Matt Schutty-MT
Lynn Good-NJ
David Fillmore-WY Devils Canyon Veteran Hand Crew
Lorenzo Castillo-Ca
Joaquin Gutierrez-NM Las Cruces BLM
Kevin Cashman-CO IMO Rick Wheeler
3418 Alex Morray
1472 Seth Carbonari, MT
Scott McCreary San Juan Hotshots
George Solano-ID
567 Bill Gabbert, SD
2726 Davin Williams, CA Lassen Volcanic NP Fire & Aviation Mana
Sam Mize, CO
2391 Mary Johnston, IL
Nicolas Thong-Crew 51 Middle Fork (FS)
712 Lance McKinley, CA
2323 Gina Bald, UT CIIMT4
469 Daniel Guse, CA
797 John Courtright, ID
Haile Hehn-WA Lone Peak IHC
Michael Harris-CAl Fire
Davis Oatway-UT
Karson Sorenson, UT
Modoc IHC, CA, Ventura County Professional Firefighters, CA
Kevin Winter-CA
Steven Baran
2275 Scott Nielson Alta IHC
Chaz Evert-NE
Kathy Robatcek-MI
Evans Schmedtic-ZigZag IHC
Andy Vasquez CA
793 Glenn Miller, OR
Dan Anerino-OH Wayne National Forest
937 Morgan Thomsen Engine 461
2443 Kevin Gearlds, NV -Nevada Division of Forestry
Deanna D Williams, PA
Steve Gage, ID
1116 Mark Johnson, USFS Truckee IHC
2811 Karla Hawley, CA
1508 Peggy Setter, CO
Helitack H-517
Brandon Banwell-CA
2547 Jessica Pfister, OR -Malheur Rappel Crew
2719 Martin Chilil, CA -Heaps Peak Helitack
Bonita Sylva-CA IMO Stanley Sylva
Mark Loeffelbein-UT
2110 Steven Bonora, Carson IHC, NV
2339 Keith Ward, NV
955 Victoria C Smith, CO Div of Emergency Management
Gale Payne-AZ
Jonathan Kalb-NV Silver State Hotshots
1926 Ryle Benke Lewis & Clark IHC
1730 Luke Tinker, Laguna IHC
Von Mason-CA
Kevin Jones-WA Redmond IHC
Juan Zepada-FL
465 Lynda Berckefeldt, WSFD
Tony Thurnau-Il Midewin IHC
Weston Gaul-CA
1213 Yanu Gallimore, OR
2747 Randy Magana, CA
Ben Hauser-Montecito Firefighters Association-CA
James Burke-ZigZag IHC
Juan Bautista-OR Pacific Coast Contracting Inc
David Verona-AZ
Tamara Wilton-CA
Lindsay Mielke, MN
Lisa Davis-WA
3131 Tommy Parker IMO Jesse Steed
Nicholas Prado-Rogue River IHC
Rex Reed-Wa
Daniel Guilfoyle--Rogue River IHC
Robert Arthur-AZ DFFM/SWA Team 2
1551 Broc Becker, Horseshoe Meadow IHC
1149 Kevin Greene, Nevada City Fire District, CA
555 Duane Vasten, CO
Beforetheycould reach the ranch,flames overran them and killed all but one crew member. Darren OLoughlin-UT-Lone Peak IHC
66 Melvin Bruce Lovo Ventura County Pro. 2249 Marianne Hill, MS
15 Adil M Aslam Ventura County Pro. Cameron Balog-ME
Jeffrey M Whitehouse, CA Ventura County Pro FF
Cari Provencher-Pacific NW Incident Business Workshop
Ronald Cole-CA
Melinda L. Maggio In Memory of Luke Sheehy
Lacey England-MT
Roger Hooper-CA Folsom Lake Veterans Crew
Timothy Chavez-CA
Bradley Duncan-NM
Jonathan Mann-CA USFS Shasta Trinity NF
Jeremy Mantz-MO
3517 Ahjah Boise- McCall Smokejumpers
Kurt Mattocks-AZ
Kyle Hermiston-UT
Sara Martinez-TN
Rich Harvey-GB Team 1
Amanda Figliola-Lewis & Clark Hotshots
2183 Landon W. Nill, MT
Melissa Birdwell-Black Mesa IHC
443 Evan Schachtel, IL
Ethan White-First Strike Environmental Co
Jim Jaquet, ID
2192 C.W. Garrett Kirpach-GB Team 4
Matt Cousin-Rifle Peak Hand Crew
2025 Kenney Cain, Alta Handcrew
Justin Veron-ID
Jessica Whitney-CO
2847 Will Menning, MT Helena IHC
2031 Phillip Lockwood, WY
1510 Tracy McGuff, Angeles National Forest
Matthew Hubaud-AK
Kaitlin Bergez-MT
Martha Campbell-NV
2625 John Stein Dalton IHC
Jason Heinz-WA
771 Schafer Kinnaman Southwest Area Type 1 IMT/Sciacca
Matthew Spanos-CA
Steven Roberts-IL
Bryce Nielsen-NE
Ramon Maldonado-Grayback Forestry
Randy Johnson-WA
Tyler Curry-Gila IHC
Mark Skudlarek-ID
2210 William Chorba, First Strike Environmental, OR
1395 William Creeden, MI
448 Josh Shroyer, MO
Joshua Haddock-OR
Adele Gotts-CA
Linda Andrews-VA
Jim Good, NJ
John Hillenbrand-NV
432 Justin Townsend Ventura County Fire Protection District Handcrew
Jimmy Flanagan-WA
