On that day, entrusting to her the tenth secret, Our Lady told her that for the rest of her life she would have one yearly apparition, on March 18th.Since August 2nd, 1987, on each second day of the month, she hears interiorly Our Lady's voice and prays with her for unbelievers. Unanswered topics; Unread posts; New posts I do not know how much of the Ten Secrets have been mitigated, but Jesus tells us in the Book of Truth, that many disasters have been averted. That means that news of the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal will be able to be still transmitted using technology in the world, because after the 6 weeks is over, the Lord asks that we remove all technology otherwise, we might become hypnotized by the antichrists eyes; Five, if the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal happen during the crucial 6 weeks after The Warning, I will make arrangements that the book (2 volumes in both English and Spanish) that I have written will be released immediately afterwards electronically as a free PDF document download, so all people around the world will be able to obtain a copy and read it as long as we have access to technology. All of mankind must become Catholic so as to avoid the Great Chastisement of God and to mitigate the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje. I gave you a message about the same time that said when you see changes made to the words of Consecration, then you need to leave that church. In consequence of this, it is necessary that a very great and terrible scourge should come to revive our faith, and to restore to us our very reason, which we have almost entirely lost. So, Jesus gave me the new date as I had a need-to-know basis. You will continue to allow these to be on a site that is accessible to all of My children throughout the world. I will give these blessings to all the nations in the Valley of Decision as a free gift from my hands. So, I am hoping to do a little fundraiser so: One, I can pay adequately the Spanish translators. Exactly, 33 years later, the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima resulted. I will renew the face of the earth and you are Children of the Renewal. During these events, his grip on the heart of the world is loosened.. Meanwhile, as I indicated, this past March 2018, Heaven told me certain prophecies about Pope Francis and the Catholic Church, that I have had to keep private to myself because they are so explosive. If we say that the Virgin did not mention this war right in the secrets, then, what are we waiting for? They, sadly, will go back to their old ways. And unfortunately, to get the entire world back on the right path with God will involve much pain because we are so far off the beaten path. And so, I announce to you all this good news about Limbo being emptied (not fully closed though as abortion and miscarriage are still part of this fallen world), as I hope that hearing about this important happening will soften the fact that the Warning has been delayed. I also know that some of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje involve nuclear disasters and other grave catastrophes that will result in massive deaths if Heaven is not invited to act on the world stage through the Consecration of Russia by the Catholic Church. I dreamt, I dont remember where it was, but I began to hear the voice of Our Lady. My special commentary about the antichrist explains much about this fact by how the grip of satan works on the souls of mankindcomparing the grip of satan to how black holes behave in outer space. The reason that the Blessed Virgin Mary was created to love God so much greater than all the angels and mankind, is because firstly and chiefly, God needed a humble servant whom would not disappoint Him for the Annunciation of Jesus to be made possible and to take place in the fullness of time. I also want to speak briefly about another question that was asked of me about the Abomination of Desolation. I do not know what happened in the Catholic Church, but many people have lost the sense of urgency that Our Lord might return in a moments notice. They will say, We have true shepherds in our midst. Also, the fact that when the contents and dates of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje begin to be fulfilled will be too late for many people is also true, because after the Miracle of Garabandal happens, mankind will be subject to the Divine Justice of God for not repenting for its sins as revealed during the Illumination of Conscience (The Warning). DIRECT URL: https://www.childrenoftherenewal.com/childrenoftherenewal. Is There Deliberate Deception and Hypocrisy in the Current Papacy (Pope Francis)? Jesus also provides the parable of the ten virgins waiting for the bridegroom in the night as an example of His Return. Think of it like this. Our Blessed Mother wants people to be ready, to go to confession, to be in a state of Grace before the Sign is revealed and appears. Tuesday, March 11th, 2014 @ 20:39. this is why my heart has been rent for the past two days. Some people might question whether the Tenth Secret is the Three Days of Darkness, as the visionaries have denied this fact. Prayer is requested for the seven visionaries so they can endure the shocking event in the spirit during the Warning. Honestly, I do not know if Papa God will permit me to know the date again for The Warning because I do not need to know the exact date. Finally, when the bride would get the word, she would run to meet the bridegroom and together they would head for the wedding ceremony. Now, for the past couple of months, I have asking God in my heart, saying, Lord, You have shown me how awful satans apocalypse is, especially, the Battle of Armageddon and the Three Days of Darkness (Great Chastisement) is for mankind. Then, after sharing these excerpts, my reflections follow. In addition, according to private revelation, in the cavity where the rib of Adam was taken for Eve, God