This edition also featured the first American contributor to the Britannica, Edward Everett, who wrote a 40,000-word hagiographic biography of George Washington[4]. A total of 45,000 authorized sets were produced this way for the US market. The consequences of reducing the costs of production of the 8th edition can be seen today in surviving sets. The story of this offer was recounted at the bicentennial banquet of the Encyclopdia Britannica[40], It was after lunch on the afternoon of December 9, 1941 that General Robert E. Wood, Chairman of Sears, Roebuck and William Benton, then vice-president of the University of Chicago, were discussing the attack on Pearl Harbor which had occurred two days earlier. I have long-admired Zo from afar and am dying to visit her farm in person someday. In the first few volumes, a sheet of onion-skin paper faces each plate, but after volume 6, they were eliminated. This same arrangement would also be used for the 8th edition, but not the 9th. Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, 1991, under the word geology. It was published in 40 half-volume parts, priced 16 shillings in boards (32 pounds for the set). A Basquiat painting soared 2,209,900% when it was bought for $5,000 and sold for $110,500,000 in 2017. The scope of the second edition was enlarged by the inclusion of biographical articles, by the expansion of geographical articles to become history articles, and in general by the insertion of Various Detached Parts of Knowledge (as the title page put it). An analysis of the Britannica's articles suggested that roughly 75% required only occasional revising, whereas 25% required revision every 13 years. ", As to whether print editions of books will be viable products in the future, Cauz predicted, "print may not completely vanish from the market, but I think it is going to be increasingly less important. He seems to have been swayed by William Jones' Essay on the First Principles of Natural Philosophy (1762), which in turn was based on John Hutchinson's MA thesis, Moses' Principia, which was written in 1724 but rejected by Oxford University. Most early encyclopedias did not include biographies of living people and were written in Latin, although some encyclopedias were translated into English, such as De proprietatibus rerum (On the properties of things) (1240) by Bartholomeus Anglicus. In addition to American unauthorized copies, there were American supplements which were written to be appended to authorized copies of Britannica. It would seem obvious from this that this is therefore the worth of these books. If you want to learn to suss out the liars, theres no better training than Wikipedia. ), the "Going, going, gone" tactics"Only five days left and one of them the shortest!" This line is exactly as it had appeared in the 2nd edition, which was written during the war. The article "Chemistry," which was 261 pages long in the 3rd, written by James Tytler, and had been re-written in that edition's supplement as a 191-page treatise by Thomas Thomson, appears in the 4th edition as an entirely new 358-page article, which, according to the preface to the 5th edition, was authored by Millar himself. The supplement was compiled, for the first five volumes, at a pace which would have given it more than the 6 volumes it eventually would consist of; the alphabet from A-M was put into those five. How much did Encyclopedia Britannica cost in 1970? The most notable example was Scotland (184.5 pages), which covered Scottish history up to the union with the crown of England in 1603 (Britain, at 80 pages, continued the story) and gave a general account of the country. Over 1,500 copies of the second edition were sold this way by Elliot in less than one year,[11] making the second edition enough of a financial success that a more ambitious third edition was begun a few years later. There is a standard set of encyclopedias that costs over a thousand dollars. Get stories that empower and uplift daily. In a promotional video, the companys editor-in-chief points out that over its history, some of the worlds most distinguished experts have contributed to Britannicaall the way from Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie to Bill Clinton, Chris Evert, Tony Hawk, Desmond Tutu, and many others.. As he got into the car, he turned to Bill Benton and said, "All right, Bill, I will give you the Britannica.". On March 14, 2012, Britannica announced it would not be printing any more sets of its paper version, which accounted for less than 1 percent of its sales, and would instead focus on its DVD and online versions. In reality, by breaking the intrinsic links between a topic in Propdia with its associated EB articles the intended function (or usefulness) of Propdia is hindered significantly. The owner of a 26-volume set of 1955 Britannicas was asking $500, but had no bids. ", "Yes", replied General Wood, "Sears, Roebuck should never have acquired it in the first place. Senior managers at Britannica were confident in their control of the market and that their healthy profits would continue. [citation needed], The sale of the Britannica to Americans has left a lingering resentment among some British citizens, especially when it is perceived that parochial American concerns are emphasized. rev. What are Colliers encyclopedias worth? Updates? the 1951 Encyclopedia Britannica world atlas is worth about $125 australian dollars to the right buyer, so be wise! The 2nd edition also reports a cure for tuberculosis: He chose a spot of ground on which no plants had been sown, and there he made a hole large and deep enough to admit the patient up to the chin. bcdan07. The mathematical articles of Prof. Wallace were widely praised in the 4th edition. This has been periodically reprinted and is still part of Britannica's product line.