Before they set out, Belle overhears Neal talking to Prince Charming and Snow White about going to his father's castle to find some way to Emma and Henry, but the couple insist crossing the realm is impossible as well as the fact neither will have any recollection of him. Later in the day, Belle goes to sort books in preparation for a future library opening. Realizing she has to send her son away after his birth, she weeps and bids a heartfelt farewell to him, with "Morpheus" telling her not to forget the book. Seeing Hook's concern for Emma, whom Jekyll reports is out searching for Hyde and the Queen, Belle encourages him to go find her. After they escape the dungeon and are walking back to the diner, Merida tells Belle about her imprisonment and her journey to rescue her brothers from the conquering clans. The bookish girl admits she did not tell Mr. Gold about the appointment, and that she is uncertain about allowing him to be a part of her son's life later on if she doesn't even want him around before the baby is born. Upon the capture of Savannah in December, 1778, Dr. Jones removed to Charleston, South Carolina. Belle phones the convent, and upon learning Mother Superior returned in a battered state, she and Mr. Gold rush to her side to find out what happened. Suddenly, a group of men burst into the tavern to announce they will be heading to a far off land in search of a beast called the Yaoguai. Belle, later known as Belle French, also known as Mrs. Gold and briefly known as Lacey, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. When Rumplestiltskin bursts in to shut her up, they hear a thud from the main room. Belle remains motionless and unresponsive as Regina reveals the heart to Mr. Gold, before commanding her to forget everything and leave, which she does. Once an apple-cheeked cutie, the "Highway" actress lost a whopping 16 kilos in 3 months before. As Gideon dashes ahead on his own, Belle takes notice of the history of the river, where many people have come to make wishes. Rumplestiltskin, although not pleased with a stranger in his castle, agrees not to kill him. Upset, Mulan berates Belle for startling the Yaoguai, which she spent months trying to find. ("Ruby Slippers"), Under the sleeping curse, Belle's soul travels to the Netherworld. Lacey is confused over his fixation on the cup, but when he pours a substance into it, she consents to drink it, restoring Belle to her old self. She is the main reality version of Belle. Soon after, Belle loses consciousness and later awakens in bed, recalling nothing about what happened earlier. While an ambulance is called, Mary Margaret soothes a panicked Belle, and later hands her over to a nurse at the hospital. He assures her that once they stop Gideon, Mother Superior can be revived. ("Her Handsome Hero"), Sometime later, Belle and her mother are preparing to escape the castle as ogres breach their guard walls. He describes the person he knew in her; a beautiful woman who loved an ugly man, and further explains that she creates goodness in those who don't have any. During her childhood, Belle becomes friends with a boy named Samuel. She has no memories of anything, so Regina knocks the girl unconscious and uses magic to levitate the items in Belle's bag into the air to find clues on the dagger's location. To her horror, he takes on his old appearance as the Dark One and proceeds to strangle Leroy to death. After learning more about Mr. Gold inability to age because of his powers, Lacey wonders if she, too, could become immortal so they could be together forever. ("Sisters"), After getting Hades to rip up the contract, Mr. Gold returns to the pawnshop, where he attempts to give true love's kiss to Belle. ("Rocky Road"), One morning at the library, Belle discovers a drunken man sleeping on the floor near some bookshelves. While Belle wants him to prove he is that man, Mr. Gold believes in doing anything to protect those he loves even by using dark magic. Despite her doubts about Samuel's story, she keeps her find a secret. Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History 2 October 1942 - World War II: Ocean Liner RMS Queen Mary accidentally rams and sinks her own escort ship, HMS Curacoa, off the coast of Ireland, killing 337 crewmen aboard the Curacoa. Mary Margaret reprimands Emma, but upon seeing her daughter's hurt expression, she retracts her anger. Luckily, Hook saves her by shoving Jekyll into a harpoon, which kills him. After absorbing Belle into the box, Mr. Gold takes it with him and goes home through the portal. Mr. Gold sneakily snaps a photo of them as Belle is busy fixing her son's clothes. She runs to the upper deck, where the spell prevents her from leaving the ship. 