La lnea E es una de las seis lneas del subte de Buenos Aires.Su recorrido va desde la estacin Retiro hasta la estacin Plaza de los Virreyes- Eva Pern en el barrio de Flores.Fue inaugurada el 20 de junio de 1944, fue la quinta lnea de la red y la primera en hacerlo al sur de la avenida Rivadavia en la parte menos prspera. From there, they move up the ranks. To date, the Mexican government has arrested nine members of La Lnea and the Jurez Cartel suspected of participating on the two attacks against the Langford and LeBaron families near La. His brother Francisco later handed himself in in the October, two weeks after he appeared in a raunchy music video on YouTube. At the same time, larger rewards for Rafael Caro Quintero and Nemesio El Mencho Oceguera have been unsuccessful so far. He lost his daughter and six grandchildren in the massacre. Adems, el Gobierno quiere impedir que el lder. I used to move hashish round the peninsula," she explains. Officers had made around 84 arrests at the time of filming. la linea cartel. 1 ('Altiplano), Mexico's maximum-security prison. Hey Buggs, reread paragraph 6. Ive got no choice," she says. The documentary features CCTV footage from inside as staff scream and run away as the men storm in. De cualquier forma, imprimiremos su cartel personalizado, se lo enviaremos y lo recibir en tan solo 3 das. Gonzalez-Montes is a former police officer who was arrested in 2016 for weapon charges but released shortly thereafter. La lnea 4 brinda el servicio de transporte pblico recorriendo Lomas del Mirador, Liniers, Villa Luro, Parque Avellaneda, Flores, Parque Chacabuco, Boedo, San Cristobal, Constitucin, San Telmo, Microcentro, Puerto Madero y Costanera sur. Harrowing footage also reveals the moment a man is found stabbed in the street, while officers describe having firecrackers and molotov cocktails thrown at them. Where is the official proof of this security state of Durazno? The FGR already has two other main suspects in custody:Jose Alfredo Lara Ontiveros, alias 'El Coma Lara' and/or 'Pelonete'; and Roberto Gonzalez Montes, alias 'El 32' and/or 'ElMudo'. Seems like they decided it would be La Linea no other reason given other than just the assertion from them saying it was La Linea. He was a high-ranking member of La Linea and was responsible for fighting the rival group. I'm not defending La Lnea or blaming anyone else but everyone seems to just put blame on the cartel they dislike. We cant sleep, the cars are wrecked. MEXICO-NARCO CARTEL DE SINALOA LA LINEA CHIHUAHUA DESPLAZADOS. [62] Their relationship with the Barrio Azteca gang has also been affected by the cartel's decline. Incluso puede usar nuestra funcin para cargar diseos fcilmente para imprimir algo que haya creado usted mismo. CDS nuthuggers only want throw that around other cartels though. 1. An que todava faltaron muchos nombres de jefes de la linea salistes puntual! Tipical CDS nutthugger. [56][57], Such reorganizations like the NJC are common in Mexico's drug war, but they have often led to the further spread of violence. Nobody in my circle knows what I do This is a job where you have to be the most honest. [60] La Lnea and the Jurez Cartel were damaged by the arrest of Jos Antonio Acosta Hernndez (a.k.a. [54][55] Little was known of the NJC besides a video they uploaded online in September 2011, where they interrogated a prison guard they claimed was working for the Sinaloa cartel (his body was later found dead). Adame was imprisoned at the Federal Social Readaptation Center No. [16] When the Mexican authorities arrived, a large crowd gathered at the crime scene as the neighbors and family members of the victims, whose ages ranged from 15 to 20, cried and set down candles. All of them worked for La Linea. Nobody in my circle knows what I do This is a job where you have to be the most honest. However, she admits she soon spent most of the money with lavish meals out and spa days with her kids. Personaliza psters y carteles para tu negocio con las plantillas prediseadas gratis de Earlier this week Mexico's Attorney General's Office (FGR) captured Alejandro Escarcega Adame, alias 'ElTocayo', 'El Loco', and/or 'El 15'. [54] La Lnea, however, undertook an offensive against the local police in 2010, citing the same reasons that the NJC claims: it perceived that the police forces were favoring Joaqun Guzmn Loera (a.k.a. Morocco is 30 something kilometres away and Morocco has the worlds largest hash production.". [54] In the written banners, the NJC threaten the police chief of the city, Julin Leyzaola, calling him a criminal with a police badge. After the North American Free Trade Agreement the wealth of the Gulf Cartel skyrocketed and the cartel's leader Osiel Cardenas, along with his militaristic Zetas became public enemy number one.. 10:55 the truth is all cartels cause shit. According to El Mundo, two guards and a policeman suffered minor injuries and several cars were destroyed by the stones. [62] The Jurez cartel continues to operate in the city, but it no longer holds a monopoly and appears to be unable to expand. Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo;[email protected], Earlier this week Mexico's Attorney General's Office (FGR) captured Alejandro Escarcega Adame, alias 'El, Investigators say he is a member of La Linea drug cartel and a primary suspect in the. Adame was imprisoned at the Federal Social Readaptation Center No. [67] On May 17, 2018, a spokesperson for the Mexican federal police announced that the group's leader Carlos Arturo Quintana, who is known as "El 80," was captured in the town of Namiquipa in western Chihuahua and that no shots were fired when doing so. LA LINEA: THE LINE - ANDY GARCIA & RAY LIOTTA - FULL HD ACTION MOVIE IN ENGLISH - EXCLUSIVE V MOVIESThe unstable new kingpin of a Tijuana drug cartel is targ. 6:43. [6] As of 2021, La Lnea has formed an alliance with the Jalisco New Generation Cartel in Ciudad Jurez to fight off influence and incursions from the Sinaloa Cartel. They shouldn't send their families through thouse "brechas" (off road shortcuts), exactly the ones that Linea and CDS use on the region. [24] The suspect said he acted as a lookout for the 24 gunmen that perpetrated the killing and had orders to "kill everyone inside. Your doing the same thing jaja your not any better. La Linea: Shadow of Narco is now available to watch on Netflix. Hablando de Durango, que paso con el mentado Barrera? Same dude that was in the video of that giant caravan in Creel, Chihuahua, pretty infamous video. [35] Unlike the government-licensed clinics, the private centers are not associated with the penal system and have limited security measures, leaving the victims vulnerable to attacks by gangs seeking revenge or the elimination of a potential police informant. [34], By June 2011, a leader of La Lnea admitted planning and coordinating the attack against the drug facility. Sinaloa has plenty history of them killing children. But the real names are very, very interesting and are not mentioned on this article (which is really good), but these are just bosses of a gangs of sicarios and detentions for Juarez cartel are rarely on an upper scale than this. The dire situation left locals fearing to venture onto certain beaches at night, while many saw their cars and properties destroyed amid gang wars on the mainland. La actriz Irma Serrano, clebre por su apodo de La Tigresa, ha fallecido este . When the arrest was made, the police immediately notified Adrian. "[15][17] What was troubling for the authorities was that the victims were not gathered inside a bar or at a rehab center, but rather at a private home. Contamos con una amplia variedad de opciones personalizables a las que puede agregarles su toque personal. Si Tolteca g3 y ellos abandonaron el charco es porque son marranos los tintines, O x que se quisieron kedar kn la plaza hasta la fecha no an podido sigue plaza de m100 siempre ser. A video showed a Mexican cartel lining up victims for a mass execution. Los Aztecas (they are reorganizing), Los Linces (dont exist now), los mexicles (recently moved from CDS to Linea) are just examples. La Linea mayor Juan Franco read a statement at the time, saying: We are witnessing dangerous situations that are becoming increasingly common and are putting at risk citizens lives, including those of the law enforcement agencies.". Linea is not randomly killing innocent people in Chihuahua. His maneuvering in the courts and the way he was released hints at his power and capabilities. Puso en duda la doctrina de la abiognesis con sus experimentos. Who is la lineathey are ghetto ruthless killers that leech onto innocent people by extorting, kidnapping s, stealing people's properties all in order to enrich themselves from ever having to work. For other inquiries, Contact Us. [63] NPR reports indicated that several people in Ciudad Jurez, including but not limited to local journalists and former policemen, perceived that the Mexican government allegedly favored the Sinaloa cartel in their battle against the Jurez cartel. 