The rash,redness and swelling is just about gone. Its been almost a week since Ive started the antibiotic and Ive been taking so many different decongestants and nothing has worked. ultimately leads to clogging of the pores.bacteria doing their thing..and boom, breakout, im no expert but experiencing this for 6 months trying this and that and the other, changing my diet, my exercise, the liquidseverything in my life..all along i have had this strange feeling that the acne is being caused by my body trying to protect my skin from the damage e-cigs are causing, google sebum guys see what you think, I can only assume its linked to the e cig anyone else have these problems? I tried to not vape, and it felt better. Side Effects. Its a real problemive lost my vigour and all I can do is vape and play vids. Will investigate further. Nickle? Benadryl is the only thing that seems to work for a few hours. they simply say it is just water vapor. I only smoked a few ecigs then developed the steady ringing in my ears. I have tested this!!! I felt so much better. I also had itchy palms, so much so that they would keep me awake at night because I just had to scratch them. I also feel sick, dizzy, have sinus issues, and terrible muscle aches especially in my shoulders and neck. Its in a lot of stuff! Oh well. Back to marboros I go.. Gee, that is rough. Thank you all for your posts. I am at 24 nicotine still but dont smoke anymore. But these devices can expose users to toxic metals such as arsenic, chromium, nickel, and lead, noted Ana Mara Rule, Ph.D., from Johns Hopkins University, during her Jan. 19 NIEHS Keystone Science Lecture.. An outbreak of lung injuries associated with e . Oh ya. . Bumpy skin, sore, burns, so much so my GP referred me to a dermatologist, who stated that I must be allergic to something. My body felt totally poisoned. It doesnt do anything. My face still tingles a bit around the nose (not on it, around it, right where the bigger muscles are that you can see when someone is smiling really hard). You play you pay. According to studies conducted by the NIH, it cites the ingredients used in vape liquid cartridges reduce inner ear cell viability. After reading the comments left on this site I have reached two conclusions. 3. Ya I have burning eyelids from the use of the electric cig. It felt like I rolled in a bed of fibreglass! let me know if this help!! Now Im not sure when it really started but Ive never felt that flippin sick in my life! Been washing sheets and covers on the weekly. I now have gone to 65vg 35pg and still am having a hard time breathing not as bad plus now a sore throat. nothing from the Doctor seems to work, Then I started making the connection with e-cigs I stopped smoking them, went back to ordinary cigs, and the improvement was gradual but dramatic over a few weeks. I have been vaping for 2 years, but for the past year have had dreadful problems with tonsil stones. Whats a girl to do? So all do be careful just how much nic you are taking in,and also check your gear as well as sometimes you can get leaks which can put juice right into your mouth and it is so unpleant. I know its the ecigs. I am not a smoker but my husband is. I had a sore throat and got super congested. Hope this helps. Hi Everyone, I have been vaping for about 5months now and every few weeks I am getting the most painful mouth ulcers, they seem to be getting worse each time! The latter is characterized by the presence of extra-cutaneous manifestations, in addition to the skin lesions of the DAC, related to the introduction of nickel-containing foods. After nothing left to cut out I suddenly realized that I only get the allergic reaction at night (after he comes from work). Breakouts are less, but just end up using more liquid in a few days and back to normal, maybe something to do with the absorption of e-cigs. Crail: Finally!!! Hoping these effects go away. Even months later, sometimes the rashes come and go within 24 hours, or they stay for longer. I just purchased an e-cig and broke out into hives. Interesting comments.. Have you done the maths to correlate amount of e liquid vaping per day compared to the nicotine intake from tobacco cigarettes? I have had same exact symtoms and scroured the net for a while before I found this place I thought I was completely alone everyone and the doctors just thought I was full of shit I have lost relationships over this while in extreme pain. Pretty upset that I just invested $200 bucks on vape pen and dont know if I can use it anymore, I to am sad to say Im getting a load of symptoms from hot flushes to red hives on my shoulders back face tummy extreme tiredness numbing of the lips and general feeling of not right at all its devastating as was a vape enthusiast collector and hobbyist but think Im gna have to make a serious decision about this as its literally ruining my life right now. I was doing light therapy and on all kinds of topical steroids. All these issues on e-cigarettes need addressing urgently. Yes, I quit smoking 3 days ago and I have been experiencing red bug bite looking rashes and hive like welts all over, arms, legs, sides chest, stomach, neck faceeven scalp. I suspected an allergy but got a physical just to be sure and allergy is it. Newer Than: Search this thread only; Search this forum only. I went to the dr and found out it was thrush. Im wondering if they are being caused by the liquid. Recently i started having some wheezing anytime i vape. During this time I have been taken to ICU for blood clots twice and was in hospital 5 to 6 days to treat the clot issue. I had shortness of breath, feelings of