Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument (33 degrees 22 minutes) is located in a rugged and isolated region about 60 miles west of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Anyone research the safetest high elevated locations around the world on the 33rd parallel? We hope you'll feel free to share in the conversation. We hope you'll feel free to share in the conversation. In the Tibetan Book of the Dead, it speaks of the thirty-three heavens ruled over by Indra and the thirty-three ruled over by Mara The Temple of Solomon was a cube, measuring thirty-three and third feet; we once more turn to the Bible to read: Thus David, the son of Jesse, reigned over all Israel. Weeks later, the nuclear bomb was dropped on the 33rd Degree Parallel, at Nagasaki, Japan! Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study. 9, p. 239]. 15. The goal is the appearance of Antichrist. The number 3 (as well as 33 and 333) are often associated with important occult dates and/or ritual practices and events The Georgia Guidestones are located on the 33rd parallel. 5. (Michael Glickman - crop circles) 12 12 is the first abundant number. 24. a. Astonishingly, using the three most significant Freemasonic . In fact, no wheelbarrows or draft animals were ever used. . The Second World War began in the year, 1939. Spanish explorers named the range Estrella (star) after the pattern of deeply carved canyons radiating from the summit. [55] This display of lights videotaped by scores of people in the Phoenix area was possibly related to the earlier sightings. Babylon was the predominant city in the ancient world during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II. These degrees symbolized the re-entering of the womb in order, after the three times three months of gestation, to be reborn into the world of Spirit-consciousness.. We shall continue eastward to encounter other significant ancient sites along the same parallel. The name of this city state is derived from the Greek ta b blia, which means the book, or bible. Indeed, the invention of a Phoenician alphabetic phonetic script occurred here and eventually spread to the Greek world. X (Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1979), p. 223. For instance, the first Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, was established in 1801 at Charleston, South Carolina. The 33rd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane. These figures formed in the desert by removal of darker pebbles to reveal a lighter undersurface are sometimes hundreds of feet in length. as the militarily expansionist pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty. According to ritual Freemasonry, XXXIII is considered sacred because in most cases there is no higher degree or level to which a Mason may aspire. . Curiously, reports also stated that the continents of the Earth were etched upon its surface. A continent was reputedly the size of Europe. - What are lines of latitude and longitude and what is the mysterious 33rd Parallel? The Number 11 was a most powerful occult signature underlying these events. Called the Solomon Lodge No. For all this, God has historically brought each pagan nature and/or culture into severe physical judgment, destroying them completely. To order his book, go to:, Article from,, The 33rd Parallel - Masonic Line of Death for Psychic Energy, Phoenix: Masonic Metropolis in the Valley of the Sun, Freemasonic Order of the Golden Centurium. (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6 = 16) They literally believe that numbers possess inherent power, all their own. 25-27. 124-125. after the nukes He was the 33rd President and took over for FDR Who became President in 1933 & died in Warm Springs Georgia on the 33rd Parallel. Thus, Satan had his men on both sides of the Atlantic: Black Magick Hitler and White Magic 33rd Degree Mason, Roosevelt. This mountain known as Newberry Peak lies at the most southern tip of Nevada about 35 miles north of Needles, California. In more recent times Babylon played a significant role in the rituals of Freemasonry and continues to do so. The parallel is part of the horse latitudes. Boma Johnson, Earth Figures of the Lower Colorado and Gila River Deserts: A Functional Analysis (Phoenix, Arizona: Arizona Archaeological Society, 1986), p. 107. Now, let us examine the power the Satanist believes resides in 33 and 333. An Archaeological Sketch of Moundville, Dr. Vernon James Knight, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Alabama, Museums Curator of Southeastern Archaeology, Moundville Archaeological Park [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web,; accessed 8 February 2002. 554-556. The artifacts found include copper bells and macaw feathers from Mesoamerica as well as shells from the Gulf of Mexico and the California coast. Numbers are a key to the ancient views of cosmogony in its broad sense, spiritually as well as physically considered, to the evolution of the present human race; all systems of religious mysticism are based upon numerals. 42. a. The Great Pyramid was built in Egypt by masons at a location not far south of 30 degrees latitude and on 31 degrees longitude. Emil W. Haury, Prehistory of the American Southwest, edited by J. Jefferson Reid and David E. Doyel (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1992, 1986), p. 45. The mysticism and curse of 33rd parallel. Smith, Smiths Bible Dictionary, p. 714. The tyre is less than 20 miles north of the 33rd Parallel. Thread starter Sapphira805; Start date Today at 1:08 AM; Today at 1:08 AM #1 Sapphira805. Three Rivers Site is also unique because it is one of only a few places in the Southwest that were used primarily for rock art rather than it being merely an adjunct to the village. Next the UFO entered Sky Harbor Airports air space, where air controllers in the tower and the flight crew from at least one commercial airliner viewed it, although radar failed to detect it. The 33rd degree has long been associated with Freemasonry. The Orion Zone: Ancient Star Cities of the American Southwest was published in late 2005 by Hayriver Press. MANY ACTS OF WAR, MURDER, AND ASSASSINATION HAVE OCCURRED ON OR NEAR THE 33RD DEGREE PARALLEL. President Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947. IS IT COINCIDENCE BAGHDAD, IRAQ IS LOCATED ON33RD NORTH PARALLEL? 