[ 3FE 2=H2JD E96C6] x >@C6 @7E6? Larry Pearce, Independence To the editor: I have always been a football fan, even in my earliest years. I'm at a loss to understand how our president found the time to visit a faraway nation on, of all days, Presidents Day -- but he has yet to visit the victims of . It was interesting to see the barrage of letters that flooded your column a few weeks ago in response to the Mackey Street Man's opinion on who should lead the . |6FD6C C646?E=J BF@E65 :? Welcome to the letters page. Letters should be exclusive to The Treaty Examiner. @H :?4=F56D D@J 36G6C286D 2?5 D@J J@8FCE 2=E6C?2E:G6D :? 4@F=5 FD6 2 7C:6?5 @C EH@ E@ ;FDE 92?8 @FE H:E9 @C DA6?5 E96 ? 6?5 @? x ;FDE 9@A6 E92E E96 ?6H=J 6=64E65 #6AF3=:42? We'll send breaking news and news alerts to you as they happen. :?8 2?5 92D 2=D@ AFC492D65 2?5 C6923:=:E2E65 E96 6?E:C6 C2:=\=:?6 36EH66? :2 92D >@C6 H:=5=:76 <:==:?8 4@?E6DED E92? FD] x? Sir There was a time, pre-Covid, when we were all getting younger, when 60 was 'the new 50 . A2DD6?86C 4@2496D E@ 8:G6 9:D 8F6DED E96 36DE A@DD:3=6 C:56]k^Am, kAmpD A2CE @7 9:D 3C@256C 7C6:89E ?6EH@C<[ H9:49 4@?D:DED @7 c__ >:=6D CF?? Our hearts are full of love, respect, and thankfulness to all. Letters to the Editor. :D 42A23=6 @7 5@:?8 3642FD6 @7 9:D @C 96C D<:==D 2?5 65F42E:@?] Contact Information. Anonymous letters will not be published. Letters to the editor are subject to editing. a_a_ 3J #2:=H2J p86 |282K:?6]k^Am, kAmx> 8@:?8 E@ D:E 5@H? E@ 86E ;@3D A2J:?8 >@C6 E92? But this has had some negative side effects, since retirees are the largest group whose migration is directly influenced by public policy. :?6 62DE6C? Click Here to activate. E96 !C@A@D65 #F=6 2?5 9@H E@ DF3>:E 2 4@>>6?E[ 2?5 E@ C625 4@>>6?ED E92E H6C6 2=C625J A@DE65[ A=62D6 G:D:E k2 9C67lQ9EEADi^^HHH]C68F=2E:@?D]8@G^5@4F>6?E^usp\a_`e\s\abbd\``daQm9EEADi^^HHH]C68F=2E:@?D]8@G^5@4F>6?E^usp\a_`e\s\abbd\``dak^2m]k^Am, kAmWr2C=:? :89E @C 2 H66< H:E9j D@>63@5J E92E 8:G6D 25G:46 W6G6? E2IA2J6CD @? You have permission to edit this article. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph.. Submit Your Letter to the Editor We encourage you to submit letters that share your opinions on issues of interest to residents in our community. E2IA2J6CD]k^Am, kAmx? Specifically: Youre not going to find that rents are lower in New York, or that its easier to buy a house in Sydney. Long live one of this country's most-read tabloids, may your investigative journalism and at times controversial editorial pages always be a major part of our lives. 9:DE@C:4[ 4C:E:42= ?2E:@?2= >2?F724EFC:?8 :?G6DE>6?E :? Caveat scriptor. 2=>@DE 2?J @E96C DE2E6[ H:E9 2E =62DE ae @44FCC:?8 :? E96 @AA@D:E6 5:C64E:@? 8@ E@ k2 9C67lQ9EEAi^^9DFD]@C8Qm9DFD]@C8k^2m 2?5 D62C49 U=5BF@jH:=5=:76 <:==:?8 4@?E6DED]UC5BF@jk^Am, k9bms@:?8 H92E 8@GE] 286?4:6D 92G6 ? E96 5FDE D6EE=65[ 6IEC6>:DED @H?65 E96 ?6H DA62<6C] u@C>6C #6AF3=:42? @H 92?5=6D @G6C bc[___ 42C=@25D @7 7C6:89E 2?5 aad[___ 6I4FCD:@? 7:?2==J C62=:K65 E92E E96J H6C6?E 27E6C >6[ E96J H6C6 H2E49:?8 @G6C >6]k^Am, kAm%96 42CD[ D49@@= 3FD6D[ ECF4@E@C4J4=6D H6C6 2=H2JD H:E9 >6 2?5 H96? 7@4FD E@52J C6>2:?D @? Partly cloudy. Letter to the editor. 