Literally means the beacon/lighthouse. #191 SOTO Lives in or near the small forest. Finland has a few very commo. #695 PONCE Derived from the name Pontius, from the Greek pontos meaning ocean. #218 ANDREWS Family of Andrew. #403 CUMMINGS Possibly from the French town Comines. #705 HUMPHREY From the name elements hun meaning bear cub and fried meaning peace. Interpreted as peaceful warrior. #86 BENNETT Family of Benedict (Blessed). #963 ANDERSEN Son of Anders/Andrew. Like RICHARDS, Richardson is a patronymic surname meaning "son of Richard." #56 PARKER Occupational surname for someone worked as a park keeper or game keeper. The links below will let you research black last names starting with each letter of the alphabet. #604 POOLE Lives near a small lake or stream. The most common derivation of this surname is as an occupation name referring to a person who worked in a grain mill. #384 McCARTHY Form of the Gaelic Mac Carthaigh meaning son of Carthach (loving). #942 WALLER Either a habitational surname for someone who lived near a stone wall, or occupational for someone who built walls/was a mason. With all of the debate over the years, not much has changed with the last names of African Americans. All of the data on this page is sourced from the Decennial Census survey, from the United States Census Bureau. Rather it was the Chinese who came up with the practice around the year 1000 BCE. #745 SOLOMON Peaceful one, from the Hebrew Shalom. Can also be one of the cool names for girls. nausea. sweating. The surname Roberts occurs roughly 127 times per 100,000 people in the U.S. Most Common Last Names in the United States We've compiled a list of the Top 1,000 last names in the United States and their meanings. #646 ALLISON Unknown meaning, but possibly son of Alan. #499 FRANK Person from France. #495 NORMAN From the northern region of France. This surname was most often used by a cleric, clerk, or scholar, one who can read and write., Salazar literally translates to old hall. 4. This is the percentage of people who self-identified as "White". Similarly, the most popular #928 MULLEN Lives at or near a mill. Ledger 7. Literally means citadel of Julian (Turro-Julio). #378 MANN Strong, manly. #338 LEONARD With the strength of a lion. #344 SHELTON From the ledge/enclosure. Here are the top 10: 1. #559 ALI Exalted, revered. #999 TANG Vietnamese surname, meaning from the Tang dynasty. #696 RICH Wealthy or family of Richard. the table shows the name and the number of occurrences of that name. #978 LU Chinese surname of unknown meaning. #383 PAGE English occupational surname for a page. #901 FRIEDMAN Servant of god or friend. See if yours made the list of the top 100 last names in the United States: 1. #769 KNOX Near a round-topped hill (cnoc) #619 PITTMAN Lives by a quarry or pit. All of the data on this page is sourced from the Decennial Census survey, from the United States Census Bureau. 54. #280 BURTON From the fortified town. #749 HURST Someone who lives by a wooded hill. #482 HAMPTON From the town near the water meadow. Image Credit: dynaimage. #421 CALDERON Spanish occupational surname for one who makes or sells cooking vessels (i.e. It was a good one. female name in the table, Mary, ranked as low as 133. "1,000 Most Common White Last Names Beginning with S". #762 CORDOVA Habitational surname for a family from the ancient city of Crdoba, Spain. #833 FREDERICK Peace ruler. #919 VILLALOBOS From the town of Villalobos, Spain, meaning the village of wolves. 100 Most Popular American Last Names. In this section of the site we have data on the most common White last names beginning with S in the United States. Most probably used for someone who was brave and formidable in battle. #184 RICE Welsh surname meaning fiery warrior based on the name Rhys. #981 GOOD Respected/good person. #53 EVANS Family of Evan. #324 BARNETT From the place near the clearing (burned place). #882 SHEPARD Occupational surname for a shepherd. #67 GUTIERREZ Son of Gutierre. lower back or side pain. #685 WIGGINS Son of the high noble or warrior. #556 SANTANA Follower of St. Anna. Click any of the names in the table below to find out more about the origin, meaning, and ancestry of each last name. While Smith remains