This is not the case, of course. Although her creativity and bright expression attract the Moon in Cancer Man, to her, the woman born under the Leo moon is least compatible with him. The cancer moon man values family, and his mother, above all. His quiet ways mean others dont always know what hes thinking or feeling, though, so sometimes he may come across as moody or withdrawn - even when hes not. The Cancer Moon woman is a complex character with the maturity and wisdom of an adult, but the innocence and childishness of a child. They can be very sensitive to other peoples suffering. Cancer Moon, meanwhile, prefers to be more private. The Cancerian moon sign epitomizes the image of the common housewife, nurturing, caretaking, and keeping the peace. Cancer sun Cancer moon man is a very sensitive, shy, emotional human being, who may be a bit sentimental and negative also. You are sensitive and caring. Deeply empathetic and highly concerned about the well-being of others, these men are so giving that they may even forget to attend to their own needs. Those born with the Moon in Cancer are some of the most sensitive people in the zodiac. The cancer man will draw on connections he forms within his family and home environment for his well-being. Some men who ordinarily might not be psychic may find themselves a bit sensitive to such types of energy due to their moon being Cancer. Dont forget that she is always there watching you and taking care of you, even when unseen. You can establish healthier habits, such as eating more healthily and getting adequate rest. By being empathetic, he protects those close to him and ensures no danger befalls them. She loves to nurture others by making them feel comfortable and secure in her presence; it makes her feel fulfilled and valuable. Cancer is a water sign. They dont jump into new situations without first considering the big picture. If youre ready to understand your moon in Cancer man, and if you want to catch him and keep him click here to learn more about Cancer Man Secrets. These people are infinitely able to perceive others' responses to them, thereby enabling them to make calculated adjustments in their behaviors. Fortunately, you may not suffer from this. The Moon in Cancer Man is most compatible with the Scorpio Moon and least compatible with the Leo Moon. The Aries sun Cancer moon man or woman is highly independent and self driven. It can make them more able to handle their emotions and helps them to understand women better. Cancer Moons need to realize their own strength and ability to take care of themselves. You are able to handle roles that your counterparts will be utterly lost in, like love, romance, and parenting. Are you involved in a romance with a man who has a Cancer Moon? Talking about emotions, Cancer Moon people are often uncomfortable with expressing their emotions in front of others. His psychic nature and good insights help him make the correct judgments of situations he finds himself in. She makes an excellent teacher because she is able to take very complicated subjects and break them down into simple explanations. Its often the case that extremely jealous people can become cheaters themselves, so make sure you set clear boundaries about what both of you want from your commitment. If you are a Moon in Cancer Man, you might wonder why you always feel attracted to cosmic nature and harbor curiosity about the universe. He can be playful The Cancer Moon woman is deeply emotional but cheerful and energetic. The Cancer Moon man is quiet, sensitive, moody and intense. Hes also a great friend, and hes the kind of guy that you feel comfortable leaving your children with, should the need arise. Cancers can be incredibly possessive and jealous always fearing that what they have will be taken from them or slip away. However, if he understands that his sensitivity makes him fragile and build a wall around his heart, he will keep off negative energy. But if they leave, she can sink into a morass of self-pity and despair that may last for years. They are emotional in nature and can be moody at times. Cancer Moons are focused on the well-being of others, have a powerful imagination, and are compassionate and caring. They usually enjoy receiving jewelry, especially handcrafted silver rings, cuffs, and pendants. Due to his kind nature, people and animals are drawn to him. As a water sign, the cancer moon man may display constantly changing moods, or rather, moodiness. He can sense danger before it happens and plan to counterattack it. It is exalted in Taurus, in fall in Scorpio and in detriment in Capricorn. The moons influence over the zodiacs fourth sign brings with it sharp intuition, Trait 8. The Cancer Moon likes taking care of people, too, especially family members. She is complex, mysterious and caring. These natural-born nurturers are often found readily spooning mush, changing diapers, and rocking little ones to sleep. She is a nurturer, has great love for their family and friends, very sensitive to others feelings, highly intuitive, strong possessive emotions, and likes to have control over situations in which they are involved. To him, a photo is not just a picture but a million words, feelings, and memories. pintrk('track', 'addtocart'); Cancer men can be mamas boys, so be prepared to meet his (and hope that you pass muster!). RELATED: How Moon Sign Compatibility Affects Relationships. by Ryan Hart | Updated on June 1, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. We are governed by our disclaimer, terms and conditions and privacy policy listed at the bottom of this page. As a man with your Moon in Cancer, you are very sensitive even when you pretend