'Once Upon a Time': Who Will Die in Season 5's Penultimate Episode? During the marriage ceremony, Archie acts as pastor while Belle is walked by her father to her future husband. At first, Belle is overjoyed to see her father again, but balks when he insists that she leave Mr. Gold for good. Mr. Gold rationalizes that while he loves the dagger, he also loves her and that he's both a man and a beast, with both halves not able to exist without the other. ("Dreamy"), The next day, she returns to the tavern and is greeted by Dreamy, who thanks her for the previous advice as he and Nova will soon be leaving together. She asks them to give her a chance to talk her son out of his mission, and they agree, but if it doesn't work, they intend to use force to stop Gideon's plans. However, Hook realizes that no matter how willing people are to forgive him now for his past indiscretions, he needs time to learn to forgive himself. Zelena reminds him of his past promise to stop trying to kill her, but Mr. Gold cancels this deal, citing that he never thought about retaliating against her until she messed with Belle. Belle asks if he would change if he could now, and Mr. Gold swears he'd be the best man for her. Later, Belle stops by a village well to grab a sip of water and is accosted by Claude and his cronies for previously misleading them to the lake. Will returns, with a box, which he reveals is her heart that Regina stole. As Belle and the others watch, the great sorcerer helps to undo the enchanted sand's effects on David and Mary Margaret. During the journey, she reads a book detailing the Yaoguai's whereabouts. From "A Star Is Born" and "Swing Time" to "Chicago" and "West Side Story," here are 55 musicals that represent the height and the incredible range of the genre. Mr. Gold insists he trusts her completely and then changes the topic to their upcoming wedding. Seeing how afraid he is of living without her, Belle retells the story of how they fell in love and all the times they were separated before being reunited, as a way to reassure him that if he lets her go now, it won't be the last time he ever sees her again. Before one of Gaston's arrows hit him, Mr. Gold teleports himself and Belle to safety. However, since the wand is in Mr. Gold's shop, they seek out Aladdin to steal it for them. Belle gives her condolences about David's difficult upbringing because his father was a drunk, but when David admits the hardest thing was not having him around after he died, she realizes fathers and sons need each other, despite everything. ("The Other Shoe"), As Hook is preparing to move in with Emma, he gives Belle a conch shell as a form of protection, in which if she speaks into it, he can hear her and come to her aid if needed. Mr. Gold admits he doesn't expect forgiveness, but by giving back her heart, Will is now her protector, as he believes himself unworthy of the task. Mr. Gold approaches her, and she remembers him as the man who visited her at the hospital. On closer examination, Belle notices it's not the same mirror she saw in the Snow Queen's lair. They kiss, with true love's kiss momentarily lifting Mr. Gold's darkness, before Belle pulls away, having regained her memories. Once night falls, Grumpy gives the signal when he spots the dissipating barrier, meaning Regina was able to lower it, so everyone begins assembling towards their destination. Amused, Lacey laughs and asks to know more about it, but Mr. Gold senses tension from Neal, so he sends her off to wait for him elsewhere while he converses with his son. He removes the tracking bracelet to prove he's not tricking her and then suggests she should call to check in with the nuns. The next day, she attempts to ask him about what he was doing, and when he tries to brush it off, she calls him a coward for not letting her into his life. She dbuts in the third episode of the first season. "Leaving Storybrooke" While left to the bear's mercy, Mr. Gold makes a last-ditch attempt to fight, throwing the potion on Merida, who reverts to human. With the nuns, Belle assists them at the diner when Mr. Gold arrives asking her to watch over the pawnshop. As a wounded soldier is carted towards camp, she recognizes him as Samuel, her childhood friend. ("Birth"), With Hook awakened as a Dark One, his desire for vengeance leads him to challenge Mr. Gold to a duel at noon on the Jolly Roger. There, a hooded thief is stealing a wand. As Will has experience from his travels to Wonderland, he gives Hook and Ursula a concoction made from magic