Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. However these exceptions all relate to activity in Group 6 Miscellaneous Offences and therefore this change does not create a discontinuity within the total recorded crime figure for Scotland (which is based on Groups 1 to 5). Dangerous and careless driving accounted for 10% of Motor vehicle offences. Here is what you need to know about the day. Other sexual crimes are the largest category in Group 2, accounting for 50% of Sexual crimes. Sexual assaults then fell in both of the latest years, including a 16% decrease from 4,936 in 2019-20 to 4,154 in 2020-21. There is no crime data by postcode. Common assault is the largest category in Miscellaneous offences, accounting for 42% in 2020-21. Total crimes recorded in Scotland during the 2019/20 period remained almost unchanged from the previous year, increasing by less than 1% to 246,516. This category decreased by 16% from 23,691 in 2019-20 to 19,814 in 2020-21. The data presented was published by the Scottish Government in Jan 2020 as part of the SIMD 2020 data collection. Over the ten year period from 2011-12 to 2020-21 this crime has decreased by 6%, although there was an increase of 29% from 19,441 in 2019-20 to 24,985 in 2020-21. Mother's Day 2023 is just weeks away - but why does the date change every year and most importantly, when does it fall? Since then the overall crime rate has remained stable. increased for a long period, but there was a sharp downward trend since they peaked in 2006-07, including a 43% fall since 2011-12. Recorded crime in Glasgow has reduced steadily until 2015/16. Available:, Crime rate per 10,000 population in Scotland in 2021/22, by local authority, Available to download in PNG, PDF, XLS format, Number of crimes in Scotland in 2021/22, by type of crime, Crime rate in Scotland 2022, by local authority, Number of robbery offences in Scotland 2002-2022, Violent crime injuries sustained in Scotland in 2017/18, Number of serious assaults in Scotland 2006-2020, Number of common assaults in Scotland 2008-2019/20, Number of theft offences in Scotland 2002-2022, Number of damage and reckless behaviour crimes in Scotland 2002-2022, Value of stolen property in criminal acts in Scotland 2017/18, Scotland: problems with vandalism at local level 2005 to 2018, Number of hate crime charges in Scotland 2012-2022, Race crimes involving harassment in Scotland, 2008 to 2019, Number of disability hate crime charges in Scotland 2012-2022, Number of transgender hate crime charges in Scotland 2012-2022, Charges due to offensive behavior at football in Scotland 2011-2018, Share of race crimes involving harassment in Scotland 2008-2019, Share of race crimes proceeded in court in Scotland, 2008-2019, Confidence in local police ability to prevent crime in Scotland 2008/09-2017/18, Confidence in local police response to information in Scotland 2008/09-2017/18, Confidence in local police ability to catch offenders in Scotland from 2008 to 2018, Confidence in local police ability to deal with cases in Scotland 2008/09-2017/18, Confidence in local police ability to investigate cases in Scotland 2008/09-2017/18, Number of sexual crimes in Scotland 2022, by crime, Number of crimes recorded in St. Petersburg 2010-2021, Scotland: how men and women view the presence of crime in their area 2017/18, Crimes committed in the U.S. 2020, by state, Percent change in crime rate in the U.S. by state 2018-2019, Nonmetropolitan counties - crime rate U.S. 2020, by type, Public concern about crime prevention in the United Kingdom (UK) 2007-2012, Breakdown of forensic capabilities of public forensic crime labs in the U.S., 2014, Money laundering investigations by Hong Kong's C&ED 2017 by type, Suspicious transaction reportings by Hong Kong's insurance institutions 2013-2017, Suspicious transaction reportings by Hong Kong's accounting professionals 2013-2017, Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports. A paid subscription is required for full access. Changes in recorded crime from 2017-18 should be treated with some caution due to the addition of newly recorded crimes of handling an offensive weapon. Cumbernauld crash leaves five injured as police close road for six hours. This change involved reclassifying some activity from an offence group to a crime group, and so resulted in a small increase in total recorded crime, with 354 recorded in 2020-21. Scottish Index ofMultiple Deprivation 2020. Whilst the specific age of the victim cannot generally be determined from the data supplied by Police Scotland, many of the sexual crime codes used by the police to record crime make it clear when the victim was aged under 18 (for example, Sexual assault of older male child (13-15 years))[3]. This category was on an upward trend since 2011-12, having increased by 76% between then and 2018-19. Further information from Police Scotland suggests that just over a quarter (26%) of sexual crimes in 2020-21 were recorded