Ida Kitchen-Greenwell-UT Alta IHC
Jennifer Hebrard-AZ
3222 Alex Burreece Fenix Forestry, LLC
Karen Kieborz-SD
2216 John Mullowney Summitt & Pacific Coast
Debbie Wendell, CT
129 Scott Macone Ventura County Pro. Lance Martin-CO-San Juan IHC
Danielle Yox-AZ
2258 Randal Johnson, CO
Andrew Joes-OH
Michael Long-CA
Elizabeth Bauer, MT
Drew Daily OK
Tobin Kelley-GB Team 1
[13], The Yavapai County Sheriff's Office said that 127 buildings in Yarnell and two in Peeples Valley had been destroyed. Musa Abdallah-UT Alta Hotshots
2440 Isaias Garcia, CA Arrowhead IHC
Tamara Klindt-TX
2683 Daniel Lojero, CA -Bald Mountain Helitack
Douglas Caffee-Pacific NW Incident Business Workshop
Connor Miller-MI
2597 Aaron Strobeo, MT
Rocky Siegel-CA
Chris Meeker-Az
2503 Andrea Leigh Stanley Ventura County Professional Firefighters, CA
163 Brett William Reynolds Ventura County Pro. A wall of flame and embers raced over the house. William Chathan-CO Alpine IHC
529 Margaret Gallgher, GA
266 Ted Mead, MT
840 Jason McDaniel, TX
Jan Diamantini-OR IHO Tami Bickett
2956 TJ Dowd -Rifle Peak Handcrew
2081 Eddie Thoroughgood, Chester Fly Crew
1770 Warner Vanderheuel, MI
David Celino-MA
David Warner
480 Michael DeGrosky, ID
Cathy Mallea-OR
Johnny Brady--Baker River Hotshots
1994 Donald Brian Lehoux 1st, ME (Lifetime)
1178 Jamison Bird -Helena IHC
Midewin IHC
Shawn Gettings -WY
2632 Peter Dybing, CO
Central Montana Helitack
3591 Kristopher Smith- First Strike Enviromental
1055 Leesa A Johnson IHO Nicholas Bohnstedt
Mark Tolbert-CA
2214 Tony Moll, VA -Jackson IHC
2303 John Van Mannekes, CA CIIMT4
Bennet Murch-WA Entiat IHC
Mary Nicholson-GB Team 1
1723 Amanda Shoaf, CA
Holly Werner-CA IMO John Holt Werner
Eric Nagel-AZ
2459 Jarret Carle, CA
1553 Jeremy Loyd, Horseshoe Meadow IHC
Kevin Throop-WI
Erin Lally-MT
Cyndie Hogg-NM Retired NICC/SWCC
Shawn Phillips, CO Alpine IHC
2159 Brett DeBone, CA -Plumas IHC
Melanie Fullman US Forest Service Honor Guard, WY
2262 Mary Nicole Gray, TX
EJ Brooks-UT
2230 Robert Sanville, MA IMO Dan Holmes
2221 Sean Henning, MO -Jackson IHC
Mike Cobb, Black Forest Fire Dept. Michael Britt McDaniels, CA Ventura County Pro FF
1032 John T Haskvitz IMO Trampus Haskvitz
Robert Stoldal-UT
James Fischer-ID
Deane Seeger
917 Brett Ortland In Memory of Robert Ortland
Wally Roth-MI IMO Roger Roth
Dana Carter-NM
Greg Jackson-NV
2189 Paul Sever, ID
Charles Cosgrove IMO Daniel Holmes
2583 Todd Pechota, SD
Charles Bolt, MS
Nolin Page, Boise BLM
Megan Painter-Salmon Helirappellers
Susan Seber-AZ
2567 Luke Tinker, CA Laguna IHC
Chris Mancini-Lone Peak Hotshots
Steven Ipswitch, FMO Standing Rock Agency, SD
1796 Chris Sommers, Alpine IHC
Carolyn Higgins-CIIMT4
Rick VanderVoet-WY
Matthew Marshall, CA Del Rosa IHC
Yosemite Helitack-CA
Eagle Lake
Thomas Chavez-Arrowhead IHC
Jeremy Kiesling-GB Team 6
Ed Yeager, ID
708 Randy Gross, CA
Jan Amen-TX
Merritt Cutten, CA Breckenridge IHC
Dennis Finnegan
Smoke filled the barn. Ian Powers-MA
2873 Philip VerPlancke, IL
2925 Julia Denning, OR
274 Mike Huber, WY
2244 Erik Lint, CA
A memorial service planned for Tuesday is expected to draw thousands of mourners, including the families of the firefighters. Nick Peters-GA USFS
Meg Trebon
Cheryl Bright, OR
2123 Bob Tinker, CA -Cal Fire
684 Shad Sitz, OR
Noah Simpson-CO
1080 John Diebel, MI
Don Will-CA
Daniel Vasquez-CA Forestry Techanian
Jason Tucker-Volcanic National Park Fire Mgmt
Carr Rieger-CA Heartlake Handcrew
Tim McElwee IMO Sean Misner
Robin Thompson-VA
Orlando Genao-Lassen Volcanic National Park
357 Vinson Johnson, FS Retired
Shawn J Turner, PA
Christopher Banuelos-NV
Cade Wilkey-ID
