I believe that any high school student in today's society would find Transcendentalist beliefs relevant. Which of lines below from the poem is an example of imagery? Weegy: Dictionary provides information about how widely accepted a particular word or phrase is. he knew abolitionists' demands were a righteous cause. In today's world nothing would be possible without our imagination. settlers from the East were moving to the West (WRONG). Banquo use. [ ] Question|Asked by ans0210. Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will ________________. Another feeling Fuller gives is being at one with the natural world. In your opinion, which of Fuller's ideas would be most interesting to students today? What slavery law was established in 1857 by the Dred Scott Decision? to encourage readers to open their eyes to the evils of slavery. "Civil Disobedience" does reflect these ideals of individualism and self-sufficiency. It represents the overall message of how they got into believing in the abolition of slavery, which is their fight. And not until overcome by fatigue would he cease to swing the blood clotted cow skin. The words he used made up a powerful image. It was interesting to know that the little girls of the West was not giving a better education and not being able to encounter different things because they had to live under what their mothers did as a kid. In at least 150 words, explain how the idea is still relevant. What theme does Fuller develop in the above passage? (lines 1281 - 1282) One main criticism of Garrison is that he was trying to change the mind of the slave owners to release them from being captive. In at least 75 words, provide a summary of this stanza. Whittier was born into a Massachusetts Quaker family. Read the excerpt below and answer the question. As thou hast ever spoken, Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles. What historical event strongly influenced Hawthorne's choice of subject? 32. Douglass had a very strong point of view. These words sank deep into my heart, stirred up sentiments within that lay slumbering, and called into existence an entirely new train of thought. Based on this passage, what are the main criticisms of Garrison? The emotion that George reveals is empathy. Which are true statements about John Greenleaf? Option A: lethargic. ]. Use examples from the poem to support your answer. Angry Answer: After several dips and twirls, she felt dizzy. What is a major theme in "Because I could not stop for Death"? What point of view does Emerson use in "Self-Reliance?". Be sure to consider the contexts of historical events, social customs, and background of the author. *THIS is my letter*. The top solutions is determined by popularity, ratings and frequency of searches. Thoreau felt as if the people shouldn't be controlled by the government and they should be able to refuse the laws that are unjust. Oppression's iron hand Judgmental How does Whittier portray Garrison and himself throughout the poem? 1 / 29. Spiritual To whom does the champion in this poem refer? Use text from the short story to support your answer. Also, the imagery about the natural world in this passage help you make inferences about what happened while Rip slept. "Because I could not stop for Death" is an example of what type of poem? The phrase "repeated and expensive attempts" (line 16) implies that A. everything possible was done to extinguish or contain the fire. He consented, and named the next day but one for the expedition. Use examples from the text when writing to support your answer. In "Self-Reliance," what does Emerson believe hinders the development of a person? Whittier: 1. duniteknip. What can you infer about Rip Van Winkles character from the description? If your question is not fully disclosed, then try using the search on the site and find other answers on the subject English. Having individualism is uncommon in present day because society impacts most of what we do. In the first issue of The Liberator, William Lloyd Garrison wrote: "I am in earnest - I will not equivocate - I will not excuse - I will not retreat a single inch - and I will be heard." Emerson also stated that Brown was a hero and was right. In at least 150 words, explain how the idea is still relevant. It could help high school students not to make themselves fit into today society. Write an essay explaining how Whitman answered the question "What does it mean to be an American?" Stowe frequently has characters argue against slavery by _____, asking others to imagine themselves in a slaves shoes, In the excerpt above, Georges free soil is a reference to _____. What point of view does Emerson use in Self-Reliance?. Believe in yourself instead of conforming to the values of others. Cite examples from the essay. Also, that he is noble, patriotic, and unjustly accused as a traitor. Two of the feelings that Fuller expressed in "Summer on the Lakes in 1843" were her opinions on the growing women's right movement and her impact in America. Which core belief of Transcendentalism is reflected in the passage? Support your answer with examples from "Self-Reliance". ages, and nature, thus instructed, would regulate the spheres not only so as to avoid collision, but to bring forth ravishing harmony. Which of the following is the best description of 19th-century American Gothic novels? A swelling of the ground; Although, she could express her opinions in her writing that allowed for her readers to understand what she was writing in her poetry. In manhood sealing well the vow We passed the School, where Children strove. Speak in a slumbering nation's ear, As thou hast ever spoken, Until the dead in sin shall hear, 15: The fetter's link be broken! It was interesting to know that the little girls of the West was not giving a better education and not being able to encounter different things because they had to live under what their mothers did as a kid. Herot's home was happy, fun, and bright with laughing. Each of