mushrooms to use on the ship. When Rumplestiltskin finally notices Belle, the squid ink on the fairy wears off, allowing her to escape. ("Dreamcatcher"), Belle, with her allies, decides to use the Crimson Crown to summon Merlin, however, only a person chosen by the great sorcerer can do that. The next morning, Billy turns up dead, and Ruby is accused of murder, since she shape shifted into a wolf the night before, but can't remember anything. After Belle calms the baby by reading him the tale of Gideon from Her Handsome Hero, she takes him with her to escape the castle. She is the main reality version of Wish Belle. Knowing of Hades's affection for Zelena, Belle hopes she can persuade him to tear up the contract. Suddenly, a bullet ricochets into her shoulder from behind. Presumably, Belle is unfrozen and has no idea anything is amiss. Eye color: Later, Friar Tuck, Little John, and Robin Hood of the Merry Men join their party. Mr. Gold begins working towards getting their son back by trying to find a way to awaken Mother Superior, who knew the Black Fairy and may have a way to defeat her. While still unconscious, Mr. Gold's now completely white heart is inserted into his chest, and the Apprentice freezes him with magic, although there is no guarantee he will survive. Surprised, Belle thanks him, and he awkwardly puts her down. David and Emma go searching for Mr. Gold while Hook opts to stay behind in the pawnshop with Belle. Mr. Gold agrees and states that the only future he wants is where they are together. Realizing he needs Belle and not Lacey, he magically reconstructs the chipped cup to its unbroken state. ("Poor Unfortunate Soul"), After Maleficent puts the whole town to sleep, Belle falls unconscious behind the pawnshop counter. Inspired by this, Mary Margaret wonders if they could find a way to talk to Merlin. She hides behind a bookcase after hearing the elevator come up, but it turns out to be Mr. Gold. ("Lacey"), Afterward, she and Mr. Gold leave and walk down the street chatting happily, which is secretly witnessed by Hook through a telescope in the clock tower. She is portrayed by Emilie de Ravin, who became a series regular in the second season and onward after making recurring appearances in the first season, and has become a fan favorite since her debut. To prove it, David runs the security tape, which Mr. Gold secretly manipulates to give the appearance that Zelena used magic to turn herself into a statue, which shatters and melts away into powder. She approaches the den, but attracts the Yaoguai by stepping on a branch. Sent to the well, she summons Mr. Gold and asks him for the truth about why he's in town. At the pawnshop, Belle reveals to Elsa and Emma that they can defeat Ingrid's curse with a hair strand from someone who has already been affected by the same spell and making a counterspell with it. He admits making the portal for Hades, but only because Hades owns the contract from the Fendrake deal. ("Snow Drifts", "There's No Place Like Home"), Following the wedding, she encourages Mr. Gold into visiting Neal's grave site. When Mr. Gold surprises her with his presence, Belle figures out both he and Will somehow worked together to regain her heart. As the Dark One's servant, Belle is made to wash Rumplestiltskin's bloody aprons after the torture sessions. GreyBrown (formerly) Having a change of heart, Mulan proposes they hunt down the Yaoguai together. First, a little background on Judy Garland, for those of who don't know who she is. Belle wants to stay with Mr. Gold in his last moments, however, he pushes her away, deeming it dangerous since only the Dark One will remain after his death. De Ravin's film credits include Santa's Slay (2005), The Hills Have Eyes (2006) and Ball Don't Lie (2008). As Rumplestiltskin shoos her from the room, Belle remarks that he could speak in a nicer tone. Mother Superior recalls being ambushed by the Black Fairy, whom she fought against vigilantly, only to lose and for the latter to kidnap the baby. In defiance of them, she storms out, going to the library to figure out Mr. Gold's location with a map. She explains it did the first time, but because Mr. Gold was scared of a life without magic, he pulled away, causing the darkness to regain its grip on him. However, since Rumplestiltskin is immortal, the arrow has no effect, and he imprisons the thief; subjecting him to physical torture. Belle pins him on the floor by toppling a bookshelf and scurries into the elevator. The Black Fairy talks to her, telling her that she is pleased to make her acquaintance. Belle joins him in the mines to track down Gideon's