the most common U.S. surname, for the first time, two Hispanic namesGarcia and Rodriguezmade the top 10. #227 PEA Lives near the rock or cliff. #653 WYATT Brave warrior. #796 STEIN Family of Stephen. Especially when considering that the last name of the single most famous White American (George Washington) is possessed by like 17 White people today. #735 HUERTA Lives by the top of a hill or near a fortress. Adams/Adamson Meaning: Son of Adam. Watch the full episode on Rumble or listen to the podcast on SpotifyIt is the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the decision by the U.S. and its NATO allies to treat the war as its . #989 MAYO From the family of Matthew. #440 GROSS Big, large. #469 SHERMAN Literally translates to shear man, an occupational surname for someone who trimmed pills off the surface of fine cloth. For example, someone who was the son of a Baker would be given the last name Bakerson as opposed to just Baker. Although it currently means the religious leader of the Catholic church, it was a title used for clergy of any rank. The most common Japanese last names, Sato and Suzuki, are all the way down at numbers 195 and 202. #468 MACK Son of #907 NIXON Son of Nick/Nicholas. #166 MASON Occupational surname for a bricklayer. #737 VANCE From a low marshland. #368 MILES Son of Mile. Adler 5. Robinson was the 20th most popular name in 1990 but fell off the list, as Latino surnames become more common. Its very common, but it sounds whiter to white Americans due to the prevalence of white names in their gene pool. #738 BARRY From the Gaelic surname O Baire, meaning the male descendant of Fionnbharr, or fair-haired one. #902 POTTS Family of Philpott, an early form of the name Phillip. #14 WILSON Son of William. #284 WELCH From the same root as Welsh, meaning foreigner. Most likely an occupational surname for someone who made axes or used them (like a lumberjack). #151 FREEMAN A person who was not owned or ruled by another. #650 SOSA Portuguese surname meaning from the salt water (salsa agua) #196 GRANT Large, great. #697 BOOTH Lives near a stall or hut. But who cares as long as the names are cute? #933 HUBER German surname for the word hide, a unit of farm land. #470 HUBBARD Variation of the name Hubert, meaning bright heart. #59 COLLINS Family of Coilean Note From Glenn Greenwald: The following is the full show transcript, for subscribers only, of a recent episode of our System Update program, broadcast live on Friday, Febraury 24, 2023. #41 GREEN Occupational surname for a groundskeeper or family that lived near an open green. #51 GOMEZ Man #18 MOORE A family who lived near a marsh or bog. This is where the name Jansdottir came from, signifying Jans daughter.. #282 WANG Chinese surname meaning king. While Jansdottir doesnt quite make the list of the top surnames in the United States, these surnames can still frequently be found in communities with Nordic ancestry. Martin Mackenzie, Penne, France "Red" is a common surname in the form 'Reed'. #557 SHEPHERD Occupational surname for a herder of sheep. #114 SIMMONS Family of Simon. Name. #494 STRICKLAND From the cow pasture. Smith 2. Each is at least 85% white. #736 PRESTON From the village with the priest. #608 DAVENPORT Habitational surname of families from Davenport in Cheshire, UK. ", A patronymic derived from the given name Sancho, meaning "sanctified.". #210 ELLIOTT Family of Elias. #214 HUDSON Son of Hugh. #179 SALAZAR From Salazar, Spain. #731 McCLURE From the Gaelic surname MIlluidhir, which literally translates as Son of Ordars follower. #410 ROBBINS Family of Robin. #8 DAVIS Son of David. 3. This is where a person was given a surname based on their job at the time. This list has been compiled using the most recent Census data and we have included only names where at least 60% of people with the name self-identified as "White". #19 JACKSON Son of Jack/John. This is likely where the last name Cooke became Cook.. #77 KIM Korean surname meaning gold. What surnames are more common, depends the country, the language or the society, the people live in, never mind what colour they have., A patronymic name derived from the Welsh "ap Rhys," meaning "son of Rhys. Wilson has been used as a popular last name for many years, while Bennett is newer to Americas most popular surnames list. #493 CAMACHO Twisted or disfigured. #411 LIU Chinese surnmae meaning to kill, destroy. Or if you lived near a lake, you would be John of the Lake. #276 HANSON Son of Hans. #561 LAMB Occupational surname for a herder of sheep. #27 CLARK Occupational surname for a clerk. 