However, that doesnt necessarily mean that they'll get along well together. This is normally due to a severe health problem, or worse,. Gerbils, like all rodents, have sharp and solid teeth. You can use chicken wire or a glass divider. Nocturnal is where an animal is active at night, while crepuscular means active at dawn and dusk. The only thing you can do is look for the signs of gerbil declanning. [1] 4 Check if your gerbil grooms or washes itself. Gerbils are meant to be kept in pairs and need a buddy to be happy. Persistent loud squeaking or teeth chattering, in particular, can be causes for concern. However, if your gerbil produces excessive amounts of porphyrins, this is called chromodacryorrhea. This article will explore some common signs that our gerbils feel overwhelmed and stressed. They spend almost every waking moment digging, playing, and investigating. They do so to keep their coat healthy and shiny, stop any wounds from becoming infected, and get rid of parasites. Well also provide some tips on how to help them relax and feel more comfortable in their environment. Another common challenge people have with gerbils is ensuring the animals are happy. Your gerbil sleeping at different times of day and night than it used to. Here is a list of the ten most common signs of stress for aquarium fish. Your gerbils will not be able to resolve their disagreement on their own. Fights can get serious and involve the use of teeth. Stress can lead to emotional and mental symptoms like: Anxiety or irritability. It could also be a trivial fight. Events, living situations, old age, and more can all contribute to your gerbil being unhappy. One is trying to be dominant over the other, but the other doesn't back down. If you have loud children or pets, try to keep them out of your gerbils room. This is due to the difficulties they face in the wild, such as predators, a shortage of food or water, and infections. To tell the difference, you need to look closely at how your gerbils are behaving. Is your gerbil lonely? Other common signs of stress in gerbils include: Hiding or isolating themselves from other gerbils Shaking or trembling Biting or chewing on cage bars Excessive grooming (which can lead to hair loss) Lethargy or depression If you notice any of these signs in your gerbil, it's essential to take action to help them relax and feel more comfortable. Stress leads to stronger feelings of anger and irritability. If your gerbil seems particularly stressed, you may consider taking them to a vet for a check-up. If they are usually active and playful but suddenly become more lethargic, this may be a sign that something is wrong. Reasons for Stressed Gerbils. It may be sitting in a tunnel, for example. The dominate gerbil aggressively chasing the other. Once you have developed a bond of trust with your gerbil, it will rarely behave aggressively. It happens as a result of one gerbil challenging the dominance of the other. Gerbils are tiny, adorable creatures that many like to keep as pets. Immediately find the problem, and fix it as fast as possible. Its essential to tell when a gerbil is stressed, so you can take steps to calm it down. Either way, a gerbils sleep pattern will stay the same throughout its life. You can keep them in pairs or groups, but this can lead to fighting between gerbils. Seizures are related to disorders of the nervous system, however, they may occur in the absence of any nervous system disease. They prefer to stick to themselves and enjoy the company of their own kind. This is why you might notice your gerbil pooping on you when you first handle it. If you have more than two gerbils, try to identify which gerbil was the winner. Its a compound called porphyrin, secreted by a gland situated behind your gerbils eyes. This is like a regular tank, but bigger and with two compartments. While this is helpful in the moment, frequent adrenaline surges can lead to: damaged . Fighting gerbils must be separated quickly to stop them from killing each other. As soon as you notice that your gerbils have been fighting, remove one of them from the gerbilarium. Strong stress reactions sometimes can be traced to traumatic events. Grooming is an important behavior in gerbils. Something else you can try is encouraging your gerbil to exercise. This is not always obvious in floppy-eared breeds. We are going to be discussing the signs or symptoms of a stressed gerbil in this article. This especially applies if your gerbil is alone after the death of another gerbil. A gerbil eating its own poop isnt a sign of a problem. Seizures tend to manifest in gerbils that are suffering from stress, improper handling, or from a sudden change in living environment. Just as in humans, stress affects gerbils in a number of different ways. Again, it may do this even if there is bedding to dig in. Signs of a gerbil dying can include lethargy, not eating or drinking, bloating, and more. You must do this straight away. However, there are many signs of stress in gerbils, some of which are much easier to understand than, Youve probably seen your gerbils grooming each other from time to time. Foot stomping and vocalizations, such as squeaking and teeth chattering, can be stress-induced. Put one gerbil in each compartment, along with everything it will need (food, wheel, etc.). Same-sex siblings get along well, so this could be an option for you. [Gerbil Tail Slip Prevention Guide]. One way to tell if a gerbil is stressed is by looking at its behavior. Ensure you are handling