c) the crust is stronger b) 5 mill c) they can be preserved in ancient tree sap c) past events, such as landslides and earthquakes d) a line that separates the tree from the grasslands on the shaded relief maps. b) the # of electrons a) forces are pushing inward from all directions by the same amount b) for the parent atoms to decay into atoms half their original size c) glaciers depress the land surface which pulls sea level down with it In groundwater assessments, it is the interconnected pore volume occupied by flowing groundwater that is of most interest. b) contamination moves opposite to the direction of groundwater flow e) reaction with acids from decaying plants, which of the following ism\ not a way to form layers in a sedimentary rock? c) nuclear energy from the heated uranium-rich rocks Usually. d) cool air rising from the equator and flowing east and west It fills the pores and fractures in underground materials such as sand, gravel, and other rock, much the same way that water fills a sponge. -20392" aria-label="More on What Is Porosity And How Is It Related To Permeability">Read more</a></p> d) some parts that are reddish and others that are not e) all of the above, Which of the following resources do geologic ages help us explore? For example, to determine the effective porosity of a granular earth material, a sample volume is collected, allowed to dry completely, and then water is introduced slowly to the base of the sample (so that air can escape from the top). . More specifically porosity of a rock is a measure of its ability to hold a . c) hardness e) a and b only, which of the following is not a type of carbonate rock? This determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to the next. c) it ends up as sand in rivers, dunes, and beaches Why is it important to know about porosity and permeability? d) dry wash a) divergent c) how close the river is to the ocean b) they can be buried and decay, leaving a cavity in the rock 3.6 Specific Yield and Specific Retention, 3.7 Interrelationship of Effective Porosity, Specific Yield and Specific Retention, 4.6 Further Investigation of Darcys Law, Head, Gradient and Hydraulic Conductivity, 5.1 Conditions Effecting Hydraulic Conductivity Values, 5.2 Methods to Estimate Hydraulic Conductivity, 5.3 Hydraulic Conductivity Values for Earth Materials, 5.4 Spatial and Directional Variation of Hydraulic Conductivity, 5.5 Hydraulic Conductivity of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Materials, 5.6 Hydraulic Conductivity in Fractured Rocks, 6.4 Properties of Aquifers and Confining Units, 7.2 Governing Equations for Confined Transient Groundwater Flow, 7.3 Governing Equations for Unconfined Groundwater Flow, 7.4 Steady State Equations Describing Confined and Unconfined Flow, 8.2 Determining Groundwater Flow Directions, 8.3 The Influence of Boundary Conditions, 8.4 Analysis of Groundwater Flow Systems, Box 1 Density of Common Minerals, Rock Types and Soils, Box 3 Foundation for Understanding Hydraulic Head and Force Potentials, Box 4 Methods for Estimating Hydraulic Conductivity, Box 5 Equation Derivation for Equivalent K and a 4-layer Application, Box 6 Adding Recharge to the Unconfined Aquifer System, Box 7 Transformation for 2-D Flow in an Anisotropic Medium, Box 8 Deriving the Tangent Law of Refraction. 36. b) compaction 3 Groundwater Occurrence in Earth Materials, 4 Darcys Law, Head, Gradient and Hydraulic Conductivity, Representing Hydraulic Head Distributions, Primary and Secondary Hydraulic Conductivity, The Role of a Water Budget in Formulating Models, Application of Flow Equations (Unconfined Aquifer Flow Between Water Bodies), Example Numerical Application of Flow Equations to a Dewatering Problem, Gradient and Flow Directions in Isotropic Material, Flow Directions at Interfaces of Differing Hydraulic Conductivity, Developing Potentiometric Maps and Cross Sections, Memphis Sand Aquifer, Memphis Tennessee, USA, Unconfined Aquifer in East Helena, Montana, USA, Hydrogeologic Properties of Earth Materials and Principles of Groundwater Flow, Next: 3.3 Primary and Secondary Porosity. a) the glacier can slide over bedrock e) all of these, Loaning of atoms reflects what type of bonding? In the zone of weather called the ____________, pressure always _________ with increasing altitude and temperature usually _________ with increasing altitude. B. . a) to observe the changes in the fossil record e) none of the above, a) the depth to which wave action extends, which of the following can influence weather a shoreline gains or loses sand with time? Anyone can learn for free on OpenLearn, but signing-up will give you access to your personal learning profile and record of achievements that you earn while you study. c) metamorphic Drag the art in the correct order, arranged from the youngest (most recent) at the top (number 1)to the, Which of the following is NOT one of the ways in which hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking", of oil and gas deposits is affecting water quality? c) dunes formed by wind c) rain forests This process permanently decreases the ability of the area to hold groundwater. It cannot hold rainwater for long periods of time. Hydraulic conductivity is generally expressed in meters per day. a) when weakening of an ocean current results in cooler sea temp in the eastern pacific For example, water flowing through a porous sandstone flows more slowly than water flowing through a granite or limestone when the porosity is provided by just one or two narrow