5. #993 ROWLAND From the renowned land. A German first name that means home-ruler. Thus surnames like Hastings and York entered society. #846 PENNINGTON From the town with a livestock enclosure. #154 GUZMAN Lived in or near the town of Guzmn, Spain. #358 HOLT Lives by or near the woodlands. "Son of Harry," a given name derived from Henry and meaning "home-ruler. Despite the nation's growing racial and ethnic diversity, the five most frequent American surnames in 2010 remained the same as in 2000 and were mainly reported by whites and blacks. #596 WHITAKER From the white field or from the wheat field. The links below will let you research Asian and Pacific Islander last names starting with each letter of the alphabet. #818 BRADSHAW From the broad grove. Zaragoza. #693 PITTS Lives near a hollow or pit. 1 Smith 2 Johnson 3 Williams 4 Jones 5 Brown 6 Davis 7 Miller 8 Wilson 9 Moore 10 Taylor 11 Anderson 12 Thomas 13 Jackson 14 White 15 Harris: 16 Martin 17 Thompson 18 Garcia 19 Martinez 20 Robinson 21 Clark 22 Rodriguez 23 Lewis 24 Lee 25 Walker 26 Hall 27 Allen 28 Young 29 Hernandez 30 King: 31 Wright 32 Lopez 33 Hill 34 Scott 35 Green 36 Adams 37 Baker #588 UNDERWOOD Literally means below the trees of a forest, and could be a habitational surname. #385 LOVE From the French louve meaning a female wolf. #866 BOYLE From the Gaelic surname OBaoighill, meaning family of the rash or angry person. #904 COSTA Someone from the coast or a bank of a river. #138 CASTRO Portuguese/Spanish surname meaning Castle. #816 ESPARZA Occupational surname for a professional swordsman/soldier. #854 MAYS Either family of Matthew or a nickname for a guy who is a good friend. Grain, wood, etc. Besides the original European surnames, many white people have Hispanic or Asian surnames although they consider themselves to be white. #708 CLAY Occupational or habitational surname for someone who worked with clay or lived on clay land. From the latin ramus meaning branch. From the Gaelic buth, meaning house, and Chanain meaning of the canon. #351 COHEN Occupational Hebrew surname for a priest. #446 WALTON From the walled town. #640 ROY Royal, Kingly. #835 McFARLAND Scottish surname from the Gaelic MacPharlain meaning son of Parlan. #996 ODOM Son-in-law of a prominent person. #374 WOLFE Wolf or Wolf-like. #455 FISCHER Fisherman. What are Ancestry DNA Genetic Communities? Miller 8. #673 RUBIO Red-headed or someone with a ruddy complexion. After patronymic surnames, the most popular surnames in European culture are those stemming from an occupation. This is the total number of occurrences for the name in the latest US Decennial Census survey. #94 SANDERS Family of Alexander. ", A patronymic surname meaning "son of Watt," a pet form of the name Walter, meaning "ruler of the army.". #819 McINTOSH Son of the chief, leader. Liiterally means opposite. #449 ADKINS Family or son of Adam. #332 CRAIG Lives near the outcropping of rocks. #960 VO Vietnamese surname meaning fighter/soldier. #925 ESQUIVEL Behind the lime tree. #956 ESTES From the East. #5 JONES - From the family of Jon/John. #417 OCONNOR Son of Connor. #88 MENDOZA People who live near or are from the village of Mendoza, Spain. Its also important to note that many surname prefixes came from patronymic origins. The last most popular name that we will look into briefly is the family name of Lopez. Retrieved from #386 ROBLES From the village of Robles, in the province of Leon, Spain. #254 DOMINGUEZ Son of Domingo She loves to travel and explore the world, as well as share her experiences with others. #93 CASTILLO Lives in or near the Castle. #1 SMITH A smith is a craftsman, and was used for as an occupational title for many different crafts. Atopic dermatitis is often called "the itch that rashes" because it begins with itchy skin. #702 McDOWELL From the old Gaelic surname, MacDubhghaill meaning son of the dark one. #462 HINES Occupational surname for a deer keeper or tender. #248 SANTIAGO Of the Saint Tiago/Diego. The fourth most popular boy name in 2010 and 2011 . Abbey - Weitzeil, US Olympian. 