SGT Doe displayed tireless devotion to the safety and well being of his Soldiers and utilized composite risk management in all aspects of his team's day to day duties, as well as preparation for DCLPs, resulting in zero accidents during eleven months of combat operations while deployed to the Multi National Division area of operations. His enthusiasm and loyalty to the team inspired other Soldiers, which contributed to the Brigade recognizing the Transportation Detachment as the go-to transportation element for combat and base support operations. SGT Doe assisted the motor sergeant numerous times in performing 3rd Shop level services, significantly reducing vehicle downtime, and keeping the fleet at a 95 percent readiness rate throughout the deployment. While attached to Delta Company, SGT Doe served as the Battle NCO in the Delta Company Tactical Operations Center. Issues and receives small arms and ammunition. SGT Doe served as a forward observer for First Platoon, Bravo Company. In layman's terms, the Battalion S4 is responsible for the supply, transportation, logistics, maintenance and budget issues within a battalion. He spent countless hours ensuring that his assigned vehicle system was in top condition and at 10/20 standard. With little notice, SGT Doe became a subject matter expert providing timely and relevant intelligence and the Counterterrorism/Force Protection Team NCOIC after the events of September 11, thereby keeping the CG and his staff abreast of developing intelligence in the terrorism and force protection arena and directly impacting force protection of the command's ASG areas. Inspires and enforces growth and excellence; 65 percent of his platoon enrolled in college. The form is used for reviewing individual nominations for decorations or awards, to record decisions made on those applications, and to maintain individual award case files. His development and implementation of a new briefing format raised the standard for excellence, and rapidly conveyed important information to ensure national level agencies and collection activities coordinated efforts to satisfy the commanders priority intelligence requirements. Additionally, LTC Doe supervised the analytical contribution to Force Protection Working Groups resulting in timely and accurate threat reporting and rapid transmission of data to the command's decision makers. SGT Doe's experience as a diesel mechanic enabled 1st squad to lead the way in several maintenance upgrades to the fleet including generator upgrades, trailer suspension rebuilds, and searchlights for the vehicles. She demonstrated her superior analytical skills by researching and providing intelligence support to planners, briefers, and DCS, G2 decision makers. He was personally responsible for one M915A4 tractor, two M872 trailers, and all assigned basic issue items valued at 257,908 dollars. SGT Doe ensured his team performed their assigned tasks above the standard ensuring his team's and platoon's success. Find achievements that you like and click on the, If you can't find you an example or want to contribute, please head over to our ". His expertise and analytical skill gave decision makers a clear and accurate picture of the Division's Area of Responsibility in Northern Iraq. Gives loyalty and leadership support to the chain of command. You will use DA Form 638. Due to SPC Doe's outstanding knowledge of the MSRs, choke points, and tactics for Deliberate Combat Logistical Patrols he successfully navigated the most challenging roads in Iraq regardless of illumination or weather conditions, without loss or damage to equipment. His efforts focused and streamlined information exchange procedures with multiple intelligence organizations eliminating redundancy and maximizing assets available. Her efficiency in managing resources was evident in improving the process through which parts are ordered. Thanks for your service and your support.'s Develops NCOER Bullets - Your only source for NCOER Bullets to aid in completing IVg Develops on the DA FORM 2166-9 (NCOER). SPC Doe was responsible for the production of 10 specific CT threat slides viewed by senior officials including national and foreign agencies and Command leadership. Both seniors and subordinates sought him out for his unfailing mentorship. Standout Soldier. His commendable efforts were singled out by the senior US General officer of the US response cell. o coordinated the efforts of TACOM and PM Mortars to recall potentially dangerous and defective 120mm mortar tubes, o conceived of and implemented military flight training routes for unmanned aerial vehicles to enhance border security, o SFC Siemans integrated with the G43 Readiness Team and made immediate contributions to unit safety as the safety officer, o trained new soldiers in sanitation responsibilities and planning, o provided the foundation for successful DOL North S&S mission, o volunteered for Field Sanitation Team duties while continuing primary duties, o demonstrated professionalism and dedication to numerous duties and tasks, o worked day and night to ensure all equipment and property book items were accounted for at all times, o maintained his posture as a soldier and a leader in appearance and attitude, o prepared unit for the annual Commander's Supply Discipline Program (CSDP) inspection; key to 99% on CSDP inspection, o provided thorough and detailed after action reports and recommendations to improve Annual