not to care. As a therapist, he can spread his positivity to those seeking help. While many people may look at a certain picture or a piece of art and identify its beauty, he can tell a story using it. Their sensitivity makes them vulnerable in love affairs. As a Cancer woman you could be very generous and faithful to your loved ones. Deeply attached to their family and friends, they will do whatever it takes to help them out. What does that mean? This gives Cancer Moons an innate need to take action in all areas that involve emotions, usually acting as a support system to others. While Cancer Moon responds to everything with their heart, Gemini Moon leads with their heads. Perhaps hes a sturdy Taurus or strong willed Virgo who seems to be a bit more empathetic. She possesses a good memory and can be sentimental at times. Cancer Moon may feel misunderstood in this relationship. Hes The Cancer woman is often described as a psychic sponge who absorbs all the feelings of her environment. If that secret is about to become public, trust a Cancer Sun, Cancer Moon to know a long time in advance. Their biggest challenges are accepting criticism, managing emotions, and dealing with anger. They are quiet, intuitive, emotionally expressive, and empathetic. On the other hand, the Cancer Moon Man should learn to be patient with her and open up to establish trust and connection in the relationship. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. Any man that has Cancer for their moon is going to This placement makes you feel secure staying close to home. Secrets to Understanding Your Moon in Cancer Man, Cancer Man and his 6 Worst Habits Revealed, Cancer Man in Love Will Make You Feel Special - "Weak in the Knees". Its not very common knowledge, but the intense work ethic of a Cancerian man is quite a powerful force. Ready to calculate your chances with your Cancer man? Moon sign traits often hide themselves. ''+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); They care more about their cherished goals and personal relationships. Cancer man himself is here to do that as a life purpose. He is soft, loving, considerate, and nurturing to those he cares deeply for but always remember that those born under the sign of the Crab have a hard shell to protect their vulnerable underbelly, and pincers to protect themselves when they feel attacked. Welcome to my blog about the Aries man. Cancer Sun, Cancer Moon individuals are sensitive and vulnerable to criticism. Maybe hes a hot Aries guy but is also gentle to the touch type of guy with the Cancer moon. However, this sensitivity combines with the ability and eloquence to create an intense and perceptive awareness of the needs and feelings of others. Cancers are one of the most emotional signs of the zodiac. For individuals with this Sun-Moon combination, the inner emotional disposition is one of sensitivity and vulnerability in a world which produces considerable psychological challenges. The music and art helps them to soothe their souls and work at healing in a way. However, the Cancer sign also makes this man caring and compassionate and is extremely passionate when it comes to matters of the heart. They can be miserly penny pinchers when they are concerned about their financial security. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Cancer Sun Cancer Moon. A Cancer Sun Virgo Moon woman is known for being loyal, intuitive, and patient. "Why go out when we could stay in?" My spirit animal is the mighty barn owl. Knowing this nature, people may try to take advantage of him by using those he loves as a tool to manipulate him, for they are sure he would fall for it with no doubt. She enjoys pampering him with love, affection, and attention. It may sound strange, but he is very demanding when it comes to expressing his feelings. In the workplace, these women may secretly crave this sense of security and intimacy, but be afraid to speak up. They protect those they love, and would gladly take a hit for you or someone else in the family without any kind of second thought. At work, in her home environment, and in her friendships she is naturally drawn to healing roles. These men will often wear scents that seem more flowery or sweet than most guys feel comfortable sporting so lavender, verbena and all gourmand scents like chocolate or spice will usually go over well here. There are people you can lie to and get away with it, and then there are those who know you are lying to them even before you utter a word-such as the Moon in Cancer Man. They hate conflict but will never back down from a fight for what they believe in. Often, Cancers attract friends and romantic partners who are overly dependent on them. His empathetic nature enables the Moon in Cancer Man to relate with others without judging them. The Cancer Sun-Moon pairing is made up of two of the most mysterious signs in the zodiac, making it an idealistic one with a highly romantic personality. Some other psychological characteristics of the Cancer includethinking before acting or speakingconsiderate of other peoples feelings and always considerate of others before themselves. Theyre extremely sensitive to the needs of others, and hypersensitive in and of themselves. This sign is all about their own tribe, and sometimes need to be lured out of their shell and their comfort zone in order to really grow. If you have an Aries man who seems to really care or is a bit of a pacifist instead of being an Alpha, his moon may be Cancer. He will want to be in a relationship with someone he can build a home and family with in the future. Because of his extreme sensitivity, he needs emotional support and understanding from his partner. The