Far into the night, they could hear the grinding of the bulldozer as it pushed aside boulders and burned brush, carving a rough road up to where the firefighters died. Jeff Villarreal-Montecito Firefighters Association-CA
Matt Martens-Kennewick Union Fire Fighters L1296
Kevin Devine-Montana DNRC Helitack
2827 Joe Madden, OR -Prineville IHC
John R. Meek, CO
Angela Rader, NV
Cheryl Orgas-IHO Christopher Meeker
Joseph Stamps-CA-Fulton IHC
2710 Gabe Carr Boise Helitack
Josh Davidson-Salmon Hell Rappellers
Todd Like-CO
1982 Kyle Titus, AZ
Thomas Decker, CA IHO Mann Creek Jumpers
Dale Smith-TX
Adam Rivard-Midewin Hotshots
1830 Wendy Soper, UT
Pedro Marcos-CA Del Rosa IHC
David Bogdan-MA
570 David Loveland, TN
Hector Torres-Salmon River Hotshots
Jacob Portillo-Bear Divide IHC
Ryan Shannahan, ID
Tamara Dierks-SD
Al Stover-NPS
Bill Kornrumph-NM
Judy Morgan-Pacific NW Incident Business Workshop
Craig William Pearson, CA Ventura County Pro FF
Brian Ott-WY
Michael Berhelzer-Pioneer Peak IHC
Lauren Nina Iverson-CA Prineville IHC
2854 Skyler Steed -Cedar City IHC
Mary Ellen Reyna-Pacific NW Incident Business Workshop
519 Ken Nelson, MRCA Fire
Benjamin Gustafson-MO
2734 Philip Jesu, CA Feather River IHC
2347 Dan Booth McCall Smokejumper
Jake Hernandez-CA Lassen IHC
Martin Rodriguez-CA
Mike Dolan-NV
3251 Cherie Sonsalla, MN
Laurie Welter-ID
32 Larry Manzano Cerda Ventura County Pro. Todd Woodward Prineville IHC
Sherman Waldron TN
428 Tyler Ripley Ventura County Fire Protection District Handcrew
Josh Boeder-Alta IHC
735 David McIlrath, IA
Christian Berninger-UT Lone Peak IHC
1752 Becky Quigley Fire Dawg
Kathleen Sachse-CA
1675 Waposta Van Etten, Feather River IHC
The phone eventually ended up in the possession of Marsh's widow, Amanda, according to the Prescott Courier. 1844 John Gebhard, ID
27 Michael Treshow, ID
Jacqueline LeClair
1125 Kimberly Jones, USFS
2406 Whitney Jiter, AR -Poteau Ranger District
Baker River Hotshots
Jayson McDonald-CA Breckenridge IHC
2351 Patrick Titus, CA
Marc Estrada-Breckenridge IHC
2231 Chris Glode BLM NV
Zephaniah Cunningham-VA
Phillip Cocker-CA
Robert Naranjo-NM
Jim Smith-CA Nevada County Consolidated Fire District
Rodger Ozburn, WV WV Division of Forestry
Jake Stone--Baker River Hotshots
Trevor Long-CA-Fulton IHC
Thomas Gibson-WA
Evan Skei-Montecito FF Assoc. 244 Neda Yarnall, PA
Kevin Smyth-Klamath IHC
Emily Echevarria-CA
Hans Ohme, ID McCall Smokejumpers
Karen Grubbs-NM
2396 Jarred Sayer McCall Smokejumper
As you make your way, you will encounter 200+ stairs carved from the surrounding rock, interpretive signs, benches and 19 memorial plaques. Erik Jacobson-WY
88 Michael Harnois, WI
1344 Cyndie Hogg, Retired USFS & BLM
Nicolas Olalla-CO
2013 Edward R. Hiatt, UT CWC
Wesley Temple-AZ-Phoenix Crew 1
Timothy Myers-NV- North Lyon County Fire
1567 Tom Suwyn, UT
Vaness Glynn-Linaris-AZ
Joany Smith-Western Pilot Services
Joseph Delmaro-San Juan Hotshots
3274 Dan Casto, KY
Roxanne Hershey-Pacific NW Incident Business Workshop
Chad Johnston-CA Del Rosa IHC
James Archambeault-WA
477 Dennis Baldridge, CA
Miller Bailey-CA
920 Gary Jury Jr., CA
Diane Hansson-OH Boise Smokejumpers
Will Morales-CA Fulton Hotshots
The chaparral had grown as tall as 10 feet and was nearly impenetrable in places, according to fire officials. KC Bjorsen-ID
Edward Phipps-NJ NJFFS
Jon Janelle-NH
Matthew Manago-Prineville IHC
Michael Peckman-Redding IHC
1842 Becky Hutchinson, CA
Joseph Friedmeyer-MN
David Mergorden-CO
1645 Kaitlin Lamb-In Honor Derek Lamb-In Memory of Luke
762 Steve Counts, VA
William Martin Midewin IHC
2707 Dean Estes, CA Bald Mtn Helitack
Jose Maldonado-CA Feather River IHC
Ronald Cole-CA
Ryan Carabajal-NM
Ann S. Osborne, MN
Brian Pointer-NV Slide Mountain Hand Crew
Jonathan Lindquist-CA Redding IHC
2206 Kari Gromatzky Southwest IMT #3
