Once I got to the holy grail of finance I looked around and realized there's no point being here if it doesn't make you happy. A companys Board of Directors would never approve of an acquisition solely because of a merger models output. You might have to do a PF balance sheet build out too, so make sure you know how the debits/credits flow. This is where the firm will probe your thinking and make sure your investment judgement is sound. In this memo, youll be asked whether or not you support proceeding with the investment and why. Its the difference between passively listening to a foreign language and actively practicing by speaking and writing in that language. After completing the model, you may be asked to also leave time to create slides or draft a mini-investment memo. Here, the Purchase Enterprise Value is $1.5 billion, and the PE firm contributes 40% * $1.5 billion = $600 million of Investor Equity. Given comp isn't that far apart, I'd go with GE. Please refer to our full privacy policy. We are private equity specialists, focused on growth-oriented media, communications, education and technology companies throughout North America and Europe. **UPDATE: Heres my completed break down ofSourcing and Mock Cold Call interview questions and case studies. But the best way to mastery this technical knowledge is to learn and practice financial modeling. This usually takes place on-site. //