[7]. The supplement was completed in April 1824, consisting of 6 volumes with 4933 pages, 125 plates, 9 maps, 3 "dissertations" and 160 biographies, mainly of people who had died within the preceding 30 years. Latest book reviews, author interviews, and reading trends. The copyright of the material in the supplement to the 3rd edition was held by Thomas Bonar, who asked 20,000pounds sterling for it, which Bell declined. And thats pretty much where theyve remained, mostly unopened and forgotten, ever since. The full horror of what an American editorial monopoly entails is seldom appreciated. [4] By releasing the numbers in weekly instalments, the Britannica was completed in 1771, having 2,391 pages. According to what is scientifically held to date, Preveza was conquered by the Ottomans in 1477-1478, was fortified for the first time in 1486-1487, and its fortifications were improved in 1495. The poor sales of the war years brought the Britannica to the brink of bankruptcy. Encyclopaedia Britannica cost $1400 for a full 32-volume print edition. Is Wikipedia wrong about Lincolns birth? Select stories from the Monitor that empower and uplift. The editor was Charles Maclaren. subscription. Macfarquhar again edited this edition up to "Mysteries" but died in 1793 (aged 48) of "mental exhaustion"; his work was taken over by George Gleig, later Bishop Gleig of Brechin (consecrated 30 October 1808). The cost of encyclopedias for adults is much higher than for children's sets. The company said it will keep selling print editions until the current stock of around 4000 sets ran out. By 1926, the eleventh edition was beginning to show its age, and work on a new edition was begun. Although the advertisement claimed that these articles would be included in this manner, they were not, and the author of the preface to the 7th edition states that none of this material entered the main body until that edition, and even gives a list of the articles which were.[21]. It even used the preface to the 5th edition, dated December 1, 1817, as its own. The Supplement to the 5th edition was finished in 1824, and was sold with those sets, as well as with sets of the 6th edition, to be delivered at its completion. The 3rd edition is also famous for its bold article on "Motion", which erroneously rejects Isaac Newton's theory of gravitation. For a full 32-volume print edition, the price is $1400. That seems misguided to me: I dont think Tony Hawk wants to steer me wrong, but shouldnt I be able to check his facts? Four of these dissertations were carried over from the 7th edition, and two were new to the 8th. The Encyclopedia Britannica company did launch a CD-ROM in 1989, four years before Encarta came along, but it did so under the name of Compton's, another encyclopedia brand it owned, so as not to tarnish the venerable Britannica brand. In fact, chemical symbols did not appear in Britannia's Chemistry article until the 8th edition's, written by William Gregory. [23] Robert Louis Stevenson, then 25, contributed an article about Robert Burns that, being unenthusiastic, was never printed. improve functionality and performance. 10. Only 4,000 are left in stock. rev. Tytler also describes the architecture of Noah's Ark in detail (illustrated with a copperplate engraving). Encyclopedias of various types had been published since antiquity, beginning with the collected works of Aristotle and the Natural History of Pliny the Elder, the latter having 2493 articles in 37 books. [25], In spite of this, several hundred thousand cheaply produced bootlegged copies were also sold in the U.S., which still did not have copyright laws protecting foreign publications. Looking back, its obvious that of all the gimmicky things my parents bought, these books were their biggest mistakethe most expensive, the most useless, and the most exploitative. 5. While the company is ditching print, its not done with guilting its potential customers. Human "Physiology" was entirely re-written, and went from 60 pages to 80, with an index. Does anyone buy old encyclopedias? The three most recent Christian Science articles with a spiritual perspective. Rather than revising the main text of the encyclopedia with each edition, Constable chose to add all updates to the supplement. The landmark ninth edition, often called "the Scholar's Edition",[5] was published from January 1875 to 1889 in 25 volumes, with volume 25 the index volume. An excellent collection of prospectuses received by a single person (C. L. Parker) in that year has been preserved by the Bodleian Library (catalogued under #39899.c.1). Cox also tried to involve the University of Chicago in producing the Britannica, even including a $1 million advance from Rosenwald as a temptation; however, the trustees of the University turned down his proposal, a choice they almost repeated a generation later under William