2576 Jared Staggs Cherokee IHC
"You're going to have to talk to [the Serious Accident Investigation Team]," Boyd says. 479 Jeff Buscher, CA
Robert Tinker Jr-CA
3486 Clark Olds, AZ
Diego Reynoso-Bear Divide IHC
2607 Joseph Darling Dalton IHC
Francisco Victorino-Jr-Bear Divide IHC
Jeff Burch-CA CIIMT 4
1287 Ed Ryan, NV
Lance Vaelli-Rogue River IHC
347 2014 Membership Robert Dauphinais Grand Canyon Helitack NPS
2703 Daniel Lojero, CA Bald Mtn Helitack
Jerick Domingues-CA
1785 Kevin Pellman Mescalero Helitack, NM
Jeff Hill-ID Great Basin IMT Team 6
Cole Skinner-Redding Smokejumpers
1026 Travis Denison Payette NF
2501 Mark Wilson, MT
Keith Suttles, NC
Bradley Medvin-CA
3407 Brian Torres- Florida Forest Service
Jessica Hollinger-CA
Michael Wilson-CA
2776 Shane Moore, NV Slide Mountain Handcrew
256 Randy Skelton-Id
Jason Overocker-ID
Biddy Simet, MT
Neil Zierden, FL
Liap Ankonina-MT
744 Mike Whitney, OR
Matthew Potts-USFS
1344 Dona Rutherford BLM/SWIMT Sciacca
Clair Veseth-ID IMO Anne Veseth
1490 Wendy Molina, AZ
Gina Knudson-GB Team 4
0000004489 00000 n
Reach the reporter at 602-444-8072 or [email protected]. Clay Templin-AZ
Ellis Voivedich-AK
Steve Ellis-CO
James Fischer-ID
Joanne Zuppan-NV
Ted Adams-OR
Jason Hunt-Midewin IHC
Terese March-CA
Darrell Willis
1019 Darren OLoughlin, Lone Peak IHC
Matt aLeber-Bear Divide IHC
Candace Schmidle, CA
1562 Edward Anderson, VA
293 Andy Lipp, SD
454 David B Herrand, NV
Bert Strom-ID
1814 Cammie Glass, NV
Walter Jensen-CA
3000 Nick Callahan -Silver State IHC
Travis Asmus, CA
Kyle Essary, CA Silver State IHC
2352 Todd Like, CO
Katelyn Wallace-Breckenridge IHC
93 Christopher Peru Ventura County Pro. 1977 Camille Klimek, CA
Bill Schuster-Schuster's Forest Mgmt-Fire-Aviation LLC
754 Jarred R. Johnson, WA
1500 Jona Ensley, WA IMO Granite Mountain IHC
Justin Sieger-MI-Klamath IHC
2182 Elizabeth Turner, CO
Engineer 12
1428 Carolyn Higgins CIIMT #4
Cameron Meganck-CO
Phillip Taylor-VA
1062 Andrew Dorgan Ukonom IHC, Orleans, CA
Stacee Ester-Highlands Fire Dept-In Memory of GM IHC
130 Eric J Trejo Ventura County Pro. 2447 Erin Aversano, CA
Randy Turrill-UT
Joshua Meyer-CA Folsom Lake Veteran Crew
962 Katelyn Dedrick, Engine 661 Rogue Siskiyou NF, OR
1491 Roberto A. Arias Jr., CA
2322 Riley Daniels Breckenridge IHC
3443 Mitch Colyer
Stephen Powers-PA
2894 Paul Klinefelter -Klamath IHC
Robert J White-AZ
Preston Ley-UT Lone Peak IHC
Bobby Hogne-First Strike Environmental Co
Jackie Scott-Baker River IHC
38 Shelby Wason, WA
Maria Maragni-OR
Joan Drnjevic-12
193 Brian E Bolser, NM
Ross Nelson-CA Orange Counnty Fire Authority
406 Michael Pickett, AZ IHO Eric Marsh IMO Wade Parker
869 David L Weibel IHO Nathan Rabe
Chad Malicki-WI
Ken Kerr-CO
1709 Eric Fuchslin, CA
1881 Joseph Kaufmann, MN Midewin IHC
Todd Douglas Buck, CA Ventura County Pro FF
3247 Anthony Martinez, CA
Aylana Flanagan-WA
2109 Greyson Rennels, Carson IHC, NV
1429 Michael Vetti CIIMT #4
Andrew Vogl-Arrowhead IHC
Jeremy Gottfried-OR
Casey Judd-ID
John Pell, UT Forest Service
2197 William, Beebe, AR
Granite Mountain Hotshots Memorial State Park is a state park near Yarnell, Arizona, created to memorialize the nineteen members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots who died there on June 30, 2013, while fighting the Yarnell Hill Fire.. 1260 Erin Ringer, Laguna IHC
1306 Randy Skelton Payette NF
2059 Vanessa GlynnLinaris BLM AZ State Office
Steven Chaffin-CA Iron Mountain Hand Crew USFS
Noel Livingston-OR
1350 Gregg Kneipp, VA
1366 Kove Roose Laguna IHC In Memory of the GM 19
Teri Cairns-OR
Ty Patteron-Redmond Hotshots
214 JT Belton, McCall Smokejumpers, ID
Corey Benov-OR
Robert Cota - USFS
Jim Rich -OR
Josh Ward-KS