fissures. In some permeable materials groundwater may move several metres in a day; in other places, it moves only . e) all of the above are common in deserts, e) all of the above are common in deserts, which of the following is a way that plate tectonics can affect the climate? a) they can be replaced by hard minerals like silica c) the # of electrons in the outer shell Q/A. The stream in this scenario is the location with the lowest hydraulic potential, so the groundwater that flows to the lower parts of the aquifer has to flow upward to reach this location. a) the magma has a low content of gas d) recrystalization of minerals C. A. 4. bringing contamination into previously uncontained wells, well ( from below the water table) C. This dissolution widens cracks into caves or caverns. d) continental shelves along passive margins, how did the South Atlantic Ocean form? creates limitation on future water supply, reduce use of water by all sectors and encourage recycling of water, the unsaturated zone above the water table, the difference in elevation between the highest and lowest parts of an area b) iron ore Free drainage occurs because of the force of gravity pulling on the water. d) south America rifted apart from Africa b) crystals grown in a laboratory d) a sharp contrast between two rock types a) sedimentary Lowers water table/ c) hot water is trapped below the seafloor is released c) unfractured granite Porosity is a description of how much space there could be to hold water under the ground, and permeability describes how those pores are shaped and interconnected. a) there was a lot of gas in the magma d) delta along an ocean or lake b) 100 meters X+YZ. b) a great variety of rock types as clasts c.Rocks with rounded grains generally have a higher porosity than rocks with angular grains; for instance, example (a) has a higher porosity than example (c). a) millions of layers of light-and-dark colored sediment that record yearly cycles a) curly crystals of frost that form early in the morning All Rights Reserved. Most simply, the aquifer's porosity and permeability (defined above) are variables that govern its hydraulic conductivity and storativity. a) a spreading center to a transform fault Porosity or void fraction is a measure of the void (i.e. e) all of the above, Tornado Alley is a region in the U.S. comprising: Much groundwater is used for irrigation. b) Mt. e) both a and c, Which of the following landscape features is not common in deserts? c) a lake can gain water if it is lower then the water table in areas adjacent to the lake 34. b) volcanic eruptions The amount of water that a rock can store depends on its porosity, which is the proportion of the volume of the rock that consists of pores: The principal factors that control porosity are grain size and shape, the degree of sorting (a well-sorted sediment has a narrow range of grain size), the extent to which cement occupies the pore spaces of grains and the amount of fracturing. b) recycled waste water b) coarse granite e) asbestos, which of the following largely determines an atoms atomic weight ? 5. collapses pore space and The unsaturated zone, immediately below b) scattered stone (dropstones) in fine grained sediment c) the rock broke apart as it flowed b) rapids These asymmetric membranes showed that high flux is largely due to their exceptional thinness and porosity (Feria-Daz et al., 2021; Loeb and Sourirajan, 1962). d) flooding b) lithosphere a) a line that connects the peaks and valleys of an area Enrol and complete the course for a free statement of participation or digital badge if available. a) offshore sand bars that have become coastal dunes a) a weak current A contaminant enters the ground water, it flows along with the water and disperses within the water and forms this down gradient (downstream) of the point of entry. . 1. stop input and let nature remove it - easy but slow b) rapid seafloor spreading displaces water from ocean basins c) ice and snow that are permanently in motion d) all of the above, which of the following is true about how a lake can relate to the water table? b) ice and snow that exist throughout the entire year b) all the rocks were depoisted with the youngest on the bottom a. LiF\mathrm{LiF}LiF will have a higher vapor pressure at 25C25^{\circ} \mathrm{C}25C than H2S\mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{~S}H2S. In most cases, total porosity values reported for uncemented granular material and rocks with wellconnected pores and fractures can be used to represent effective porosity. a) transport of the clast over long distance Which of the following is NOT true about the water table? c. Cl2\mathrm{Cl}_2Cl2 will have a higher boiling point than Ar\mathrm{Ar}Ar. b) traveltine what is the likely porosity and permeability of pumice? can hold water. b) fills d) ionic bond, The most important class of rock-forming minerals on Earth is: d) gray granite (a)-(d) show vertical sections 1 cm across, (e) and (f) are 1 m across. d) a rising plume of hot mantle material, Which of the following features is associated with a subduction zone? c) a longshore current c) Co2 gas from roots with a depth of 1 m, and a surface area of 1 m 2) contains 0.150 m 3 of water (e.g. a) all rocks were originally deposited horizontally b) near the poles a) a hurricane or cyclone is occurring d) volcanic activity releases Co2 and water vapor that can cause atmospheric warming e) all of the above are source of material in soil, e) all of the above are source of material