Benton. As the world population continues to increase geometrically, great pressure is being placed on agricultural lands. At the very least, the Wikipedia piece suggests theres some controversy about the birth of skateboarding, a controversy that could lead me to do my own investigation of the primary sources. It consisted of 21 numbered volumes with 17,101 pages and 506 plates. Up to 1880, the editor, and author of the Foreword, was Thomas Spencer Baynesthe first English-born editor after a series of Scotsand W. Robertson Smith afterwards. The fifth edition was a corrected reprint of the fourth; there is virtually no change in the text. Only 55,000 hard copy versions were sold in 1994, compared with 117,000 in 1990, and sales later fell to 20,000. Overall, the 4th edition was a mild expansion of the 3rd, from 18 to 20 volumes, and was updated in its historical, scientific, and biographical articles. Volume 1 was only 5 parts, entirely made up of dissertations. The majority of copy in the 4th edition, however, is unchanged from the 3rd. 5 out of 5 stars (383) . Three of the engravings in the section on midwifery, depicting childbirth in clinical detail, were sufficiently shocking to prompt some readers to tear those engravings out of the volume.[4]. [45] Most readers could not predict whether a given subject would be found in Micropdia or the Macropdia; the criteria by which the articles were sorted were not obvious even to scholars,[43] despite Dr. Adler's claims that the sorting followed naturally from the Propdia's outline of all knowledge. Availability: Pre-order. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Rather than releasing supplemental editions or volumes, new printings would be made every year with only enough copies made to cover the sales for that year. [10] After failing to win over Oxford University, Hooper managed to secure Cambridge University as a new sponsor; thus, the 11th edition was published initially by Cambridge University Press, and scholars from Cambridge University were allowed to review the text and veto any overly aggressive advertising. Edinburgh. Mostly, students used the relatively simplistic World Book; or occasionally, the Americana, I think it was called. If the set is in good, clean condition, it can sell for as much as $400 per set. It first flirted with digital publishing in the 1970s, published a version for computers in 1981 for LexisNexis subscribers and first posted to the Internet in 1994. 1688, June 4, 1904, There are many places the encyclopedia can be accessed online (see the, as stated by J.L. The index, published in 1861, was 239 pages, and was either bound alone as an unnumbered 22nd volume, or was bound together with volume I, the dissertations volume. In that advertisement, it is claimed that some geographical articles would be updated, and that the articles in the supplement to the 3rd edition would be inserted into the encyclopedia in their proper alphabetical places. Youll get the Monitor Weekly magazine, the Monitor Daily email, and unlimited access to It has 24 volumes, reduced from 29 in the 11th edition, yet has 45,000 articles compared to 37,000. This was to be accomplished with the magnificent 7th edition. This edition began the tradition of a contributors' banquet to celebrate the edition's completion (5 June 1861). We believe news can and should expand a sense of identity and possibility beyond narrow conventional expectations. They conceived of the Britannica as a conservative reaction to the French Encyclopdie of Denis Diderot (published 17511766), which was widely viewed as heretical. If you pay for this service, youre building a cocoon of truth around students wholl one day enter a world where everyone claims to be an expertand where a lot of those people are lying. [36] Nevertheless, the 14th also included many illustrious contributors, including eighteen Nobel laureates in science, such as Robert Millikan, Albert Abraham Michelson and Arthur Compton. Science Monitor has expired. Dr. Smith contributed several articles to the 9th edition, but lost his teaching position on 24 May 1881, due to the controversy his (ir)religious articles aroused; he was immediately hired to be joint editor-in-chief with Baynes.[4]. Now, the Encyclopaedia Britannica will only be available in digital versions. Cox argued forcefully for a new fourteenth edition, pointing out that the eleventh edition (the bulk of the twelfth and thirteenth editions) was badly out of date. The 7th edition was begun in 1827 and published from March 1830 to January 1842, although all volumes have title pages dated 1842. Only 4,000 are left in stock. subscription yet. These appeared in parts from June 1777 to September 1784, though the dates on the title pages are 177883. In the Sixties, the Britannica was I think unofficially considered, by students and maybe others, to be the "serious" encyclopedia. New York. The articles were therefore divided into 30 classifications and a schedule for their revision worked out, such that every article would be checked at least twice a decade. The final edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica has almost sold out after nostalgic readers rushed to acquire their own copies of the 32-volume set, which will be the last ever printed.. How much does encyclopedia cost? Omissions? The population in developing