Training, o supervised the distribution, sign-out and return of all sensitive and accountable items, ensured 100% inventory on AT return, o maintained communications with and actively supervised subordinates throughout CSTX, o played a vital role in ensuring that the FTX mission was a success, o received commendable ratings during the Battalion CIP Inspection, o assumed responsibility for and turned around the CSDP in order to maintain 100% of all items on the Battery Property Book, o streamlined the order requisition process; reduced delays and improved medical logistics section efficiency, o ensured timely delivery of medical supplies to outlying stations to facilitate military operations and prevent mission delays due to supply, o ensured that all required equipment was safely packed and moved to SOF-A without any loss or damage, o accepted and stored 177 aircraft and 1,122 pieces of PGSE valued at over $2 billion pending DA divestment decisions or FMS requirements, o meticulous attention to detail; prevented over $23,000 in unnecessary purchases, o reviewed over 800 99 RSC purchase orders and identified, resolved, and corrected 100% of errors, o enabled the Force Management Division to make sound decisions in resourcing and defining ARNG force structure, o managed the evolution of the modern ARNG and ensured readiness and the ability to maintain the Nation's defense, o planned and coordinated all CH-47 operations in Balad, Iraq as the CJSOTF-AP Liaison for the LTF-Joint Task Force, o saved over $100,000 by activating 48 Food Service personnel to provide 60,000 meals compared to the $450,000 cost of catered meals, o closed 6 FOB's and exfiltrated all equipment, o trained Mission Commanders in 3 other units to maintain mission success. SGT Doe's devotion to mission accomplishment and dynamic leadership style enabled him to attain outstanding results as Mission Commander for Deliberate Combat Logistics Patrols (DCLPs). With no experience in forklift operations, he assisted with the loading and proper placement of six containers in a condensed location. PFC Doe took great pride in the care and upkeep of his assigned equipment. Ensure critical assets are on hand or ordered. SFC Doe served as the Combating Team Brach (CTB) NCOIC ensuring the ever increasing requirements for this newest branch were always fulfilled. Through his attention to detail, PFC Does's vehicle often was singled out as the best in the fleet. His untiring work ethic and devotion to duty were directly responsible for the success of the S2. CPT Doe led the intelligence planning effort in developing the intelligence concept for the command's operations for Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). He spearheaded the establishment of company operations immediately upon arrival to _BASE_ and to _BASE_ after our jump . . He desires to take charge in the absence of leadership and has never failed when assigned increased responsibility. Showing his versatility during ten company sized clearing operations in eastern baghdad, SGT Doe performed the duties of the platoon radio-telephone operator. SPC Doe ensured that his assigned equipment was properly accounted for and maintained to 10/20 standard. For a period of 5 years, SGT Doe has provided the DCS, G2 with accurate and tailored intelligence. is a privately owned and operated website. SGT Yost effectively communicated with his peers and headquarters to ensure unit operations were well within the guidelines of the CSDP inspection checklist. His contribution greatly enhanced his platoon's combat effectiveness. He worked tirelessly to get the system online through determined coordination with Division and the GBS help desk. Her commitment to higher learning set the example for fellow Soldiers to follow which resulted in four other members of the squad enrolling in distance education programs.'s Army Award Writing Resources - Your only source for Army Award Achievement Statements (Award Bullets), Award citations, and Award writing tips. As executive officer while in Iraq, LT Doe led over 20 company patrols in support of Brigade operations throughout the AOR. Again with little notice, SGT Doe researched and produced executive summaries providing the necessary relevant intelligence to the CG and his staff. o Demonstrated outstanding level of competence, established a unique GPC tracking system, enables unmatched accountability. SGT Doe served as the administrative assistant, in three different divisions, of a MACOM level G2 directorate. To contribute examples, use this form. Responsible for managing the Supply Discipline Program. Soldier's dedication to duty and strict enforcement of supply procedures resulted in him maintaining 100% accountability of the commander's property. His motivation was an example for others in the squad and his demanding physical training regimen became the squad standard for fitness training and resulted in the squad APFT average rising from 217 to 252 points. Her influence enhanced the CDSP of the Battalion. Training To Become A 92Y Unit Supply Specialist As an entry level soldier in the United States Army, the first training you will receive is Basic Combat Training (BCT). So they got X bullets each after division. He frequently works with fellow new Soldiers familiarizing them with SOP's and tactics. For meritorious service as NCOIC, Task Force Special Operations Forces Sustainment, Asset Visibility and Information Exchange ordering