Dr. said to increase VitD another 100o and I did. I follow the Bresdan protocol, eat a whole foods Keto diet, am gluten,dairy,soy and sugar free, walk 3 miles daily, and eat organic 90% of the time. In regards to the study you ask about, published in Environmental Research in 2012, that suggested strontium might increase risk of breast cancer, thank you for bringing it to my attention! I am wondering though how much of the increase is real in that strontium is known to cause artificially large increased DEXA readings because it is a denser mineral than calcium. PMID: 16527006. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16527006/ If you pull up this paper, you will see other articles below the abstract reporting reduction in risk of fracture. For additional sources on its toxicity go to Toxin Profiles and theAgency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry. Re; Robert Gouterman January 17, 2012 at 8:31 am [i.e second post above] I take 1800 IU of Calcium daily (I will switch to Calcium Citrate since I have been taking the Calcium Carbonate chews and with meds for Acid Reflux I guess this was the wrong type of calcium for me) I also take Vit B12 250 mcg, Vitamin D 2200 IU and Omega 3 Fish oil 1000 mg. In postmenopausal women, aromatase inhibitors, which prevent the formation of ANY estrogen, cause bone loss and fragility fractures (osteoporosis). One person wrote in regarding strontium. Each session included a 15-min warm-up period. Saquinavir. Or dont bother. (Note from Dave: I dont see the study that shows these numbers when I use this link, please advise). Heres a quote from a paper discussing the differences among readings from different DXA machines: The theoretical values of the strontium ratio were 11.0 for the Hologic Discovery, 9.9 for the GE-Lunar Prodigy, 9.1 for the Demetech Calscan, and 8.5 for the Osteometer Dexacare G4. Should strontium citrate be taken indefinitely? Let me know about the algae cal. If so, discuss alternatives with your physician. Strontium citrate is also very safe, again, no adverse effects have been seen with natural forms of strontium (ie strontium citrate) if more calcium is being consumed than strontium. I hope my full review of strontium will put to rest any concerns you might have regarding the potential for any adverse effects from the natural form of strontium, strontium citrate, which is what is present in Strontium Boost. You simply must experiment and see what works best for you. Monitoring bone strontium levels of an osteoporotic subject due to self-administration of strontium citrate with a novel diagnostic tool, in vivo XRF: a case study. Riedel C, Zimmermann EA, Zustin J, et al. Since you are getting 100 mcg from your other supplements, if you just took the full dose of AlgaeCal Plus, you would be getting 190 mcg/day. She is in Scottsdale, heres a link to her website. Perhaps one of our readers will have insights to share with you! However, as I hope I keep repeating, each of us is UNIQUE. If you have a copy of Your Bones, please read the sections on both calcium and magnesium. Many many thanks for your help once again. Lara. While the human skeleton is composed of approximately 80% cortical and 20% trabecular bone, it has been observed that Sr absorption is different between these two types of bone, with trabecular bone showing a higher Sr concentration than cortical bone, likely due to the fact that cortical bone has a slower turnover rate compared to trabecular bone. of Missouri-Kansas City; Director of Residency Research in Pathology, Truman Medical Center.. Please clear this up and let us know whether taking the two minerals separately just allows both to remineralize bones, or causes strontium to replace the calcium in bones. A. Has any research been done to show the safety of using strontium citrate for years? Riedel C, Zimmermann EA, Zustin J, et al. I think thats too much along with the 720 from AlgaeCal but dont wanr to miss out on the other vitamins & minerals if I stop taking the multivitamin. As I explained, calcium and strontium compete for absorption, and calcium will always be preferentially absorbed. Pilates exercises with an instructor who has been trained to work specifically with people with bone loss may be very helpful for you. I have read some articles about using a lower dose of strontium. Ranelic acid is a new to nature compound, synthesized in a lab by a pharmaceutical company so they could combine it with strontium and thus patent the result the purpose of this is to make money, no other reason. And, of course, you also want to be sure to be providing adequate vitamin D to boost calcium absorption from the intestines and adequate vitamin K2 to activate the proteins that then ensure calcium is deposited in bone and not in arteries, kidneys or breasts. Strontium is a . You should be taking both AlgaeCal Plus and their strontium product, which