countries will increase from 5.3 B to 7.8 B in 2050. Encyclopaedia Britannica cost $1400 for a full 32-volume print edition. Older sets of encyclopedias can carry excellent value as well, especially if they're in good condition. The 79-page "Agriculture" of the 3rd was entirely and excellently re-written, and is 225 pages, for the 4th edition. To reproduce a foreign publication is not wrong. A & C Black authorized the American firms of Charles Scribner's Sons of New York, Little, Brown and Company of Boston, and Samuel L. Hall of New York, to print, bind and distribute additional sets in the United States, and provided them with stereotype plates for text and graphics, specifications on the color and tanning quality of the leather bindings, etc., so the American-produced sets would be identical to the Edinburgh sets except for the title pages, and that they would be of the same high quality as the Edinburgh sets. This is mainly due to the increase in population of, and sales in, the United States, which were mere colonies with low population when Britannica started out in 1768. The last printing was in 2011. How much did Encyclopedia Britannica cost in 1980? Bill asked. The editors of Encyclopdia Britannica, the world standard in reference since 1768, present the Britannica Global Edition. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, 1911 11th and 12th Edition DVD! I dont know exactly how much they shelled out for those books, but I remember it was a major purchasebig enough that they had to pay on an installment plan, and big enough that when the books arrived in the mail, we greeted them as joyously as we would a new car. Can I sell old Encyclopedia Britannica? Only 4,000 are left in stock. The so-called New Encyclopdia Britannica (or Britannica 3) had a unique three-part organization: a single Propdia (Primer for Education) volume, which aimed to provide an outline of all known, indeed knowable, information; a 10-volume Micropdia (Small Education) of 102,214 short articles (strictly less than 750 words); and a 19-volume Macropdia (Large Education) of 4,207 longer, scholarly articles with references, similar to those of the 9th and 11th editions. unless you renew or In recent years, digital versions of the Britannica have been developed, both online and on optical media. Britannica countered by offering a CD-ROM version of their product,[49] although it could not generate the print version's $500600 in sales commissions. The company offers a free version of the online encyclopedia, but it is clogged with acres of ugly ads. [8][26] The 14th edition also drew criticism for deleting information unflattering to the Roman Catholic Church. In all, there were 344 contributors, including Lord Macaulay, Charles Kingsley, Robert Chambers, the Rev. Not long after, Black bought out his partners and ownership of the Britannica passed to the Edinburgh publishing firm of A & C Black.[8]. The number of topics indexed by the Britannica has fluctuated from 500,000 (1985, the same as in 1954) to 400,000 (1989,1991) to 700,000 in the 2007 print version. The second edition was a revision, though a much enlarged one, of the first, on the same new plan, with some of the treatises reprinted, such as Geometry; others enlarged, such as Commerce, with a historical section, and Law, with a general section and an English section added to the original wholly Scottish article; and others replaced, such as Gardening, which was descriptively treated in the second edition, whereas in the first it was only instructional. Thus, in 1943, the wealthy and powerful William Benton, a former U.S. senator and advertising executive, obtained exclusive control of the Britannica, which he published until his death in 1973. The article "America" reprinted the entire 81 pages of the 3rd edition, but appended 52 new pages after it, and an index for the 133-page article. Needing an editor, the two chose a 28-year-old scholar named William Smellie who was offered 200 pounds sterling to produce the encyclopedia in 100 parts (called "numbers" and equivalent to thick pamphlets), which were later bound into three volumes. [2] Sales of the CD/DVD ended with the 2015 "Ultimate Reference Suite". The public furor caused The Times to cancel its sponsorship contract with Hooper, feeling that the interests of the newspaper were not being served. The re-issue of the 9th edition under the moniker "10th edition" caused some outrage, since many articles of the 9th edition were over 25 years old. Encyclopdia Britannica, second edition. There were treatises on new subjects such as Drawing (5 pages), Dyeing (5 pages), Gunnery (37 pages), History (39 pages), Legerdemain (11 pages), Magnetism (7 pages), Oratory (100 pages), Painting (32.5 pages), Poetry, treated comprehensively as the art of expressing our thoughts by fiction (189.5 pages), and War (135.5 pages). To these we appeal, and shall rest satisfied with the judgment they pronounce. The new treatise was necessary because the copyright to the supplement to the 3rd, which included Thomson's excellent treatise, was not owned by Britannica. James Wilson did all of Zoology, Dr. Hampden did all of Greek philosophy, and William Hosking contributed the excellent article Architecture. While there are many legitimate complaints to be leveled at Wikipedia (rarely, it gets things