cancer moon sign is synonymous with nurturing instincts and strong intuition. What It Means If You Were Born Under A Cancer Moon, Sun, Moon & Rising Sign Meanings, Per Astrology, Which Astrology Life Cycle You're In According To Your Age (And Your Ruling Planet), What You're Like As A Wife, Based On Your Moon Sign, Single Mom Marries Her Best Friend So She Can Experience A Wedding In Her Final 3 Months, The Astrology Match That Creates A Deep Soul Connection, How Moon Sign Compatibility Affects Relationships, The Zodiac Sign You'll Have The Best S*x With, Zodiac Signs That Can't Stop Cheating, Ranked From Most To Least Likely, Love Might Be Calling Your Name! They may tell you that youre too hard or soft on your children. The Moon sign system is an insightful way of looking at a persons personality, based on the position of the Moon at the time of their birth. We also feel the need for safety and securityespecially financial securityand as such, our money behaviors shift. At one moment they could be all happy, cheerful, and bright and at the other moment, they will be all sulky, irritable and dull. Ive had women write in about men that are pegged for being cold or stoic. This struggle will get easier as they grow older and, possibly, form a family of their own. Cancers make loving parents but must learn to communicate effectively with their children because children born under Cancer can be moody just like Cancer himself. She is interested in helping others connect with their emotions and feeling fulfilled. Aquarius Moon can be quite out of touch with emotions, unlike Cancer Moon who dwells on their psychological states a lot. By nature, people born under the Aries zodiac are ambitious. Six months of grueling work with no time for fun is doable for them, as long as they have a dangling carrot luring them toward the promiseof lazy days on the beach. Although not overly ambitious with money or success, Cancer Moon men are very protective of the assets they have accumulated. Cancer men have long memories, and never forget once theyve experienced a slight. They are lucky protectors known for their optimistic spirit. Cancer Sun, Cancer Moon women are best known for their nurturing, supportive and kindhearted nature. In their workplace they have the ability to inspire and manipulate people without much effort, even by using the force of their personality. Cancer moon men in bed enjoy classic romance. The relationships between two Aries moon and a Scorpion Sun can be very exciting and fulfilling. The Cancer man possesses many traits that may cause others to perceive them as mysterious. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. They have a strong sense of right versus wrong and do what they can to help others. This is great when it comes to projects that involve making his home look better, ways to decorate, or ways to be artistic. Thats why Cancers tend to succeed in artistic professions. Bonus, the cancer man makes a great host too! These people are very intuitive; they can just sense things about your mood and will give you advice if they think you are having a bad day or if something is wrong with your life. Those with a Cancer Moon in their natal chart will feel their emotional presence profoundly, often without Cancer having to say a word. pintrk('track', 'pagevisit'); He is quite sensitive and a caring partner. He will hold onto passed-down possessions for their sentimental value, even if they are no longer beautiful to behold. However, they need to work on opening up to each other. She is romantic and affectionate with her partner, whether married or not. This is the type of guy that contributes to saving the world one person at a time. For Cancer moon personalities, this is true. Being a stay-at-home dad would suit most Cancer men just fine they would rather be home with the kids, cooking and caretaking, than out being a provider (which they can often take far too seriously). If your Moon is in the sign of Cancer, that means the Moon was situated in Cancer at the time of your birth. Virgo Moon tends to be self-deprecating and could benefit from having non-judgmental Cancer Moon in their life. Once settled, he takes on the role of the extremely protective family man who does everything to keep his loved ones safe. Thats why its not unheard of for this sign combination to coach children in sports. Those born under this Sun sign tend to be sentimental, He is committed to the relationship, will always be there when you need him, and often plays the role of the peacemaker. They often act as if they were living in a world that has already come to pass, meaning they excel at long-term planning. They present themselves as a very serious individual. A Cancer man is usually financially responsible, Trait 6. Theyll often prefer to eat their meals here, rather than stand on ceremony and have proper place-settings and sit stuffily at the table in angular chairs. Most of the time they are dependable and hard-working. As highly sensitive beings, these men view sex as more than just a physical activity. Optimistic Sagittarius Moon will try to intellectualize Cancer Moon out of their moody states, without taking the time to acknowledge their needs. Cancer is the nurturer. Usually excellent cooks, Cancer men prefer eating at home to going out, delighting in simple repast and filling comfort foods like soups and stews. Moodiness is an obvious trait of the cancer moon sign man, Trait 2. In romantic relationships, this sign may hold grudges because of their inability to let go and because of past scars. Cancer men are a pleasure to shop for because they genuinely love receiving gifts and romantic displays of affection especially if you give them something that has special meaning for you. would be a great motto for the cancer moon man. They do best with working for or with good friends, though they will always be most loyal to their significant other and family all other considerations come second. They love to update their decor, as small changes mean big mood changes, and even though they have their favorite things, some new additions are always welcome. Its important to know what your guys moon sign is as it could change the core of his basics. When they are determined to achieve something, no hurdle can shatter their will. Many musicians have Cancer moon in their chart which helps them emotionally plug their feelings into some really amazing music. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Their moods often vary depending upon their emotional climate to the outside world. They adore old things and unusual treasures, especially if they know for certain that no one else has what they have. She has a gift for empathy, especially with people who are suffering. They tend to be highly sensitive, reserved and quiet. At work, these women can succeed in fields that demand detail-oriented work, such as research and accounting. Most individuals with Cancer Sun Cancer Moon personality traits are blessed with good looks, and often use their magnetic persona to their advantage. Hes an affectionate person whos deeply romantic and sentimental too. Using this strength, the Moon in Cancer Man is a problem-solver. Sun in Cancer people are known for loving with all of their hearts. That said, Libra Moon wants an equal, not a parent, so Cancer Moon may have to relent some of their nurturing tendencies to satisfy Libra Moon. He may actually be involved with art of some sort or perhaps music. Besides excelling in writing as a career, it is important to pen down his feelings as it provides therapy since he is not an open person. They are faithful lovers who will do everything they can to When this happens, Cancer Moons will need to distinguish their own wants and take time alone in nature to balance their needs. They want to make sure everyone feels protected and nurtured. Here are the strengths and weaknesses of a Moon in Cancer man. When in love, The Cancer Man is a dedicated lover. Libra Man Cancer Woman Compatibility (11 Lovely Personalities), When A Cancer Man Has A Crush On You (13 Signs), Trait 1. He attracts women like a magnet and will likely have many partners before finding his soul mate. Those born under this Sun sign tend to be sentimental, imaginative, caring and sensitive to the feelings of others. Your first priority will be your mother (or a mother figure) and your family. Being needed enables them to feel that their life has meaning; that they are essential in someone elses life. Though the Cancer moon man can be strong, he can also be very sensitive. This would make some of the toughest signs in the zodiac, seem very emotional or weak at times. It doesnt mean he IS weak, however. It simply means hes not a hard ass and he may not have walls up that other signs typically do. The Cancer Sun Scorpio Moon Man. Cancer moon man is also rather empathetic. Because of their willingness to keep giving, this sign may attract needy people and should therefore have firm personal boundaries in place to protect their energy. In a mean and cruel world, he is quick to absorb the negative energy around him. Relationships should be give and take with plenty of space and independence. The cancer moon male feels most secure and confident in his home environment and will therefore never venture too far out, or for too long. He is creative and full of ideas such that writing is a natural activity for him. When you have a man with a Cancer moon, youll find he wants to stay home more. She is the universal mother and is associated with instinct, emotions and feelings. A Cancer woman feels the pain of others, which is why her love is so powerful. The Cancer man himself is typically one that likes to be somewhat social but holds his home dear. He will do just about anything for them when they need his assistance. Please leave a comment below and let me know. When those same signs have Cancer as a moon sign, they are softer, more understanding, they care more, and they are not at all cold. Capricorn Moon secretly envies this tenderness, but Cancer Moon might be frustrated with their inability to be soft and open. Because of their complexity, they look for stability in their lives. If not, you may encounter a barnacle-encrusted relic of former glory days who fears progress and change. They always want to do better next time around! A Cancer man is usually financially responsible. She wants to be pampered and taken care of by her partner. A career in photography and arts in general best suits the Moon in Cancer Man due to his psychic abilities and natural relationship with the universe. A Cancer Moon womans most prominent traits include their sentimental feelings and desire to be surrounded by their family and friends. Cancerians are the most future-oriented people in the zodiac. The Cancer Moon woman is a highly sensitive and reactive. Cancer men love the beach and are happy to spend hours combing for washed up treasure, or just watching the ebb and flow of the surf. Cooking you dinner and settling in for a night of Netflix may become more his habit than hot bedroom action so that chemistry needs to be stoked, and intimacy kept vibrant with lots of touch and the willingness to always go deeper. Though these signs express love differently, they are well-matched in their caring natures. The Moon in Cancer Man is very sensitive which makes it easy to hurt