He lived in Roma, Lazio, Italy in 42. Or are you a faithful believer like the SON OF JONAS doubting nothing and not gainsaying the Holy Ghost, God's High Priest? These sailors were not faithless, but believed Jonah. Jesus was introduced to Simon by his brother Andrew ( John 1:42 ). Why is he also called the son of man? Take good care of my sheep, Jesus instructed. It is only permitted to be duplicated for personal, charitable, and non-commercial purposes. Place them in a circle around the first circle, with their backs to the first circle. Matthew 26:33-35: It is written, In response, Peter stated, Even though all men are offended because of thee, I will never be offended because of thee. Jesus wasn't asking because He didn't know the answer. Son of Jonah and brother of the apostle Andrew, his birth name was Simon (or Simeon). Simon and Simeon is the birth name given to Peter. You can read about our cookies and privacy settings in detail on our Privacy Policy Page. Peter was saddened when Jesus questioned him, for the third time, Do you love me? Peter didnt know how to respond. This served as a nice reminder to them that nothing they could do on their own could compare to what Jesus could do through them. "Yes, Lord," he said in response. Peter blurts out things without thinking; he jumps out of the boat in enthusiasm and when he checks himself, he sinks. Peter is the Greek form of the nickname given to Simon by Jesus. He brought him to Jesus. Do you love Me more than you love these fish? Jesus asks them, and they respond affirmatively. Christ is replying to Peter Blessed are you Simon, son of the Living G-d, Christ parallels what Peter declares to Him. .iconbox.av-av_icon_box-a22fa75bb57220ef977faa75a45be58c .iconbox_icon{ . Bibliography Information Orr, James, M.A., D.D. First, Peter feared that Jesus doubted his sincerity and repentant heart. Greek: transliteration: Petros. Home; Blog; Bible survey. Simon was not Jonah's son but at two different times. He has been rejected by Israel, crucified, buried, and then resurrected from the dead. While on the boat, a huge storm broke out, and Jonah was thrown overboard and swallowed by a big fish. [Aside: In my Revised Standard Version of the Bible, the words that Jesus exclaims after hearing Peters answer to his question, are Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! (This is Hebrew for Simon, son of Jonah.) I like the sound and the cadence of Simon Bar-Jonah! Jesus spoke those words after Peter confessed that Jesus is the Christ, the promised Savior, the Son of God. There is no respect of persons. Simon was the first disciple that Jesus called to follow him. Why? His earlier name was Simon ( , G4981 ), a common name among Greeks . Simon Peter's surname. It is assumed by most people that this means that Simon was the son of someone named Jonah. How much food did Jesus produce? We hope to see you as a part of our community soon and God Bless! He responds, Yea, Lord; thou knowst that I adore thee, he says. Jesus asks the same question a second time, but this time we do not have the more than these qualifier linked to the inquiry. Waukesha, WI 53188-1108. As we will see, there is a logical progression to what has been discussed here. There are two hypotheses to account for this difference: (1) Ionas (Jonah) in Matthew 16:17 may be simply a contraction of Ioanes (John); (2) Peter's father may have been known by two names, Jonah and John. According to others, the phrase more than these alludes to the other disciples of Jesus. Simon of Cyrene (Gadara or from overseas) was found on the land: a landman Copyright 2023 PJMedia.com/Salem Media. (See also John 21:3) Things, on the other hand, were about to change. The New Testament states that Andrew was the brother of Simon Peter, and likewise a son of Jonah. Simon was a priest not so much a fisher (but closely related to); Fishermen is military class of royal blood; Zebedeus and sons. Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. Simon Peter (Simon son of John/Jonah, given the name Peter, Petros, or Cephas meaning "rock" by Christ) was a spiritually complex individual. Rocks are of this earth. Simon Peters father and that Jonah only shared a common name. "I'm sure you're aware of my affection for You." "Feed My lambs," Jesus instructed. Holman Christian Standard Bible And Jesus responded, "Simon son of Jonah, you are blessed because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father in heaven. I read Shem Tovs, Hebrew Matthew. Prior to meeting Jesus, Peter worked as a professional fisherman. For three days and three nights, Jonah was in the belly of a fish crying out to God. 0 responses Share Inviting your sign-holders to stand up and hold their signs is a good idea. You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. } In the reverse role the SON OF JONAS was always catching and eating the fish, Matthew 4:18-20, but it was the Son of God who stayed in the heart of the earth three days and nights for salvation of more than just himself, Matthew 12:39-41. And he tells them, Follow me, and I will create you men who fish for men. And they immediately left their nets behind and followed him, they said. Personally, I am not a fan of the first scenario, which involves the disciples. Possibly, the Hebrew form of the name was Yohanan and Jonah is an Aramaic abbreviation, while John is from the Greek form of the same name. According to the chapters opening words, these would be the fish, which would refer to the fishing business that Peter had returned to after ignoring his duty to Jesus Christ. Peter was having a terrible time with this. AREAS OF MINISTRYLearn about the many aspects of WELS ministry work. As Christ said years earlier, he was to be a "fisher of men.". The author points out that John uses the agapeword-group (in various forms) around 37 times (including Jn. And without a moments hesitation, Peter said, Yes, Lord,.you are aware of my