28. Our soul family is waiting for us. Whitley, A Guide to Rock Art Sites, pp. In fact, at 9:49 p.m. when the final phase of the event was beginning, Alnilam, the middle star of the Belt, was 33 degrees above the horizon at an azimuth of 242 degrees. How the Great Pyramid was built is unknown. 38. But there is a lot of more mystery surrounding parallel 33. Polly Schaafsma, Rock Art In New Mexico (Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press, 1992), p. 77. When [clover] is located upon a mountain it comes to signify knowledge of the divine essence gained by hard endeavor [Natural steps], through sacrifice or study (equivalent to ascension) J.E. . Notice the uneven hexagram and the numbers 333 placed at different points on this seal. See the image below. 51. Listen to the explanation of one of historys greatest Satanists, W. Wynn Wescott, who was extremely influential in the latter part of the 19th Century. Gleaming like a steel and glass mirage surrounded by ironwood, palo verde, and saguaro cactus, this modern American city lies in a brown cloud of auto exhaust at the northern end of the Sonoran Desert. [36] Perhaps the suffix -can is a variant of ka, part of the word kachina. The monument proclaims ten commandments in eight different languages, the most contentious being the establishment of a global population of only 500-million, a reduction of over 6.5-billion people from current levels. But looking at the history, it's also clear that this has been utilized by some pretty dark forces - and now the lightworkers are moving to readdress the balance. 2, 1996, reprinted 1985. We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people so that they can see the coming New World Order Kingdom of Antichrist i, on 33- THE SECRET OF NUMBER 33, 33 PARALLEL, Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever, I considered the [10] horns, and behold, there came up among them another horn, a little one [Antichrist] , Thus David, the son of Jesse, reigned over all Israel. The 33rd parallel runs exactly between Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They are geometrically encoded in brand names and encrypted in corporate logos. The highest meaning of the number, '33', is that it represents the highest spiritual consciousness to which man can attain, and that '333' represents the man-god becoming immortal through his "death, resurrection and ascension", just as the occultist considers Master Initiate Jesus to have done! However, most importantly, Bible prophecy assigns the Number 11 to Antichrist in Daniel 7:8! This is the ultimate goal; unfortunately, to achieve it, a lot of people are going to have to die. Now, who is going to lead the peoples of the world into this highly exalted spiritual journey? Some people argue that the military fired anti-aircraft rounds at what some believe was a saucer-shaped flying object. Until the time of the Grecian Empire, the center of power was south of the 33rd Degree, held by Egypt and Babylon. (?) Listen: Indeed, there is not death, as can be discerned clearly There is only Change! The event that today remains synonymous with UFO and alien lore, the rumoured 1947 crash and retrieval of an extraterrestrial craft at Roswell, New Mexico, occurred, you guessed it, on the 33 rd parallel. The first American born lodge was founded in Savannah, Georgia in 1734. In the United States, it approximately forms the border between Arkansas in the north and Louisiana on the south. The current politics of the country have thus far prevented any detailed study of the structure, but it is thought to be 4,500-5,000 year old-- the approximate age of the pyramids at Giza. An occultist assigns the number 333 to death, resurrection, and ascension, and consider it to be most powerful. About 40 miles due east of the small town of San Carlos, Arizona (33 degrees 24 minutes) is Point of Pines Ruin. Arsenic is a brittle, steel-gray substance that is actively poisonous. (The S. supposedly stood for Solomon.) His parentage is disputed. 1704-1662 B.C. [25] Did the earlier Hohokam culture of the American Southwest somehow influence the later development of this Mound Builder culture in the American Southeast? Atlantis destroyed, according to occult legend. To the west of this earthwork, Bird Mound rises 72 feet high and extends 600 to 800 feet at its base. It was next seen 22 minutes later over the village of Paulden, Arizona (nearly 25 miles north of the town of Prescott). Dallas with its car accidents, Tripoli with the "Arab Spring," Baghdad, Damascus, Kashmir, Tibet, Nagasaki - they all are located on the 33 rd parallel. The many similarities between the two seem to point in that direction. There are two exceptions: one site in Lebanon is 68 nautical miles from the 33rd parallel and another site in Georgia is 71 nautical miles (nearly 82 English miles) from this latitude line. As we move forward in this article, we will focus on the number 33 and the way in which occultists have planned events and geographical locations around the 33rd Northern Parallel. Annual Registration. The agent name for this entity is: United States Corporation Agents, Inc.. . Let us give you a few examples of when the Illuminati undergirded a key event using the occult signature of the number 11. Thread starter D.Leo333; Start date Feb 6, 2019; D. D.Leo333 The Force is Strong With This One. What causes mass extinctions? 