system ( SSAVIE). His quick action helped save all adjacent rooms. His engineered improvements were quickly adopted and recognized as a vast improvement over previous means of intelligence dissemination. This allowed Soldiers to maintain 100 percent accountability of equipment through eleven months of combat operations and became the detachment standard to account for equipment. He/She was assigned the responsibilities of updating the POL daily status board, ensuring quality surveillance was maintained, and assisting his leadership when needed. In the small arms area, the 92Y issues and receives small arms, secures and controls weapons and ammunition in security areas, and schedules and performs preventive and organizational maintenance. SPC Doe performed the duties of an Assistant Mission Commander (AMC) and was directly responsible for all aspects of the pre-execution phase of detachment's missions. As the senior fire support representative in the battalion Tactical Operations Center, SGT Doe effectively battle tracked, controlled, and managed fire support assets required for BN operations, which ensured that each of the four companies received responsive fire support and achieved all effects each operation required. ACHIEVEMENT #1 __RANK / NAME__ served as the Command Post NCOIC in ____ Company, Task Force ________ Battalion. Synchronized and de-conflicted indications and warning efforts of the Analysis and Control Element (ACE), the theater Intelligence Operations Center, Joint Analysis Center, Interagency Balkans Task Force, and Joint Staff Director of Intelligence. Leading up to the annual COMET Inspection, SPC SM stayed countless hours preparing and ensuring that the supply section received a first time go. SPC Doe served as a medium wheeled vehicle operator displaying phenomenal devotion to mission accomplishment in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. This NCO emphasis on discipline and high standards resulted in the unit's high morale and espirit de corpsby far the best in the battalion. SGT Doe's ability to train soldiers assisted in the instruction of over 15 Soldiers in PMO standards, Warrior Task Training, Marksmanship qualification and Physical Fitness, ensuring the PMO was well prepared for any task. His/Her driven performance kept ____Echo Company ahead of the rest of the ________ Brigade in relation to their Standard Army Management Information System (STAMIS) readiness upon arrival to _________________. He personally answered over 100 RFIs from higher, subordinate and adjacent units. His excellent technical skills resulted in SPC Doe performing the duties of the Assistant Mission Commander's (AMC) driver. SPC Doe volunteered to serve as the Improvised Explosive Device (IED) analyst upon his arrival to Baghdad. What is the best OER/NCOER/award bullet you have seen?'s Presence NCOER Bullets. Between February and June 2007, Corps integrated two additional Brigade Combat Teams into its force structure as part of the Baghdad Security Plan. SPC Doe displayed a high level of competence and professionalism while serving as a team leader for 1st squad. SPC Doe became a subject matter expert on his Security District while assigned as an intelligence analyst in the BCT S2, Analysis Control Team. His actions directly contributed to the detachment delivering 12,837 tons of Class I-IX cargo in support of the mission to stabilize and support Iraq during the national reconstruction effort. He/She took initiative to take corrective actions with KBR representatives to ensure the highest food service standards were maintained. The integration of the DISE into the ACE, and the White House security team was instrumental in providing excellent support during the visit. These target folders were subsequently vetted by the command as valid operational and intelligence targets for the theater area of responsibility. SGT Doe's ability to think on his feet and analyze difficult situations helped ensure a complaint free environment while assisting over 100 soldiers, officers and civilians in a normal work week. PFC Doe demonstrated exceptional character while deployed to Iraq by seeking to accomplish the mission and conduct self improvement. o During recent budget crisis, forward thinking resulted in an alert facility maintaining enough cleaning supplies that lasted. SPC Doe ensured that his team maintained zero losses during three command inspections by diligently tracking his assigned equipment. While serving as the BN S-4 NCOIC, SFC XXXXX maintained and supervised the accountability of equipment with a cumulative value of over $1.2 billion and reduced shortages by $1.7 million across six batteries. The objective is to receive incoming supplies, store, issue, and ship outgoing goods. He maintained and developed all-source intelligence products that were instrumental in planning and conducting battalion operations resulting in the capture of over 42 battalion and brigade high value targets. SGT Doe has shown a great flexibility and adaptability in all her duty positions, making her an invaluable team member. ACHIEVEMENT #2__RANK & Name__ 's dedication to duty and desire to accomplish the mission, coupled with an intense personal pride, set his/her well above his/her peers. As the only Government Purchase Cardholder in Alpha Battery, SPC ---- was repsonsible for keeping the battery supplied with essential supplies and materials and reconciling the credit card and budget. 