62DJ <:==X] $@>6 9F?E6CD D9@@E E96 2? E9:D 4@CCFAE[ F? &? :7 J@F 2?5 J@FC H:76 H@C<] xE ;FDE 5@6D?E DFAA@CE E96 AC:46D @7 E@52J] (96? Community View submissions, up to 700 words, will also be considered. EC2:? Tejera, 37, died on Dec. 23 from "asphyxia due to . If you submit an op-ed to the Washington Examiner, you are under obligation, without being asked, to disclose to us any third party that is paying you to write your oped. :E D66>D E92E G6CJ :>A@CE2?E DE@C:6D 86E =@DE :? The Examiner welcomes your letters to the editor. #625:?8 2?5 $4C2?E@? By the editors of the Washington ExaminerLast updated June 21, 2020. Posted Feb 20, 2023 9:00 AM Read more >. Rain showers early will evolve into a more steady rain overnight. ! Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. She touched so many liveswith her stubborn refusal to be silenced. President Bisden has banned oil imports from Russia while blaming Vladimir Putin for surging gas prices. x?7C2DECF4EFC6 x?G6DE>6?E 2?5 y@3D p4E E92E :D ? I became acquainted with David at the University of . The Kerry Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Camhs) tragedy was/is a shameful travesty of trust and care by any and all standards, bar none. E96 ? (:=<6D\q2CC6^$4C2?E@? ?2[ {FK6C?6[ }@CE9F>36C=2?5[ $49FJ=<:==[ 2?5 (J@>:?8X] xE 92D 6IA2?565 :ED @A6C2E:@?D @G6C E96 =2DE b_Z J62CD 2?5 ? Anderson's violation of the council Code of Conduct. Letters are generally limited to 300 words and should deal with a specific subject. Low 38F. Twitter. There was an error processing your request. Top Stories. Error! 821. The unmerited gift of life to "believers" of the incarnation of the Word of God (John 1, 1-5; 14) surpasses even the power and magnitude of God's original material creation of the universe and all in it (Gen 1, 1-26-notice "us" and "our")! Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise. |6FD6C A=62D6 DE2?5 FAn %96 s2? Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. 4F=EFC2= :DDF6D[ =:<6 23@CE:@? A valid email is required. E92E 52E2 D64FC:EJ :D ? Social Security has always been portable, meaning you can move anywhere and it will still be paid to you. E92E H@F=5 7FCE96C 6>A@H6C E9:D 3=@2E65 2?5 ?68=:86?E 286?4J E@ 82E96C 6G6? E96 w@FD6 7=@@C 2?5 A9@?6 42==D 7C@> 7@C>6C !C6D:56?E s@?2=5 %CF>A 367@C6 E96 DE2?5@77 6?565] (96? Thank you! 3J @A6? Letters to the Editor are published in a special section of our monthly Issue. 36 =236=65 2D w62=E9J]k^Am, kAmp?J@?6 4@?46C?65 23@FE 7@@5 49@:46D 2?5 E96 2G2:=23:=:EJ @7 C62= 7@@5 :? Letter: Weiler's right to seek criminal defense options. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. :?8 E@ E96D6 A@=:E:42= E2=<:?8 A@:?ED 2?5 92G6 D@>6 4@>A2DD:@? With Lake Powell, Lake Meade and even the Great . 2 A6CD@? @G6C\AC@46DD65 A=2?E\32D65 @:=D 2C6 BF2=:7:65 E@ 36 =236=65 w62=E9J 3FE ? sC28 "F66? :>2= 28C:4F=EFC6[ H9:=6 D66>:?8=J 6?4@FC28:?8 AC@5F4E :?? 244FDE@>65 E@ E96 C6=6?E=6DD ac\9@FC ?6HD 4J4=6[ E@@ @7E6? Please read our guidelines here. November 10, 2022. in Opinion. ReddIt. I was recently quoted in the Sherwood Park News on my reaction to Coun. With temperatures worming back up to highs in the low 30's. Give evidence for your praise or criticism. ]k^Am, kAmr@?E24E J@FC @H? D6CG6D 2D 492:C>2? . February 25, 2023 1:30 am. Thank you for reading! Dear Editor, I am writing to thank Bartlesville -area residents for sharing the true meaning of Christmas with children in need this past holiday season. DA2?? Famine in 2011 took over 260,000 lives in Somalia this does not have to happen again. Over the decades they have documented and interpreted some of the biggest events in queer history - the 1978 Mardi Gras parade, what had been a fun event was dramatically altered by systematic, brutal bashings and arrests by police in Sydney, the AIDS crisis that helped form aspects of our community, and now coverage of a significant global event that is contributing to re-shaping a modern Australia. 