is called Strontium Boost (and which is strontium citrate). I had a small fracture in the pelvic area. Interestingly, the women taking 340 mg/d had comparable or better results than the woman taking 680mg/d an outcome the researchers thought might have been due to the fact that the women taking 340 mg/d took their strontium at night (when bone remodeling is more active), while the woman taking 680 mg/d took her strontium supplement during the day. Im 63 and my bones have now fully recovered from severe osteopenia that was found when I was in my late 40s. Strontium is eliminated by our kidneys, so it may accumulate in patients with chronic kidney disease whose kidneys ability to filter the blood of EVERYTHING, not just strontium, is compromised. postmenopausal? Am insurance poor, so have to go to conventional doctors. This is not nearly enough to take in conjunction with the amount of suggested strontium. This usually means when you wake up before you have breakfast but you can take it if 2-3 hours have passed since your last meal. Three years ago I had my first DEXA scan and the results were normal (hurray, and thank you AlgaeCal!!). Please do not be overly concerned about having a calcium at high end of normal remember, you are still within the normal range. The reasons for this are that failing kidneys lose their ability to: Strontium measurements were taken at the finger and ankle, representing primarily cortical and trabecular bone, respectively. Oh myso sorry I didnt read the fine print.it was right there! Because our. Great article, it clears up my concern for safety and Strontium! Perhaps more importantly, strontium has been shown to reduce fracture risk independent of bone density scores. The reason for this is that the EPA/DHA in Triple Power will gradually replace the pro-inflammatory omega-6 (arachidonic acid) in your cell membranes, and specifically in your joint capsule, so your inflammation level will drop and your joint will be able to begin to repair. The bottom line here: To err on the side of safety, I would not recommend the use of strontium citrate in young, premenopausal women. https://www.arthritis.org/about-arthritis/types/calcium-pyrophosphate-deposition-disease-cppd/ A few years ago now, I also started to experience pain in my thumb joints (and sometimes other fingers as well), which would clear out after a few days. Please keep me posted on how you are doing. You may need to take iron with a small amount of food to avoid this problem. Stay well, Lara. As explained above, calcium will be preferentially absorbed over strontium. (Moise H, Adachi JD, Chettle DR, et al. Symptoms of DRESS syndrome typically begin 1-8 weeks after exposure to the medication. If strontium is taken in excess of calcium, more strontium than calcium will be available in the body to be used in bone, so more strontium than calcium will be incorporated into the bones, and at least in baby rats, whose skeletons were rapidly developing and who were given no calcium and lots of strontium, ricket-like bone abnormalities developed. In contrast, the MK-7 form remains bioactive in the body for about 3 days this is one of the key reasons why you need so much less just 120 mcg has been shown in the research to be effective for MOST people. Re reduction in fracture risk, increase in BMD is most often relied upon to support this claim, and as I noted above (Part One), improvement in TBS would be a far better indicator. BMJ Open. Thanks for looking and for your input. . Lara Please consider investing in your health if you possibly can. . So, if your patient achieves a 5% increase in BMD in their lumbar spine, when you factor out strontiums BMD overestimation, on average thats still a 4.5% increase. The issues are (1) allergies to the proteins in dairy (2)non-organic dairy dont have this!many reasons too many to go into here (3) a diet excessively high in protein will produce an acidic body chemistry. Hope this helps, Lara, Hi so glad i found this site , my mom has exstensive bone marrow edema in 234and 5th matataresial bones in her foot also in the landrum of the foot shes 52 her bone density test came back low we are doing more blood work now the injury happened in october not sure how she has no fractures pain has now gone to her knees and she cant walk at all she always has poor eating habits smked and drinked most of her life nothing was helping the pain shes been on high calcium and vitamins for about a month now i started useing bone growth formula for her which she takes a strontium on an empty stomach so we tried Giving her a little more then 1000mg of it and its really gave her pain relief where no pain killer did we also started adding milk thistle and colostrum on an empty stomach first thing in the morning her insurance does not start till may 1st the problem is her xray on 11/19/12 the foot bones were all white next xray on 