Will Morales-CA-Fulton IHC
1613 Jim Orr, CA
Erika Garvey, OR
Bethany Dubia-CA
Casey Holman-CO Rocky Mountain NP
3051 Bob Weber, CA Cal-Fire Timber Faller
538 Bob Will, USFS Retired
1959 Anthony Allabastro, Lewis & Clark IHC
Mike Dugan-ID
1191 Anthony Salomon Alpine IHC
Taylor Ford, UT Alta IHC
1365 Taylor Stephens, CO
Tony Thurnau
1588 Wes Peebles, NV Rifle Peak Handcrew
Robert Macdonald-ID
Greg Vollhaber-MN
KC Koogler-Rogue River IHC
1274 Ronb Florence, ID
Ellen Dunlap-ID
Richard "Twig" Stanger-Black Hills Wind & Fire
2590 Jim Bussell, SD
547 Eric Nilson, Utah County Fire
Glenda Torres-CO
2330 Kevin Janes, CA CIIMT4
Sheldon Beebe In Memory of Justin Beebe
895 Mike Wheelock Grayback Forestry
Ethan Green-MI
Nicolas Olalla
1817 Michael C. Ringleb Jr., Bald Mtn. Amanda Monthei-OR Zigzag IHC
996 New Member Sarah E Johnson, MN
Kelsey Lofdahl-Salmon River Hotshots
Gerry Day-WA
Ron Sartain, CA
Kelly Calahan-TX
Donna Tong-CA
648 Hank Walters AKA Safetyhank
Robert Lozano-CA Del Rosa IHC
1827 Adriana Harrington, Vista Grande IHC
1726 Terrance House -Black Mesa IHC
697 Brent Crosland, UT
Philip Bordelon-OR
1779 Megan Penney, WA
Keith O'Loughlin-MI
2875 Kate Abrell, IN
Patrick Romportl-CO McCall Smokejumpers
1623 Gerald Emerson-Gamboa, Springville IHC
Fabian Garza-Wolf Creek IHC
1396 Benjamin Urista, Del Rosa IHC
Chloe Lake-Texas A&M Forest Service
Kyle Taylor-NM
Jon Bontrager-MI
58 Rich Bolton, CA
Michael Scharenbrock-ID
1723 Ryan Erickson, ID
Dean Clark-CO
Richard Sheets-CA
Jason Russell, WA Entiat IHC
Paul Cano-2MCFire Inc
Connie Stickel, NE
John Kraushaar, CA CIIMT4
308 Tom Knight Battle Born Helitack
1612 William W. Wells, Springville IHC
322 Don Moss, OR
679 Seth Webb, Lone Peak IHC, UT
Jeff Saley-Montecito Firefighters Association-CA
Savanna Brooks-CA
2165 Jeff Bell, CA -Plumas IHC
1086 Zack Kephart, GA
2692 Joshua Lambert, UT
1503 Luke Snyder-Mormon Lake IHC
Kyle Hermiston-MT
Sarah Jamison
Brian McCreary
Zach Peterson
Chris Marabetta-Red River Ranger District
1861 Delmar Gorsline Winnemucca BLM
LM Cragin-CA
Carl Williams-NV Tallac IHC
Chase Maness-Ruby Mountain IHC
699 Charles Sundt, NM
1586 Bruce Edmunson, CA
Ramon Maldonado-CA
Steve Meyer-OR
Micael Bentley-WY
Cole Van Wagner-Slide Mountain Handcrew
John Caffin-GA
2803 Alejandro Tijerino, CA Inyo IHC
Craig Pettigrew-Retired STOFUT
1020 Davis Oatway, Lone Peak IHC
Adam Lind-CA
2618 Tobias Moralez, NV -Tallac Crew 19
Keith Suemnick-ID McCall Smokejumpers
John Finley NV
Nicole Pavent-Phoenix Crew1
1726 Richard Hammer, OR IMO Matthew Hammer
Bob Lesch-IL
Mike Patten-MT
Casey Bennett-CO
Jorge Guerrero-Umatilla NF Type 2 1A Crew
90 Fernando M. Calderon Ventura County Pro. 158 Garrett Prater Ventura County Pro. Harold Gemmell-MT
Stewart Robertson-NM
Hunter Smith, CO Alpine IHC
2879 Jonathan Brown -Klamath IHC
2259 Linda Naill, MT
Deb McElwee AZ
Sam Magnifico-OR Snake River Hotshots
Forest Gale-OR
1637 Monica Gallegos In Memory of the GM 19
Ryan Douglas Winchester, CA Ventura County Pro FF
2443 Ross Mathewson, CA Arrowhead IHC
Michael Linehan
Samuel Belote, CA Ventura County Pro FF
1693 Jonathan Kalb, NV Silver State IHC
1090 Matthew Stivers In Honor of John Stivers
Steven Gundersen-MT
Mark Gowen-CA Heartlake Handcrew
Cody Kennedy-MN USFWS
Lewis Brown NV
2346 Timothy Felton, CO
Corral, Jessica-CA
Chris Mursu-SD USFWDS Region 3 Fire Management
Peter Irvine VA
Josh Bardwell-TX
Vickie Hulsizer-WA
Garland Shaw, MT IMO Remy Pochelon
Randy Turrill-GB Team 7
Doug Lawton-NV
Sara Diggs-CA
Angeles NF- Engine 16 In Memory of Chris Carroll
Adele Gotts-CA
2167 Chris Flores, CA -Plumas IHC
Alec Tulsky-Black Mesa IHC
1193 William Meginley Alpine IHC
Brandon Gobbi-Salmon River Hotshots
Don Will-CA
Burton Peterson-IMO Joe Thurston