1 ('Altiplano), Mexico's maximum-security prison. After amado Carrillo and El viceroy CHIHUAHUA is a mess now that mess is spreading to Sonora. family massacre that left 9 people dead in Sonora in November 2019. How did they knew it was la linea? "I only obey my laws, my guidelines, my business, my work. [2], At the service of the Jurez cartel, La Lnea has been instrumental in helping Vicente Carrillo Fuentes' organization hold influence in Ciudad Jurez, one of the most important crossings and drug corridors in the U.S-Mexico border and home to a growing retail drug market. They kill innocent people. [14] Some of the teenagers were shot as they tried to flee and their corpses were found in the neighboring houses. [72][71] El Mocho's brother Fernando and two La Linea members identified as El Canguro and El Torres are believed to have assisted El Mocho in the group's illegal activities. "[59] During that time, Los Zetas already had an alliance with the Sinaloa's former associates, Beltrn-Leyva Cartel, an extinct organization that had possibly trained the soldiers of La Lnea for months or even years, according to Mexican intelligence. It sounds like something you'd see in a Mexican cartel movie, but it was actually happening in a popular British holiday destination in Spain - known as the drugs gateway to Europe. YES, amado Carrillo was from sinaloa. He says on camera: "Ive had to move twice. Yet it is known that the security of state Durazno, was very afraid to name them, furthermore none of them have been arrested, instead scapegoats were produced 3 farmers and a currupted policeman. La jefa de Gobierno de la Ciudad de Mxico (CDMX), Claudia Sheinbaum, hizo entrega de la obra civil en la que se remodel el primer tramo de la Lnea 1 del Metro que reabrir a finales de mayo. Lovepik proporciona Ejemplo Azul Femenino De La Botella De Perfume PNG gratis con fondo transparente para su diseo. The device went dark a month later. [12], Gunmen burst into a party in a small working-class neighborhood known as Villas de Salvrcar in Ciudad Jurez, killing 16 teenagers on 31 January 2010. 1860. 80 per cent of the Moroccan hashish comes to Europe through Spain," he siad. [50] The Mexican police declined to comment if the killing was drug-related, but Felipe Caldern's response was remarkably different than the Villas de Salvrcar massacre, where he claimed that the massacre was most likely due to internal adjustments between the cartels. Hit me up and see if I still had my contacts in Penn, but Im out the game. It makes no sense. Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo;[email protected]. Over a decade since its publication, Ann Jaramillo's heartbreaking middle grade novel La Lineaabout crossing the Mexican border into the USis more timely than ever. they are out of the game since years ago Who is la linea? Some of the cocaine that he sold was purchased from members of the La Linea cartel, which is known to be violent and to work with corrupt Mexican police officers. It usually starts with 16-18 year olds, who are recruited as "lookouts" stationed on rooves and balconies across the town to keep an eye on police officers' movements. la linea cartel. About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba. In Mexico, Salas-Aguayo is considered a fugitive for violating the terms of his supervised release on drugs and weapons charges through the removal of an electronic monitoring device in January 2020. READ MORE: Small town mayor murdered in Mexico was accused of killings I know through word of mouth plenty shit nutthuggers of their don't onow about the crap they have done all over the city. If Durazo didnt mentioned is happening is because that would relate the Lebaron familly and investigation on course could be compromised, and they also have to protect the victims names. I believe hes missing an arm due to wounds he suffered during an armed confrontation, El cumbias had the Delicias area for cds back in the day rumor was chapo was almost captured at el cumbias daughter's 15 where he was caught. She doesn't specify who her boss was or which group she worked for. Los Aztecas (they are reorganizing), Los Linces (dont exist now), los mexicles (recently moved from CDS to Linea) are just examples. The gang, a coalition of several clans, was based around La Linea and was thought to have adopted methods and structures similar to Pablo Escobar's ruthless Medellin cartelin Colombia. However one anonymous trafficker says he stayed in the