2 DAYS) - JUSTIN PETERS - CLOUDS WITHOUT WATER II (A CALL FOR DISCERNMENT) SEMINAR DVD is a Fair Biblical Critique of the Word of Faith Prosperity gospel / Charismatic Movement & the New Apostolic Reformation. If the answer is yes, we better become aware of their classical ID-marks. In everything I have heard from Johnson, live or on video I can discern no serious departure from essential Christian doctrine. Matthew 22:29 (LogOut/ Gods people is suffering defeat for a LACK OF KNOWLEDGE. Ministries), Ian Andrews (International Association of Healing Ministries), LaNora Van Ardsall . His glory must cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. We are grieving the holy spirit he convicts us once twice three times but then we still chose to be disobedient and because we have grieved the holy spirit we use grace as a cover up to say well were not perfect and god knows my heart well am sorry but if Christ is in us then we wont want to dishonour our lord. We can be sincere and we can be sincerely wrong. Therefore whoever will be a friend of the world is the enemy of The Only True GOD. (James 4:1-4), The world cannot hate you; but the world hates Me, because I testify that the works of this world are evil. (John 7:7) and The Messiah gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of The Only True God, Our Father.(Gal 1:4), The Messiah testified: If the world hates you know that it hated Me before it hated you.(John 5:18) Truly, Truly, I say unto you, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abides alone: but if it die it brings forth much fruit. buttery, intoxicating glory sewage flowing down the aisles of church religion is crap In Kundalini yoga, the light received when the serpent has slithered up the spine, to the crown chakra, is supposed to give you an insight into your own divinity, and into a sense of at-one-ment whith everything. This is the most common topic. For some reason, likely with an end-time purpose, God is sending delusion. drunken bartender Many Pastors have tried their best to explain that this verse, does not mean what Jesus said: John 5:39 Jesus explains to us how serious sin is. So a Church were everything is possible, will very easily fall prey to the Devils tactics. In the end of days, bad things will wax worse and worse until the world calls out for a savior. And the world will pass away, and the lust thereof: but he that does the will of The Only True GOD will abide for ever. (I John 2:15-17), If you were of the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. buzz evangelism I dont condemn these characteristics as heretical but lovingly pray for a softening of their hearts to reflect the loving God we serve. Much love and blessings to you Mr. Fjeld in the name of our precious Saviour Jesus Christ. The reality is not that we are kings after an earthly sense but rather that, as children of God, being seated with Christ in Heavenly places, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit, not some silly kundalini, (which makes a poor attempt at emulating the Holy Spirit) to exercise the keys of authority that Christ gave to us when He said.I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. The claims you are putting in these mens mouths are erroneous or entirely out of context. Since 2016, Lighthouse Trails has been sending out topical booklets three times a year to a growing list of pastors and Christian leaders. Receive many Christian greetings in the most precious name of our Lord and savior Jesus. Jesus the Messiah did not recognize them. Sun Sign: Aries. John Arnott from Toronto is coming to the conference, to lay his hands on member of the congregation, and anoint the crowed with the deceptive Toronto spirits. You know of the persecution of the anabaptist about 200.000 were killed in Europe because the did not baptize children. And God will supply all our NEEDS (not our greedy WANTS). my god bless you. Many of the current GOP in high level positions, and some members of Trump's staff are actively trying to install dominionist doctrine into our laws. It is interesting that BJ and Bethel talk of Melchizedec as something we can operate in (I thought this was exclusive to Jesus Christ Himself, being both King and High Priest). There is no other way to interpret those verses. And the strongest thing in the evil ones worldly systems? 4. When such false teachers see true Christians exposing false teachers, they are up in arms: They say: Do not judge, because you (might) sin against the Holy Spirit. I am one of few people I know who have not gone onto different churches and fallen into the belief that such moves are of God. And against whom have you raised your voice, and haughtily lifted up your eyes? Warning: The following links are NOT recommended and are only quoted for reference. The people who got me saved, or at least led me to Christ, are now advocates of the whole signs and wonders movement. There is no end of this kind of deception. We are also interested in sharing the word of God with our Church in Zimbabwe If we are kings, we can not rule the earth before the King of Kings returns as King Messiah. And as The Messiah was a servant of The Only True GOD, so also His Brethren are servants of The Only True GOD.. You do not have to take me seriously. Shalom, and thanks for a very reflective comment. He that loves his life in this world shall lose it; and he that hates his life in this world shall have it unto life eternal. (John 12:24-25), John testified: Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hates you. (I John 3:13) James testified, Whoever would be a friend of this world is the enemy of GOD(James 4:4), The earth is The Creation of The Only True GOD, Father of ALL! Keep the good stuff and throw Away the Bones. See if people are saved, see if they are healed, check if the love the word of God more after hearing them speak, check if they seek God even more afterwards, see if their love for Jesus grows, see if their burden for the lost increases. > Alot of kids kids Uganda are on the street because some of these parents * The Antichrist is a spirit, not a person. A man and woman joined together in obedience and submission unto The Only True GOD are blessed indeed. My Comment: Jesus is King, but Our Savior told us that no man, nor the angels, not even himself, but only the father knows when hes coming. i know that your goodness and love will be with me all my life , And your house will be my house as long as i live, ( psalm 23:6) For myself i havent yet come to a conclusion. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. The apostate Church in Corinth feels they have become kings, and have all they want. You may surprise when you read this message. I couldnt help but notice that theres a lot of confusion about the kingdom of God. If you claim that your hand has never lead you into sin, than you are a liar and a hypocrite. Ralph Douglas West is founder and senior pastor of The Church Without Walls in Houston, which has grown from 32 members to more than 24,000 families. Greetings to you in the name of jesus christ If you have spoken with him about these issues I will listen closely to you, because most conflicts come because of misunderstandings and bad communication. Also called religious spirits. 3. Right. They did not expose your sin to ward off your captivity release of the pig anointing And Paul rebukes them, and explains that the true Kingdom awaits servants of Jesus that never became King`s on Earth, but rather persecuted martyrs. Neither have I met Benny Hinn. He is very scriptural, Bible based and sees more healings and miracles and salvations than most others churches in Redding combined. But Satans days are numbered. Obama, the pope and Bill Johnson. How could I tell someone who used to struggle with homosexuality and had been set free and redeemed all in the name of Jesus that he should probably keep the laughter and tears to a minimum? Evangullibleeasily deceived by teachings that contradict the Gospel of Jesus [Read more] hammered in the glory Our old sinful flesh is to die and Christ that is in us to be resurrected. Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. I have heard many instances of people finding gold dust and even gemstones from heaven in church services. by Olive Tree Ministries with Jan Markell. Multitudes pervert GODs Order because they have been seduced by the commandments and doctrines of men and devils. Bernard Aaron Crabb Aaron Horton Aaron Lindsay Aaron Matti Aaron McManus Aaron Perdue Aaron Sherron Aaron Shust Aaron Snow Aaron Stutz Aaron Walter Aaron Williamson AB Platinum Ab Meerbeek Abby Abildness Abe Huber Abel Moreetsi Abemo Ezung Abi Stumvoll Abner Cavan Abner Chi Abraham Keller Abraham Olaleye Abraham Alex Tanuseputra smoking the Holy Spirit crack pipe Some people roam around with a Bible under the arm, collecting money for them selves. LTRP Note: The following is posted for research and informational purposes and is from a secular news source. am taking prints all your sermons and distributing to pastors so those helpful to them .is it possible for me to visit Ur church Brothers and sisters its time get that special relationship back with Christ see yourself as Christ sees you. Read also. Like driving a car or drinking alcohol as a nine year old. When asked if Jesus was casting out demons using the power of satan He said a kingdom divided will fall. But Im happy, because Jesus Christ has saved me from my sins. LTRP Note: The following letter to the editor from a Lighthouse Trails reader raises valid concerns about circumstances surrounding the Asbury revival. While Asbury University personnel and numerous secular and religious media outlets say that the revival is pure, unplanned, organic, and unexpected, it turns out an NAR/IHOP*-connected group had been planning a revival event [Read more] But Jesus never faulted them for safeguarding the truth, but rather for what they added to the truth. Is not correct doctrine the same as the truth? Concerning Bill Johnson, he is seriously one of most Godly men I know. And hopefully you wont sin with your money either. http://www.bbif.no/aktuelt/apologetikk/dokumentasjon/. He divorced his wife. Because is is painful to repent, and follow Jesus of the Bible. I would be inclined to acknowledge your website offering it to our users as Im sure our Pentecostal audience would benefit from what your site has to offer. Jesus warned us about massive deception just before He returns. The first part of Tabernacle is trumpets, you will find a clear call to come out of her my people I pray you hear and respond. The Bible says: Test all spirits. glory shoobie-boobie juice , I am So Happy to see you /, We should know the dangers of that. Righteous God, I thank You for being our Father. francis. Acts 4:12, HOME However we do need to have the flesh dealt with not ignored and told our sinful flesh is actually godly. He has made his housekeeper his second wife. 3Pre-Reformation 4Lutheran 5Calvinist 6Presbyterian 7Anglican 8Puritan 9Baptist 10Methodist 11Independent 12Seventh-day Adventist 13Church of Christ 14Pentecostal 15Charismatic 16Preachers with secular professions 17Gallery 18References Toggle the table of contents List of Christian preachers Add languages Add links Article Talk English Read Dominion theology is following in his footsteps , Gerda. I understand what the bible teaches about honor, but where are the passages about creating a culture? Therefore whoever will be a friend of the world is the enemy the. 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