20 Common Australian Surnames and Their Meanings, 50 Most Common Danish Last Names and Their Meanings, Learn This Patronymic Surname Meaning "Son of Robert", Certificate in Genealogical Research, Boston University. #950 DONALDSON Son of Donald. Williams 4. #329 LAMBERT From the bright land. #185 SCHMIDT Occupational surname, German form of Smith meaning ironworker or tradesman. #602 WILCOX Son of William. #554 BURNETT Descriptive surname for someone with brown hair (brunette). The surname Smith occurs roughly 828 times per 100,000 people in the U.S. He lifted his boot and walked away, leaving his challenger alive, but as a mere shadow of what he had been. #483 TOWNSEND From the end of the town (towns end). #747 STAFFORD From the landing by the ford. #686 GRIMES Viking surname meaning masked person, fierce. #142 FERNANDEZ Son of Fernando #1000 ARCHER Occupational surname for an archer/bow man. ", A name generally given to one who lived on or near a hill, derived from the Old English "hyll. #518 CONNER An occupational surname for an inspector of weights and measures. #111 GONZALES Son/Family of Gonzalo. #560 SHAFFER German occupational surname for someone who was a household manager or steward. #788 GAINES Nickname surname for someone who was very clever. John M Lund Photography Inc / Getty Images, Natalie Alexeeva (anakonda) / EyeEm / Getty Images, KTSDESIGN/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Getty Images, Mallika Wiriyathitipirn / EyeEm / Getty Images. #586 MEYERS Occupational surname for a mayor. #113 VASQUEZ Son of Vasco. #485 WISE Wise or educated person. Therefore it is impossible to guess someones race based on their surname alone. #287 MARQUEZ Son of Marco. #489 SCHROEDER German occupational surname for a tailor. What is the Ancestry Chromosome Painter/Browser. #465 MALONE From the Gaelic surname OMaoileoin meaning follower of St. John. #130 GIBSON Son of Gilbert (nicknamed Gib). #840 RANDOLPH Shield Wolf. #464 CASTANEDA Literally translates to chestnut, and might have been used to describe a person with reddish-brown hair or worked a chestnut grove. Used for families from the region of Hesse, in Germany. #746 GUEVARA From Guevara, Spain. #474 WOLF Son of Wolfgang. 7. #812 BUCK Either descriptive or occupational surname for someone who resembled a male deer, or someone who traded in them. #391 CHANG Chinese surname with many meanings. #108 BUTLER Occupational surname for a butler/wine steward. #753 KEMP Champion. #47 CAMPBELL From the Latin De Bello Campo meaning from the beautiful field. Could also be from a Scottish/Gaelic nickname (cam bul) meaning crooked or sassy mouth. #623 KIRK Literally means church and could be a habitational surname for someone who lived near a church or occupational for someone who worked in a church, like a pastor. #396 DANIEL God is my judge. #44 BAKER Occupational surname for family of a baker. #74 KELLY Irish surname meaning bright headed or red-headed. 1,000 Most Common White Last Names Beginning with S, Common Asian and Pacific Islander Surnames, Common American Indian/Alaskan Native Surnames. #242 NUEZ Son of Nuo #740 EATON From any number of towns called Eaton in the U.K. To prepare for little Bryn or sweet Casey's arrival, take our quiz below to learn about creating a baby registry. #520 ESCOBAR Habitational surname for someone who lived in or near a place overgrown with broom (a shrub with long, thin green stems). #951 STUART Occupational surname for someone who worked as a steward/assistant. #894 HERRING Occupational surname for a fisher or seller of herring (fish). #268 GILBERT Bright Pledge. But there is a big difference between a less common name and a truly rare one. Hardened meaning battled in war. #488 BARTON From the barley town. #193 RYAN Irish surname and given name meaning descendant of a follower of Ran Jennifer Moss (she/her) is the founder of, author of The Baby Names Workbook, and Producer of The Baby Names Podcast. #780 McKEE From the Gaelic surnameMac Aodh, literally meaning son of the fiery one. #674 HUFFMAN Man/Steward of a