Teresa North-Bitterroot Hotshots
1660 Kathryn B. Hart, CA IHO Bruce W. Hart
Mikell Newton-OR
540 Spenser Johnston, ID
2170 Tyler Brankin, Valyermo Hotshots
Dick Hodge ID
Mike Hallisey-ID USFS
1227 Ryan Allen, ID
Kevin Rogers-Lassen IHC
2714 Kyle Bruinsma, CA -Heaps Peak Helitack
827 Mary Anne Sanford, OR
Daniel Sadlo CA
Chris Ramiskey-Baker River Hotshots
Martin S Myers, CA Ventura County Pro FF
Kolleen Beesley-ID
2856 Casey Schmidt -Cedar City IHC
Daniel Ferguson-OR Rogue River IHC
780 Michael Strawhun, CA
Kenneth Ual-TX
1952 Amanda Fillmore, CA
Norman Pope-CA
George Gomola-CT
Grayson Vibe-CA
Karen Kieborz, UT
Clair Veseth, ID
1480 Taija Corso Entiat IHC
193 Samuel R. Villavicencio Ventura County Pro. Luke Campbell-Entiat IHC
3018 Robert Nicholson, MI
Robert Cordts-NM
David Easton-CA
358 John Goss, Arrowhead Hotshots
1779 Bruce Hillman, UT Bonneville IHC
3617 Alex Broimand- Montecito Firefighters Association
James Huston-CA
2185 Ryan Witter Wasatch Helitack
Ted Adams ID
1484 Eriberto Negrete Entiat IHC
260 Brian Keating, UT
2977 Matteo Romano -Firestorm Team 3
David Borero-CA
Pam Keithly-WA
Todd Haines-NM
Jose Vasquez-Los Padres Hotshots
Robert Silvrants-VA
1573 Sadler Schwartz Prineville IHC
171 Kevin Grant, CA
Jean Seymour-ID
1131 Robert Martin, MT
John Yerger-AZ
KC Koogler-OR Rogue River IHC
Isaias Garcia-CA-Arrowhead IHC
1219 John Peterson Entiat IHC
Joel Shennum-CA
Greg McAlpine, CA Heartland Fire & Rescue
Tucker Thein-Phoenix Crew1
Gerald Zorechak-MT Bitterroot Hotshots
Robert Heiar-CA
Harrison Bailey, ID Idaho BLM
Adam Kahler-OR
842 Dave Hannibal, OR
953 Jim Ulmaniec Wisconsin DNR
Leigh Ann Evans-OR IMO Alan Wyatt Missionary Ridge Durango, CO
637 Josh Teaney, CO
Larry Shaw-VA
Travis Whitney-CO
Jason Ballard-Trinity Hotshots
179 Robert Houseman IMO Mark Morgan & Curtis Jessen, NC Forest Service
Ryan Wade-AZ
Black Mesa IHC
157 Steve Otoupalik PNW Team 3
Desnise Vasquez-Teacher
Jason Gaughran-NJ
2033 Casey Goldsmith, MN Globe IHC
Jason Althhouse-BLM E-4337
871 Tony Salas
3471 Danny Walton, UT
Jake Cagle, CA CIIMT4
Bald Mtn Helitack Crew H517
Jonathan Harris-CA
1095 Sanpete County Fire District
CL Page-KS
Zachory Huff-CA USFS TNF Engine 342
949 Shane Dillavou, Wolf Creek IHC, OR
Lauren Zack-Midewin Hotshots
Jason Spanjar-Entiat Hotshots
Steve Wilson-CA
Karl Schlitt-NE
Armando Pina-CA Palomar Hotshots
Robert Kavinsky-CO
731 Kyle Tucker, OR
162 Zion Wildland Fire Use Module
Laurie Lehman-Welter-ID
Judy Shields-WY
A trail follows the last steps of the hotshots down to the fatality site where they made their last stand. Dustin Davis-ZigZag IHC
228 Kale Casey, CO
Edward Langford, MI Michigan Crew
John Ortega-ID
336 Jess C Neville, SC
1812 Clayton Gardner, CA
Nicole Long, CA Nevada County Fire Dist. 2988 Richard Leach -Firestorm Team 3
229 Eric Gregory Centennial Forest Fuels
Ian Brovner-Washington State DNR, Omak
Ventura County Prof FF Association
Matthew Dillon-PA
Jesse Nield-ID
Susanna Liday-NV
461 Mark Sturdivant, CA
Barbara Eddy-OR/USFS
1476 Jon Hill, CO
David LaChapelle-ID
Luke Campbell-Etiat Hotshots
Larry Pingel-Inyo National Forest-Chief 1
DMarie Gallegos-Trijullo-NM
283 Kristin Hinkle, OR
2098 Charles Van Gorden, MA IMO Daniel Holmes
Linda Holliday MN
Lori Olsen, CA In Honor of Taylor Olsen
Cade Kerschner-NJ
James Brumfield-Truckee Meadows Fire
Ray Kraemer-AK Retired DNR Forestry Alaska
622 Hiram (Doc) Smith National Smokejumper Association Board of Directors
Bruce Babb-WA USFS US Fish & Wildlife Retired
Greg Sander-VA
1374 Penny Myers Fire Prevention
Melynda Menning-SD
Andrew Zink-Klamath IHC
2410 RL Self, AR -Poteau Ranger District
1003 James Smothers, WA
Russell Smith, OR First Strike Environmental Co.