your gerbil correctly so that you dont frighten it. It looks like theyre licking or nibbling at each others fur. Researching and putting together useful information about pet gerbils can help your parents understand and learn about your favorite small animal. When gerbils get to the point of physically fighting, it will be easy to tell they arent playing. Body language You can also notice the following body language as a potential warning sign: For an in-depth article on this topic please visit. gerbils get stressed? Youll need to put the losing gerbil in another enclosure. The gerbils will hop around together side-by-side or one following the other. If youre noticing that your gerbil is becoming more and more stressed, you may be wondering how you can help. Ears Up/Ears Down. Here are a few signs that your children may be stressed out or could use some extra support: Emotional outbursts or increased irritability. This squeak is the fighting squeak. It is crucial to recognize the differences between gerbils playing or fighting, so you can intervene appropriately. Your gerbils may sometimes do all of these things, but on other occasions, only some. It looks like theyre licking or nibbling at each others fur. Gerbils are not known for being social creatures. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. You can see which one is the rejected one by observing its behavior. Declanning is the term for when a clan split apart. On the other end of the scale to lethargy, hyperactivity can also be a sign of stress. They will be reluctant to spend time together, and when they do interact, they will behave aggressively. When your gerbil becomes depressed, it may stop showing these signs of excitement. Any stranger gerbil would immediately be detected and fought off. This is usually a sign that they are feeling very ill and want to groom themselves. But if they are playing, separating them would be a big mistake. Gerbils can also groom other gerbils. The best way a gerbil can exercise is on a running wheel. Of course, this description doesnt fit every fight. Theyre stuck in tiny enclosures. If you notice your gerbils fighting, act fast. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Emotional and mental symptoms of stress can include: 2. A, If your female gerbil has spent time around a male, theres a chance she may be pregnant. Gerbils are usually friendly, sociable creatures. You may want to seek professional help from a pet shop or from your veterinarian. Death in gerbils can be caused by many things, including illness, old age, or injury. Its normal to see some red tears from time to time. This means that the loser will want/need to get out of the cage. Its kept in the same cage until you intervene. It means that your gerbil is completely stressed out and you should get him or her to the vet as soon as possible if you notice this behaviour. The major signs your gerbils are declanning are: One gerbil constantly picking on the other. You can also offer them some chew toys or other enrichment items to help keep their minds active and distracted from whatever is causing their stress. If you separate your gerbils at this point, they may recover using the split-cage method. You can take it from its enclosure, hold it, cuddle it, let it run around, or even sit next to its enclosure for a while. Hamsters are prey by nature, which makes them wary of any animal larger in size, and that includes you. Sometimes, they may try to touch noses with their owner, as well. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to One is trying to be dominant over the other, but the other doesnt back down. Again, not after intense exercise or when the room is really hot. Gastrointestinal symptoms, including acid reflux, stomachache, constipation . Many behaviors indicate stress, but Dr. Kohles recommends watching for these particular signs of anxiety: Isolation or hiding Struggling while being handled, especially if your pet was used to being handled before Failure to thrive Hypervigilance, which might include pacing or yawning Guarded posture or freezing when you enter the room This is one of the more severe signs of a stressed gerbil since it can be indicative of malnourishment. But gerbil play fighting is healthy and normal and never results in injury. Emotional exhaustion puts you at risk of: high blood pressure, which increases your risk of heart disease . If your pet is in or next to its burrow or is in a corner, it may bite. When reaching into your pets cage, you may also notice that one wants to get out. People show anger in many ways, from yelling, screaming, and verbal abuse to rejection, physical harm, and even death. However, there is one that we can hear. Only gerbils in the same social group can sleep in the groups burrow. Stress generally refers to two things: the psychological perception of pressure, on the one hand, and the body's response to it, on the other, which involves multiple systems, from metabolism to . You can also make your own split cage easily enough. This is like a great insult, or a great challenge, to the dominant gerbil. Stress can also be triggered by overstimulation in the form of environmental triggers. The sooner you identify the right one, the better for your little pet (and you, of course). If your gerbil suddenly becomes aggressive or irritable, this may be a sign that its stressed. There are a few things you can do to reduce stress in your gerbils life, including: Taking these steps can help your gerbil feel less stressed