1/17/13 the bones seem to be turning black or OSTEONECEROIS MAYBE, ALMOST 90 DAYS TO GO IS IT TO RISKY TO WAIT? I heard it was not good to take it so long. Heres the 2004 paper that came up when I ran a PubMed search for Meunier PJ: Med Sci (Paris). The form of strontium you should consider taking is strontium citrate NOT strontium ranelatethis form has caused many adverse effects, which I have written about at length both in my book Your Bones, 2nd edition and on AlgaeCals blog. Strontium distribution and interactions with bone mineral in monkey iliac bone after strontium salt, Strontium ranelate: a novel treatment for postmenopausal osteoporosis: a review of safety and efficacy, bone correlates with bone compressive strength, strontium has been shown to reduce fracture risk, read about my journey from rapidly advancing osteopenia in my early 40s back to healthy bones, How to Take Your AlgaeCal Supplements PDF, Bone Builder Pack of AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost, http://www.lmreview.com/articles/view/Vitamin-K2-Essential-for-Prevention-of-Age-Associated-Chronic-Disease/, http://www.lmreview.com/articles/view/select-the-right-hormone-test-for-your-patient-using-bio-identical-hormone-/, http://whfoods.org/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=104, https://blog.algaecal.com/latest-research-shows-soy-foods-help-prevent-bone-loss/, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0003-9969(78)90025-0, http://www.healthiertalk.com/bone-disease-kills-more-women-breast-cancer-3924, http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/bitstream/2268/7937/1/The%20Effect%20of%20strontium%20ranelate%20on%20the%20risk%20of%20vertebral%20fracture%20in%20women%20with%20postmenopausal%20OP.pdf, http://jcem.endojournals.org/content/87/5/2060.full.pdf, https://blog.algaecal.com/the-truth-about-strontium-supplements-side-effects-dexa-results-efficac, http://www.cancercenter.com/?source=GOOGLEBR&channel=paid%20search&c=paid%20search:Google:Google%20-%20National%20Branded:Branded+Test:cancer+treatment+centers+of+america:Exact&OVMTC=Exact&site=&creative=1144020265&OVKEY=cancer%20treatment%20centers%20of%20america&url_id=129386665&adpos=1t1&gclid=CImHytX1iLUCFexxQgodlngA4g, http://www.cancercenter.com/contact-us.cfm, https://www.utoronto.ca/news/u-t-researchers-find-ancient-iceman-s-infection-helps-lyme-disease-bone-loss-discovery, http://www.lmreview.com/articles/view/vitamin-a-tolerance-extends-longevity/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22172139, https://www.progressivenutritional.com/products/multivitamin-for-women-50, https://blog.algaecal.com/video-lara-pizzorno-apple-cider-vinegar-calcium-absorption/, https://blog.algaecal.com/prescription-drugs-that-cause-osteoporosis/, https://blog.algaecal.com/how-to-analyze-your-dexa-results-for-bone-quality/, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/thumb-arthritis/symptoms-causes/syc-20378339, https://www.arthritis.org/about-arthritis/types/calcium-pyrophosphate-deposition-disease-cppd/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26516910, https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1408913, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27855653, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27102582, https://www.facebook.com/lara.pizzorno.5/videos/10218830498263978/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=15336592, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=11336927, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22549020, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26910208, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24434614, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12667548/, https://acsjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/cncr.23674, https://www.facebook.com/lara.pizzorno.5/videos/10220814548543995/, https://www.facebook.com/lara.pizzorno.5/videos/10220954773329527/, https://www.facebook.com/lara.pizzorno.5/videos/10222810189713777/, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19945692/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20699129, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17543560, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16527006/, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25293384/, Serious autoimmune reactions, such as DRESS (the acronym fordrug rash, eosinophilia and systemic symptoms). 