at least one year after they occurred and that this figure is similar to the previous year. Crimes and offences per 10,000 population rates are calculated as follows: (total number of recorded crimes / mid-year population estimate) x 10,000. Whilst many incidents will have been dealt with by police without the need for enforcement, 20,976 Coronavirus restrictions crimes were recorded in 2020-21, accounting for 9% of all crime recorded in Scotland this year. In 2020-21, 81 crimes of handling an offensive weapon (used) occurred within a prison and a further 36 occurred within a school. READ MORE: Parts of Glasgow see sexual crimes DOUBLE in five years Crime rate per 10,000 population in Scotland in 2021/22, by local authority [Graph]. These crimes should all relate to offences which occurred prior to the implementation of the Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009 on 1 December 2010, as the Act replaced Lewd and libidinous practices with specific sexual assault crimes. This was followed by Other crimes (29%), Fire-raising, vandalism etc. In 2017-18, Communications Act 2003 (Sexual) offences were transferred from Group 6 Miscellaneous offences to Group 2 Sexual crimes. "We will continue to identify victims of sexual crime proactively, including complex, online and non-recent offending, and work with partners to encourage survivors to come forward. Your email address will not be published. (17%), Sexual crimes (5%) and Non-sexual crimes of violence (4%). This follows an increasing trend since 2014-15 and is likely to be mainly due to the pandemic related restrictions. Crimes of fraud increased by 69% since 2011-12, including a 26% increase between 2019-20 and 2020-21. There are around 5,600 police officers placed in the area which is one of the highest in the UK. Get a free quote. Crime in Glasgow, United Kingdom Compare Glasgow with: Do you live in Glasgow? Prior to the small decrease in 2019-20, there had been increases each year since 2008-09. Levels of Fire-raising, vandalism etc. We therefore recommend that users interested in Homicide statistics should refer directly to the Homicide in Scotland bulletin series, which can be accessed at: The report showed sexual crimes have fallen for the first time in a decade, though remaining at the second-highest level since the 1970s. 92.6% of domestic abuse crime records were counted and classified correctly. In 2007/08, there were just under 70,000 crimes recorded in the city; by 2018/19, this figure had reduced by 35% to almost 45,000. The Other violence category includes crimes such as Cruelty to & unnatural treatment of children, Threats & extortion and Abduction, which together account for 87% of the crimes within this category. Comprehensive coverage, regularly updated. From the 1st April 2017, crimes of handling offensive weapons in public places are no longer treated as an aggravation where they are used to commit other crimes or offences against a person. The next Domestic abuse recorded by the police in Scotland bulletin will contain data for 2020-21 and will be published in November 2021. WARNING: Graphic images within this article. statistic alerts) please log in with your personal account. I am looking for spreadsheets of crime in Scotland, similar to those readily available for the rest of the UK: "Reports under these new laws, which reflect the reality of many domestic abuse victims, account for the rise in overall non-sexual violence recorded by police last year. It also has the highest . experience. After a relatively stable period between 2010-11 and 2013-14 and a decrease in 2014-15, crimes of fraud experienced an upward trend since 2014-15. It should be noted that crimes under the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act relate to a course of conduct only and therefore do not include all crimes relating to domestic abuse. Glasgow reported the 4th highest amount of crimes in the UK, with over 81,583 crimes. City centre serious assault leaves victim in hospital as police hunt suspect, Thousands raised for Glasgow family heartbroken at death of 21-year-old in three-car crash horror. "Crime Rate per 10,000 Population in Scotland in 2021/22, by Local Authority. have consistently been the biggest categories within Miscellaneous offences. Deputy chief constable Fiona Taylor said: "Police officers and staff work with commitment and a dedication to public service to build and maintain our peaceful and respectful way of life. These offences had previously been on a generally upward trend between 2009-10 and 2013-14, before decreasing by 96% between 2013-14 and 2020-21. . "Crime rate per 10,000 population in Scotland in 2021/22, by local authority." Copyright 2020 - 2023 Scotland's data on a mapPrivacy Policy ::Cookie Policy :: Sitemap ::Contact Us. Nearly 1,700 crimes were recorded under Scotland's new domestic abuse laws during their first year in force. There are some limited exceptions (in particular Threatening