and more comfortable in their home. Heres some advice on how to introduce new gerbils. They will start to show a lot of compulsive behaviour and really try to hide under something. Wounds on the back or tail of a gerbil. Regular vocalizations, including high-pitched chirps, are normal for gerbil pups. According to Behavioral Brain Research, gerbils can learn to distinguish between new noises or different pitches, even from a young age. When your gerbils meet, the subordinate gerbil may intensely groom the aggressor. They may constantly try to escape from their gerbilarium or run around in circles. Each will be on its hind legs, trying to push the other and flailing with its arms. For example, it might become agitated and gnaw on its fur or cage bars. They can even fight to the death. If your gerbil used to run on its wheel but doesnt want to anymore, this could be a sign of depression. But with how active gerbils are, its difficult to tell how much exercise they should get each day., Hi my black gerbil bubble sits a lot in his running wheel and after awhile goes and sleeps with the other gerbil I have called trouble bubble I can touch and stroke but trouble wont let me touch him he.s very touch runs away why is that had them 7 months now and I love them to bits. Anxiety or irritability. The loser may close its eyes or look away to show that it isnt trying to be a threat anymore. This is a normal outcome of a fight over territory. Sometimes, you may hear your gerbils squeaking, Gerbils that are the same age and live together are usually the same size. I've began to realise that maybe twice a week, he starts showing really weird behaviours. Gerbils Consistently Fighting The most obvious sign you should look for is fighting. Your gerbil rubbing its face against the glass of its enclosure. Declanned gerbils that are forced to live together are in a permanent state of stress. If your gerbil is stressed, its crucial that you figure out whats causing it and put it right. Gerbils chirp and squeak constantly. The gerbils entire life revolves around you. This is called. Stressed gerbils may begin to attack themselves out of anxiety and stress. Real gerbil fighting indicates your gerbils have declanned. There are other signs of fighting to look out for, too. Being bullied by a tank mate in a confined space is very stressful and can be really hard on an older gerbil. The only other things that a gerbil can fight with are its teeth. When gerbils are unhappy and depressed, they lack these chemicals. Or, a gerbil that was thought to be male will give birth. If your gerbil suddenly stops eating or starts losing weight, its a sign that something is wrong. Then, separate the gerbils before they get a chance to fight. If left untreated, a stressed gerbil may become sick or even die. If you are stressed, you might feel: Irritable, angry, impatient or wound up Over-burdened or overwhelmed Anxious, nervous or afraid Like your thoughts are racing and you can't switch off Unable to enjoy yourself Depressed Uninterested in life Like you've lost your sense of humour A sense of dread Worried or tense Neglected or lonely Its because they are confined to the same cage and cant get away from each other. As such, they may be very difficult to handle when theyre stressed out and you may not even realize they are stressed. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. Stress can also be triggered by environmental factors like overstimulation. A gerbil cowering away from the rest of the group. It cant get out of the cage, so another burrow isnt an option. Jeff uses a water bottle hanging on the outside of the hamster cage in order to: Out of direct sunlight and drafts and at a constant temperature. Your gerbil may display these behaviors if its depressed. If youre thinking of adopting new gerbils, you may wonder how many gerbils can be kept in the same cage (gerbilarium). This is the worst sign. In captivity, gerbils dont get to explore much. Instead, theres a set method of introducing new gerbils that is more effective. They may start to refuse to eat and begin to rub their cheeks on things that can cause scratches. Among the infectious bacterial diseases that affect gerbils, Tyzzer's disease is the most frequently occurring one. This bacteria is most likely to infect a stressed gerbil or young one. There are many signs that a gerbil is stressed. This is something thats very similar to the hyperactivity that humans experience. After pushing each other, the pair will fall still. Here at Pocket Sized Pets, we love small animals! You must separate your gerbil group. One kind of noise a gerbil can make is a loud, high-pitched squeak. The most obvious sign you should look for is fighting. The thumping is produced by pounding both hind legs on the ground. However, what gerbils mean when they make squeaking sounds may not be clear, and it depends on the context. If you see any of these signs, try to calm the gerbil down by speaking softly to it and providing a calm environment. Presumably, wild animals experience the same positive benefits as those in captivity. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like when adopting a gerbil how many should you get and why?, gerbils kept in pairs should be together when they are the, What happens in the wild if gerbil fights with their family members? The fights begin with the two gerbils standing next to each other, staring each other down. To make your gerbil happy again, its your job as its owner to identify whats wrong. To recognize when your gerbils are play fighting, look for the following signs: Gerbils chasing each other. You can then build another group around this new pair. Many mammals, gerbils included, have complex social structures, including alpha males and females and subordinate groups. Signs that a gerbil is nearing death include: Loss of appetite Loss of weight Lethargy or decreased activity Difficulty breathing Seizures Abnormal behavior or disposition These signs can indicate that your gerbil is not well and may be suffering, so you have to be aware of them and seek veterinary care as soon as possible. It is usually quiet and doesnt result in injuries or blood being drawn. Stressed gerbils may begin to attack themselves out of anxiety and stress. When a gerbil encounters another familiar gerbil, they will greet each other by touching or rubbing noses. If you notice that your gerbils are bullying each other, this could be declanning. Your gerbil should get through about 10 to 15 grams of food per day (roughly one tablespoon). Sometimes, you may hear your gerbils squeaking, Gerbils are social creatures that shouldn't live alone. loud squeaks: a loud squeak usually is a kind of warning and can be a sign of a stressed gerbil when your (adult) gerbil is constantly squeaking. One of the most common challenges people have with gerbils is that they dont know how to tell when the animal is stressed. This creates tension, which can lead to gerbils fighting. gerbil is stressed so you can take steps to calm, Make sure their environment is clean and stress-free, Providing them with plenty of toys and accessories to play with, Hiding or isolating themselves from other gerbils, Excessive grooming (which can lead to hair loss), Provide hiding places or caves for them to retreat to, Giving them plenty of exercise opportunities, Make sure their cage is large enough and has plenty of enrichment items, Avoiding sudden changes in their environment. If you suddenly start noticing your gerbil becoming more vocal, it could be stressed. It can make them sick and can even kill them. From observation, it seems obvious that your gerbil can experience emotions for some things, even if those feelings arent as complex as human feelings. Signs of stress in gerbils include obsessive behaviors, such as over-grooming and cage biting. This gerbil could be one of its previous cage mates or a new gerbil. So, in captivity, gerbils get lonely if theyre housed on their own. It can also be from boredom and being neglected for long periods. Gerbils sleep for 1-2 hours at a time and are active for the next couple of hours. Some gerbils will have seizures when stressed. Drumming every once in a while is not a cause for concern. Living in social groups, they need a way to communicate with each other. Some folks will be aware of obvious signs. stimulate perspiration. Sweating. Along with this, extreme stress may cause seizures (fits) or strokes. Well look at common pet gerbil body language and introduce you to the signs of a stressed gerbil. If your gerbil used to run on its wheel, Why Do Gerbils Tails Fall Off? This enclosure should be of the same kind as the one your other gerbils live in. For example, they wont be able to eat, refuse to drink water, and so on. I make sure to take good care of all the animals that come into my life. However, there is one method of reintroducing declanned gerbils that can be successful. The importance of keeping your gerbil happy and healthy cannot be overstated. If your gerbil is chewing or digging at the wall a lot, it could be bored. In severe cases, a stressed gerbil might even die. Otherwise, their fighting may lead to serious injury or death. Rather than trying to hide away from whats bothering them, some gerbils will try to escape instead. If they touch things, then they are probably very anxious and scared. Often, if one gerbil is startled and begins thumping (described as a quick "da-dum, da-dum" sound), others in the enclosure or room will also begin thumping. Bear in mind that there may be a mixture of problems all making your gerbil sad. Gerbils play fighting, however, is an entirely different thing. Up to 50% of gerbils may be affected. Its worth trying if you dont have the space or resources to keep a second gerbilarium: After removing the divider, keep a close watch on your gerbils for the first 24 to 48 hours. You will notice frequent fights, during which one gerbil tries to pin the other. Some common signs of stress include: 1 Changes in mood Clammy or sweaty palms Decreased sex drive Diarrhea Difficulty sleeping Digestive problems Dizziness Feeling anxious Frequent sickness Grinding teeth Headaches Low energy Muscle tension, especially in the neck and shoulders Physical aches and pains Racing heartbeat Trembling Alternatively, if your gerbil becomes more active than usual and seems agitated, this may also be a sign of stress. The idea is that the gerbils can get used to each other but cant fight. If you just start suddenly sweating and it seems like it's not appropriate, the sweating, or the Diaphoresis, could also be a symptom of a panic attack. This behavior is driven by instinct because gerbils need to forage for food for long periods. First, it can cause you to consume heartburn-inducing foods or alcohol, which can also cause heartburn. Gerbils have many ways of letting you know that they are uncomfortable with the situation. These signs of stress can indicate the gerbil has a lot of stress going on in its life and needs some help from your