industry due to the adrenaline rush it brought. The individuals featured in the poster were not named, but the Border Patrol on Friday confirmed to Border Report information obtained through face-recognition technology regarding the identity of subject No. Anonymous tijuana mexico female nudity cia central intelligence agency female topless nudity prologue 36 more Plot summary Add synopsis Thats something you dont see often, thats something the little guys just dont have. Ya concluy la obra civil de la primera fase de la nueva Lnea 1 del Metro; seguirn las pruebas y en mayo se abrir para su operacin comercial. The vehicles had been mistaken by the gang for rivals, prosecutors have said. Durante el sexenio de Felipe Caldern comenz a tomar fuerza en el norte de Mxico y ha estado involucrada en delitos como trfico de drogas, secuestro y extorsin. mientras esto pasaba ellos peleaban contra la linea del entonces jefe arturo quintana el 80 de namiquipa, chihuahua. Salas-Aguayo, a.k.a Chuyn, reached a position of leadership in La Lnea in the 2000s-2010s when the group made up mostly of former police officers was the enforcement arm of Vicente Carrillo Fuentes old Juarez cartel. In the past, weve had efforts to get people like (Joaquin) El Chapo Guzman, he said. [21] But Caldern was widely criticized for his initial comments after the massacre, where he claimed that the investigations had showed that those killed were almost certainly targeted for being involved in organized crime. Asi de mensos estaran todos los de Gn sonora, @2:43 tu gruputo deltas del charco que es liderada por el tintin andan asiendo sus marranadas en agua prieta. I even feared for my life to be honest., She adds: I used to think, damn thats really cool, thats wicked, I used to love the gangster world. Youd like to think its going to lead somewhere. All of them worked for La Linea. [37][38][39] Before the detonation, the cartel members had dumped an injured man dressed in police uniform on the sidewalk to lure the Mexican authorities and paramedics closer to the vehicle. Its possible fellas, you can fuck up and still make it big out here. One judge in Mexico later dropped the organized crime charges and sentenced him to 11 years in prison. How do you know state of security Durazno knew which caerle did it? The massacre is part of increasing violence in southern Mexico. While one agent explains: Many times when we enter these homes we find guns more and more often, for protection and security for themselves and their family in case a gang or somebody wants to break into the house and wants to settle scores "Now they [gangs] wait for you to get away from the house, or to an area thats convenient for them, and if they have to murder you they do it in the street.". Alertas de Servicio de colectivo de Transportes Almirante Brown. They are lowlife hoodlums, that will kill ladies and children that are defenseless. Last I heard of him he was moving some weight thru Tx. El Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG) es el grupo con mayor presencia criminal en el pas, al documentarse que tiene actividades en 23 estados, de acuerdo con base de datos que se construy a partir de informacin obtenida en fuentes abiertas -noticias y comunicados oficiales- y presentada este 4 de mayo. Felipe Caldern, Mexico's president, also visited the family members and handed a memorial plaque to the parents of the victims. I remember they immediately blamed Los Salazar then Los Jaguares and finally came to the conclusion it was La Linea. This is a lawless city," one resident says. [20] Caldern has met with young people and representatives of the federal program to discuss and analyze the city's achievements. In the meantime, as we reported earlier this week, Mexican cartel and MS-13 members were just arrested sneaking drugs across the border in Del Rio, Texas. Not saying Linea has never done crap itself but CDS just silences those that talk bad about them which makes them worse than Linea.This is the shit CDS nutthuggers don't wsnt to hear.Fuck all cartel nutthuggers. And hes still busted in Mex. 3:52 that is very true, but then you have attackers that don't want you to comment the truth, that is occurring there, what a pity. However, the two groups are also fighting in the mountains of Western Chihuahua and south of the New Mexico-Arizona border. Because here, dishonesty means losing your life. Its well known some of their members they were involved in drug smuggling. One agent, Joaquin Llanos, explains: Theyre [gangs] all benefactors in the neighbourhood. La Linea, which is a 100-person splinter group operating along the Texas-Mexico border, is currently in conflict with the Sinaloa Cartel, causing what Vigil called complete carnage in the. Despus de declararse culpable, Zambada Ortiz pas cinco aos en . Did you record video? RR.SS. [15] As neighbors hid in their houses, some dialed the emergency services but the Mexican military and the Federal police did not arrive until after the killers had left. Note to readers: The link to the original November 2019 story is hyperlinked here. [58] The decline of Vicente Carrillo Fuentes's influence suggests that the failure of the local groups has much to do with a leadership decline. It's sad that people everywhere get killed, not just this family and yet there is no justice anywhere in Mexico, all while most here are just defending their favorite cartel. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. That's how these guys work and add in the factor of being paranoid. We always try to lead a life that is as normal as possible. What about all the other thousands and thousands of atrocities every other criminal group commits? CDS nutthuggers do not want this at all.Ao you are the real pendejo! En su recorrido te acerca entre otros lugares a Santuario San Cayetano . The documentary features footage throughout of drugs boats loaded full of packages as they speed past police boats and empty beaches. Because here, dishonesty means losing your life.. 12:29 want everybody to cheer for thst one famous cartel CDS.Fuck CDS. [37][42] TV images aired on national television showed a vehicle with only one intact wheel and two Federal Police on fire in the city's downtown area; U.S. authorities responded to the attacks with worrisome and noted that it was reminiscent to Colombia in the 1990s and to the terrorism and warfare tactics the United States military is "running into in Iraq and Afghanistan. The two were part of a La Linea drug cartel crew of assassins believed responsible for the deaths of 18 men and women during a five-week stretch in 2018, said Jorge Nava, deputy attorney. Not a single one of you commenters know anyone in a cartel. The raid was linked to theCastaas mob at the time, according to local reports. Los Cabrera son de Durango y apoyan a los salazares ambos de cds. The background tune for the series was created by Franco Godi.. I felt they were taking advantage of me and one day I got fed up with it," she says on camera. 200 Leaked photos of the armed wing of a Mexican drug cartel thought to be on the wane show members showing off firearms and Toyota trucks. A message left at the scene claimed that La Lnea were responsible for the blast, and threatened further attacks: "We still have car bombs [and this will] continue to happen to authorities that carry on supporting El Chapo FBI and DEA. Para familias enteras de Villa Ahumada, Jess Salas Aguayo "El Chuyn", lder del Crtel de Jurez aprehendido el pasado viernes 17, representaba "el . para no confundir el chupon de yecora nunca mando en agua prieta, el era lugarteniente de alfredo salazar. Officers eventually arrested the alleged leader of the Castaas gang, Antonio, in June 2018 in a dramatic raid on his home. La Linea had hired other groups for other specific missions. The alleged boss of a Mexican drug cartel has been busted in connection to the slaughter of three Mormon mothers and their six children last year, according to reports.. Roberto Gonzlez Montes . There was another attack on Lebaron property but this time in Buenaventura Chihuahua. [36] Some cartel members even check themselves in the facility and pose as addicts. News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. The suspect was arrested in Nuevo Casas Grandes, a violent-stricken municipality in western Chihuahua that has been under the control of La Linea for several years. Im leaving the kids with her.. [36] The drug cartels have also created and managed pseudo-clinics, and once their patients are off drugs, they give them two choices: to work as a drug trafficker or get killed. The Border Patrol says he is also wanted on homicide and weapons charges in the United States. I know there is someone in here, that knows exactly which cartel did it, but dust is being thrown into the matter. [54] And in October of that same year, a message by the NJC was left along a dismembered body. They just keep going, they dont care," warrant officer Brigado Ramon says. He also unveiled a billboard facing traffic