The best way to prevent your return from being flagged for review is to be as accurate as possible when calculating your taxes. Refer to IRM, Offset Overflow Freeze (C-). Check images are displayed on the Remittance Transaction Research (RTR) System. Had to have receipts, and fill out theyre questionnaire about how I have my self employed business. If i need more time I must contact irs to extend time line. Reference number 1242 simply refers to the dependency exemption. Rul. IRS Code 1121 What Does It Mean The Internal Revenue Service reference code 1121 means that your tax return is being reviewed. This is to identify the file as one that cannot be activated owing to difficulties with its content. Input a TC 820 and TC 700 for zero to allow the overpayment to refund to the taxpayer. But my wheres my refund says to call the phone number and use reference number 1242. Explain why credit cannot be refunded. All products are presented without warranty. Respond to taxpayer inquiries by following the guidelines found on the Offer-in-Compromise (OIC) Centralized Service Center Locations, link located under the Who/Where tab on the SERP Home Page, or refer to IRM, Monitoring Offers in Compromise (MOIC), for more information. I also claim my niece. A phone call is received referencing IRC 965, 965 election statement, repatriation tax, or the account contains one of the transactions shown above, Correspondence or an Amended Return received referencing IRC 965, 965 election statement, repatriation tax, or the account contains one of the transactions shown above, Payment is received after account is full paid. Will they really need prove of all the bills because I dont think we have it. @goblue are you talking bout in your transcripts? The definition of "same day" is within 24 hours. If the Letter 3176C has not been issued, advise the taxpayer their account is being reviewed for accuracy, and to allow 120 days for a letter to be issued. Before making any adjustments, command codes (CC) RTVUE, CC TRDBV, CC IMFOLE and CC ENMOD should be researched to determine if Submission Processing Specialized Identity Theft (SPIDT) or Return Income Verification Organizations (RIVO) moved the original return to MFT 32. Which is a bunch of BS. Validate that you are speaking to the taxpayer or the taxpayer's authorized representative. Refer to IRM, Refund Inquiry Response Procedures, and IRM, Return/Refund Located, for more information. and thoroughly researching for any outstanding IRS or Treasury Offset Program (TOP) obligations on the valid SSN. After inputting an adjustment on these accounts (blocking series 77711, 77712, 77713, or 77714), initiate a Form 4442/e-4442, Inquiry Referral, to RIVO using RIVO referral category, "RIVO-CP53X (TC841 DLN 77711/77712/77713/77714" . Send through Submission Processing to be processed requesting a new DLN. Refer to Document 6209, Section 8A.4, Master File Freeze Codes and IDRS Status 48. Proceed with caution before responding to the taxpayer. A TC 540 with DLN 28277-111-11111-Y cannot be reversed. court documents if custody is an issue. This is simply the IRSs process for determining whether income, expenses, and credits are accurately reported. . This website is owned and independently operated apart from advertisers and is only an affiliate to the companies displayed in ads. For more disaster related information refer to: IRM, Federal Disaster Declaration Process, for disaster and emergency relief information on administrative guidance and cross-functional operating procedures, IRM, Federal Disaster Area - IRC 7508A, and IRM, IRC 7508A, Presidentially Declared Disaster or Terroristic or Military Actions, IRM, General Claims Procedures, for expedited processing of disaster claims. Change made for clarity on proper Activity Codes. What is reference 1242 mean? Planning & Analysis Staff Research IDRS for Non-Master File (NMF) accounts to determine where the outstanding liability exists. For a comprehensive listing of any IRS acronyms, please refer to the Acronym Database. This indicates all research of the primary and related Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN) was completed prior to the transfer to XSF or URF. Prepare a Form 4442 using referral category "RIVO - Unresolved Module Freeze Only" , and fax to . Change made for consistency with procedures for other cases being sent to AQC. Refer to IRM, Taxpayer Protection Program Overview, for a listing of TPP indicators. Refer to IRM, Remittance Transaction Research (RTR) System, for more information. She havent receive a partial refund as well. Thats why I have take action and 810 code its ridiculous. Return the original return, amended return, or penalty abatement request to the taxpayer using the proper letter informing them the offer has been accepted and no adjustment is permitted on the account. Refer to IRM, Math Error Procedures Research, for correcting the account. (6) IRM Added procedures to release the E- freeze if an unallowable claim changing filing status from joint to separate. Refer to IRM, Campus Collection Function Correspondence/Inquiry/Notice, for more guidance for a referral. Monitor the account to confirm the date of death is cleared from CC IMFOLE. For more information, refer to IRM, Processing Timeliness Criteria for CADE 2. Confirm the taxpayers current mailing address. IRS Reference Number 1242 is a code the IRS uses to notify you that your return has been selected for review. C#,AQC6XATAO,A,AQC2 IPU 22U0334 issued 03-04-2022. Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust (IDGT) Estate Planning, Investing for Beginners How To Start Investing Today, Stash Stock Investing Its More Than a Stash Stock Party, RYLD Stock: The Small Cap Giants of the Russell 2000 Index, Giggle Finance Review: How it Works and How to Join, Covenent-Lite COV Loan Vs Traditional Loans & High-yield Bonds. If an interim letter has been sent through CIS, send the taxpayer a Letter 86C, refer to IRM, Use of 86C Letter- Referring Taxpayer Inquiry/Forms to Another Office, advising the taxpayer that their correspondence is being transferred to RIVO for resolution and providing the AQC phone number, 855-873-2100. You can identify these payments by: The number "6" in the 4th position of the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) number. 811 freeze removal on Friday along with 421 which is audit removal/completion. 228 Among the genes that showed difference in all three omics, we used RNAi to confirm that the 229 Map3k15 (ask3) gene of the MAPK signaling pathway has an obvious effect on caste @Doug: same here. Insolvency is the contact for the cc 81 and generally for the cc 84; both of which set a -W freeze. This article is a guide to what IRS reference number 1242 is and what to do if your tax return is marked for review. Wait for further notices from the IRS, if there`s any. Research IDRS/CFOL to determine the necessary closing action. TC 570 posts in the same cycle as the TC 150, An open return delinquency notice or investigation on a prior year (but not more than 6 years) holds individual income tax refunds and credit elects when a current year return is filed with the established refund amount in IRM (2), How to Identify Delinquent Return Refund Hold, TC 570 with TC 971 AC 151 (indicates multiple TIN filing condition), TC 570 with a block series "55555" , and a TC 971 AC 804 and/or 805, A REBATEREV transcript generates. They can also help you prepare for an audit if your review turns up something the IRS decides to investigate further. Change made due to Chief Counsel recommendation. Transfer the payment to the correct module. The Y- (Data Processing/Audit Adjustment) freeze is set by TC 29X/30X that has a HC 1, 2, or 4. Reviewed and updated plain language, grammar, web addresses, IRM reference, and legal references. To enable the applicable period for payment described in IRC 6601(e)(3), see IRM, Notice and Demand and Underpayment Interest. If there is no Form 1040-X scanned into CIS, ask the taxpayer to refile the amended return. If the credit card payment exceeds the balance due on the return and the taxpayer provides documentation verifying the payment, release the -R freeze to release the overpayment. Refer to IRM, Moving Refunds. End of June and still no letter for irs like they said. Simply put,DO NOT OPEN A NULL FILE. IRS Reference Number 1242 is a code the IRS uses to pull your tax return for review. Do not automatically refer the taxpayer to the Centralized Insolvency Operation (CIO). Refer to IRM, TRNS36 Control, and IRM, Identity Theft (IDT) with RIVO Involvement. Refer to IRM, Processing Undeliverable CP Notices/Correspondence/Correspondex Letters, for further information. Follow established procedures to route the referral to: AC 012 - Collections, AC 013 - Exam, AC 015 - AUR. Prepare Form 4442/e-4442, Inquiry Referral, using referral queue "RIVO - ID Theft Issue" . For more information to input the credit transfer, refer to IRM, Erroneous Credit Hold (02 K-). Advise the taxpayer to allow 45 days for IRS to review the return. If CC TXMOD contains TPP indicators, the taxpayer should have received one of the following IDRS letters to authenticate their identity: Letter 4883C, Potential Identity Theft during Original Processing, Letter 5071C, Potential Identity Theft during Original Processing with Online Option, Letter 5216C, Taxpayer Cannot Authenticate, Letter 5447C, Potential Identity Theft during Original Processing; Foreign Address, Letter 5747C, Potential Identity Theft during Original Processing - TAC AUTH ONLY, Letter 6167C, Identity Authentication Incomplete (IMF), Letter 6330C, Potential Identity Theft during Original Processing, Letter 6331C, Potential Identity Theft during Original Processing. Follow procedures in IRM, Resolving -R Freeze, for resolution. Taxpayer may have been contacted via Letter 12C, Individual Return Incomplete for Processing: Form 1040 & 1040-S. CC ENMOD displays the selective paragraphs input on the letter. Refer taxpayers to TAS when the contact meets TAS Criteria and you can't resolve the taxpayer's issue the same day. Usually a CP05 notice issued with code 1242 is not something you will need to appeal. Release as instructed in first block above (if appropriate). Im almost done getting documents in order, Im sending as much info as possible to support my eligibility. Inform the taxpayer to allow 60 days before calling IRS again. If the taxpayer is calling regarding a refund and a bankruptcy freeze is on an account: Do not contact CIO concerning a refund when TC 846 or TC 840 is present. This way you'll have everything you need to handle the IRSs request for additional information in a timely manner. If there is a Z freeze on the account, follow procedures in IRM, Address Changes with Z Freeze. But it does mean your tax filing is under review and in queue for further actions. Release the refund if appropriate. We analyze and compare tools to help you make the best decisions for your personal financial situation. Individual Income Tax Return, cases with both a -A and RIVO -R freeze. Dont know if I let it go ( and if that decision will hurt ) or continue. I believe this was his plan to screw the middle class family over for our taxes. If the account cannot be resolved once the missing information is received, prepare a Form 4442/e-4442, Inquiry Referral, and forward to the Campus AM paper function within your directorate with the information attached. Request a copy of the correct return for the account from the TP and adjust the account, No other liabilities or open Examination cases exist, and taxpayer is entitled to the credit, If a scrambled SSN indicator "20" is present on CC ENMOD, or an open IDRS control category "SCRM" or "SSA2" is present, follow procedures in IRM, Telephone Inquiries Regarding Mixed Entity (MXEN) and Scrambled SSN (SCRM) Cases. Provide a 60 day timeframe. 