wrong; sometimes, its entries are vandalized), the free, crowdsourced encyclopedia is better than Britannica in every way. Britannica decided to charge $995 for just the CD-ROM, while bundling a free disc with the print version, hoping that including the CD-ROM would persuade buyers to stay with the brand. Conversely, the 53-page "Metallurgy" of the 3rd was removed, and replaced by the note "see Gilding, Parting, Purifying, Refining, Smithery." It amounts to more than impertinence. The first "American" encyclopedia, Dobson's Encyclopdia, was based almost entirely on the 3rd edition of the Britannica and published at nearly the same time (17881798), together with an analogous supplement (1803), by the Scottish-born printer, Thomas Dobson. The first United States copyright law was passed on 30 May 1790although anticipated by Section 8 of Article I of the United States Constitution (ratified 4 March 1789)but did not protect foreign publications such as the Britannica. The 9th and 11th editions are often lauded as high points for scholarship; the 9th included yet another series of illustrious contributors such as Thomas Henry Huxley (article on "Evolution"), Lord Rayleigh (articles on "Optics, Geometrical" and "Wave Theory of Light"), Algernon Charles Swinburne (article on "John Keats"), William Michael Rossetti, Amelia Edwards (article on "Mummy"), Prince Kropotkin (articles on "Moscow", "Odessa" and "Siberia"), James George Frazer (articles on "Taboo" and "Totemism"), Andrew Lang (article on "Apparitions"), Lord Macaulay, James Clerk Maxwell (articles on "Atom" and "Ether"), Lord Kelvin (articles on "Elasticity" and "Heat") and William Morris (article on "Mural Decoration"). Rosenwald died in 1932, and General Robert E. Wood took over; Cox was removed as publisher and the Secretary-Treasurer of Sears, Elkan Harrison Powell, was installed as the new President of the Britannica. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The appendix also includes 10 plates, namely CCCXIV to CCCXXIII. And Im going to argue that we change lives precisely because we force open that too-small box that most human beings think they live in. The lack of an index and the unusual organization into two sets of alphabetically organized articles provoked much criticism. The fourth edition was begun in 1800 and completed in 1810, comprising 20 volumes with 16,033 pages and 581 plates engraved by Andrew Bell. How do I recycle old encyclopedias? But you know what? so irrelevant, but so arresting! However, I strongly suspect that the seller is taking the piss and that no one will ever pay that much for them. Recycling encyclopedias Call your local library and ask if you may donate your set to be sold. Wood replied that sales would earn his company some $300,000 before taxes that year. If youre looking for bran muffin journalism, you can subscribe to the Monitor for $15. In 1815, his heirs began producing the fifth edition but sold it to Archibald Constable, who finished it; Dr. Millar was again the editor. We change lives. Of good scholarship, it contained biographies of Americans and geographies of US places, as well as other US interests not mentioned in the main encyclopedia. [50] Facing financial pressure, Britannica was bought in 1996 by Swiss financier Jacob Safra for $135 million, a fraction of its book value. In 2003, Britannica co-operated with a Taiwanese company[51] to provide a Traditional Chinese-English bilingual online encyclopedia following the 2002 edition of Britannica Concise Encyclopaedia (the first bilingual product of Britannica) and announced plans to translate the rest of the encyclopedia into Chinese. After a heated legal dispute and all-too-public corporate wrangling over ownership of the Britannica (19081909), Hooper bought out Walter Jackson, becoming the sole owner of the Britannica. Beyond fear, beyond anger. Encyclopaedia Britannica cost $1400 for a full 32-volume print edition. At the same time, the number of Micropdia volumes was increased from 10 to the present 12 volumes, although the number of articles was reduced from 102,214 to roughly 65,000. As the only general reference encyclopedia still published today, The World Book Encyclopedia 2023 provides authoritative content on almost every topic to learners of all ages, from school-age readers (9-18) to adults. Flag. ", Unfortunately, Constable went bankrupt on 19 January 1826 and the rights to the Britannica were sold on auction; they were eventually bought on 16 July 1828 for 6150 pounds sterling by a partnership of four men: Adam Black (a publisher), Alexander Wight (a banker), Abram Thomson (a bookbinder) and Thomas Allen, the proprietor of the Caledonian Mercury. But hardly anybody pays even that: the vast majority of copies are given away to promote the sale of computers and peripherals. Wikipedia invites investigation. For some articles, however, such as Aether and Abridgement, new content was written by William Smellie (174095), an Edinburgh printer hired to undertake 15 capital sciences, to write up the subdivisions and detached parts of these conform to your plan [sic] and likewise to prepare the whole work for the press. This (quoted from a letter to Smellie from Bell) implies that the new plan was Smellies idea. Buy, sell and value in over 150+ specialist categories. 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