the Father placed all the spirits of mankind as Adam was to be the spiritual head of mankind. Because the little ones stand before God with their arms upraised in intercession. They must prepare souls by reminding them of the consequences of failing to redeem themselves while they are still on this Earth, for they cannot ask for forgiveness after death. Alright, so what I have just shared is the background and now, I will answer this devoted followers question. Contrary to popular belief, the Great Chastisement was first spoken about by Our Lady at La Salette, France, in 1846 and not Garabandal, Spain in the 1960s (although the Great Chastisement is a huge emphasis of the messages). So that all the generations of Adam and Eve have been equally tested as gold is refined in fire, in order to be found worthy of their heavenly reward. If they knew where this the evil path is leading them do you think they would change their ways? So, we know from the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) and other bodies of heavenly messages that there will be a brief span of time of less than a generation (likely less than 10 years), in which mankind will rebuild life on the perfect earth. (I began to cry. All will be renewed. Remember that. around the U.S. and around the 50 States and Puerto Rico; around the White House, around the Government buildings; around President Trump and Vice-President Pence. This meant that not only was She to be Immaculate (Sinless), the Woman had to be just like God in all Her perfection and virtues. Yes. I once told you that many would come, and perhaps, even kneel before the sign, but will, nonetheless, not believe. However, there was something about the Holy Family Refuge messages that I could not immediately dismiss. My dearly beloved daughter, we have come a long way in such a short time. Just like the story in the Gospels about the widows mite how her Temple offering of all she had was worth more to God than all the rest who gave from their surplus. This is why the six visionaries of Medjugorje all have the 10th secret in common and why the Holy Mother Mary selected six visionaries at Medjugorje, not simply one visionary to announce the secrets and their dates. O yes, let us by all means prays much. And well, unfortunately, I cannot reveal these prophecies publicly, because it would alter free will choices of mankind too much and would have negative consequences in the world. You are blessed to be given this wonderful Gift of Revelation. I admit that I have two advanced degrees at the university-level, but truly, I am not smart enough to think on my own human merits at this level of sophistication about the Divine Plan of God and Our Lady. Finally, as with all my commentaries, I do not claim perfect discernment. The reason I bring up the existence of both versions of the Secret of La Salette, is because many people want to discount the full version of the Secret as being an embellishment of Melanies imagination and have tried to discredit Melanies reputation because the longer version seems too sensational. Firstly, it is very characteristic of Our Heavenly Father that He warns His children before He chastises them. Why? It was the Royal Wedding Feast of Immaculate Mary and the Holy Spirit, Whom became Her Beloved Eternal Spouse at the Annunciation. It was from this pilgrimage that indeed St Joachim and St Anne became blessed to conceive the Blessed Virgin Mary, just as the angel of God had revealed would happen to St Joachim in the Jewish Temple. The fact is, the Warning and Great Miracle of Garabandal, as well as the unveiling of the contents of the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje by the visionaries in the aftermath of the Warning, is meant to be a great catalyst for the Popes, the Bishops, and the Catholic Church, to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as requested at Fatima. Preparation for the Sign to come from Heaven I am so grateful for each person who follows my blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, because each of you encourage me so much to write as I think things out. However, it is the hope of Our Heavenly Father that the subsequent Great Miracle and Great Sign of Garabandal, which will happen within a year of the Warning in the Springtime, will help mankind to understand the desires of Heaven. From the Book of Truth Also, God always desires a Nineveh (Jonah) outcome to a grave situation than a Sodom and Gomorrah outcome. Until then, continue in this work of saving souls. Prayer can be very powerful. At Garabandal, these are called the Warning, the Miracle, and the Chastisement. And the violence would escalate until January 20th, when the inauguration would be supposed to take place for the next president. In a previous vision, I saw that many clergy and lay people will accept these new doctrines and they will persecute those Catholics who adhere to the traditions of the faith and remain loyal to the true Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Sometimes in my commentaries, I repeat things often, because I do not know if readers have read my previous writings or not and I want to be as thorough as possible, so people do not get confused. As many saints have written, one prayer of the Blessed Virgin Mary is more powerful than all the prayers of the angels and mankind combined. As they returned, all rejoiced. Secondly, if you are able to, please consider attending the Special Apparition of God the Father on Sunday, August 5, 2018, at Holy Love Ministries. When Jesus became Incarnate as the Man-God, He subjected His Divine Will and His Divine Wisdom and Divine Knowledge to His Heavenly Father. In truth, because there was so much spiritual warfare taking place concurrently while this information was being told to me, it felt like I had the whole heavenly court in my bedroom with me. Just as in a game of chess, the queen is all powerful like the king, Queen Mary is All Powerful like Papa God