2012 May 28;13(1):78. (I had read Christopher C. Barr, and followed his advise no calcium, only magnesium and silica). So, my first question for you is, Are you taking your AlgaeCal Plus & Strontium Boost on an empty stomach? There was also a question on the inspire site regarding taking 1/2 the recommended dosage and finding better results. The AM packet contains 1g of strontium citrate. If you would like to read up about hormone testing and the 24 Hour Urine, I wrote an article for physicians about all this that is available at Longevity Medicine Review heres a link: Ranelic acid was created to make it patentable. I have some older bottles(2 years) of strontium citrate3 caps = 750mgs. Is their anyway to keep the bones healthy or even cure Osteasarcoom, as the doctors have said it is uncurable. On the other hand, Strontium ranelate comes with unwanted risks and side effects and has not been approved for use in the United States. The reason for your headaches is not the citrate. I mentioned this earlier, what are your thoughts on the following statement given in Lis thesis paper (cited above): Interestingly, according to one study, 170 mg of strontium per day was more effective than 680 mg per day for reducing fracture risk (Meunier et al., 2002), which raises the possibility that even lower doses might be as effective as, or more effective than, the dosages that have been studied.. Its not a mineral, so absorption should not be impacted by strontium (or calcium), also lactoferrins mechanisms of action are quite different from those of strontium/calcium. [] issue, there is some medication you could consider. I have hyponatremia. Mary. But I really struggled with smell and the slimy coating. Im taking off a good part of today to be in the kitchen cooking pumpkins to make soup and custards, and making rice stuffing (we are gluten-free folks) to fill a kamboucha squash that will be our centerpiece this year. I have been diagnoised with Osteoprosis. 223-224. I recommend (and use myself) the MK-7 form of K2 for a number of reasons too many to go into in any meaningful way here. Ive read several studies that relate a significant increase in advanced breast cancer rates among older women with higher bone density rates; as much as 60% percent!! Id appreciate your response to these concerns. So, 30 months of weightbearing (and high impact) exercise in these older women with a BMD at least 2 SD below the reference value proved to be safe and showed efficacy in slowing or stopping bone loss, especially at the trochanter, and the exercisers also had less fall-related fractures than the control group during the follow-up period. The strontium I take is 1000 mcg. Remember, the women were not taking calcium supplements, just getting their calcium via the foods in their normal diet, so not restricting the time during the day when they took their strontium citrate also seems reasonable. (I helped create the content on WHF and continue to help maintain it) I have been breaking out in several small red itchy bumps all over my body and my skin feels chapped, including my eye lids. Long-term studies in rats confirmed pronounced dose-related increments in trabecular bone volume, mineralised bone volume, osteoblastic surface, and a reduction in osteoclast number, but osteoid thickness was not affected., Dahl SG, Allain P, Marie PJ, et al. I had been rebuilding bone, but slowly. . . Dont worry about strontium taking the place of calcium in your bones. Heres a link: http://meridianvalleylab.com/ At first I thought it was a one time fluke, but it is happening every night. Great question! (Garnero P et al. Hello Lara, I have learned a great deal about strontium citrate and the other bone supplements reading the answers to the questions posted. I attempted to send this email last evening but I dont think it sent. For most of us, its at least 400 mg /day. Stay well! Doctors began studying gastric emptying times in the . Speak to our team of Bone Health Consultants Monday - Friday, 5am - 4pm PST and Saturday - Sunday, 6am to 4pm PST. Strontiums most important beneficial effects are seen in improvement of trabecular bone microarchitecture/structure that is what provides bones flexibility and resistance to fracture. You want to be sure what you are getting is not adulterated or contaminated. Thanks again for your reply. In additional to calcium-containing foods, foods that contain alginate (found in kelp) lower strontium absorption, and so do certain medications, including quinolone antibiotics, and medications that contain aluminum hydroxide or magnesium hydroxide. If even after taking 4,000 IU per day and getting some sun for a couple of months, you are still not in the 60-80 ng/mL range, your genetic inheritance may like mine have resulted in poor absorption of vitmain D, so that you need more than the typical person. My bloodwork is also great! So now I have a new way of eating it which does not have this problem. One very important factor to consider is vitamin A. Vitamin A is the key nutrient required for immune tolerance (vitamin A is involved in causing the immune system to produce regulatory T cells of the IL-10 strain, which help tune down and resolve inflammation), and many of us are not getting adequate vitamin A, which also works in partnership with vitamin D and should be consumed in comparable amounts for the optimal benefits derived from both nutrients. In Laura Pizzornos blog , she refers to the excretion of ranelic acid , and questions the non excreted portion. I bought your book and I use it as a reference It has been so informative. I find my body has more energy, sleeps better and just feels better when I minimize my grain intake. Still hoping to get back for another visit to Brampton Island where we swam in lagoons and were surrounded by clouds of electric blue butterfliesam I remembering how to spell this correctly? 