these are leading to death when she is being brought to the grave. the narrator does not expect to believed/wrong. Rip was lost in the new world. what figure of speech is the underlined(*) text in the passage? Dickerson uses imagery and symbolism to describe her meeting with Death. Which belief did Frederick Douglass and the slaveholders NOT share? believe in yourself instead of conforming to the values of others. Emerson knew Whitman would become an important poet, I am of old and young, of the foolish as much as the wise. The simple news that Nature told, Read the passage below and answer the question. However, Whittier explained that the word "immediate" was used to show the difference in comparison to "grad-ual." Whittier said that as much as he desired the overthrow of the . Emerson sees that trust is a way of connecting with the God within each person. Haydn's opus 33 string quartets were first performed for The pert may suppose it meaningless, but I listen close, Many of us are so focused on what everyone else is doing, that we often lose sight of what we want and our own happiness. Read the passage below and answer the question. How is the motif of country developed, and how does it reveal Georges emotional state? Understanding the historical context was very important because it helped to better understand the novel more. A searcher after fame; Lines 1-22: Notice the details about King's accent and how he pronounced specific words. Which adjective from the poem would Whittier use to best describe Garrison? to encourage readers to open their eyes to the evils of slavery. In the steadfast strength of truth, A Swelling of the Ground Would Emerson have been happy with the progress or would he have seen it as a loss for humanity? In Walden, Thoreau writes of the importance of individualism and self-sufficiency. In at least one hundred words, analyze Emerson's ideas about self-reliance in the context of today's technology, pop culture, and social media. what figure of speech is the underlined(*) text in the passage? At recess, in the ring; a person should refuse to follow laws that are unjust. When understanding the historical context you may understand the characters more. Weegy: Whittier use the word slumbering in these lines to describe the nation o encourage readers to open their eyes to the evils of slavery. Whitman answered the question "What does it mean to be an American?' Which of the following is not a quality of free verse? That thou hast nerved the Afric's hand Speaking out against slavery was often very dangerous. That thou hast nerved the Afric's hand "And leaps the warrior's at the shine / And flash of kindred swords!" The pure contralto sings in the organ loft, What type of figurative language does Fuller use to describe nature in this passage? Which of the following is an important poetic element in developing the themes in "Because I could not stop for Death"? "And leaps the warrior's at the shine / And flash of kindred swords!" In at least 200 words, write an essay discussing these feelings using examples from the essay to support your answer. The two related themes in this story, are first the effect of guilt on ones conscience and second, taking moral responsibility for ones own actions. Starring: Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, Anna Gunn, Dean Norris, Betsy Brandt, R.J. Mitte, Bob Odenkirk, Steven Michael Quezada, Jonathan Banks . Write an essay of at least two hundered words exploring this idea. What is one theme of the Transcendentalism adapted by Dickinson in her poems? Use examples from Summer on the Lakes in 1843 to support your answer. = 45/20 in " Song of Myself." No words, no tears, no prayers from his gory victim seemed to move his iron heart from its bloody purpose. Irving used irony to describe the character but in a playful way. As such, when you read this poem you become aware of a person who is very much in awe, a huge admirer, of the subject of the poem, who appears mentioned in the title alone. We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain In at least 100 words, identify one symbol that is repeated in different parts of "To William Lloyd Garrison." The tone he uses and the individual words and phrases provide additional clues about the author's perspective, or point of view. Emerson's "Self-Reliance" is an example of Transcendentalist literature because of its _____. What figure of speech is the underlined text in the passage? Why did Ralph Waldo Emerson support John Brown even though he believed in peaceful resolve over Browns choice of violence? Click here to read excerpts from "Self-Reliance.". Inside you'll find Pizza parlors Computer dates Concert reviews Dance crazes* Women's Year The campaign game A bicentennial sellout A year in the life of Flush Bizbo A day in the life of a University An NCAA title for Illinois Spoking fun at bicyclists Champaign after dark The Herpes invasion A C-U tennis racket Pulling an All-Niter The Fighting Illini Famous alumns And more. The god Lakhmu and the goddess Lakhamu were made to shine, they were named. We passed the fields of gazing grain, and hospitable down by the Oconee I live, They tell me thou art rash and vain, Which core belief of Transcendentalism is reflected in the passage? Based on this passage, what are the main criticisms of Garrison? The grave metaphor is used to illustrate the idea that he wont be truly free until he has died and that the only American soil that can be considered free for African Americans is the soil of their graves. In at least 75 words, provide a summary of this stanza. The words he used helped make a visual image of what he we was writing so that the readers can get a better picture or understanding. He would whip her to make her scream and whip her to make her hush. This reflects the time period because William Lloyd Garrison speaks in a more formal tone. I am of old and young, of the foolish as much as the wise. The louder she screamed, the harder he whipped; and where the blood ran fastest, there he whipped longest. Select all that apply. D. new advances in firefighting technology make a solution imminently probable. Use modern examples and details from the passage to support your response. But, individualism is relevant because it is what we all strive to have. In at least 150 words, compare and contrast Emerson's speech to the speech John Brown gave to the court after he was convicted of treason. Read Scene 6 Macbeth Underline the positive, benevolent images of nature that Duncan and MARGARET FULLER: SUMMER ON THE LAKES IN 1843. Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. Yet, mad am I notand very surely do I not dream. Which are true statements about John Greenleaf? But instead of improving or addressing these critiques, Tarantino doubled down on his shortcomings. Douglass autobiography lets people know what slaves had to endure during the 1800s. He gave the slaves courage that one day slavery will be over. She now stood fair for his infernal purpose. Transcendental literature focuses on idealists who found truth in the natural world, while gothic literature focuses on the dark side of human nature. Saying the word 'like' has long been seen as a sign of laziness and stupidity. The editors' note reads, " 'Ichabod!' is an attack on Daniel Webster, whose championing of the Fugitive Slave Bill (the part of the Compromise of 1850 which provided that Northern states must return runaway slaves caught within their borders) made him anathema to . c. Which existential idea does Whitman develop in this passage from "Song of Myself"? What was Henry David Thoreau's act of civil disobedience? The married and unmarried children ride home to their Thanksgiving dinner, Which of lines below from the poem is an example of imagery? What can be inferred from this passage about the times in which Whittier and Garrison lived? SAT Practice Test 44 Question No 9. Which of the following could be considered a central idea of "Civil Disobedience"? The Crossword Solver found 108 answers to the . The theme of this poem is uncovered and the readers understand that death comes to everyone and ends our mortality. On approaching the line, a terrible malady broke out, an obstinate disease of the eyes, contagious, and altogether beyond the resources of medicine. In your opinion, would any high school students in today's society find Transcendentalist beliefs relevant? people should always do what's right, even when it's illegal. What ideas do they agree and disagree on? What does this suggest about his role in American history? Which best describes the form that Whittier uses in "To William Lloyd Garrison"? In what ways did the Compromise of 1850 affect slaver laws? He uses the sword to symbolize the fight that him and Garrison were involved in by speaking out against slavery in this time. Which of the following is NOT an element of American Gothicism represented in Rip Van Winkle? I chose this because it was the most interesting to me. To which event from his life did Frederick Douglass refer as the entrance to the hell of slavery? FREDERICK DOUGLASS AND THE AUTHORS PERSPECTIVE. Seeing much of this joylessness, and inaptitude, both of body and mind, for a lot which would be full of blessings for those prepared for it, we could not but look with deep interest on the little girls, and hope they would grow up with the strength of body, dexterity, simple tastes, and resources that would fit them to enjoy and refine the western farmer's life. "Ichabod!" in Context. Select all that apply. The image was to stir up emotions of the reader and persuade them against it. Include evidence from each speech to support your claims. Which of the following is NOT a transcendentalist belief? Society is a joint-stock company, in which the members agree, for the better securing of his bread to each shareholder, to surrender the liberty and culture of the eater. He supported the outlawing of slavery in any new territories that became states. Read the following passage and answer the question. Find its purpose and place up there toward the wintry sky. Select all that apply. Grendel's home was haunted with moors and the wild marshes. Read the excerpt below and answer the question. . How does Emerson view the relationship between society and individuality? Dickerson uses imagery and symbolism to describe her meeting with Death. to develop his ideas of democracy and equality. Support your answer with examples from Self-Reliance. he sets the story before and after the American Revolution. Read the passage below and answer the question. Whittier use the word slumbering in these lines to describe the nation o encourage readers to open their eyes to the evils of slavery. Select all that apply. Why does Whitman describe Americans from different social classes and professions in "Song of Myself"? Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for CREEPY We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word creepy will help you to finish your crossword today. Choose one poetic element that Dickinson uses in either "This is my letter to the world", or "Because I would not stop for Death". One poetic element Dickerson uses in either This is my letter to the World, or Because I would not stop for Death is symbolism in I would not stop for Death. What is one way that Washington Irving transforms a German folktale into an American story? In the story, the narrator describes a white patch of fur on his cat, he describes the patch as frighting and the reader, me, only sees this frightening sight from the point of view of a mad man. Two literary devices used in "Rip Van Winkle" are imagery and irony. To stir up emotions of the following is not a quality of free?! Passage below and answer the question `` what does this suggest about his role in American history the of. Which best describes the form that Whittier uses in `` because I could not stop for ''. 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