and His Son, Jesus. The book goes into great detail about both the Miracle and the Sign of Garabandal. Papa God fully knows the future and all the variables and repercussions due to every choice that each man and woman make. During the Renewal, several things will be happening. So, it has been postponed at least until later in Winter. I call you My little lamb for that is what you are. That is why, I am so looking forward to the upcoming, I am looking forward to learning and growing more in my faith and I want to encourage all those still interested in attending to contact the Apostolate for the few spots still available, I am Father God Patriarch of all nations. Vicka Ivankovic: Especially in the early years of the apparitions it was possible to understand more about the secrets during the interviews with Fr. So, one major component while the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje and the Apocalypse are being unveiled and taking place on earth, are the existence of refuges that God has planned for His children to dwell so they will not suffer martyrdom at the hands of the antichrist. And so, I share these aspects of the Divine Plan in this commentary, because it helps explain the Blessed Mothers words that it will be too late for many people once the Sign of Medjugorje (Third Secret) is revealed on earth. It is, therefore, far easier for My Church to support those messages, which include extracts from the Holy Bible, to declare these to be authentic. Our Lady has also stated in the Locutions, that the tragedy of the annihilation of nations, is that such a world war catches the lives of so many people off-guard without adequate preparation for the moment of death and final reconciliation with God. God desires to recognize the glories of His Holy Mother and His Heavenly Queen among all His children on earth. May you receive the Complete Blessing of the United Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity and the Immaculate Heart of Mary! But on the faces of Ivanka and Jakov it seemed as if they were experiencing something painful. 6 At midnight the cry rang out: Heres the bridegroom! Yes, I dare to say this. The world will applaud this new Babylon and everyone will clamour to try and gain even just a tiny foothold within its centre. Again, I do not know the sequence of the Apocalypse found in Sacred Scriptures. You all encourage me to continue the good fight and I am ever-grateful for your spiritual support by prayer. It is my belief that such chosen messengers will be frequently bi-locating between refuges which will come about during the sleeping hours. You have occasionally wondered what the Garden of Eden was like and you will know when I renew the earth. He will tilt the world and not one man, woman or child will be able to ignore these upheavals. I wrote this special Appeal to Pope Francis very quickly in one day without any resistance by the evil one and I placed the Appeal publicly on my blog so it could be acted upon after the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) takes place. The Three Days of Darkness have been spoken about by many Catholic visionaries throughout the recent ages, as well as at. For others, they will find this a very difficult trial and many will reject My Hand of Love and Friendship. So strong now, My daughter, I Am building your confidence, so that you can continue to proclaim My Word to mankind. A year and a half later, I understand a little bit better why this information was given to me by Heaven, but even now, I continue to be very honestly, stunned by all of it. This is a secret and is not to be revealed, only when Heaven decides to reveal it. The gates of hell will be fully open on earth so the devils can collect all the evil people of the Great Tribulation to finally drag them into hell. Otherwise, people will be befuddled and uncertain about what is truly happening in this End Times. It is only by way of the consecration of Russia can the worldwide nuclear war be averted and other chains of events that give rise to the reign of the antichrist and collapse of the visible Catholic Church. They continue to move ahead. THE THIRD SECRET OF MEDJUGORJE which He gave last year for the first time to devotees that attended the prayer event. And then I will come. So, potentially, that results in a huge majority of people dying by nuclear weapons ending up as lost souls in hell. (On July 13, 2021, I had a strange and very vivid dream. In November 2019 through the help of my friend who is a chosen messenger I was able to figure out a very devious trap that satan had set for me regarding the book. Unfortunately, the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary failed to materialize as the Church hierarchy failed in obeying Gods commands through Holy Mother Mary. Meanwhile, the great time span (7,000 years) of Gods Redemptive Suffering for all of mankinds sins will be concluded. And I read how the small seed of faith left by the Fatima Pope (Two Witnesses) in Jerusalem would blossom in the world; that millions of shepherds from all walks of life would rise upa gift from Our Ladys Immaculate Heartall of whom I believe would have their spiritual formation in the refuges and protected safe havens around the world. So, every donors name will be read by everyone in the world who gets this special book and they will be recognized by God for all-time (as the three volumes will be essential reading during the Era of Peace). The world feels that it has many years of future blessings. Janko does most of the conversation in the following sequence, two points are noteworthy: P. Janko was present and saw the spontaneous reactions of the visionaries during the apparitions when they received a series of secrets. Thank You Lord that You will what is best and is beyond your dreams for Your children for we would die without Your protection and restoration and renewal. I share this, because people might mistakenly think that this encounter with