Jordan Wade-CA
Chris Wescott-AZ
LeAnn Beery, AZ State Forestry
Linda Oneal-WA
2330 Mark Thompson, SD
Jeremy Ellis-CA Del Rosa IHC
Sylvia Montanio-CA Montanio Design Group Inc
Linda Austin-CO
Jake Keithly-WA
942 David Wilkins, West Yellowstone Smokejumpers
1402 Rebecca Berzof, Entiat IHC
Tom Crews CO
1258 Catherine Hibbard, Southern Area Red Team
David Wischer-WA
456 Warren Villa, OR
1333 Barbara Glatt-Fisher- IHO Nicolas Glatt, Fort Jones
1995 Casey Eager, Vale IHC
2543 Joe Cresto, UT
507 Leigh Ann Evans, OR
Christy Graham-Pacific NW Incident Business Workshop
2171 Hady Helmy Mendoza, Valyermo Hotshots
1792 Tyler West, Alpine IHC
Dalton Carter-Logan IHC
Suzann Leininger-CA
Bert Starr-MT
Jake Florence-ID-Black Mesa IHC
980 Preston Ley Lone Peak IHC
Elizabeth Kurpies-CA
Tobias Clarke-Trinity IHC
Tyler Lawson--Prineville Hotshots
Robert Hazen, NJ NJ Forest Service Division A
Jason Butler-CA BLM Folsom Lake
1335 Ted Johnson In Honor of William Creeden, MI
1038 Stan Sutton Retired Orc Fire Dozer Operator
1686 Erin OLaughlin, MT
Sheila Walker-Pacific NW Incident Business Workshop
3239 Emmanuel Guzman -Bear Divide IHC
964 Carol Henson Retired USFS, UT
Craig IHC
Harold Reynonds-TX
1406 Brian Wandell Snake River Hotshot
Tony Beltran-Pacific NW Incident Business Workshop
Joe Carvelho-ID
Michael Esparza-CA
437 Randy M Johnson, WA
Joshua Phillips-Arrowhead IHC
477 Leon Schindell, NV
Debbie Kelly-ID
976 Scott Haas, SD
Jeffrey Buscher-CA
Mike Dolan-NV
Donna McCain-CA CDF
[7][24], After moving the vehicles, Frisby and other members of the Blue Ridge Hotshots attempted to rescue the entrapped Granite Mountain Hotshots, but were forced back by the intense flames and heat of the fire. David Fleer, CA Mint Cinema
Jeffrey Taylor-Salt Lake 1
Matthew Pearson-CO Alpine IHC
Tamara Conner-UT
Peter Fromgerz-NV
Vinita Shea-MT
844 Gary Robert Monday
Dan Buckley-ID
Andrew Davenport-CA Yosemite Helitack H-551
3275 Bill Hayes, ID
476 Michael Anderson, AZ
298 Alan Colwell, KY
Cameron Meganck-CO
John Meek-CO El Paso County Sheriff's Office, Wildland Fire
Susan Seber-ID IHO Brian Lee & IMO the Granite Mtn Hotshots
Kristin Garrison-CO
Jason Van Atta, PA
David Wischer, WA IMO Andrew Zajac
895 Daniel Oldenburg Baker River IHC, WA
Noah Wendland-MT Lewis & Clark IHC
Shawn Faiella, MT
Zoella Teeter, WI
[25], According to the National Fire Protection Association, it was the greatest loss of life for firefighters in a wildfire since the 1933 Griffith Park fire, the greatest loss of firefighters in the United States since the destruction of the World Trade Center in 2001,[26] and the deadliest wildfire of any kind since the 1991 East Bay Hills fire. Cristian Pittaro-AZ-Mesa Black IHC
It's coming fast.". Robert Monsen-Mod 10 South Park Ranger District
Noah Baker-ZigZag IHC
Joshua Phillips--Arrowhead IHC
Randall Rogers-MO Memorial Run-CEI
2108 Michael Coltrane, Carson IHC, NV
1542 Nathan Cowell, CA American River Hotshots
Michael Ingman-WA Rogue River IHC
Bradley Duncan-NM
1436 Andrew Saldana, CA -Mormon Lake IHC
Kevin Linder-CO San Juan Hotshots
2247 Henry Jackson, MS BLM
Alyssa Krissen-Leadore E681
Nigel Palmer-NM Gila IHC
Stanley J Ziegler, CA Ventura County Pro FF
Tracy Dott-CA
Brian Blatney-Florida Forest Service
David LaChapelle-ID
1784 Benjamin Gira, IL Bonneville IHC
2800 Victoria Oglesby, NM IHO Butch Oglesby