nausea, phlegm in my throat causing coughing, dizziness, etc. I stop smoking ecigs this year in janurary. Such a shame. Member For 3 Years. My head is clearing up and the elephant that has been living on my chest isnt so bad today. ALL these things can be caused by: stopping smoking , allergy (to anything i guess including ecigs), and infections so I wouldnt pass them off without testing if that really is the issuestopping smoking makes you ill with many symptoms (most not to do with nicotine withdrawal) including hypoglycemia (! I noticed if I get it on one leg the other leg is almost the same, also arms etc, my skin on 100% of my body is dry and looks like 80 year old skin, if you look closely its all scaly and wrinkled, everywhere! But never in my life have I had so many itchy bumps. But recently I have questioned the safety of e-cigarettes opposed to the infamous regular tobacco smoking.i now experience an unusual irritant in the throat sometimes when I inhale. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. I really do think e cigs arent without dangers. I would try not to scratch. Worst experience of quitting ever, I never want to vape again to me its a toxic poison that took away from my life, in all honesty I hope the shit gets banned I wont care Ill never touch the crap again. I think you should thin pure VG with water or alcohol so it doesnt clog your e-cig. The toxic by-products created by vaping inhibits the immune responses in the body and alters the mucosa within the nasal passages. I know of people who went through the exact symptoms youre speaking of. A lot of people will try and poo poo it. Chain vaping overheats your coil creating nasty chemicals. Im also adamant.that behind all this acne breakout thing that sebum is involved, maybe due to the fact that these e-cigs are dehydrating our bodies and no matter how much water we drink its having an effect, you see if your skin is dry what does your body do? Also having some sort of issue with allergic reaction. Many stories are I vaped for 6 months then got ill. Maybe just maybe the ecigs changed and nobody informed you. I overheat 24/7 now. I started vaping around 4yrs ago, gradually going from 2.4 to 0.6 nicotine. Shortness of breath, and that is worse than when I smoked the real thing.. i started using e-cig october 2015 in november 2015 i was at the eye infermary with really sore & itchy eyes under my lower eye lids i have just clicked it might be the liquid i have had cream & drops from the doctor nothing works i am going to give the e-cig up. i mentioned this to my gp a few weeks back, their reply? I was a thirty year smoker and gave up cigarettes over a year ago thanks to vaping. Im just going to quit it, maybe its for the best. I have had an allergic reaction before to meds that put me on my butt for 3 months so very leary when I get hives for any reason. Ive switched liquids, gone full vg, weened myself right down to 0% nicotine as well as having been drinking more water daily than anybody could ever want to, and the problem remains. the Pred. I have been seeing a dermatologist who has been giving me steroid ointmet, and finally Prednisone and during Im not trying to excuse PG (or any other possible contributors) to these health concerns, but rather, put forward another possible contributor for consideration. The researchers then measured the levels of a number of toxic metals like lead, chromium, nickel, and manganese, both in the eliquid and in the vapour. They found a significantly higher level of these metals in the vapour than in the eliquid, and concluded that something inside the vaping devices was leaching metal into the eliquid either while . One study found e-cigarette users were inhaling the metals lead, nickel, chromium, and manganese in concentrations that either approached, met, or exceeded the limits defined as safe by the Environmental Protection Agency. The more I scratch it the more it spreads. I know that is what caused it and has been over a week. I quit smoking after 31 years, used the patch and nicorets gum. Cant sleep and just plain feel blah. A quick late night google search about allergies to ecigs told me everything I needed to knowit was the propylene glycolafter a couple of weeks of no ecig the rash went away. Other people who may have an increased risk of nickel allergy include metalworkers, tailors and hairdressers. Nickel or nickel sulfate hexahydrate is a common allergen that causes contact dermatitis in sensitized individuals. It might be the nicotine if you have any. Display results as threads Swollen shut with skin peeling off. Download Factsheet. Was vaping a 60pg:40vg 5mg juice. Thought I was doing great..2 months no normal cigs! Its called peripheral neuropathy. I quit using my Ecig for a month and now its back. VAPING e-cigarettes could trigger deadly allergic reactions and "chemical" asthma, experts have warned. after using e-cannabis tips for 2 hours, I started feeling a pain in my chest like a pulled muscle. Shame as the e-cigs did solve my nicotine urge. Six weeks after quitting smoking and enjoying PG vapung, I developed a very sore throat but only while inhaling. Disappears in 6-7 hours of not vaping and starts within 10 minutes of 2-3 puffs. When you get sick from it, listen to your body when its giving you signs something is not right. I have gotten bumps all over the back of my tongue and side of my tongue and I dont use the e cigs that use juice or flavoring just the straight plugin ones that charge and you put the top on it and theyre menthol and all of a sudden Ive got these big lumps on the back of my tongue and its freaking me out is this what youre talking about every time I talk I feel them rubbing against my teeth and its killing me Any suggestions anything work for you. It was mainly on my face at 1st, but spread to my ears, neck and chest. Have you ever heard of someones lips feeling sunburned and dry and swollen and painfull I cant take it but it seems to bee since I quit smoking cigarettes and started using magic puff menthol.I think its the pg. I too was checking my bed for bugs thiinking i must have scabies or bedbugs because of intense skin itching all over. It could be nicotine withdrawal. I quit 3 years ago and started my juice at 36mg of nicotine and am now down to 12mg. Mouth is dry alot also. I started vapo on 12/30/13 started noticing the hives about 2. It took about a month to get that shit out of my system. I have been vaping for 3 years. Now I stopped using and will never use this toxic shit again, its still taking a minute for my body to break this allergy down and rid itself. Thanks for making the lightbulb go off. If it does, you should investigate what kind of e-liquid youve been using and try to identify the problem, but if it doesnt, its safe to assume the problems are linked to tobacco cessation. Anyway: today I took a break from vaping and this evening Im already feeling better. The ratios of the two metals can vary; the most common nichrome alloy for vaping is Ni80, which consists of 80-percent nickel and 20-percent chromium. Your immune system's sensitivity to nickel may develop after your first exposure or after repeated or prolonged exposure. April, you sound young. now i am using 70pg/30vg and suspect the pg of being the problem here!! I M DYING HERE! No doctor ever told me my symptoms are caused by liquid vapor. Advertisement . Dull, constant pain behind the ears..Just under the lobe, really. Nickel allergy is a common cause of allergic contact dermatitis an itchy rash that appears where your skin touches a usually harmless substance. Off rythmn and 10% lung capacity. 2. Nickel allergy, also known as nickel hypersensitivity or Systemic Nickel Allergy Syndrome (SNAS), results from an adverse immune response to nickel exposure. Im using V2 menthols. We had a bedbug problem a long time ago and my parents ended up selling the house after we failed to treat them. This then turned into a nasty cough appearing when lying down and/or after elevated breathing rate, i.e. People vape with battery-operated devices used to inhale an aerosol, which can contain nicotine, marijuana, flavorings, and other chemicals. I ended up getting TopBox Mini and Ruthless E-Juice and launched my sweet vaping career. If youve been using high-nicotine juices intensively, switch to 0% e-liquid immediately, and if your general health keeps deteriorating its imperative you seek medical help as soon as possible. I have tried every style of vaping there is on the market and different blends of juice as well from diy to all the big vaping brands, but still have the same symptoms. First time on ecigs was on PG ones that looked like cigs and got burnt taste very easily, often had a dry throat from that but one time actually fainted! But nickel can be found in many everyday items, such as coins, zippers, eyeglass frames, cosmetics, detergents, and even some electronics, including cellphones and laptops. Tramontana M, et al. Two weeks later, I had to return to the hospital and was admitted for 4 days. It helped me quit once before. My chest is completely clear and I had no withdrawal symptoms. 5. Has anyone found a solution ? I am wondering if anyone is considering this. Pressing on it hurts. Hope it is not. Anyone out there experiencing this? General Category. Antihistamines couldnt control it. I switched to e-cigs a year ago. Humans can become allergic to various things at any point during their lives, so even if youve been happily puffing on your e-cig for months, even years, you can start to experience all kinds of bizarre symptoms. Chest pain, headache, rapid hate, Same happened to me ! Got to where I could not breath anymore. I really wanted to be able to do this. for months I thought they were brilliant and I would recommend them to anyone, but after maybe 6 months of smoking the ones that look like cigs, in the orange pkt from most major retailers, I started getting itchy lumps under my skin. Another thing you have to understand is that you dont have to be a new e-cigarette user to experience vaping-related health issues. then my inner ear, face and head would heat up when I vaped. It hurt to the extent where I had to go to the ER, and am now on heavy pain killers. We do accept free e-cigarettes and accessories, but strictly for review purposes, and that does not influence our opinions of the products. Started paying attention to it a week later, I tested my arms and they also shake when I try to lift 10 pound weights (Ive consistently lifted 50+ pounds years before never shook, never had a problem). Before we get started on allergies caused by PG and other e-liquid ingredients, its important to be sure the symptoms you are experiencing are indeed related to vaping. Anyway, tonsil stones have disappeared (duh, they had to without there being tonsils) but the ucky stuff just seems to build up deeper in my throat now. My wife said I was making my scalp bleed! I hope others see what is clearly an issue here. I cleared once and had I know about the flavoring having a PG base to break it down, I wouldnt be going through this again. I posted on r/vaping101 and received perfect advice. Now this could all be co-incidence but Ive had these symptoms since I began vaping 7 months ago and they have practically disapeared when I stopped vaping for less than 24 hours, its a no-brainer as far as Im concerned and shall never vape again (even though I shall miss it loads!!). This poison? Nickel allergy. Some people have a nickel allergy, and switching to stainless steel can help . All this was research had lots of errors. Stainless steel same thing, has Chrome. I have never felt better in over 14 months of hell trying to figure out what the hell was going on with my body.Just quit vaping- please!I dont want anyone else to go through what i went through.Analog cigs never did that to me. Been vaping two weeks. Now a white patch on roof of mouth spongy to the touch. MAYBE BY PEOPLE DOING THIS, WE CAN GET WHATEVER IT IS *OFF THE MARKET*. Also, at the same time my hair started to get very oily just one day after shampoo .. looked like I bathed in baby oil! As described above, SNAS frequently shows up with cutaneous signs, such as SCD, and extra-cutaneous ones, including respiratory (rhinitis and asthma) and neurological (headache) symptoms and general manifestations (fever, fibromyalgia, joint pain, chronic-fatigue syndrome, etc. This is getting as expensive as cigs. Best of luck to you! Your body tries to be hyper aware, in the indtance of mearly thinking something miht be wrong, its our bodys way of getting our attention just in case something really bad has happened, such as toutching poison oak. Now Im at work started vaping this morning and just got hit w/ this unbelievable tiredness, Ive never did hard core drugs before but Ive seen people nodd out and thats the way I feel! I used Ultima electrolytes to replenish my body. I really sad to hear that becouse i love vapping so much . But you go ahead and tell yourself whatever you need to..Im keeping an open mind. Needs to be pure organic for sensitive people. My customers with nickel allergies (even severe) wear my jewelry with no problems at all! Its ecig poisoning. Explore lung, breathing and allergy disorders, treatments, tests . About a month ago i started getting sore eyes,head aches,general grogginess.I couldnt work out what was causing it so basically just ignored it.Then came the rashes, on my face,back and hands.Went to the doctor and he said it was an allergic reaction to something.So the process of elimination started,i exercise,eat and sleep well,generally a healthy person and i hadnt added or changed anythjing part of my lifestyle.This is my 3rd day without vaping and my rashes have pretty much gone,eyes dont feel sore and no headaches.Im convinced this is no coincidence.Although this is excellent i can feel my nicotine cravings starting to kick in and wonder how long itll be before i pick up a pack of cigerettes. Are you vaping on nickel coils? My skin is turning red and I am itching all over. I went back to smoking analog and 8 weeks ago switch to juul now i tried switching to myblu cause its cheaper only to find out that all my symptoms from when i used vaping are all coming back, i think that blu is using more pg than vg so im back to juul again. So i researched the e liquid i was using and realized stopped for 2 days (without having to smoke the traditional cigs, which was awesome)and felt better. Stop vaping its as simple as that. I started having neck and shoulder pain. I have been through 1.5 cycles if prednisone now and have an appointment with an allergist IN 15 DAYS!!! I have had a red rash, bumps, blisters and acne on my right cheek and nose from it. He has always suffered from exzema but since using it has had a number of severe allergic reactions to something, and has had to visit A & E and his GP, who have said they do not know what is causing them. These people may include bartenders, people who work in certain food industries and domestic cleaners. Last week-end I tried vaping just VG with nicotine (i.e., no flavouring and no PG), and my mouth lesion does not appear to have reacted (at least not as severely as before), though I still generally have that old left cheek nicotine withdrawal sensation (I dont touch the stuff during the week). So know its not from a withdrawl or anything. Absolutely the same here, I have been having hives like reactions all over my body. Dont want to go back to smoking as e-cigs have helped me quit after a lifetime of tobacco use. Anxiety generalized Guess I just got a much higher tolerance or something, sure beats me? Little is known about the effect of vaping on the immune system. ), infection, heightened allergic reactions(your cortisol is raised by smoking so it does have antihistamine-like effects), fainting so it can get bad but keep with it in moderation if necessary. Here are my symptoms. If you feel you need it in your mouth constantly, dont go for higher nicotine, go for something that can vapourise more at a lower strength. In many e-cigarettes, puffing activates the battery-powered heating device, which vaporizes the liquid in the cartridge or reservoir. Im pretty sure my ears are actually constantly blocked. Im off the e cigs now for 1 month and down to 10 mg prednisone and tapering down. But nickel can be found in many everyday items, such as coins, zippers, eyeglass frames, cosmetics, detergents, and . I started googling everything that I ate that day! Im just going to quit it, listen to your body when giving! Out of my system physical just to be able to do this constant pain the! Up cigarettes over a year ago thanks to vaping and now its back these people may include,... Search this thread only ; Search this forum only common allergen that causes contact dermatitis an itchy rash appears... 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