129192 16247 400 Puzzles.doc: Download. His dedication was a critical factor in the squad delivering over 5,709 pieces of Class I-IX cargo over 34,000 miles while operating in the highly volatile Iraqi area of operations. He researched and produced all-source analyst comments for over 1,200 HUMINT reports for the brigade's Graphic Intelligence Summary. In this lesson you. Hood, o ensured 100% accountability of BN sensitive items from Iraq to US, o instrumental in zero shortages in forward property books when merged to rear property books, o brought an inherited unsatisfactory BN S4 supply section to a commendable rating of 100% of all units Hand Receipts inventoried and signed within 3 months, o nominated by the Chief of Staff Army Supply Excellence Award program by the 648th RSG, o nominated for the nation's Ten Outstanding Americans for true dedication unit mission and the ability to go above and beyond expected, o prosessed over 250 DTS's and more than 200 orders in a 3 month period, o successfully moved $3 million of equipment while maintaining 100% accountability, o her willingness to step up and demonstrate her ability to operate the PBUSE workstation prevented mission failure, o overhauled company supply operations resulting in a seamless change of command inventory with no FLIPL actions initiated for the outgoing Commander, o military bearing, tact, and professionalism were at a level well beyond hers pay grade, o maintained Supply records for entire HHD, o coordinated billeting, linen, transportation, meals, and supplies throughout duration of the mission ensuring no lapse in support, o took lead in the absense of leadership to prevent mission failure, o conducted herself in a manner typically displayed by a Senior NCO, o coordinated S4 issues with military assets, key leader engagements, and ASA Fort Dix civilians competently and efficiently, o inducted into the Order of Saint Martin by USAREUR G4 for his cumulative contributions to USAREUR and the 172D Infantry Brigade, o achieved commendable ratings in four areas during CIP inspection conducted by Material Support Center-Korea Fiscal Year 2012, o completed training on Force And Asset Search Tool, annual Defense Travel System, IG concepts and systems, EOL, SHARP, and inspection process, o received a Bachelor's of Science degree in Management from University of Phoenix with a 3.38 Grade Point Average, o proficiently maintained direct responsibility for property book records worth over one billion dollars comprised of military and commercial Class VII equipment. Developed a criminal Top Ten List for identifying specific by-name individuals to facilitate prioritization of message traffic concerning illegal activities. ACHIEVEMENT #3 __RANK & Name__ vigorously accepted the challenge of acting as both Company Supply NCO and Clerk. His unrelenting hard work freed valuable to time for key personnel to conduct critical ISR planning for the brigade. SPC Sullivan made significant contributions to the overall success of the relocation of the SQD S-3 cargo containers. (2) MOSs are. His knowledge of routes and vehicle capabilities allowed the AMC to focus on the mission. Skillfully capitalized on the capabilities of theater and national assets to research, collect and disseminate releasable intelligence information vital to NATO allies and multi-national brigades over NATO communications systems for planning and execution. During a major renovation move, SGT Doe was paramount in the planning and movement of all SSO equipment and classified documents resulting in minimal down time for the G2 SSO offices. During three command inspections, SPC Doe maintained zero shortages of his equipment. (Addresses rated NCO's performance as it relates to Army Values, Empathy, Warrior Ethos/Service Ethos, and Discipline. This tracking wall was used daily by the BCT staff to conduct Battle Update Briefs. HIS OUTSTANDING EFFORTS AND PERFORMANCE OF DUTY REFLECT GREAT CREDIT UPON HIM, THE 16TH SPECIAL TROOPS BATTALION, THE 16TH SUSTAINMENT BRIGADE, THE 21ST THEATER SUSTAINMENT COMMAND AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. As an AMC, he supervised the upload of Class I-IX cargo and pre-combat inspections of mission personal and equipment. ACHIEVEMENT #1 __RANK & Name__ received and processed _#_ tactical vehicle, _#_ generator, and _#_ utility vehicle services in the SAMS-1E system. SSG Doe served as the Tech Supply NCOIC for B Co. 248th Aviation Support Company (ASC) throughout the deployment to Kosovo in support of KFOR 18. We are making strides everyday to update our website and will continue to do so. Recognition is essential to an individuals self-esteem. 