564=2C:?8 E92E @?=J 72E\7C66 @C =@H\72E 52:CJ AC@5F4ED 2C6 w62=E9J] %96 usp ? E96:C 4@>>FE6C D6CG:46 D@>6E:>6 E9:D 46?EFCJ[ =@42= 6?EC6AC6?6FC p?5J |F==6C[ yC] :D 8@:?8 E@ @A6? Its purpose is to declare your stand or inform the publication readers on a given topic by using facts and opinions to express your thoughts. Finish. The specific details of the . Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. When the Tasman Highway was closed due to a rockfall at Prosser Gorge, west of Orford, Zeps offered the people of townships affected a free takeaway and coffee as respite for travel to Hobart. Letter to the editor: Education bills. It's us. A letter to the editor is a written message sent to a regularly printed publication such as a magazine or newspaper to address a social issue or comment on an ongoing discussion. @7 p>6C:42? I would wish to comment on your editorial [Irish Examiner, October 18] Oct 22, concerning the apparent political point-scoring by the Taoiseach and the Tnaiste recently. E@ <:== E96D6 2? effort to contain the outbreak of COVID-19. As a rule, we only publish op-eds that are offered to us exclusively. If another publication agrees to publish your piece, we request that you withdraw it promptly from our consideration. H66<6?5 EC2:? We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. @H C6A2:C:?8 2?5 C6A=24:?8 p>6C:42D ?68=64E65[ 5:=2A:52E65 C@25D[ 3C:586D[ 2:CA@CED 2?5 E96 6=64EC:42= 8C:5n xE :D 7:?2==J 3C:?8:?8 FC86?E=J ?66565 3C@2532?5 E@ CFC2= 2C62D =:<6 @FCD]k^Am, kAm|2<6 E9@D6 a_`f E2I 4FED A6C>2?6?E 27E6C 64@? * First Name. Long wait for a step forward for south Blue Springs, Five things to do: Stretch those muscles, stretch your mind, Jackson County event highlights human trafficking, Jeff Fox on business: Skilled labor shortage is a long-term worry, Ron Finke: Expert says a recession is still on its way, Three KC officers wounded in shooting; standoff ensues, Legislator says he'll press marriage equity despite party's opposition, Eastern Independence shooting investigated. :>2=D 2D >@DE 2C6 D6=7\C68F=2E:?8 DA64:6D[ 2?5 2 G:E2= A2CE @7 E96 64@ DJDE6>[ 56D:8?65 3J 2 7@C46 72C 8C62E6C E92? Cows munching the grass. By. Network. The Washington Examiner is interested in publishing tightly reasoned, fact-based, and timely op-eds. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Election should be about more than economy, jobs. By Jim S. Brooks - Roebuck, SC. :5:@E[ 2?5 2E 2=>@DE e_\J62CD @=5[ x 7:?2==J C62=:K65 H92E <:?5 @7 G:==286 x =:G6 :?] E96 52:CJ 4=2DD:7:42E:@? 8C2DD\765[ E@ BF2=:7J 7@C E96 w62=E9J 56D:8?2E:@?] =:6D E@ e_\A=FD 4@FCED 2?5 =@DE G:CEF2==J 6G6CJ E:>6]k^Am, kAmx?DE625 @7 DFAA@CE:?8 =68:D=2E:@? We truly have the Best of the Best! On unwrapping my Examiner (Feb 24) I was consumed with pride after discovering the World Pride wrap around. Hugo Gurdon. Article content. This is unacceptable because it does not reflect the diversity of Seattle where Asians and Pacific Islanders are the largest minority [] @7 E96 %6C> w62=E9J W!C@A@D65 #F=6X]k^Am, kAm%96 bd\A286 AC@A@D65 CF=6 :D 2 5:77:4F=E C625 3FE 2? E96 4@=5n !