affection for you. Afterwards, Jesus gave him the order, Feed my sheep. (See John 21:12-15 for further information.) (Ahead of time, distribute signs to a number of children across the room.) Where are we reluctant to go and reach the lost for Jesus? A good answer provides new insight and perspective. Therefore, he was angry because God did not destroy them, and he asked God to destroy himself instead, Jonah 4:2-3. As a result, here on the shore, Jesus provided Peter with a chance to demonstrate humility when He inquired as to whether Peter loved Him more than the others. Jesus uses the equivalent of Peter's family name, Simon Bar-Jonah, which would literally mean "Simon, son of Jonah." Making specific reference to Peter's father emphasizes the point Jesus immediately makes about that knowledge. The variation possibly reflects "the well-known custom among Jews at the time of giving the name of a famous patriarch or personage of the Old Testament to a male child [i.e., Simeon] along with a similar sounding Greek . Words take on meaning in the context in which they are used, and dictionaries merely summarize the ways in which words have been used in the wide variety of circumstances in which they have been employed. John 21:15-17 The New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) 15 When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?". While this may be true, the name does not serve this function in the NT contexts in which it occurs. The Blessed Trinity has made their choice of Peter. The Morning Briefing: Lori Lightfoot Goes From Historic First to Historic Loser, The Day Your Doctor Wont Treat You If You Arent the Right Kind of Patient Is Closer Than You Might Think, Insanity Wrap: The Correct Take on Scott Adams, We Need to Talk About Mark Levin's Interview With Ron DeSantis, MONDAY AT 3PM EASTERN: 'Five O'Clock Somewhere' with Kruiser, VodkaPundit - Replay Available, LOL: White House Official Shares Tweet From Biden Showered With His Daughter, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. phim [rocks] used at Job 30:6; Jer 4:29 ), and the combination We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. Barrett, on the other hand, isnt having any of it (p 584), and he uses the parallelism from earlier in John to defend himself: Anyone who truly loves (agapao) me will follow my instructions. As in Simon, son of Jonah. This question is repeated twice more, and each time Peter responds with a declaration of his love for the Lord, and each time the Lord entrusts him with the exact same pastoral commission as before. Why did Jesus tell us to cast the net on the right side of the boat? It is not from earth but from heaven. Simon fathered the flock; as a priest / temple servant and aspirant (assisting) fisher All of this is referred to as dwelling in Him. He got the name "Peter" when Jesus said he'd build his church on this rock. Does the devil have power to make us sick? I would be more than willing to explain why I endorse the second optionthe fishif you are interested. Simon Peters father was John or Jonah. Lets say his name was Jonah. We go away from our Father and come back again, we forget and remember. Come and dine with us, Jesus says to them in verses 12-13. Every time Peter answers to Jesus query with the term phileo, he is expressing his affection for the Lord. This was a display of arrogance and self-centeredness. "Know ye not that so many of us were baptized unto Jesus Christ were baptized unto his death? Cephas is the Aramaic form of the . It is useful when we read through the Word to note locations where events take place and then to look at other parts of the Bible where those locations and names are also mentioned. It is incredible how quickly the Good News can spread! } Nicodemus sought the kingdom of heaven, as Joseph of Arimathea and Mary Magdala. When Jesus addresses Peter, he refers to him as Simon, son of Joannes each time. JOHN 21:15-1715 (John 21:15-1715) Consequently, when they had finished their meal, Jesus asked Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than those who are with you? Yes, Lord; You are aware of my affection for You, he said. He chooses not to talk because he believes that speaking would be detrimental to his character, which is pure, righteous, just, loving, merciful, kind and incapable of deception. Because God is sovereign, he is aware of all occurrences and will never be caught off guard by any of them. Apostle Simon Peter Cephas ben Jonah was born in 0001, in Roman Empire as the son of Jonah and Joanna. 1:42, 21:15-17) The proof that Jesus, in referring to Simon as the son . Simon, son of Jonah, the narrator says (John 21:15-17). Mark and Luke tell us he was coming back from the country. And looking at him Jesus, he said, you are Simon, son of Jonah; you will be called Cephas (meaning Peter). Virgo is the Queen of the North Because it was almost the length of a football field, they were unable to identify who it was. What is the best way to go about determining this? For lack of a better phrase, they have Jesus questioning Peter, Do you love Me more than these other disciples love Me? After all, they argue, Peter had declared that no matter what others did, he would always be devoted to Jesus (Matthew 26:33), Others contend that the term more than these refers to the fish. Fishing with a rod and reel was not the type of fishing that you and I would normally perform. They werent even able to offer breakfast for their families. However, there are several significant problems with this interpretation of John 21. You may put your confidence in a sovereign God. Dont think of discussion as a battle to be won; instead, focus on the issue at hand rather than the individual involved. Feed My lambs, he instructed him. You shall be called Cephas (which means Peter). Cassiopeia was the vain wife, Andromeida the manly daughter of Cefas. He got Peter to tell him three times that he loved Him!