2006-2018 All rights reserved. Achievement Awards; Service Awards; Permanent Change of Station Awards; ETS Retirement; Impact Awards; By MOS; ACFT Calculator; Contact Us; 92Y - SVC - ARCOM. SGT Garrett showed dedication and responsibility by stepping outside of her job and into one that needed strategic planning and immediate action. Bullets comments are used to explain any . HIS EXEMPLARY LEADERSHIP, PROFESSIONALISM AND DEDICATION TO DUTY SIGNIFICANTLY CONTRIBUTED TO THE OVERALL SUCCESS OF THE UNIT. During this time he successfully rebalanced resources to continue the daily missions of intelligence analysis and the Commander's Black Book production despite extensive force protection requirements. Exceeded Standard. ACHIEVEMENT #1Serving as the company's primary supply clerk, __RANK & Name__ ordered, received, turned-in, and issued equipment shortages and supplies totaling $__________. He/She helped maintain _#_ assigned water points that never went below _#_% stockage level. His personal contribution allowed for the safe movement and execution of over 102,113 miles and 12,000 tons of critical supplies and equipment to sustain counterinsurgency operations in theater. His knowledge of tactics, techniques, and procedures contributed to the success of the detachment's mission.'s Presence NCOER Bullets - Your only source for NCOER Bullets to aid in completing Part IVd Presence on the DA FORM 2166-9 (NCOER). o Researches/Verifies supply requirements, keeps up-to-date on new requirements, receives supplies on-time and on-budget. To keep things simple, the Battalion S4 is part of the Battalion Commander's staff. An Army Unit Supply Specialist (MOS 92Y) is tasked with performing work in a warehouse setting. SPC Does outstanding performance and dedication to duty was a major factor to the success of the Brigade Tactical Operations Center. Sergeant Shaw oversaw 2 BDE size turn-ins while assigned to 3-82FA 1CD during NTC rotations prior to an Iraq deployment. y.t 4 50cm60cm His personal contribution to the mission allowed for the safe movement and execution of over 3,590 miles and 428 tons of critical supplies and equipment to sustain counterinsurgency operations theater wide. SGT Yost worked countless hours on his off-duty time to ensure all equipment and property book items were accounted for at all times. SGT Doe played a vital role in the initial construction of the first Combating Terrorism Database, assuming an initial operating capacity in only 2 weeks. List of ebooks and manuels about 92y arcom bullets. SGT Doe's diligence resulted in zero accidents during eleven months of combat operations while deployed to the Multi National Division area of operations. Individuals always want to know why they aren't submitted for a quarterly award. Driving over 4,363 accident/incident free miles, SGT Doe earned the recognition of high miler NCO for three consecutive quarters. He/She assisted with the issue of Class I supplements for over _#_ personnel in the battalion area of operations. In addition, he functioned as an Africa analyst with over 50 of his articles being published. SPC Doe proved vital in training the junior analysts from these three battalion S2s preparing them to seamless assume operations within the brigade's Operational Environment. Identified key anti-coalition tactics, techniques and procedures, cohesive working environment and proficiency of the mapping tools, ASAS-L system and analysis process to maximize the effort and capabilities of the BCT S2 and ACT allowing multiple tasks to be accomplished in a short period of time. He successfully orchestrated a diverse team of intelligence analysts and planners to develop a comprehensive, multi-disciplined intel scenario, and extensive intelligence architecture, and produced over 200 MSELs, which prepared the Infantry Division commander and staff for their rotation to Iraq in support of OIF II. He helped the Brigade staff to focus, plan and prepare for onward movement into Iraq. Specialist Laverdure's performance reflects great credit upon himself, HHC 17th CSSB and the United States Army. He ensured that national, theater and organic assets were coordinated and to provide up to the minute information to warfighters on the ground. SGT Yost received a first time go on the Government Purchase Card annual Audit, accounting for over $90,000 worth of equipment and supplies. SPC Doe quickly became the most trusted and respected junior intelligence analyst in the brigade. He contributed to the successful completion of 48 Deliberate Combat Logistical Patrols (DCLPs) during eight months as a member of the Transportation Detachment. Stony Plain Records Announces Roots Music Legend Taj Mahal New Album Savoy - April 28 2023. on February 02, 2023. While assigned as executive officer for B Company, BTB, LT Doe excelled in fulfilling his responsibilities to his unit. SPC Doe's dedication to duty and superb organizational skills allowed her to effectively manage and complete approximately 1500 personnel actions and various additional admisitrative tasks, which proved instrumental in the success of the Operations and Intelligence division during an extended period of civilian employee shortages. He routinely produced imagery products for six combat maneuver battalion S2s to help facilitate their targeting process. The Pentagon recognition program was established in 1998 to provide an area to recognize our enlisted members on a quarterly basis. Far Exceeded Standard. With fellow new Soldiers familiarizing them with SOP & # x27 ; t submitted for a period of 5,. Cssb and the GBS help desk HUMINT reports for the Brigade staff conduct! Exceptional character while deployed to the chain of command were subsequently vetted by the senior US General officer of assistant... Alert facility maintaining enough cleaning supplies that lasted continue to do so of. Analyst upon his arrival to Baghdad by the BCT staff to conduct critical ISR planning the. Picture of the detachment 's mission high miler NCO for three consecutive quarters the most trusted and respected intelligence! Yost effectively communicated with his peers and headquarters to ensure the highest service! 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