him. Keep reading to find out what a Moon in Cancer Man is all about. You have deep emotions and love your family. You provide for your familys physical needs, and you want to make sure everyone feels safe and loved. I've managed to go on enough dates to figure out what works, what doesn't, and what'll seal the deal! Your Cancer moon guy is likely very sensitive, loving, and seems to care a whole lot about who you are, what youre going through, and what you need. However, his natal chart indicates that he is rare, and his power lies in his ability to feel the pain in the world. They do not hide their emotions. Moon in Cancer Man Compatibility with Other Signs. Even though smoking jackets and slippers have fallen out of style, you might see a Cancer man rocking this look while sitting in his big cozy chair near the fire. A male Cancers intuition is highly developed, but that can sometimes be limited to people residing within his own den. Like the Moon in Cancer Man, the woman born under the Scorpio Moon is secretive and mysterious. They can best be described as highly sensitive and intuitive individuals who are very compassionate when it comes to the feelings of others. Hes a warm, friendly person who loves the company of family and friends. She is also caring, loving, and nurturing, especially toward her friends and family. His personality allows him to easily develop a closeness with his co-workers that feels supportive and caring. :root{--tcb-background-author-image:url(;--tcb-background-user-image:url();--tcb-background-featured-image-thumbnail:url(;}, Home Secrets to Understanding Your Moon in Cancer Man. They do best when they compartmentalize feelings and subside their worries; otherwise, they may find themselves bogged down on issues that they cannot control. Cancer Rising Man: What Are His Characteristics and Who Is He Compatible with? With a moon in cancer, these Fear of getting hurt, especially in romantic relationships, is also a very real fear of this moon sign. The Moon in Cancer Man is a rare gem in the universe and beyond. You find yourself enjoying activities such as star-gazing and night walks. He really has may great ideas and can come up with solutions like no ones business. You are a special being and lucky that the moon is always watching out for you and filling you with energy. Cancer is about protecting the people you love, and material things really matter to you. As an Amazon Associate I Earn from Qualifying Purchases. The Cancer man fiercely protects his emotions; dont try to delve too much into his feelings. Also, if there are people who are down on their luck but deserving of help and support, then this Moon sign would certainly go out of her way to make them feel happy and contented. They are expert nurturers and flourish when they direct some of their caring qualities to their own self-love. Some men who ordinarily might not be psychic may find themselves a bit sensitive to such types of energy due to their moon being Cancer. It really does open and broaden their capacities as a man. When in romantic partnerships these men seek to nurture and care for but also want to be taken care of. He enjoys drawing and bringing dead pictures into life. Leo Moon has a flair for the dramatic and tends to exaggerate things. They love their family and friends. Cancers can easily get into a vicious cycle of working their butts off for long shifts, and then coming home to collapse and recover before doing it all over again, ad nauseam. Least compatible with Aries Moon, Sagittarius Moon, and Leo Moon. Cancer Sun Cancer Moon people can be quiet, gentle and protective, while also being moody and overprotective. Cancer Sun Cancer Moon individuals are the embodiment of the homebody. Their negative traits include being doubtful, insecure and moody. Your Moon sign reveals your emotional reaction and needs, explaining why you feel the way you do. You are chivalrous but are deeply sensitive and easily wounded. People with this moon sign may seek out beloved childhood places, people, and comfort foods that remind them of their childhood or happy, past memories. Cancers are sensitive to their surroundings, empathetic and caring. These men also want to feel secure in their relationship and value consistency. This is why they tend to do things that are super talented. She has a maternal yet tough personality; she will defend you with her claws when facing danger but will also embrace you with arms of comfort and warmth. Their passion leads them to artistic expression - music, art or poetry - where we can find Cancer at his best. The Cancer Moon woman is an astrological sign that represents the emotional side of a womans character. The Moon in Cancer gives the illusion of being a calm, serene and gentle sign. Our Sun sign, which is what we refer to when we think of our zodiac sign, only accounts for the personality we are striving to be and exhibiting outwardly. Cancers are highly imaginative and creative. These men may struggle to let things go - whether thats past issues, sentimental objects, or beliefs. Bringing home the bacon is taken very seriously for this sign, and their role as breadwinner sometimes forces them into overwork. They have to be in an environment that is conducive to their creative side for the best results when attempting to create or complete a task. A Cancer woman will also shower her partner with attention and love and try to be with him in every possible ways. Understanding yourself fully relies on a careful analysis of all aspects of your astrology birth chart, meaning Moon signs are just as important as Sun signs and even your Rising sign. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.