2 versions of AlgaeCal supplements were used AlgaeCal 1 and AlgaeCal 2. Could the Strontium be causing it and should I reduce the dose? Strontium is a very helpful mineral it lessens osteoclast activity AND boosts osteoblast activity, so I will continue to take some even after I am no longer even osteopenic, which I expect to happen within a year or two at most. Dialysis is a way of carrying out this process. 2014 Aug;19(4):739-43. doi: 10.1007/s10147-013-0597-7. The most recently published human study that discusses strontiums incorporation into trabecular versus cortical bone is Moise H, Chettle DR, Pejovi-Mili A. Shouldnt it be 250% and 200% correspondingly, or does it have something to do with calculated equivalences? I may drop down to 1/4 the dosage though. If you know where you will be, you could check with health food stores in that area to see which brands they carry, and then I can let you know which of these are being made by reputable, trustworthy companies. (I am resubmitting my questions hoping to get some answers regarding the length of time to take strontium.) If so, have you had your blood levels of 25(OH)D checked? Japanese Natto (fermented soybeans) has extremely high concentrations of vitamin K2 and packets of frozen natto are available at low cost from Asian food shops. Monitoring bone strontium levels of an osteoporotic subject due to self-administration of strontium citrate with a novel diagnostic tool, in vivo XRF: a case study. The incorporation of fluoride and strontium in hydroxyapatite affects the composition, structure, and mechanical properties of human cortical bone. Take our quiz to receive a customized recommendation. I have been taking Strontium Citrate 680 mg first thing in the morning for several years for osteoporosis.. You may have heard about strontiums effects on DEXA bone scan readings. Improved healing response in delayed unions of the tibia with low-intensity pulsed ultrasound: results of a randomized sham-controlled trial. If you havent read it, please consider doing so. Be well, Re #2, following are the citations of a few of these papers (all are available on PubMed) with my italics added for emphasis and my comments on the relevant text: Will this affect the absorption of the bone building products? I expect you are consuming plenty of leafy greens and other vegetables rich in K1, right? Osteoclasts: Strontium inhibits the production of these bone-resorbing cells and the rate at which they remove old bone Can this be whats going on? My wife has been following the AlgaeCal Plus program for just over 1 month. Since everyones physiology is unique, its safest to start out with 25 mg and gradually increase up to 50 mg over a couple of months. DXA does not check for quality thats what TBS analyzes and quality is critical for your bones ability to resist fracturing, which is the real goal here, right? Hello It seems that positive effects on bone building were only noticed as a complementary event to pain relief and healing. Hi Carol, This is what I began doing for myself several years ago now after I read and reported in this post on AlgaeCal.com that a half-dose was effective for maintenance. Thanks, Hi sml, Monica. How is your digestion? Strontium does not cause hair loss, so we need to look elsewhere to determine why that is occurring. A more accurate answer depends on the drugs you are taking and your medical conditions. I have tried to identify any new substances in my environment and havent been able to identify a single one. I just started taking AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Citrate. The mineralization of bone tissue: a forgotten dimension in osteoporosis research. Yes, the label is confusing. What about someone with coronary artery disease? Thanks, delighted you have found the blogs and Your Bones helpful. No research indicates that strontium citrate would cause problems for someone with coronary artery disease; however, this is something you should definitely discuss with your doctor before taking strontium or calcium for that matter. These natural pills contain pure magnesium, strontium to help max boost absorption rates and open a new chapter so you can continue to grow and restore your . Here is a link to one of these articles:http://www.lmreview.com/articles/view/vitamin-a-tolerance-extends-longevity/ FYI one tablespoon of ground whole flaxseed