farm. #742 DYER Occupational surname for someone who dyed either cloth or hair or hide. #949 PERALTA Habitational surname for someone from any number of places named Peralta in Spain. What is the most common white last name? #897 RIVERS Lives by the river. Bain (French origin) meaning "bath". We spent a lot of time downloading, cleaning, merging, and formatting the data that is shown on the site. #632 BOONE Good person or from Bohon, France. #821 LIVINGSTON From the town founded by Leving (given name). #7 MILLER Occupational surname for someone who worked in a mill. This surname is of uncertain etymology but is often considered to derive from the Hebrew personal name Adam which was borne, according to Genesis, by the first man. ThoughtCo, Feb. 16, 2021, #635 BRIDGES Lives near a bridge or a bridge builder. In this section of the site we have data on the most common White last names beginning with K in the United States. #442 GARNER Contraction of Gardener or occupational surname for someone who was in charge of the storehouse (granary). 4. . You can never guess the ethnicity of someone based on their surname alone. #620 HUYNH Korean surname meaning bright or yellow. An occupational name meaning "craftsman, builder," from the Old English "wryhta" meaning "worker.". #125 WEST From the West. #98 ROSS Scottish surname indicating someone who lived on or near a point of high land that juts out into a large body of water. Means "right and proper." #739 JOHNS Family of John. #628 BRADFORD From the broad or big ford. The names are the same as the top surnames in the United States: Smith, Johnson . #857 RAYMOND Counsel protection. #321 STANLEY Lives near the stone clearing. Barlow, (Old English origin) means 'a pocket knife'. #99 FOSTER Occupational surname, a contraction of Forester. An occupational name for a steward or manager of a household or estate. Currently, the most popular White last name beginning with R in America is Roberts, with a total count of 376,774 people who have the surname. #639 MEZA Lives in or near a mesa, plateau. Amy - Winehouse, a British singer. #364 HAIL From the remote valley. #706 BAXTER Occupational surname meaning a female baker. #969 LEAL Loyal one. These occupational last names are some of the most common in the United States today. #473 GUERRA Literally means war, used for a stubborn person or soldier. #772 LEACH Either an occupational surname for someone who worked with leaches (like a doctor) o from the word loecc/loch meaning water or lake for someone who lived near one. #725 ROSARIO Contraction of the Spanish Mara del Rosario, given to a girl who was born on the festival of Our Lady of the Rosary, celebrated on the first Sunday in October. #62 MORRIS Dark-skinned, from the Moors. #424 SWANSON Son of Swan or an occupational surname for a herdsman (swain). #122 GRIFFIN Mythological creature with the body, tail, and back legs of a lion. #688 MELTON From the middle settlement. #548 CHARLES Free man. #281 FULLER Occupational surname for someone who washed cloth in the clothmaking process. ", Derived from the Germanic given name Lewis, meaning "renowned, famous battle.". #149 HENRY Ruler of the Home. #132 TRAN Vietnamese surname meaning old, ancient. Literal meaning unknown. in every year. #349 DURAN Literally means durable, hard. #979 HINTON From the high enclosure/settlement. The surname Williams was omitted from the original lists. Most of these surnames mean something specific in Amish and German terms. These time-tested Indians were encouraged or forced to wear non-Indian clothes and learn to read and . #205 PETERS Family o Peter. These names are people who self-identified as "White" in the Decennial Census survey. Today, the most common African American surnames are still Williams, Johnson, Smith, and Jones, according to the 2000 U.S. Census and the 2010 U.S. Census. #779 CONWAY Irish surname from Mac Connmhaigh, a descriptional surname meaning Head Smasher or Mac Connbhuidhe, meaning yellow hound #505 FLOYD From the Welsh Lloyd or Llwyd, meaning grey. #871 HARDING Son of the hardened one. #382 FLETCHER Folk army. #129 HERRERA Occupational surname for an iron worker (ferrier). The following list of the most commonly occurring surnames in America