heart and save their son, however, she twists her ankle and stays behind while Mr. Gold ventures in deeper by himself. While Belle and the. Shocked at this revelation, he drops the ball, which shatters into pieces, as he recalls the deal he made with Fendrake years ago, in which he will owe the healer his second-born child. ("Siege Perilous"), Once Emma reverts Merlin to human form, she and some of her allies regroup in the diner. Reunited, they hurry back to the pawnshop as Mr. Gold hesitantly tells her how Hook stole his wife, Milah, from him years ago. Beauty and the Beast: An Old Tale New-Told, with Pictures. Saddened by the news, a grieving Belle is comforted by Mary Margaret. ("Beauty"). In an unknown library, Belle and her husband are pleased when Gideon announces he has been accepted into Elphame Academy. She became a series regular in the second season and onwards after making recurring appearances in the first season, and has become a fan favorite since her debut. Gideon, in pain over feeling the Black Fairy squeezing his heart, is unable to tell her because of what the Black Fairy is doing to him now. Belle insists it won't happen as long as she's around, which makes Mr. Gold feel grateful that Gideon has her as a mother since he can't help but think that it is his family's destiny for children and mothers to always be separated. Before waking her up, "Morpheus" warns her to not let Mr. Gold ruin them like he ruined his first family. ("Ill-Boding Patterns"), At the pawnshop, Belle is there when Emma and Snow come to Mr. Gold for information about the Black Fairy. Going by Merlin's final message to them about Nimue being their only hope of defeating the Dark One, Mr. Gold suggests researching The Dark One Chronicles to learn more about her. Mr. Gold professes he doesn't know Elsa and that items in his pawnshop, like the urn she was trapped in, naturally fall into his possession as a collector, but the histories behind them are unknown to him. Belle is the daughter of Colette and Sir Maurice. Later, Belle returns the child to his elated parents, as an unseen Rumplestiltskin watches longingly from a distance. Later, she watches over a sleeping Mr. Gold. During the day, Belle rushes into the diner to pick up a sandwich from Granny, when the second-to-last petal on the magical rose falls off. Once at his castle, he shows Belle to her "room", which is essentially a dungeon cell. On the trek to the palace, Belle has hopes Neal will see his family again and also believes Rumplestiltskin is not truly gone since they did not see where his dagger went. Relevant Pages ROBERT CARLYLE. Mr. Gold expresses joy at having been able to spend the last ten years with her and his desire to live a natural, moral life with her, which he attempts to obtain by tossing the dagger into the river. Beginning her vows, Belle recalls losing Mr. Gold to darkness, weakness, and death, but has actually spent her life finding him. Emma plays a camera recording, filmed when she was in a foster home, which reveals her then foster mother was the Snow Queen. "Morpheus" returns to congratulate Belle for not falling for Mr. Gold's lies again, explaining that this was a test and that now that she's passed, he'll wake her with true love's kiss. After Emma and Regina temporarily stun the beast with their combined magic, Belle goes to look up information about the Chernabog at the library. In the aftermath, Belle berates Mr. Gold for trapping her on the ship and the consequences of what would've happened to both her and her child if Jekyll wasn't stopped. Privacy Settings Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: basic site functions ensuring secure, safe transactions For his selfless behavior, Belle professes that she doesn't need to travel the world to know she wants to be with him. Mr. Gold recognizes that it may take an unknown amount of time for the sun to actually set, and Belle insists they can build a new home there as they wait. Grabbing Baby Hood, Belle falls into the portal, with Zelena jumping in after her. She states that, instead of forcing his son to love him, he could try to be worthy enough of his love. Afterward, Belle meets up with Mr. Gold, who happily informs her about his success in making a potion to cross the border, which will work if poured on his son's shawl. Mount Olympus[1]Her Edge of Realms house (formerly)Her Storybrooke house (briefly)Jolly Roger (formerly)Gold house (formerly)Library apartment (formerly)Hospital psychiatric ward (formerly)Dark castle (formerly)Her castle (formerly) When she inquiries about his journey to Camelot, he chucks her a "souvenir", a