in soil, what is the main force involved in the stability of slopes? c) for half of the parent atoms to decay into daughter atoms b) the water table intersect, or is higher than, the surface in many lakes b) linear island chain This is common in limestones, which are dissolved by acidic rainwater and groundwater: immense caverns may be formed by this process. d) movement of water is restricted to rainfall and rivers c) confined c) a change in color b) a gradual decrease in the strength of the current over time c) a rise in sea level during the day because of an increase in storms d) they can be too small to see but can build diagnostic features in the rocks It is written as either a decimal fraction between 0 and 1 or as a percentage. Groundwater moves from areas where the water table is low to areas where the water table is high. e) metamorphism, A rock is subjected to differential stress, then it means that: The volume of water that fills the void spaces is assumed to represent the volume available to flowing groundwater, VI. e) all of the above can be, which of the following is a common metamorphic process? b) igneous b. HF\mathrm{HF}HF will have a lower vapor pressure at 50C-50^{\circ} \mathrm{C}50C than HBr\mathrm{HBr}HBr. a) shallow seas that are relatively free of suspended sediment e) none of these, which of the following is not one of the main families of rocks? Groundwater Basin The underground area from which groundwater drains. c) topography 6. induces land subsidence, 1. creates a slope The distribution of natural resources is influenced by the: Which layer in the earth is similar in composition to basalt, a dark lava rock? a) deforming objects into new shapes e) poorly sorted sand, silt, and clay, In a material that holds groundwater, porosity: 1. the number of conduits or pathways between pore spaces, layer that separates a water resource (aquifer) in the earth so that the water can't get through it, groundwater that is accessible as a water resource, A material of low porosity and permeability that greatly slows the movement of ground water, A body of rock that will not transmit water at all, The boundary (top) of the saturated zone of groundwater and the unsaturated zone, top of the groundwater system The cement in consolidated sedimentary rocks occupies what would otherwise be spaces between the grains, so a cemented sandstone, for example, will be less porous than a loose sand with grains of similar size. d) a and b only d) the upper part of the ground that remains frozen throughout the year, d) the upper part of the ground that remains frozen throughout the year, what rock type is the most common setting for caves formed by dissolution of a rock? a) steepness of slope What is a main way surface waters become groundwater? b) climate and vegetation It is also possible that, when saturating the sample, some connected pores that are dead-ends will be included in the measurement and some will not (Figure 9). d) in a subduction zone or accretionary prism, sudden movement of a fault can cause a tsunami when: water table is not as great as the overlying land, the water table intersects the ground surface, -Surface topography Round particles will pack more tightly than particles with sharp edges. d) prevailing wind direction c) creep e) none of the above, The deepest parts of the seafloor are Porosity is more associated with storage of water, while permeability is more associated with groundwater movement and flow. b) sunlight e) none of the above, b) large cross beds in a well stored sandstone usually indicate deposition by wind, which of the following is most likely to occur at shallow crustal levels? b) most erosion along shorelines occurs from offshore currents (2010). Groundwater is the water found underground in the cracks and spaces in soil, sand and rock. b) shallow continental seas A soil moisture content of 150 mm/m. a) ductile behavior b) the amount of sediment in rivers c) a line that connects all the high points on a topographic map Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences, 2(1), 39-43. Groundwater is used for drinking water by more than 50 percent of the people in the United States, including almost everyone who lives in rural areas. lowers the water table, 1. cone of depression d.Estimate the porosity of the sediments in Figures 14a to d, selecting a value from the following ranges for each: less than 10%; 10-20%; 20-30%; 30-40%. What is a possible way to increase permeability? Groundwater . d) compression that buckles the crust forming the ridge Therefore, the higher the original porosity, the more easily the rock was affected by dissolution. For most rocks, porosity varies from less than 1% to 40%. d) Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio The porosity of rocks describes the rocks' capacity to hold water. c) the upper parts of the glacier can fracture c) convergent d) whether water runs off the land or sinks into the ground a) along the equator Study with us and youll be joining over 2 million students whove achieved their career and personal goals with The Open University. Measurement of Coefficient of Permeability of Soil 6. b) house fires Strictly speaking, some tests measure the "accessible void", the total amount of void space accessible from the surface (cf. For each numbered arrow in Figure 2, here is my geology question These figures show the eight planets of our Solar System. pressure causes water to rise on its own, an imaginary surface that defines the level to which water in a confined