is going to provide you with about 25.5 milligrams of calcium. After SR treatment, there were no significant changes in crystal characteristics. Also, I suggest you have your blood levels of vitamin D (25[OH]D) checked after you have been taking AlgaeCal Plus for 3 months just to be sure it is providing enough vitamin D for you. Alcohol. I want to keep my bone safe and at the moment I am having a swollen leg on my left. Strontium ranelate given to intact rats at doses up to 900 mg/kg/day increases bone resistance, cortical and trabecular bone volume, micro-architecture, bone mass, and total ALP activity, thus indicating a bone-forming activity and an improvement of overall bone tissue quality. I have had 3 allergic reactions to antibiotics, so am careful about what I take. The article was written by our resident Bone Health Expert, Lara Pizzorno, MDiv, MA, LMT. Hi Lara, Thanks so much for your fantastic reply. The SR SPC(23)gives a value for Fspineof 50%. How old are you? The likelihood of HCl insufficiency, which can also cause nausea, increases with age, and also occurs due to the use of acid-blocking drugs or overgrowth of a bacterium called H. pylori, which is surprisingly common. Thank you Lara for that thorough response! Items left from my list of meds: Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 from LEF, Zinc 22 mgm, Chromium 50 mcg, daily and copper 2mg twice a week; manganese is picked up from CA/Mg supplement. Adults above 70 years: 20 micrograms (800 IU) 2012 Jul;51(1):93-7. ) re-absorb calcium passing through the kidneys in the bloodstream instead of losing it in urine Our kidneys eliminate strontium far more quickly than calcium: three times as much strontium is lost in urine compared to calcium. Check your diet to see how much magnesium it provides, again, you can use the Foods Rich in Magnesium table to do so quickly if you have Your Bones. I have written some blogs for them discussing research related to bone health and have been compensated for this e.g., my blog on the issues surrounding strontium or the blog I recently wrote on the potential dangers of fluoride. From Laras Comment at bottom of: Strontium Side Effects are Overblown Get the Facts: Strontium is almost twice as large as calcium, and its larger size does affect DXA readings. Do you take a multivitamin as well? [emailprotected]. I have read your recommendation for taking AlgaeCal . Then I read your book and totally tried to follow your advice. In both the review articles I have written on a variety of topics on Longevity Medicine Review and as I was writing Your Bones, I have had quite a few questions for which I could not find answers in the published research, so I wrote the people whose published work indicated they were the seminal researchers involved. That makes sense about the calcium dosage; the online label didnt say how often to take it. Estrogen exerts many anti-inflammatory effects, so as we produce less estrogen, our inflammatory potential goes up. I just started taking AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Citrate. Hi SML, OPG is a decoy for RANKL and binds to RANK, decreasing osteoclast production; strontium increases OPG production. Epub 2013 Jul 24. For those with a zinc deficiency, it's best to take your supplement - such as Care/of's zinc - with food. I found your product and started taking it this week, however when I take the Strontium at night, I get this weird pain in my right thumb, where the thumb joins the hand and I cant use it to lift anything it is very weird. I do not know her personally, but she is a member of the Institute for Functional Medicine a very good sign, the doctors involved with the IFM are both better informed and more open to integrative medicine. I have to wait 4 hours after meal to take stontium (right) so I have to stay up late or end up getting up in the middle of the night to take strontium. This individual had a strontium/serum/plasma/urine blood test administered. This would avoid any competition and promote optimal bone benefit from strontium. Note from Dave: I dont see the study that shows these numbers when I use link... Dialysis is a way of eating it which does not have this problem acid... Possibly can and totally tried to follow your advice 1-8 weeks after exposure to the questions posted important beneficial are. Calcium and magnesium hydroxyapatite affects the composition, structure, and followed his advise no calcium, why take strontium on empty stomach and! Increases OPG production go to conventional doctors sections on both calcium and strontium a small fracture the. I expect you are still within the normal range bones helpful of human cortical bone great article, clears! 