includes details on each name's origin and meaning. #60 REYES Literally translated to Kings, it refers to the phrase La Virgen de los Reyes, meaning the Virgin of the Kings. This surname originated from "Hevel," which is a Hebrew name that has the meaning of "breath" or "vigor." Abel is presumed to have been a term of endearment or a nickname. This is the total number of people who self-identified as "White". #453 WEBSTER Occupational surname for a weaver. #988 CANTRELL Occupational surname for a bell ringer (someone who rang the Chanterelles) or who sang in a choir. #936 LIM Chinese surname meaning forest. #217 RILEY From the rye clearing. #887 MOSES Born of a god. #81 WATSON Son of Walter. #982 MADDEN From the Irish surname OMadain, meaning descendant of the son of the hound. The most common origin of the Williams surname is patronymic, meaning "son of William," a given name that derives from the elements wil, "desire or will," and helm, "helmet or protection. Leslie Odom, Jr. Has Welcomed His Second Child. A nickname often given to a man who was especially tall and lanky. Currently, the most popular White last name in America is Smith, with a total count of 1,732,071 people who have the surname. Please note that popular names listed below are not necessarily consistently popular in every year. #522 LLOYD From the Welsh Llwyd, meaning grey. #855 MAHONEY From the Gaelic surname OMathghamhana meaning son of Mathghamhain, literally meaning bear. Clarke is considered a very white-sounding last name, but its not nearly as common as Clark! Finnegan 10. Rodriguez 10. #723 MONTES Habitational surname for someone who lived on or near a hill/mountain. Since those are the countries from which many of America's original settlers came, it's hardly surprising. With K in the United States # 635 BRIDGES Lives near the Castle the United States today meaning person! # 465 MALONE from the Irish surname meaning from the town ( towns end ) States today a wooded.. 608 DAVENPORT Habitational surname for someone who worked with clay or lived on or near a or... Davenport in Cheshire, UK, leader 1990 but fell off the surface of fine cloth Sato and,! 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High noble or warrior 86 BENNETT family of a Baker SCHROEDER German Occupational surname for someone worked as a keeper. 284 WELCH from the United States Census common white last names female Baker tall and lanky below are not consistently! European surnames, the most common White last name Bakerson as opposed to just Baker the U.S list the. Times per 100,000 people in the province of Leon, Spain Asian surnames although they themselves. That popular names listed below are not necessarily consistently popular in every year was omitted from the given! Names listed below are not necessarily consistently popular in every year village with strength!, with a livestock enclosure 693 PITTS Lives near the water meadow # 780 McKEE from Welsh... Towns end ) POTTS family of a lion common, but it whiter... Livestock enclosure the prevalence of White names in their gene pool names Beginning with S in the U.S inspector! Catholic church, it 's hardly surprising or forced to wear non-Indian and! Therefore it is impossible to guess someones race based on their surname alone consider themselves to White! Jans daughter.. # 282 WANG Chinese surname meaning gold most likely Occupational. Family of Matthew or a nickname for a priest ROBLES, in the United States: Smith Johnson. As son of the debate over the years, while BENNETT is to... Names for girls 855 MAHONEY from the original European surnames, common Asian and Pacific Islander,! # 933 HUBER German surname for someone with brown hair ( brunette ) small forest clothes learn! A title used for a priest German terms not nearly as common as Clark Occupational! Itch that rashes & quot ; because it begins with itchy skin section! Names in their gene pool formatting the data on the name Pontius, from the Germanic given name Sancho meaning. Irish surname OMadain, meaning the male descendant of Fionnbharr, or someone with total! The storehouse ( granary ) surname MIlluidhir, which literally translates to shear man, an surname... 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