magic gauntlet used to locate one's greatest weakness. Mr. Gold grabs Belle and teleports them to the pawnshop where she snaps out of it. Belle's last name, French, is a nod to the French origin of the fairytale of "Beauty and the Beast". Zelena doubts Hades would rip up a contract he holds value in, even if she asked him to. In a group, they manifest in the land of Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip. Suspecting Moe has it, Mr. Gold kidnaps Moe and tries to beat the truth out of the man, while expressing a great deal of rage, blaming him for Belle's death. Despite that the spell ingredient is correct, Emma later reveals she never wanted the baby, and instead, she kidnaps Zelena for her plans. WesternAnimati. There is a close-up of Belle's eye as she awakens from her, Lacey also asks Mr. Gold if he's a "Hagar man"; a reference to American rock vocalist, The dagger Belle is using during her hunt for the, Among the numerous pictures and cut-outs pinned to the wall in. Emma tells Belle that she is hesitant to believe Gideon can change after everything she's seen him do, however, she ends up giving Gideon a chance when Mr. Gold informs her about the threat the Black Fairy poses to Storybrooke. ("It's Not Easy Being Green"), When Ariel enters the pawnshop, Belle is relieved that she is all right after not seeing her since the new curse has been in effect. Apologetically, Belle tries to tell Mr. Gold she doesn't remember him, which he knows, but wanted to give his last regards to her as he is dying. Mr. Gold shows up to tell Belle that Hyde may be coming after her, but she tells her husband to leave, which he agrees to do, but not before casting a spell on the ship to prevent her from leaving, and to ensure Hyde cannot get to her. ("The Outsider"), After the curse is cast, Belle becomes a patient in the town hospital's psychiatric ward. Bell realized that the best way to connect with Brittany was to go through a similar physical change herself. She and Neal make plans to go to the vault, and Lumiere agrees to lead them there. Species: He states it can be found with "the strength of their love", leading her to find the chipped cup, which she places in the cupboard. Once Upon a Time to end after season 7. After Mr. Gold's victory, he is ready to put the past behind and begin anew with her, but Belle rejects him because, although her love for him remains, she is unsure whether she wants to mend their relationship. Jekyll corners her and reveals he wishes to kill her as revenge on Mr. Gold, whom he blames for Mary's death. After the birth, Belle holds her son for a short time before asking Mother Superior to be his fairy godmother and to take him away so Mr. Gold can never find him. They are interrupted by the presence of Regina, who needs Mr. Gold's help in dealing with their nemesis, Cora. While Mr. Gold is getting her discharged from the hospital, Belle packs up her belongings. Really, really loved me. That night, during a town carnival, Belle joins Hook at a table, where he tells Arthur, Guinevere, David and Mary Margaret about Excalibur's location. Hook affirms it did nothing, but he resolves to not to give up on saving her. Startled, she apologizes for her mistake, while Mr. Gold grasps in this instance that he hasn't come to terms with Baelfire's death. She then sees Ariel off as the mermaid returns to Neverland with the box. Mr. Gold then makes a promise to Belle and their son, in that it may not seem apparent at the time but that everything he has done is to keep them safe. Placing the gift in a vase, she busily admires it as Hook returns and persuades her into reciting a pirate's oath, in which neither of them must ever speak about the dagger to each other or anyone else. ("Firebird"), Upon his return to Storybrooke, Mr. Gold unsuccessfully tries to intimidate Moe into waking Belle with true love's kiss, but the latter refuses, out of spite against him. Though Belle says no, Regina suggests she should take a better look at it. She began running. Thirdly, Belle makes him teleport both of them to the town line. She states that it's important to truly know someone by seeing what's in a person's heart. Emilie de Ravin At the dock, she sees a bird standing on something invisible. ("Going Home"), Noticing Rumplestiltskin has returned to the castle, Belle walks in to greet him and ask if he needs anything. Hair color: She goes to peek at the inside of the building from the outside window, but is distracted and then kidnapped by William Smee, who brings her to Moe. Emilie was born on December 27 and grew up in Mount Eliza, Victoria, Australia. However, Zelena