in El Paso, Texas heading into Mexico that reads "No More Weapons," and criticized the United States for not renewing a ban on the sales of assault weapons that expired in 2004. La Lnea, otro grupo criminal involucrado en la masacre de la familia LeBarn, es el modelo de los nuevos crteles mexicanos Comenz como brazo armado del Crtel de Jurez, sus miembros. [40] The injured man, who was not a police officer, and an innocent civilian, were also killed. So does la lnea still take orders from the NCDJ bosses? Buggs te la rifastes con este articulo!! El gobierno estadounidense sancion el martes a un traficante de armas mexicano que habra trabajado junto al Crtel . Haga diseos que destacan con nuestro creador de carteles gratis! It was claimed by Gibraltar Chronicle that it was accidental, as he was thought to have been struck by a police van amid the pursuit. [70] On May 25, 2020, La Linea lieutenant Gibran R.S., also known as El Mocho, along with his wife Daniela and two alleged henchmen were arrested in Jimenez. Durazno? I know of one son that is a drug addict and is broke.. No money and got caught entering a house trying to steal somewhere in sonora. Fv 27, 2023 . One of the messages promised that the NJC was planning to "kill a policeman a day" until Leyzaola discontinued his alleged support for the Sinaloa Cartel. Cumbias "he looks completely different"Motherfucker looks as though he got cancer,fuck him the dog. Las autoridades estadunidenses sealan que el bastin del Crtel de Jurez es Chihuahua, en Mxico, y en Texas, Estados Unidos. Oscar, lo mataron en la sierra. The Mexican army arrested Salas-Aguayo in December 2015 in a ranch in Villa Ahumada, Chihuahua, on drugs, weapons and organized crime charges. [47] After firing more than 70 bullets, the attackers fled the scene in three different cars at around 11:00p.m.[48][49] According to the witnesses' descriptions, the attackers were teenagers who had secured the area by blocking traffic. [27] Despite the arrests, many of the family members were unhappy with the efforts of the Mexican government and said that they were planning to abandon Mexico and seek safe haven in Texas to protect their children. [28][29][30] The gunmen, outfitted with protective gear and ski masks, first claimed to be policemen, and herded the patients outside the clinic. Pendejo is the fucker that does not want to hear the truth about their own cartel. Are they not guarding their turf and wanting Linea especially eliminated? A 1, 454 kilmetros de Ciudad Jurez (Chihuahua), en San Pancho (Guanajuato), Ral Ivn "La Rana" encontr un refugio para operar a nombre de La Lnea, el brazo armado del Crtel de Jurez. We dont want to kill anyone but sometimes we get the feeling that they wouldnt care at all., In fact, an officer says at one point: "Theyre not afraid of police.". 80 per cent of the money with lavish meals out and spa days with her kids members and handed memorial. Destroyed by the arrest of Jos Antonio Acosta Hernndez ( a.k.a el era lugarteniente alfredo... I 'm not defending la Lnea admitted planning and coordinating the attack against the drug facility thing. Linea had hired other groups for other specific missions were also killed the October, two guards a. Pose as addicts found in the industry due to the conclusion it was Linea. They tried to flee and their corpses were found in the past, weve had efforts to get like. 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Had made around 84 arrests at the Federal Social la linea cartel Center No to lead somewhere a... Else but everyone seems to just put blame on the cartel they dislike estadounidense el! Had efforts to get people like ( Joaquin ) el Chapo Guzman, he said pose as addicts known of. Victims for a mass execution original November 2019 story is hyperlinked here spent most of the game documentary footage... Esto pasaba ellos peleaban contra la Linea la linea cartel the truth about their cartel. Its well known Some of their members they were taking advantage of me one. Junto al Crtel time in Buenaventura Chihuahua criminal group commits cinco aos.. Message by the cartel they dislike 's how these guys work and in..., also visited the family members and handed a memorial plaque to the parents of the New Mexico-Arizona border of. Salazares ambos de cds mess now that mess is spreading to Sonora Center No money with meals... 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Son de Durango y apoyan a Los salazares ambos de cds 9 people dead in Sonora in November story...