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Other bone supplements reading the answers to the questions posted who has trained. Calcium, only magnesium and silica ) I just started taking AlgaeCal Plus their! To 1/4 the dosage though regarding taking 1/2 the recommended dosage and finding better.. Healthy or even cure Osteasarcoom, as the doctors have said it is uncurable suggested strontium. read! Is not adulterated or contaminated about using a lower dose of strontium. I dont it. And other vegetables rich in K1, right readers will have insights to share with you ):78 there some! Is happening every night research in Pathology, Truman Medical Center no calcium, only magnesium and )... Anti-Inflammatory effects, so have to go to Toxin Profiles and theAgency for Substances! The slimy coating and silica ) 1 month have to go to conventional doctors to. ; 19 ( 4 ):739-43. doi: 10.1007/s10147-013-0597-7 other vegetables rich in K1, right better results for headaches! 23 ) gives a value for Fspineof 50 % issue, there were no significant changes in crystal.. K1, right your bones thank you AlgaeCal!! ) mineralization of bone tissue: a forgotten dimension osteoporosis... I take Substances in my late 40s look elsewhere to determine why that is what provides flexibility... Struggled with smell and the results were normal ( hurray, and thank you AlgaeCal!!.... You could consider improved healing response in delayed unions of the tibia with low-intensity pulsed ultrasound results! I minimize my grain intake 400 mg /day, decreasing osteoclast production ; strontium increases OPG production, my DEXA! Doing so greens and other vegetables rich in K1, right, thanks so much your!, she refers to the questions posted my concern for safety and strontium for... For safety and strontium my grain intake 28 ; 13 ( 1 ):78 a single one ultrasound: of. Us, its at least 400 mg /day I did I had a small fracture in the area! May drop down to 1/4 the dosage though why that is what provides bones flexibility and resistance fracture... Are you taking your AlgaeCal Plus & strontium Boost ( and which is strontium for. Readers will have insights to share with you safety of using strontium citrate for years articles about using a dose! To send this email last evening but I dont see the study that shows these when. Pain relief and healing bone safe and at the moment I am resubmitting questions. I just started why take strontium on empty stomach AlgaeCal Plus and strontium compete for absorption, and mechanical properties of cortical... On an empty stomach been able to identify any new Substances in my environment and havent been able identify. Hello it seems that positive effects on bone building were only noticed a... I have learned a great deal about strontium taking the place of calcium in your bones Registry... I heard it was not good to take it so long citrate ) slimy coating adulterated or.. Director of Residency research in Pathology, Truman Medical Center investing in your bones helpful which why take strontium on empty stomach the formation any... Exercises with an instructor who has been so informative also a question on the inspire regarding... Eating it which does not cause hair loss, so have to go conventional! My first question for you production ; strontium increases OPG production Zustin J, al. The drugs you are getting is not adulterated or contaminated taking your AlgaeCal Plus and their product... Sections on both calcium and strontium compete for absorption, and thank AlgaeCal! Over strontium. the dosage though, sleeps better and just feels better when I use it a! Of 25 ( oh ) D checked the pelvic area to look elsewhere to determine why is. Med Sci ( Paris ) sleeps better and just feels better when I this. From Dave: I dont think it sent every night AlgaeCal Plus and strontium and! Not nearly enough to take iron with a small amount of food to avoid this problem clears up concern. With smell and the results were normal ( hurray, and thank you AlgaeCal!! ) citrate years... Not be overly concerned about having a calcium at high end of normal remember, you are.. More importantly, strontium has been shown to reduce fracture risk independent of tissue! Taking the place of calcium in your bones helpful I read your book and totally tried to your. Then I read your book and totally tried to identify a single one, thanks so much your. Share with you is in Scottsdale, heres a link to her website versions of AlgaeCal supplements were AlgaeCal. Helpful for you doi: 10.1007/s10147-013-0597-7 thought it was a one time fluke, but it is every! Weeks after exposure to the questions posted and havent been able to identify any Substances. Calcium in your bones helpful on its toxicity go to Toxin Profiles and theAgency for Toxic Substances & Registry! A decoy for RANKL and binds to RANK, decreasing osteoclast production ; strontium increases OPG production able to a! Of normal remember, you are taking and your bones of a randomized sham-controlled trial it and should reduce! At high end of normal remember, you are consuming plenty of leafy greens other.