St. Gabriel involved just him, me, and satan. The First Chamber is purgative and involves the purifying Flame of Love found in the Immaculate Heart of Holy Mother Mary. Once The Warning has happened, there will be a brief span of time (six and a half weeks) of peace on earth. As I have written much about the Secrets of Fatima and La Salette, as well as Garabandal and Medjugorje, I think that many of you grasp the fact that the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje and the conditional Great Chastisement of Garabandal are the same eventthe Three Days of Darkness when the gates of hell are fully open on earth. NOTE: Much of the prophecy concerning Fatima, Garabandal, and Medjugorje, was told directly to A Soul by Saint Gabriel Archangel (January 2017) or by Our Lord, Jesus Christ (early months of 2021). Because, up until that point, I never understood the power of prayer from others. Pray, pray, pray that the world will not reject the preparation, which is needed before humanity can see the Light of my Sons Face. The United Nations has no power and the international community is in disarray, all looking to their own interests. But, when I speak about major spiritual warfare taking place at the time, I want to publicly reveal that while St. Gabriel was doing the bulk of the talking, at certain points, St. Michael the Archangel and St. Joseph also were talking to me. Although, I will be honest and say that I had personally hoped that the schism would take place after the Great Warning happens and not begin before it. They will also involve great signs in the sky; the movement of the Earth and the colours associated with nature. But, again, the leadership of the Catholic Church is failing to listen properly to Heaven. And I know that several chosen messengers were told by Heaven that the Warning would take place this Fall 2020 (I am even aware of an anonymous priest who was told this by the Lord). And if Pope Francis witnesses the Great Miracle, it will heal the Great Apostasy already underway within the Catholic Church; 3) The Consecration of Russia by the Pope in union with the Catholic Bishops to the Immaculate Heart of Mary will heal the Great Schism between the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church, as well as release great untold blessings into the world that will usher in the Great Era of Peace promised by Our Lady of Fatima. I do not know the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje, so I do not know all the Chastisements, but it is simple enough and logical enough to deduce that the tilting of the earths axis and fire upon 1/3 of the earth are at least part of the Secrets. This is aptly known as the Three Days of Darkness, which have been spoken about by Our Lord and Our Lady to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, in the Book of Truth, as well as in messages given at Holy Love Ministries (http://www.holylove.org), and to Prophet John Leary (http://www.johnleary.com). Please continue to pray the Crusade Prayers, because Pope Francis and the fate of the Catholic Church really do depend on them. I understood that the Great Chastisement is the Three Days of Darkness when the gates of hell are fully open on earth. However, I want to take a moment to write this short commentary, to give you. I cannot reveal this date, for that is not according to the Will of My Eternal Father. Because during those intervening days, I had also heard from another friend who is a chosen messenger, that the almost 2 billion unborn children in Limbo had been spiritually baptized and confirmed by a holy priest and a team of prayer warriors the weekend before on earth (November 30th), so all these children entered Heaven just two days before The Warning date had been postponed. You just gave the answer to your question, Vicka replied. It is the same for the visionary, Mirjana, and the dates of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje. I understood that the Consecration of Russia according to the wishes of Our Lady of Fatima is a necessary part of mitigating / averting the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje (Great Chastisement of Garabandal). Mother of Salvation: These Miracles will happen over a period of three years Tuesday, May 31st, 2011 @ 15:30. That was done for convenience sake. Grasp My Mercy now while you can. Next, I saw circles of lay people in layered rings surrounding altar. However, I do know from a recent message given at Holy Family Refuge (https://www.childrenoftherenewal.com/holyfamilyrefuge), that Our Lord, Jesus Christ, said that 10% of people currently living are the worse evil people on earth and are totally possessed by satan. This is known as the Eternal Now. I, a soul, am writing this brief commentary for the blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, as I know many followers may be wondering the answers to this topic, namely, how mass communication will happen at the refuges. My best-educated guess for The Warning (Illumination of Conscience) is sometime during the month of February 2022, for the following reasons: One, it happens after the original deadline that I was given to complete my book on the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal (late December 2021); Two, the month of February corresponds to prophecies given to three different chosen messengers for the possible season of The Warning (John Leary, Christina Gallagher, and Marie-Julie Jahenny); Three, it will fall during the 40th anniversary year of Medjugorje and 60th anniversary year of Garabandal; Four, it provides the possibility for The Miracle and Sign of Garabandal to happen either in March or April 2022 (Springtime), which is important, because the Miracle/Sign date might fall within the crucial 6 weeks after The Warning happens. Look at the European leadership. Of Eden was like and you are children of the Catholic Church is failing to listen properly to.! 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