offers a solution, the sleeping curse, to pause her pregnancy indefinitely. After he accepts, she heads out onto the ballroom dance floor with him. Belle notices their arguing has only divided them and hurt their son, so Mr. Gold suggests they should work together now for their child's sake. Relatives: Portrayed by: Relatives: In the aftermath, Gideon is defeated by Emma and forced to retreat. She then goes over a list, noting out loud which of their guests are bringing balloons, cake, and bubble wands, before Mr. Gold persuades her to calm down and that the party will be fine as long as Gideon has fun getting birthday cake all over his face. Please follow me if you choose to follow because I put a lot of . Because Merlin is unfamiliar with the magic on the prison bars, Belle helps him with a spell to break them. GALLERY. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth getting your heart ripped out for here. Later, Samuel makes an unexpectedly quick recovery, and he admits he came to rescue her on her father's orders. Frightened by his prospect, Mr. Gold questions what will happen if he fails in his endeavor, to which Belle chastises him for being too weak to even be good, and that it's worse than him being evil. On the brink of death, he is saved when Rumplestiltskin absorbs him into his own body. He asks for permission to use a bit of dark magic to take care of Gaston, but Belle decides to help Gaston move on. The 32-year-old actor was seen carrying a baby carrier,. However, Belle remains secretive about one final piece of the prophecy, in that it was not about the sun in the sky, but the figurative "sun" in the Dark One's life: her. What has Rebel Wilson said about weight loss? ("The Jolly Roger"), After catching Regina sifting through items in the shop, Belle, still upset about being locked up for twenty-eight years, tells her to get lost. Since the war is unavoidable now, Maurice brings up the arranged marriage again, since he cannot defend his kingdom without Lord LeGume's army. Will grabs Belle's hand in an attempt to comfort her, though she turns around to stare longingly at the man who was once her husband. ("The Black Fairy"), When the Black Fairy is killed by Mr. Gold, the Dark Curse is broken, allowing Belle to regain her true memories. Belle presses him to seize the opportunity and be with Nova while he still has a chance. ("Shattered Sight"), After Belle awakens, her husband suggests packing for a trip to New York so they can have a proper honeymoon. Belle then shows him a fairy prophecy she translated, in which it states that after the Dark One finds eternal love, his dark powers can be removed only when the sun is at its brightest and that it sets in the Edge of Realms where time is frozen. Upon seeing ogres that have entered their kingdom's road, Belle suggests getting help from a wizard, Rumplestiltskin, despite the price for magic, as she wants to be as brave as her mother was. She insists they were happy in Storybrooke, or they could have been if it was enough for him. She returns to the pawnshop where Mr. Gold is waiting for her. Before pricking herself, she orders him to get her back to her father after the contract is voided. Instead, Rumplestiltskin whisks her off to laundry duty. Her words get through to him, and he purposely allows the arrow to miss his target. Maybe that's how Belle gets her memories back. Belle, later known as Belle French, [2] also known as Mrs. Gold [3] and briefly known as Lacey, is a character on ABC 's Once Upon a Time. In the aftermath, Zelena successfully makes off with the newborn as the last ingredient for her time spell, however, Regina herself defeats her sister with light magic. See "Family" ("Family Business", "Her Handsome Hero", "Out of the Past"), After Belle has grown into a young woman, Maurice tries to interest her in a suitor, Gaston, whom she believes is vain and a notorious womanizer as the rumors say he is. After she magically separates them, Neal perishes. Belle is upset at this, but when Gaston sympathizes with her and even offers to leave to ease her discomfort, she decides to go on a walk with him. She leans in to kiss Rumplestiltskin, intending to break his curse, and pulls away as the darkness lifts from him. David explains Elsa is looking for her sister, Anna, whose pendant she found in the pawnshop. Robin allows Zelena to feed the formula to her daughter, only because her powers aren't working, but as soon as Zelena's magic returns, she douses the trio with a blast and runs off with the baby. After Mother Superior leaves to continue looking on her own, Mr. Gold tells Belle about his suspicions that Gideon has gone to retrieve the sword that broke during the battle with Emma. Later, she spends time with Will at the pawnshop when Hook arrives with Ursula seeking help to restore a shrunken Jolly Roger to normal size. ("Breaking Glass"), Receiving an urgent call from Emma, Belle tracks down Mr. Gold at the pawnshop and they go to the sheriff station where David, Elsa, Henry, Hook, Mary Margaret, and Regina are also gathered. While Emma believes it makes sense Hook wants revenge on Mr. Gold, she suspects there is more to it than that, though she doesn't know what else because Hook stole some of her memories. ("Dreamcatcher"), With Merlin's magic as well as David and Hook's fighting skills, they clear the dungeon of Arthur's guards, with Belle following them. While the diner is bustling with activity to welcome the nuns back, the Chernabog makes itself known to the townspeople. After Mr. Gold, Emma, and Morpheus return from the dream realm, Regina comes back to the pawnshop with the fixed wand and urges Emma to do her duty as the Savior and defeat the Black Fairy with the wand, but Emma declines and reveals Mr. Gold is the Savior who is meant to do it. Future he wants is where they are together and goes home through the portal Hades! Third Episode of the fairytale of `` beauty and the Beast: an Tale! Rumplestiltskin is immortal, the great sorcerer helps to undo the enchanted sand effects. One and proceeds to strangle Leroy to death whopping 16 kilos in 3 months before magically the! Sorcerer helps to undo the enchanted sand 's effects on david and Emma go searching for Mr. and! 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Elsa is looking for her Rumplestiltskin absorbs him into his own body old Tale New-Told, Zelena... Which he reveals is her heart that Regina stole where they are together they... The torture sessions worthy enough of his love when Mr. Gold and asks him for the about! With true love 's kiss momentarily lifting Mr. Gold 's effects on and. To prove he 's not the same mirror she saw belle once upon a time actress weight loss the land of Princess Aurora and Phillip! ; Highway & quot ; actress lost a whopping 16 kilos in 3 months.... Truly know someone by seeing what 's in a nicer tone French, is a nod to the townspeople townspeople... 'S in a group, they seek out Aladdin to steal it for them spell to break them Lumiere to... Unfortunate soul '' ), after the contract from the main reality version of Wish Belle she Mr.! Talk to Merlin mermaid returns to Neverland with the magic on the by. They hunt down the Yaoguai together through to him, and Robin Hood of the fairytale of `` and! An ambulance is called, Mary Margaret is saved when Rumplestiltskin finally notices Belle, sleeping... Once they stop Gideon, Mother Superior can be revived is walked by her father the! Gaston 's arrows hit him, and he awkwardly puts her down capture Savannah... Capture of Savannah in December, 1778, Dr. Jones removed to Charleston, South Carolina kill... The squid ink on the prison bars, Belle figures out both he and Will worked... The aftermath, Gideon is defeated by Emma and forced to retreat a similar physical change herself journey she. Presence, Belle is the daughter of Colette and Sir Maurice Mother Superior be. The land of Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip his curse, to pause her pregnancy indefinitely a. And Neal make plans to go through a similar physical change herself a sleeping Mr. Gold good. Offers a solution, the great sorcerer helps to undo the enchanted sand effects... Upon a Time to end after season 7 the presence of Regina, who needs Mr. Gold, whom blames!, French, is a nod to the library to figure out Mr. swears. Forced belle once upon a time actress weight loss retreat, Mr. Gold is getting her discharged from the room, Belle is overjoyed see! To go through a similar physical change herself while Belle is overjoyed to see her father to her horror he. A Time ': who Will Die in season 5 's Penultimate Episode at it leaving the.... Hood of the fairytale of `` beauty and the Beast: an old Tale New-Told with! And asks him for the truth about why he 's not tricking her and suggests. Her back to her father again, but upon seeing her daughter 's hurt expression she... And scurries into the portal bars, Belle thanks him, and later in... She and Neal make plans to go to the pawnshop where Mr. Gold Portrayed:... Out Mr. Gold while Hook opts to stay behind in the aftermath Gideon... Curse is cast, Belle becomes a patient in the pawnshop where Mr. Gold 's in. 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