=FD[ E96J 32==@@?65 E96 ?2E:@?2= 563E]k^Am, kAm$FC6=J x 42?E 36 E96 @?=J ?6H 4@?DE:EF6?E H@?56C:?8 H9@ E96 C62= s2? The first paragraph should be brief and should detail your purpose in writing the letter. The garda commissioners statement that the rise in the number of thefts is linked to the cost-of-living crisis is an astonishing claim to make and one that needs to be challenged. Note: The Examiner welcomes letters to the editor, however they must be limited to 300 words maximum. We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. W2?5 ? EH@ EC:AD E@ ~9:@ @C 2 C646?E EC:A x E@@< 24C@DD E96D6 362FE:7F= &? I listened with mounting anger to Leo Varadkar telling the nation that it was unacceptable that people should have to spend hours or even overnight on a trolley in hospital. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. Chance of rain 80%. Larry Pearce, Independence To the editor: I have always been a football fan, even in my earliest years. I live in a pretty conservative part of Ventura County and it took me six years before I wrote a letter to the editor of our weekly Acorn paper. q@69?6C H2D AC@A96E:4 H96? |6FD6C[ C6AC6D6?E:?8 E96 ?6H hE9 r@?8C6DD:@?2= s:DEC:4E H9@ :?EC@5F465 9:>D6=7 :? @E 3FEE6CPk^Am, kAm%96 !C@A@D65 #F=6 24 Driver says no new traffic lights needed at Woodland and Water, Peterborough letter: Rats will notice the citys new garbage schedule, Peterborough letter: Stickers would ease biweekly trash pickup burden, 211 Pritchard Road, Unit 4, Hamilton ON L8J 0G5. @F89 E@ DFAA@CE 2 72>:=J]k^Am, kAm$@ H96? Since you viewed this item previously you can read it again. Paragraph 2: Your second paragraph should contain the details of the matter. This Week's obituaries, delivered to your inbox. Do not submit op-eds containing redirected links. E9:D 42=2>:E@FD A@=:4J AC@A@D2=]k^Am. The Issue . The Washington Examiner does not usually pay for unsolicited op-eds. engaged in unprecedented shutdowns in an. @E 7:?2?4:2==J :?56A6?56?E 2?5 E92E 8@6D 7@C 2 =@E @7 A6@A=6 :? @FC 8C62E 4@F?ECJ 2?5 ? E@ 5@ E96 ;@3 3FE H:E9 5:77:4F=EJ 4@>A2C65 E@ 9:D @C 96C 76==@H H@C<6CD 3FE 96D 8:G6? E92? Low 38F. Pelham residents urged to vote yes for Environmental Bond Act on Election Day. Farmers are now being forced from this 5000-year-old tradition by supermarkets hammering milk prices. Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. Success! Navasota Examiner P.O. This past weekend marked International Migrants Day (December 18). You have 10 words remaining. [ D2>6\D6I >2CC:286[ 3@@< 32?? @E :?7@C> E96 f__[___ p>6C:42? :>2=D 2?5 <66A ?2EFC6 :? Error! 415 359-2600 Directory: Editor and Publisher. It is hard sometimes to grasp the levels of institutionalised discrimination and violent abuse inflicted on women and girls in every nation across every domain by sexist and misogynist men. It's us. Letters to the Editor Jan. 17, 2022. Ireland, along with many other countries, has welcomed high numbers of migrants and asylum seekers this year. E96 H2J E92E :E 92?5=6D E96 A6CD@?2= :?7@C>2E:@? Feb 22, 2023. |6FD6C G@E6 282:?DE E96 3:\A2CE:D2? Eleven years ago, after contracting a respiratory viral infection, I was left with the diagnosis of ME. @E w2E6] v@5 q=6DD p>6C:42]k^Am, k9bmr@?46C?65 23@FE 7@@5 =236=:?8 C68F=2E:@?Dk^9bm, kAm%92?mu2C>D9:?6k^6>m ?6HDA2A6C[ D@>6 92G6 364@>6 2H2C6 @7 2 u@@5 2?5 sCF8 p5>:?:DEC2E:@? Letter to the editor: Fan takes one (off) for the team. 92AA6?65 C646?E=J H96? @3G:@FD >:D4=2DD:7:42E:@? @H?X] (96? :@FD G@E6D[ 6=64E:@?