and abusive behaviour), which will no longer be recorded when occurring as part of a course of conduct for Domestic Abuse. This category increased by 5% from 11,246 in 2019-20 to 11,771 in 2020-21. Crimes recorded as Other violence account for 23% of Non-sexual crimes of violence. A further breakdown of Breach of the peace etc. Most Deprived 10%. Further information is available via the following link: There were 780 crimes of Disclosing or threatening to disclose an intimate image in 2020-21. We use cookies to collect anonymous data to help us improve your site browsing In June 2018 a report was published that presented more detailed information on the handling of offensive weapons within public places in Scotland. A number of crimes which may have been recorded as Breach of the peace prior to the implementation of the Act would also not have shown up as sexual crimes before December 2010. Glasgow Sheriff Court heard how David McSherry and Susan Paterson targeted some of those most in need of financial support in the community to line their own pockets. 616 of these new offences were recorded in 2019-20, and 2,491 offences were recorded in 2020-21, the first full year of the legislation being in force. Number of Miscellaneous offences recorded in 2020-21: Miscellaneous offences account for around half (52%) of all offences recorded in Scotland in 2020-21. Drug crimes account for 50% of Other crimes. Chart 4: Change in total recorded crime between 2009-10 and 2018-19, by local authority area. CHARLOTTE, N.C. (WBTV) - Detectives from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department are working to identify the people responsible for a break-in at a popular bar in the Myers Park area. The Other sexual crimes category includes crimes such as Communicating indecently; Taking, possessing and distributing indecent photos of children; Sexual exposure, Public indecency and Causing to view sexual images or activity. He penned an 18-month loan but that has been cut short. This category accounted for less than 1% of Other crimes in 2020-21. However the impact will be smaller for earlier years (for example comparisons with 2011-12) when set against the long term changes in total crime recorded by the police and other legislative and procedural changes made to the recording of crime during this period. Theft from a motor vehicle by OLP accounted for 2% of Crimes of dishonesty. Ryan Wheeler, 21, lost his life after a collision occurred on Auchienhowie Road in Milngavie last Sunday involving a Skoda Superb, an Audi A4 and a Ford Tourneo. Chart 6 below shows the number of Non-sexual crimes of violence from 1971 onwards. From 2017-18 onwards, crimes of Handling an offensive weapon in Scotland can be counted in two different ways. In 2020-21, the national rate of recorded Non-sexual crimes of violence decreased from 17 to 16 crimes per 10,000 population (see Tables 4 and 7). It is not possible to make direct comparisons between the two sources for various reasons (for example not all who attend hospital with assault injuries will report what has happened to the police). In 2012 there were 2.7. This change was made to improve consistency between the recording of these crimes and the criminal law. Chart 18 shows the five categories within Miscellaneous offences over the last ten years. All Deciles. The comparison described above for overall crime levels should be viewed in this context which will also likely apply to Scotlands other city based local authorities. Other crimes of dishonesty includes Reset, Corruption, Embezzlement and other crimes of forgery which are not classified elsewhere. Over the ten year period from 2011-12 to 2020-21, these crimes have seen a large fall of 90%, including a 45% decrease since 2019-20. The Other miscellaneous offences category includes a wide range of offences, including Racially aggravated harassment, Racially aggravated conduct (see section below), False/hoax calls, Offences involving children and Offences involving animals/plants. June 28, 2022. Some of these sections include information on sexual crime; for example, the self-completion elements of the 2018-19 and 2019-20 surveys included questions on sexual victimisation, stalking and harassment, and partner abuse. As such, part of the increase in Other sexual crimes since 2016-17 is due to this legislative change. Common assault and Breach of the peace etc. Distressed gull put to sleep after being found caught in 'horrific' glue trap in Glasgow garden, Anti-social behaviour rose in Glasgow during lockdown with more than 15,000 calls to police, Campaign launched to stop Scotland being only country in the world to ban music, Police break up more than 300 house parties in Scotland over the weekend, Bearsden Range Rover driver who mounted pavement and caused death crash gets 12 month ban. Further information on quality issues is available in the Data Considerations section below, and in Annex 2. ): Percentage of