76-74. Refer to IRM, General Claims Procedures, for information on processing an amended return, and IRM, Income Verification Using Command Code (CC) IRPTR, for information on RIVO tolerances. Request a manual lien release if transaction code (TC) 582, (lien indicator) is on the module, in the following situations: The action you take will fully satisfy all outstanding liabilities and will not post within 30 days, The account has been fully satisfied for more than 30 days. 4- dont hire a lawyer or an accountant unless you own a business. IRS employees, upon learning of a bankruptcy, generally should cease all demands and enforcement actions directed against the bankrupt taxpayer; e.g., a Notice of Federal Tax Lien (NFTL) for pre-petition taxes should not be filed and no levy should be proposed or made for pre-petition taxes. After 8 weeks prepare Form 4442/e-4442, Inquiry Referral, and forward to the Atlanta Campus Compliance Services Collection Operation (CSCO). (22) IRM Removed exception for State Income Tax Levy Program (SITLP). A response to any of the following other RIVO letters is received via CIS: There is a RICS/RIVO initiated -R freeze and no -A freeze, A response/inquiry is received for a non-RIVO issue (math error notice, Letter 12C, etc.). Refer to IRM (7), Federal Disaster Area - IRC 7508A, for more information. IPU 22U0141 issued 01-21-2022. (19) IRM Updated note to provide procedures for Employment Returns with potential ID Theft, for a referral to be emailed to SBSE. in 2012, they audited me and I came on top. Secondly, seek the advice of a qualified tax professional prior to filing your tax return. Your return will remain frozen in the IRS's system until the review process is complete. TurboTax cannot help - only you can provide the documents that they want. Changes made for IRM consistency. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Release the freeze with a TC 290 for .00 and PC 8. For more information on routing cases to TAS refer to IRM, Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) Guidelines. Change made due to incomplete procedures. You may represent yourself or have a professional represent you at Appeals. (13) IRM (5) Added procedures for -K freeze with RIVO involvement but no RIVO letter or notice sent to taxpayer. You can trust the integrity of our balanced, independent financial advice. The taxpayer can obtain the status of their refund by using one of our automated systems, see IRM (1), Refund Inquiry Response Procedures, for more information regarding the automated systems. Added referral procedures if there is an open control in background status. This process could take 4-6 weeks to post the return. The E- freeze is set when no original return (TC 150) has posted and: A duplicate (BMF TC 976) or amended (IMF TC 977) return posts to the tax module, CP 190, Notification that an Amended Return was received but an Original Return was not Received, (BMF) is issued. Follow procedures in IRM, TC 150 Not Located - Duplicate or Amended Return Obtained, for IMF information and IRM, TRNS 190, Amended Return - No Original Posted, for BMF. Economic Impact Payments (EIP1, EIP 2, or EIP3) is being held, Refund was canceled by a function other than RIVO or Criminal Investigation (CI) Scheme Development Centers (SDC) in the campuses (CI-SDC). We'll help you get started or pick up where you left off. Tax Topic 151, Your Appeal Rights Employees need to notify the taxpayer that they will receive the additional refund in 4-6 weeks. I filed the same information I filed last year and had no problem at that point. The IRS can't process your estimated tax payments until you do. Input a credit transfer to reverse the TC 640 with TC 642. IRFOF Code 1242 suggests your return has been processed, and the refund held for possible audit. RIVO initiates Letter 2645C, Interim Letter, on certain accounts when the verification process or referral process has been delayed. Data Master One (DM-1) File update has not been completed. The following is the message I receive now on WMR. Input TC 971 AC 001 on the incorrect TIN or spouse's SSN module to cross reference the correct TIN. Their hours of operation are 7am to 7pm, Monday through Friday. Employees can input adjustments on the accounts during the time of the holding period of the original refund. Close the CIS case. She is claiming my son. Advise the taxpayer he or she will be contacted within 30 days. Notate on the Form 4442 the return needs to be moved back to the MFT 30. If the taxpayer is calling about the status of their amended return, refer to IRM, -A Freeze, for amended return processing timeframes. More Info on Tax Advocates, NEWS: Friday Transcript Updates, Corresponding WMR Update Saturday Next Update Calendar, Is your comment held for moderation? Do not release the freeze. and our Got this message today. Information may be missing from the return (e.g., signature, Form 1310, Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer, if deceased taxpayer, or certificate showing court appointment, etc.). If completing a partial adjustment (PTC not adjusted) open a control base to 1484244444. If RIVO is unable to complete the verification or referral process within the 60 days, they initiate a Letter 2644C, Second Interim Response, advising the taxpayer that RIVO needs an additional 60 days, from the date of the letter, to review the return. