Whenever you want to do a water change you can, but always after 8 hours of treatment. That water is about 20 TDS and a low ph. The blistered or oozing eye is a bit more serious and can lead to discus fish death. But crazy me really wants a breeding pair since none of my others want to give me babies. Instead, consider starting with a discus only tank where they are the centerpiece fish. Also, by heating up the tank, their metabolism goes up, you have to feed them more, and then more waste is created. External bacteria are going to build up in a system, whether we want to or not. In the wild, they're known to get even larger. I know the external parasite phrase is true but I am not to sure about the laxative part. Your email address will not be published. a large brood of fry feeding on their slime, the addition of rock salt at a If you test your water parameters with a kit and you find everything is in order and within range, ask yourself if you have added any new chemicals to your water changing routine. Free shipping for many products! If you decide to add salt, completely dissolve it in freshwater before adding it to your aquarium. Sorry to hear you're having problems. If it will burn or irritate your eyes, why would you make your discus fish swim in it? Hole in the Head (HITH) in fish, also known as Head and Lateral Line Erosion (HLLE), is a very common aquarium and tropical fish disease that affects most Cichlids such as Symphysodon Discus, Oscars, and etc. With metronidazole, we mix them in small amounts of water. I respectfully disagree. The amount of salt can vary, depending on what it will be used for and how it would be used. Achintya knows all about discus, so his answer will be the best one. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Used in combination with medication, aquarium salt can help reduce stress while your fish heal from bacterial or parasitic infection. Wait ten minutes until drug has soak into food before feeding. evaporated, salt would build up on the back of the tank, eventually the clump Some fish do not mind this therapeutic use of salt, and some fish do mind it. Now they are both sending time always at the back never really coming to the front to be feb. Salt in a Freshwater Aquarium, an Opinion. You may dose in higher amounts of even one or two tablespoons per 10 gallons. seen it help in any way. They are sometimes referred to as pompadour fish. tank. $30.00 Discus for sale for sale in Hyrum, UT on KSL Classifieds. Your email address will not be published. hm,if you obey our advise,it is forbidden. Is salt aquarium salt safe for newborn guppy fry? You prepare your P.P in solution. hexamita can be caused by many factors, the main causes being stress or the fact that the fish ate something that was loaded internally with a hexamita. Wild discus do live in soft acid water but if they are captive bred then they will be more tolerant of higher pH and hardness. If yes then how much qty? As for tank setup, you can put them in a planted tank, but make sure to find plants that can tolerate high temperatures, such as anubias, java fern, bacopa, sword plants, and micro swords. So don't dump salt, measure out what you need based on your tank size. hm,i use rock salt because here water quality is very poor.it contains bacteria.and you should use rock salt instead of normal table salt which contains Iodine. bath you apply strong solution. Any ideas? Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. so table salt is forbidden although i cant get rock salt ? Otherwise, make sure you have one at home and test frequently, looking for any abnormalities in water parameters. #1. The ratio should be 1 tablespoon or 3 teaspoons per 5 gallons of water. There are a lot of fish is a small tank. Required fields are marked *. Aquarium Salt should be in every hobbyist and breeders tool kit, it's doesn't cost very much and the benefits will help keep your [discus healthy](https://tropicalfish.io/article/106/9-signs-to-spo more than you know. The smaller one I do see on a daily basis. It looks like some of his flesh is hanging out the hole. to large Discus in a 75 gallon. Cincinnati, OH > Buy & Sell > General Items in Cincinnati, OH > Discus and ram fish $1. -- Slightly Cloudy slime coat of fish, acting as prophylactic protection against external In my opinion, salt should be used in a freshwater aquarium only to treat specific maladies. O-Nip is one such product and it works by sticking onto aquarium glass with slight finger pressure to engage grazing fish and other small organisms. Several factors need to be considered, especially if the discus fish has not been eating well or there has been a sudden change in water chemistry. Dont use table salt. The Wallerian doctrine is that the steam engine and the same kind hiding in the lungs or elsewhere. Many factors can lead to your discus fish experiencing poor health, such as stress, poor diet, pre-existing bacterial or parasitic infection ( depending on who you purchased your discus from ) as well as water chemistry or aquarium chemical products. Hopefully you are maintaining your tank and youre never going to see any of these, but if you do, reference this article for some quick remedies. What are your thoughts? Discus fish from Oz. To do this, you can follow these steps: Do a 25-30% water change, refill your aquarium with fresh water, and not add any more salt. In the meantime,visit our boutiqueand build your dream tank today. Is there a specific reason why you want to use salt? Fish need to be isolated and dewormed. You can buy discus from local breeders, fish stores, or even online, but if youve never kept discus before, our best advice is to stay away from the price extremes. 3. If you keep soft water fish such as discus, you may want to do several water changes to remove the salt after treatment. Check Price on Amazon. I have got my 30 gallon painted light blue everywhere but the front. However, theyre notorious for being extremely difficult to keep, with Internet forums often recommending strict practices like 100% water changes every day. All Rights Reserved. Several reasons can lead to your discus fish to develop cloudy eye disease, sometimes even both eyes can become cloudy. The ideal pH is 6.5, but captive discus can also thrive at a pH of 7.8 as long as there's no variation. Reply: Potassium Permanganate (P.P) It is good to kill bacteria and parasites. Should I take one of my seeded sponges out and put in breeding tank? Tank of the Month, Replace the salt that is lost though water changes. #4. Very rarely do Discus fish get tape worms or capillaria, which are other forms of internal parasites. Test your water to make sure your ammonia and nitrite reading are in line. . Im Gabe Posada, and this is a general overview of the most common ailments we see in the discus fish, and how to cure them. Listing this for a friend of mine so please call the number listed. Next up is fin rot. For example, dogs are technically pack animals, yet many people keep just one and then leave them home all day by themselves. This will clean them out and it will . Carbon, or activated carbon, is used as a chemical filtration media. Any way you look at it, Aquarium Salt should be in your cabinet to help treat your discus. Marine Fish Sale; Customer Favorites, Marine Fish . That is why so many of them have such bright colors. salt; Can be purchased inexpensively at a grocery or feed store, and has Its effects are somewhat complex, and salt does not evaporate like water. Textured Outsole throwing shoes, also known as Glide Movement throw shoes, are designed for use in the Shot Put, Discus and Hammer Throw. Epson salt; Which Their ability to deal with it has not been bred out at all. I use a filter system with the RO filter too. With these simple guidelines, youre on your way to having a successful, enjoyable discus tank for many years to come. Invest in an RO/DI system use the best water you possibly can and avoid chemicals when possible. Begin treatment of API Furan 2 as directed on the box. There are two salts I will write about, Rock salt, and Epson salt. What Im I doing wrong Salt is a mineral and can potentially add to the hardness level of your water. Some people will start these tanks up with 10-12 younger discus and allow them to grow. Carbon not needed in filter as there is no carbon filter in the amazon. I will use a neutralizer to bring the ph up to 7.0. External Parasites, External Problems, And Discus Medication. 29. r/Aquariums. The most common symptoms and identifiers that your fish may have this parasite is when the discus is pooping white, they have a hole in their head or theyre thinning out even though theyre eating. Works great as a bath when they're sick. Q: What do discus fish like to eat? Whats the step by step? Other suggestions include frozen or live brine shrimp, live or freeze-dried blackworms, and live microworms. You can use rock/ice cream salt on discus. Discus Thrower. And don't use regular table salt. Welcome to Dennis Discus Fish. is there any effect for fishs organ during10 days treatment? $300. If in case it is eating even a little bit, then add a bit of Metronidazole in the food. Yellow striated - $300. This salt does not contain sodium. HELP. Our large selection includes the popular tropical & freshwater discus fish. I will be ordering the red melon pair on this Wednesday the 13th. Many thanks, Why is my blue discus turning black and looking thin how can I treat it, There are several reasons. Is Cloudy Eye Disease Contagious? Aquarium Salt vs Marine Salt What is the difference in them? Common myths about salt use in Freshwater fish tanks, How long do you have to wait to add fish to a new tank? Finding a trusted and reputable local discus fish breeder is difficult, many now import directly from overseas, from large fish farms, bringing along with them poor health and disease. If you email it will go to mine and I can't answer question on price or . Tetra Colorbits, Hikari discus, etc.) We specialize in the finest discus and discus-related products. Although the cloudy eye disease is not contagious, on most occasions, it is a symptom of poor water conditions, diet or injury. They were always at the front waiting to be fed. $2400.00. Check out this thread and go to #4 post. A PH of 7.4 is not an issue for discus unless they are wild caught, even then it isn't that high. Always Remember It's important to note that cloudy eye disease is a symptom of something else. Salt, Conditioners & Additives Temperature Control Used By LiveAquaria Marine Fish. Discus fish at all. In our experience, both wild-caught and captive-bred discus do well when the pH levels are between 6.8 and 7.6. In order to mitigate this territorial aggression, buy10 to 12 juveniles all at the same time for your 75-gallon tank. Prince Vasili in an inquiring look at it and the conversation he had just reached Braunau had halted half a mile from Shamshevo, to surprise the question much salt fish discus for was hardly anyone in the front door. Standard dose is between one tablespoon for 5 to The hole in the head disease usually starts with small . These are some of the most common ailments you will find in discus fish. Testing your water at the very least weekly will help to prevent swings in the water chemistry that can lead to your discus fish stress levels increasing and compromising its immune system. -- Very Cloudy White Eye White albino butterfly $400. The easiest trick for keeping happy discus is to raise the water temperature. such as bloat or swim bladder problems. What Causes Cloudy Eye? I'm currently giving one of my discus several salt baths a day. If you see the fin rot coming on and the fish starts to look like a sunflower because its starting to lose its fins, it means that theres a buildup of anaerobic bacteria in your gravel or somewhere thats now coming out of the gravel and attaching itself to your fish. The number one reason for this is that they experienced some sort of physical trauma to the eye. Return To: When Do Discus Fish Get Their Color. Get weekly aquarium blog articles right in your inbox. Eight to twelve hours after they have adjusted, you can offer them their first meal. salt will be your best bet discus are fine with salt, even up to 3~4 tbsp per 20l suggested dose is only 1 tbsp per 20l tho Bookmarks. Again, we pretreat with Epsom salt 24 hrs before metronidazole treatment. If you stop eating it is because you have an internal problem. Obviously, the more water changes that we do, the more maintenance that we do, the lower we . The tank should be kept like this for the next 2 weeks after your discus' arrival, while you replace the appropriate amount of salt . In my opinion, salt should be used in a freshwater aquarium only to treat specific maladies. Should we feed fishes? Slight Ammonia/Nitrite Protection = .75 tsp per gallon for 48 hours. Should i add Rock salt to my flowerhorn tank? I have 5 large Disus in 60 gallon and med. Discus enjoy a varied diet of high-quality vitamins and minerals. Salt will not hurt discus at all. When administering, you need to use one tablespoon for every 40 gallons of water. I have tried this several times over the years and have never Join our friendly community of discus collectors! Your Discus should be better in 4 hours or you can add another dose. Keeper's should remember that Discus are social fish and enjoy being in a group. I know, you swear you buy our discus fish the very best food, but what did your discus eat before it got to your tank? While treating your sick fish in a quarantine tank, aquarium salt is an incredible reliever of stress. Make sure that if youve got any kind of wood or rocks in your tank, clean very well around it because these things are breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria. We'll explain your options and what you can expect when buying different quantities of discus. Only the individual fishkeeper can decide, My advice, however, is to avoid known risks. You must have a good water test kit if you are going to keep discus fish. Complete another 25-30% water change. How To Acclimate New Discus When You Bring Them Home, Discus Fish Disease, Symptoms and Treatment Guide, Discus Fish Breeding Guide ( What You Should Know Before Starting ), Best Discus Fish Food for Growth, Breeding and Health. Remember that the purpose of water changes is to remove waste buildup. They only require salt when dealing with a bacterial infection. Discus stands head up looking at the surface, and in some cases breathing heavy. Weve had good luck with prepared foods like Hikari Vibra Bites, Sera Discus Granules, Tetra Discus Granules, and Hikari Discus Bio-Gold. Keeping discus fish has been a hobby and passion since the mid 70's. Breeding and raising thousands of them over the years, I've been able to witness the explosion of exciting new discus fish colors available to hobbyists. Treatment usually lasts 2-3 days but can be . Yes, I know you change your water ten times a day and it's crystal clear. Open the shipping bags and empty the entire contents into the bucket, with up to eight discus per container. Once you get them eating well, consider gradually adding cardinal tetras, Sterbai cory catfish, or maybe a bristlenose pleco. fish are amazingly adaptable. Correct aquarium maintenance is the best way to avoid fin rot in Discus fish. Have the fish swim in the solution for 15 to 30 minutes. DiscusRescue.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Remove the fish promptly and return him to his aquarium if he appears stressed or relieves himself. Discus fish are one of the most beautiful freshwater fish in the hobby, known for their spectacular colors and large, circular shape. as well as wild caught angels and discus. The sick discus fish is then immersed in the saltwater bath for a period of several hours before being returned to the hospital tank. NOT USE TABLE SALT, OR IODIZED TABLE SALT IN YOUR AQUARIUM. JavaScript is disabled. Different formulations exist for freshwater, herbivorous and saltwater fish. As for table salt, I cant say that I have ever used that. Parasite and Swim Bladder Treatment = 2.5 to 5 tsp per gallon for 5 days. For much salt how discus fish. Period. Be prepared after administering the salt to your tank because it will make the fish poop beyond recognition. I have a 75 gallon with 7 discus and a 60 gallon with 5 large discus. Because salt kills bacteria, this will . I drained the tank down to half. Replace a quarter (25%) of the fish tank water on the fifth day. This diet helps the fish pass dead parasites from the intestinal tract. $25 each one 2 for $40 VERY Bright red color under any light. A discus tank requires the water pH to be between 6.0 to 7.8. When you get your fish home, siphon two inches of aquarium water into a clean three to five gallon bucket. Discus are fresh water fish. If theres an external bacterial infection, the first thing thats going to be affected are the extremities, your fingers, hands, etc. I have a lot of driftwood and a lot of hiding places If you have any questions, just keep them coming the way you have been! Most people feed them foods that are way too big, not realizing that discus mouths are quite small. Its not ideal, but its doable. Regards Jan Ikan Pty Ltd, Great big white lump on the face of discus help what is it. Thank you very much in advance. Normally 2 heaping tablespoons of rock salt per 10 gallons of water for 10 days will cure most illinesses. Epsom salt is a magnesium sulfate salt, and when dissolved in water, it forms a magnesium ion (Mg+) and a sulfate ion (SO4-). In this article, we'll first give you suggestions on what read more, The discus is sometimes referred to as the Pompadour Fish, and for good reason! Weve spent many years keeping discus personally at home, caring for them in our fish store, and helping customers be successful with them. In general, yes, Aquarium Salt is very safe for your fish. You will find that your discus will hover over this spot and enjoy some soothing benefits from the salt. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Tearing Down My Established 180 Gallon Wild Discus Tankaquarium To Make It A Saltwater Tank. Maybe the fish were arguing and one attacked the others head, they scratch themselves on something, or got startled. What about when the fish suddenly stop eating? If not can I send 100.00 dollars and the rest on Feb 14th? I use 2 hang on the backs. im new to owning discus and I wasnt sure. A lot of beginner discus owners spend too much time worrying that theyll accidentally harm their discus, instead of relaxing and appreciating their majestic beauty. Aquarium salt or rock salt; Can be purchased inexpensively at a grocery or feed store, and has been used in tropical fish keeping for decades. Epsom salt should relax the digestion system of your Discus along with increasing the heater temperature, so this is essential to have it at home . Several considerations include how large your tank is, how many fish you have, how much you feed them, and how much biological filtration (e.g., beneficial bacteria and live plants) you have. We all get stressed out, but stress can be very bad for your discus, leading to disease or death. Can you put any aquarium salt in the How much salt do i add to a 55 gallon tank? Then, prepare a revival tank. Discus like most of the fish in the Amazon eveloved from salt water fish to begin with. Anything you can do to help these shy creatures feel safe will go a long way in enhancing their health and quality of life. The magnesium ion is responsible for the increase in water hardness, while the sulfate ion helps to reduce water hardness. 20 years I stopped, completely discontinuing its use. They are both bare bottom. Same principal. Epsom salts do not go away once added to the tank and will stay in the water until you change it, so you dont need to replace it unless you do a water change. As they get bigger, youll be able to identify the rowdy males and rehome them back to the fish store. You can do a 55-gallon tank, but then youre forced to do a lot of water changes. (untill you can get the proper meds). If the water pH level is outside this range, it can cause ammonia toxicity. The second day - add Prazi. So, I Due to their distinctive shape, behavior, and bright colors and patterns, discus are popular as freshwater aquarium fish, and their aquaculture in several countries in Asia is a major industry. By the sound of the dosage it may be that you are getting confused with cooking salt. Have you got any suggestions on whether these fish need any treatment? . Contact Us About The Company Profile For Discus Dental, LLC. The ratio should be 1 tablespoon or 3 teaspoons per 5 gallons of water. Gabe, this isnt about illness but I tried to contact you about getting a pair but not until mid-February. Any strong opinions on the ethics of long-fin varieties of fish? pH and salinity for marine aquariums). gave the fry more to feed on. Salt does not hurt discus in the least. Aquarium Salt Dosage Instructions. Visit us online today! Here at Wattley Discus we like to take it up 10 days rather than three days every eight hours to be on the safe side and ensure no parasites return. What causes this is when you eat something and it spoils inside your stomach before your digestive system can break it down, and as a result fills up the stomach with gas. Repeat adding water for 2-3 times with a 5 minute resting period in-between. The reason is because the discus farms we get them from usually keep their waters at these temperatures, and when we try to force them to cool down, it becomes a source of discomfort. 1700 S Baker Avenue. This is me Firas Sameer, the founder of DiscusRescue.com, I am an aquarist guy with a passion and love for Discus fishes, I am learning every day with my hobby at home and sharing the things I am learning from my experience with you. If that happens, it is usually caused by a high organic load. The main advantages of this salt are it is used as medicine for aquarium fishes. After one or two weeks, if all fish remain healthy, they can then be safely added to your existing stock. Live Stock: (12) 5-6" wild discus (1) German Ram (~6) Wild Cardinal tetras (~6) Sterbi catfish (~3) Panda Cory's (1-2) Siamese Algae Eaters (~5) Otto Cats In general, discus are slow feeders, so if you put them with speedy, bullet-shaped fish (like barbs or even huge schools of tetras), the discus will tend to lose that race. This is the best way to resolve cloudy eyes and keep your tanks clean. This entails carrying out frequent partial water changes and properly cleaning the pumps, media, filter materials . All; Albums; Appearances; Awards; In Performance; Press; Uncategorized The epsom salt will help relax the muscles of your Discus, allowing them to flush out the undigested food. See details at ATV Parts and Bodies. Furthermore, if your tanks Ph balance all the sudden crashes, this will also cloud the eyes. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. There are many ways of treating with metronidazole, some will say do a treatment every eight hours for 3 days because the shelf life for metronidazole in water is exactly eight hours. -- Blistered or Oozing Eye No ammonia spikes, or other toxic swings. Join our tropical fish community, post some questions, get some answers and vote for the best posts. link to Tetra Whisper Air Pump for (60 To 100) Gallons Discus Aquariums. Use one or two teaspoons of Epsom Salt per 10 gallons of water. The same thing applies with discus. Subscribe to our e-newsletter to stay up to date on our latest articles, videos, events, and more. It's probably cheaper than aquarium salt. Therefore, the amount and frequency of water changes really varies for every aquarium. Read More: How to Treat White Spots on Discus Fish, document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Mac's Discus, Do Discus Fish Need Salt in Their Aquarium. Nitrite Protection = 2.5 tsp per gallon for 48 hours. In the summer when the weather gets hotter than normal, an air stone can help decrease the risk of having low oxygen levels. i use salt when change water in my 42G tank..my discus just ok with it, I have always used solar salt super cheap and no ill effects with either my rays or discus. I treat it, aquarium salt is very safe for newborn guppy fry dose in higher amounts of changes... To twelve hours after they have adjusted, you need to use salt about but! Want to or not important to note that cloudy eye disease, sometimes even both eyes can become cloudy get! Ro filter too them in small amounts of water changes really varies for every.! Rarely do discus fish is then immersed in the hobby, known for their spectacular colors and large, shape. Cloudy eye disease is a bit more serious and can lead to discus fish get tape worms capillaria... Do well when the weather gets hotter than normal, an Air stone help! 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