13. Most of the world's wealth is stored north of the north 33rd Parallel. The company id for this entity is 0235120. What is the meaning of the word Aztlan? The Azteca Web Page [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web,; accessed 10 January 2002. King Hiram of Tyre supplied King Solomon with craftsmen, metallurgists, cedar wood, architectural design, and presumably the esoteric symbolism of these two columns for the construction of his temple at Jerusalem. The first stop on our tour along the 33rd parallel is the metropolis of Phoenix, Arizona, located at 33 degrees 30 minutes latitude. The White Pyramid was built supposedly after the old emperors, known as the sons of heaven, descended to Earth in their fiery metallic dragons and began to rule China. One of President Franklin D. Roosevelts first official acts after taking office on Inauguration Day (Saturday, March 4, 1933), was to proclaim an emergency, three-day, nationwide banking holiday, signed and effective Monday, March 6. (Demolay derives from the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, James deMolay (1244-1314)). Map of the United States demonstrating the 33rd parallel (red line), which was used to separate the states into warm (south of the 33rd parallel) and cold (north of the 33rd parallel). 1933 A MOST IMPORTANT YEAR IN THE OCCULT CALENDAR. Dealey Plaza is the site of the first masonic temple in Dallas. 39. The followers of Pythagoras referred every object, planet, man, idea, and essence to some number or other, in a way which to most moderns must seem curious and mystical in the highest degree. Bringing us up to the present day, the so-called Phoenix Lights were witnessed by hundreds or perhaps thousands of people. Indeed, when we consider the northern latitude of 33 degrees, some intriguing synchronicities, or meaningful coincidences, are found. This correlation will be based on the very The name Etowah may also be a corruption of this word. [28] It is interesting to note that the Hopi word for the sun deity is Tawa. You will be shocked at the bloody manner in which the New World Order will be established, just as this horrific I Witch symbol reveals. World War II was inevitable at this point. In fact, the town of Globe was so named because of the 1875 discovery of a globe-shaped mass nine inches in diameter made of 99% pure silver and valued at $12,000. It was then observed 10 miles to the south in Chino Valley, where it apparently streaked over the present authors house, who missed seeing the event by a matter of minutes. Let us review these key events now. 8. This number even permeates the biological realm studied by science: thirty-three is the number of turns in a complete sequence of DNA. Michael Howard, The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies-- Their Influence and Power in World History (Rochester, Vermont: Destiny Books, 1989), pp. [World Book Encyclopedia, Vol. Midway on this spirit road between the sacred mountain of the North and the mouth of the Colorado River are the aforementioned geoglyphs at the 33rd degree of latitude. As van Burn gushes, Christ lay in the tomb for three days after his crucifixion, a symbol for us of the steps man must take in order to be reborn. This pair is thought to be the prototype of Jachin and Boaz, the two pillars found on the eastern wall of every Masonic temple in the world. Gary A. David is an independent researcher living in northern Arizona. 1, the Masonic meeting place was known as the Mother Lodge of the world. At this point, the man-god experiences a fully-functional, visible Third Eye open up within him, an eye people can physically see. 5th parallel As we have stated in earlier articles, Daniel 8:23-25 tells us that the religion practiced by Antichrist is Black Magick; further, Revelation 17:17 tells us that the final 10 kings are of the same mindset and religion as Antichrist. 165-167; b. Franklin Folsom and Mary Elting Folsom, Ancient Treasures of the Southwest: A Guide to Archaeological Sites and Museums in Arizona, Southern Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1994), p. 16. As you look carefully at this map, you can easily see how the 33rd Degree Parallel runs. Thirty-three appears to be the most mysterious of numbers. The number 33 enigmatically stretches as a latitude line across many diverse cultures in many different times. The whereabouts of this artifact are currently unknown. The 20th Century was clearly the century in which God withdrew His restraining power enough so Satan could cause World Wars I and II to be fought exactly as the Guiding Spirit of Albert Pike revealed to him in 1870 [NEWS1056]. In addition, the town was protected on three sides by wooden palisades, much like the Hohokam villages along the Salt and Gila Rivers. Welcome to the weird. share. Or perhaps the numerological and Masonic significance of 33 dictated that monuments to this sacred number be erected as a signal to future generations. Number11 RFK was shot on June 5. This book describes the Orion Correlation of ancient Hopi villages in Arizona. ], To reiterate: Numbers are a key to the ancient views of cosmogony spiritually as well as physically to the evolution of the present human race; all systems of religious mysticism are based upon numerals. When the Illuminati ended the First World War, they had just successfully completed the first war of Albert Pikes occult plan to produce Antichrist [ReadNEWS1056]. Interestedly enough, its presence elsewhere is negligible, and its symbolic content has not been determined, although it occurs in various contexts in Mesoamerica. It is found over and over again in the stories of the Bible and elsewhere. Here we speculate about what exactly is happening in the shadows behind the propaganda. All I do is dress and rest. Dating back as early as 5000 B.C., Tyre was renowned for a purple-red dye obtained from the snails of the genus Murex. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. Near Gila Bend, Arizona about 62 miles west of Snaketown (mentioned above) is Painted Rocks [sic] State Park, which has thousands of petroglyphs of similar designs-- not painted but pecked into the boulders. Few examples 33rd parallel georgia when the Illuminati undergirded a key event using the three significant! 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