Sierra Front Interagency Dispatch Center
1398 Taija Corso, Entiat IHC
Don Edwards-CA
Nelda St. Clair-NV Firemind
Dan Brown-ID
James Milichichi
1679 Andres Moreno, Feather River IHC
Land Huegel-Bonneville IHC
Brenda Crull-IN
468 Col. George Becknell, TX
Dan Fiorito
2159 Matthew Pence, OR First Strike Environmental CO
Robert Heair-NM
2776 Gabe Strucken, CA -American River IHC
2803 Felipe Marquez, CA -Redding Smokejumpers
Owen Johnson-MT
2332 Sheydene Murdoch, ID
Jose Rincon-North Reforestation Inc
David Taylor-CA
853 Sylvia Kratzke, In Memory of my beautiful Heather
20 David Bashover, GLFPD, CO
2512 Erin Davitt, CO
Aaron Bechdolt-Globe IHC
1187 Kristi Mastrofini, OR
Kyle Behrens, ID
566 Matthew Schutty Frazier Rappellers La Grande, OR
[21] The city of Prescott released the names of the 19 firefighters on July1. 1207 Cole Inghram, San Juan IHC
469 Louise Becknell, TX
2828 David Phillips, CA IHO Bald Mtn Helitack
James Johnston-ID
1454 Joe Milligan, Eagle Lake Handrew
Nathan Margeson-Zephyr Fire Crew
2517 John Lockward, CT
Steven Elefant-OR
Lawrence Michael Kohagen, CA Ventura County Pro FF
396 Nathaniel Whittemore, MA
776 Marlene Rhynes, BDF, CA
159 James Scott Quirarte Ventura County Pro. Joshua O'Coy-Redding IHC
2540 Charles Barber, CA Redding IHC
Mark Johnson-CA
675 Joseph Rodriguez Routt NF, CO
1156 Tom Schultz, ID
1463 Marica Pilkington, MT
Jayden Gubler-AZ
Walter Roth-MI
Robert Duran-AZ Mesa IHC
Rebecca Jones-MI
Lassen IHC
David Branson CA
Scott Edwards-Montecito Firefighters Association-CA
Sean O'Malley-AZ Grangeville Smokejumpers
Ross Lindell, WA Entiat IHC
1954 Lorie Hildebrand, NM
Jacqueline LeClair
Robert Griffith-CA
Danielle Shedden-NV
Travis Browne
763 Elizabeth Bunzendahl, KY
2218 Christopher Park ENA Crew
Erin Ruhl-SD
Patrick Seger-IL
Paulicia Larsen-CO
961 Amanda Dedrick, Los Padres Dispatch, CA
Gila Hotshots-Joaquin Gutierrez-NM
Glenda Torres-CO
Matthew Schutty-OR
2994 Justin Cutler -Silver State IHC
515 John Goss, CA
1244 Jose Perez Frank Moll Erin Hogan-Freemole Mari Knowles Arturo Rios E
3064 Judy Hallisey, KY
Wilda Arlone Legner-IL
Winds pushed the flames northward, away from town, and the fire was on the other side of a mountain ridge. Jonson Curry, AZ Engine 314
1527 Hector Basso, AZ
Ben Thayer-IMO Granite Mountain Hotshots
David Arnauckas-CA
1226 Rob Martin, AZ
Sandra Cirone-FL
497 Jun Kinoshita, CA
2053 John Crane, NM Smokey Bear IHC
Quentin Ford
Brendan McDonough, sole surviving Granite Mountain Hotshot, reportedly told Willis last year that there was a heated disagreement between Steed and Marsh about moving the crew. Ethan Green-MI
2721 Christina Jones, CA Lassen Volcanic NP Fire & Aviation Management
Nicole Moore-TX
1111 Lisa Kemper_ Paradise Valley, Nv
1390 Brian Austin, UT
Ian Dobberstein-Mesa Hotshots
Jeremy RuxoOR
2480 Robert Sommer, CA
718 Jim Smith, CA
Devon Dubay-Lone Peak IHC
Isaac Obst-CA Redding IHC
Kira Miller-Redding IHC
Sarah Welsh-Rogue River IHC
1595 Dennis Coughlin, CA IHO Zachary Coughlin
Ross Dunn-Naches Ranger District USFS
Pete Buist, AK Retired AK Div of Forestry
2046 Lalo Heredia AZ BLM Colorado River District
443 Mike Patten, MT
Chris Rogalla-CA Rogue Candle Co
Akeem Farr-Grizzly Firefighters Inc
Justin Cowger-WY Laramie Fire Dept
47 Daniel Beveridge, CO
930 Sean OMalley, NY
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