side. Checking for the differences between boy and girl gerbils is, A gerbil can become depressed or unhappy for a variety of different reasons. Stressed gerbils may be lethargic. You can help a depressed gerbil to recover by spending time with your pet and showing them affection. When your gerbil becomes sad, you can tackle the problem if you know how to spot the, From observation, it seems obvious that your gerbil can experience emotions for some things, even if those feelings arent as complex as human feelings. The gerbil lacks places to sleep. Gerbils playing together will jump around, wrestle, and box each other with their front paws. It results in: Overgrooming can occur both because of stereotypy and because of parasites. Theyll be able to examine your gerbil to determine whether an illness is causing stress. Its a hereditary trait that runs in families. Knowing what symptoms to look for is a great place to . Real fights can result in injury and death. Regularly take a look at your gerbils' front teeth, and ask your vet to check them to make sure they're positioned and growing correctly. They could be the result of a fatal condition. Signs of Depression Here are some signs that your gerbil may be depressed or verging on depression: Lack of appetite Constantly laying down/doesn't move often Not drinking at least once a day Will not care if picked up and held Is limp and doesn't start getting excited/move a lot when held. When a gerbil is no longer relaxed, they lose their natural energy and glow. It wont be allowed back into the burrow until they all get along again. Boxing. Another sign that your gerbils are declanning is if they become unfriendly with you. Here are a few tips on how to soothe a gerbil and help them feel more relaxed: The most important thing to remember is that every gerbil is different, so what works for one may not work for another. Well also discuss how to separate fighting gerbils and how to reintroduce gerbils after a fight. You can then fix whatever the problem is. But it, As captive pets, gerbils are at risk of becoming overweight or obese. These groups are called clans. Declanning is a behavior related to the social nature of gerbils. Some timid gerbils get more confident and happy as they age, and their bond with you becomes stronger. A stressed gerbil can be unhappy, and an unhappy gerbil is more likely to get sick. Watch for signs like agitation, inactivity, and refusal to eat or drink. Some common symptoms of a stressed gerbil include: If you notice any of these signs, taking action quickly is essential. They have long tails and make great pets for people in apartments because they can be quite affectionate and social creatures. The bacteria that causes this infection, Clostridium piliforme, is spread by the fecal route - gerbils become infected when they ingest the C. piliforme in infected food or water supplies. The problems listed above are a good starting point: If you fix whatever the problem is, your gerbil may become happy again. Eventually, the aggressor will get fed up, and will begin chasing the other gerbil. In many cases a propensity to seizures is passed down from . Gerbils do not want to come out of their house every time they wake up and feel stressed trying to go get their food and water. It can be challenging to tell when our furry friends are stressed out. You may notice bangs coming from the tank as the chased gerbil runs into the walls. This looks a little like one gerbil trying to mount the other. Gerbils that play together are happy gerbils. A wild gerbil has an average lifespan of 2-3 years. Gardening gloves work well for this purpose. But stressed-out gerbils may spend hours at a time hiding away in their nest or tunnel. They're all grown now, but they keep me busy! This is something thats similar to the nervous tics that humans experience. Unfortunately, its impossible to force gerbils to re-clan or decide to live with each other again. From pet gerbils to hamsters, mice, rats and guinea pigs. Scientists say that it can also occur because of boredom, frustration, social isolation, and other negative stressors. In the wild, the gerbils would take care of the situation, but in a cage, they cant. Before taking your gerbil to the vet, try cleaning and sterilizing their enclosure, changing . You may not see these wounds beneath the fur. It is crucial to be able to notice and understand the signs and behaviours of your gerbil when it is stressed. Do Gerbils and Rabbits Get Along? Gerbils have tiny hearts that work hard. It looks like theyre licking or nibbling at each others fur. There are many reasons why your gerbil might be stressed. Exercise on a wheel can also help your pet to overcome loss and depression. If your gerbil is behaving strangely, it might be stressed. Most gerbils head straight for the food bowl when its refilled and will take a treat from your hand. It may take several weeks or months before your gerbils are happy living together again. Larger in size, and when they do interact, they lack these.. Stress may cause seizures ( fits ) or strokes when a gerbil is stressed its fur or cage bars successful! Stop any wounds from becoming infected, and box each other live in will get fed up, box. Gerbils in the same size stress affects gerbils in signs of a stressed gerbil number of ways. More lethargic, this is like a regular tank, but the end... Creatures that should n't live alone discuss how to tell when a gerbil eating own. 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