aquifer would rise were it completely pierced with wells, pressure surface is below ground level D. all of the above Which of the following is true about how a lake can relate to the water table? a) S waves c) beach along and ocean or lake This research deals with the detailed physico-mechanical and petrographic investigations of Early Eocene Margalla Hill Limestone at Shah Alla Ditta area Islamabad that aims to explain its microfacies and engineering properties. e) none of these, Which of the following would not be considered a volcanic hazard? b) precipitation refers to minerals coating sand grains with natural cement Porosity ultimately affects the amount of water a particular rock type can hold and depends on a couple of different factors. If there was no pore space in the 10 cm3 sample the final volume of water would be 110 ml. a) salt Porosity is the amount of free space within a material. c) the position of the hydrogen atoms on one side of the molecule Porosity determines the amount of water that a rock or sediment can contain. e) none of these, d) are composed of lava flows, pyroclastic material, and mudflows, The most dangerous type of volcano is a: b) crystals of salt and other minerals that exert outward force on fractures Pore spaces may be formed due to the movement of roots, worms, and insects; expanding gases trapped within these spaces by groundwater; and/or the dissolution of the soil parent material. d) water is pulled by gravity of the moon a) stills Hydrogeologic Properties of Earth Materials and Principles of Groundwater Flow Copyright 2020 by The Authors. The volume of void space is 2 ml (2 cm3). c) as a general term to describe how, something such as a landscape has changed over time b) the magnetic properties of hydrogen b) a pyroclastic flow a) water pressure a) uplift and weathering 38. . (Hide tip)]. Some rocks have pores that are not part of active groundwater flow paths (e.g., some voids in vesicular basalt); pores that are dead ends (similar to a cul-de-sac on a street map); and pores with extremely small connections such that even water molecules do not easily pass, as is the case for some pores in clays. b) rotation of minerals into a common orientation For a rock to be permeable and for water to move through it, the pore spaces between the grains in the rock must be connected. tilting - tower of Pisa a) mid-ocean ridge Igneous and metamorphic rocks generally have very low porosity, because of their interlocking crystals. c) the surface area increase as the rock is fractured It prevents most groundwater from circulating. d) all of the above It is defined as the ratio of the volume of the voids or pore space divided by the total volume. a) effervescence Unconsolidated sediments with rounded grains of uniform size (i.e. d) all of these b) working of clasts by waves on a beach b) a depth equal to three times the wavelength of waves with a depth of 150 mm = 0.150 m and a surface area of 1 m 2 ). It originates as rainfall or snow, and then moves through the soil into the groundwater system, where it eventually makes its way back to surface streams, lakes, or oceans. 3. may lead to contaminations form pollutants, Occurs if water is drawn out of aquifer and replaced with air. e) all the above, which of the following is true about how shorelines are affected from the water side? a) a change in mineral comp d) a fault on land has a large displacement Tens to thousands of cubic meters of earth materials are often sampled during field-scale tests. After dissolution, porosity was greater than before dissolution, increasing by 0.140%, 0.038%, 0.042%, and 0.126%, respectively . 6. attract more contaminants c) dolostone Ground Water Occurrence 2. d) smaller and more angular b) turbulence of the water is less important than the temp, which affects viscosity Figure 14 illustrates how porosity varies with the degree of sorting and with the grain shape in unconsolidated sediments (sediments that have not been compacted or cemented). e) both b an c, what is the main cause of high and low tides? Hydrogeologists classify these aquifers based on two main qualities, the porosity or free space between particles in the aquifer, and permeability. Reveal answer Consolidated (compacted and/or cemented) sedimentary rocks, and igneous and metamorphic rocks are usually less porous than unconsolidated sediments ( Table 1 ). d) the rock cooled slowly c) waves can erode, deposit, or simply transport sediment What is the nature of the water table? Porosity is usually stated as a percentage of the material's total volume. This is referred to as secondary porosity, to distinguish it from the intergranular, or primary, porosity. a. number of atoms in 25.7gAl25.7 \mathrm{~g} \mathrm{Al}25.7gAl C. b) thermal expansion e) none of the above, b) the fault suddenly uplifts or downdrops the seafloor, which of the following types of faults does not generate earthquakes? a) rock avalanche Geology question these figures show the eight planets of our Solar System know... Measure of the following would not be considered a volcanic hazard metres in day... This determines how easy it is for water to flow from one pore to next! From one pore to the next ) most erosion along shorelines occurs from currents. To as secondary porosity, because of their interlocking crystals common metamorphic process in a material that holds groundwater, porosity... Tornado Alley is a common metamorphic process a rock is a measure of void. 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