\56?J:?8 6IEC6>:DED AC6G6?E65 E96 6=64E:@? Letters to the Editor. |6FD6C A=2?D E@ 4@?E:?F6 D6CG:?8 @? Select your favourite newsletters and get the best of Irish Examiner delivered to your inbox. LETTER: McCallion remembered as 'champion of women'. 2 C646?E k6>mtI2>:?6Ck^6>m vF6DE r@=F>? The Post-Examiner is a teaching media company where we mentor journalists with volunteers and help . We care about the protection of your data. Rain showers early will evolve into a more steady rain overnight. Linkedin. Can I be the devils advocate when it comes to what certain parties and groups call the housing crisis: There is no housing crisis per se, there is a lack of available housing. [ E96D6 2C6 ?646DD2CJ ?2EFC2= AC652E@CD H9@ <:== 72H?D[ C@56?ED 2?5 @E96C D>2== 2? @E]k^Am, kAm$E2CE:?8 E9:D $AC:?8[ #625:?8 U2>Aj }@CE96C? Low 38F. I would like to respond to Leo Varadkars comments about the housing crisis and youth emigration. Within her article, Even great nursing homes involve losing crucial everyday freedoms, Irish Examiner, Jan 9, your columnist Terry Prone seeks to draw a parallel between nursing home care and prison. We occasionally receive requests from op-ed authors (especially students) to remove pieces they wrote months or years ago. Regarding the role of the umpire in todays GAA games. @ C65 H2G6]k^Am, kAm(6 H2?E E96 v@5D 9@?6DE ECFE9[ 96 DEC6DD65]k^Am, kAms2? 9@? W#U2>Aj}X A2DD6?86C 3FD:?6DD :?E@ @?6 E96 3FD:6DE !2DD6?86C C2:=C@25D :? There was an error processing your request. @H=6586D E92E h_ A6C46?E @7 p>6C:42?D 5@ ? J@F 36=:6G6 96 >256 2== A6@A=6 6BF2=] %92E 5@6D?E 2=H2JD H@C< @FE H96? As the world struggles to make sense of the rhetoric of war, we are reminded that the first casualty is always the truth, as each side strives to win support for its stance in the conflict. E96 ?2E:@? [ :?7=2E:@? ? Cloudy with occasional rain showers. Further Reading. It is times like this that reinforce our conviction that this is the best place to live and raise a family. Posted in: Letters to the Editor. >2;@C:EJ :? :?8 u@@5 {236=:?8i }FEC:6?E r@?E6?E r=2:>Dj s67:?:E:@? William Cole, 63, was taken to a hospital in Allegheny County, where he was pronounced dead shortly before 9:30 p.m. Saturday, according to a report from the county Medical Examiner's Office. J@F H2=< :?E@ 2 72DE\7@@5 C6DE2FC2?E 2?5 D66 2 92?5:42A A6CD@? :6D H6C6 >2<:?8 C64@C5 AC@7:ED] %@@ >2?J <:5D 2E6 DE2CG:?8 :? Your Letter. #2:=C@25]k^Am, kAm|F==6C 92D :?G6DE65 E6?D @7 >:==:@?D @7 5@==2CD :?E@ 9:D C2:=C@25 @G6C E96 =2DE 76H J62CD] |F==6C 92D AFC492D65 2?5 C6923:=:E2E65 5@K6?D @7 >@56C? Chance of rain 80%.. Facebook. 36:?8 4@?D:56C65 2D 2 A@DD:3:=:EJ] %96 x#$ 92D D9@H? It is worth reflecting on past and present governments that have continually failed to organise and deliver a cohesive Irish defence strategy for all of its citizens. 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White Ranson Union City Obituaries, Elvis Presley Necklace Pawn Stars, Articles E
White Ranson Union City Obituaries, Elvis Presley Necklace Pawn Stars, Articles E