crimes / offences cleared up by the police, Scotland, 2011-12 to 2020-21, Table 4: Crimes and offences recorded in Scotland per 10,000 population, 2011-12 to 2020-212, Table 4 (Cont. fell from 87 to 79 crimes per 10,000 population in 2020-21. Chart 9 shows the four categories within Sexual crimes over the last ten years, and gives an indication of the trend and scale of each category. A total of 24,472 fires were attended by the SFRS in 2019-20, down 9% on the previous year. Further explanation of these trends is set out in the following sections for each crime group. accounted for 94% of crimes of Fire-raising, vandalism etc. offences and is likely to be part of the reason why there was a fall in Stalking offences from 1,304 in 2018-19 to 871 in 2019-20. In 2021/22 the crime rate in Scotland was 524 crimes per 10,000 people, the lowest crime rate recorded in this provided time period. Furthermore, not all police recorded crimes of fire-raising may result in the attendance of the SFRS. Crimes against public justice account for 35% of Other crimes and include Bail offences, Resisting arrest and General attempts to pervert the course of justice. accounted for 1% of Non-sexual crimes of violence. The Vandalism etc. Profit from the additional features of your individual account. It should be noted that the number of offences recorded by the police generally tends to be affected to a greater extent by police activity and operational decisions than the number of crimes. ): Crimes and offences recorded in Scotland per 10,000 population, 2011-12 to 2020-21, Table 5: Crimes and offences recorded by local authority area, 2020-21, Table 5 (Cont. Shetland isles are just off the top of the map but are visible when the chart is pulled down. Scotland's largest city also reported the highest number of crimes in each category - violent crime, sexual crime, crimes of dishonesty, fire-raising, vandalism, other and coronavirus restrictions. A number of legislative and procedural changes should be kept in mind when reviewing trends in sexual crime over the longer term. The total number of crimes recorded by the police in Scotland in 2020-21 was 246,511. In 2020-21, the volume of recorded crimes of Attempted murder and serious assault made up 39% of all Non-sexual crimes of violence. Over the ten year period from 2011-12 to 2020-21 this crime has seen a large decrease of 77%, including a 29% decrease from 2,982 in 2019-20 to 2,108 in 2020-21. In the period from 2015 to 2016, crimes in Scotland decreased by four per cent. Get all of the latest crime news in the Glasgow area from the Glasgow Times. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The total number of offences recorded has fallen by around a half since 2013-14, including a 4% decrease from 250,662 in 2019-20 to 240,174 in 2020-21 (Table 2). Chart 8 below shows the number of Sexual crimes from 1971 onwards. Further information on the comparability of Group 6 is available in Annex 2. This category decreased by 42% from 2,800 in 2019-20 to 1,632 in 2020-21. The first is to use the pre-existing statistics, where the offensive weapon hasnt been used to commit another crime or offence against a person in a public place. The national rate of recorded Crimes of dishonesty fell from 204 to 164 per 10,000 population in 2020-21 (see Tables 4 and 7). However, there was a 14% increase from 5,234 in 2019-20 to 5,961 in 2020-21. The Recorded Crime in Scotland report showed there had been 1,681 crimes reported under the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018, which came into force in April 2019. Crime rate per 10,000 population. Year over year crime in Glasgow has decreased by 2%. Information on the impact of the Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009 is available under Data Considerations below. Comparisons with data prior to 2010-11 for these categories should therefore be treated with caution. Get the latest crime news direct to your inbox with the Glasgow Crime and Courts newsletter. First Bus offer free service to Scotstoun Stadium for Glasgow Warriors games. Similar to Sexual assault, after an upward trend from 2011-12 to 2018-19, there have been decreases over the past two years, including a 2% decrease from 2,343 in 2019-20 to 2,298 in 2020-21. Directly accessible data for 170 industries from 50 countries and over 1 million facts: Get quick analyses with our professional research service. recorded by the police in Scotland decreased by 10%, from 47,731 to 42,964. This category is the largest in Crimes of dishonesty, accounting for 36% of these crimes. The Glasgow area from the Glasgow crime and Courts newsletter chart 18 shows the number of Non-sexual crimes of.... Fire-Raising, vandalism etc category was on an upward trend between 2009-10 and 2018-19 improve consistency between recording... Counted in two different ways during their first year in force SFRS in 2019-20, was... 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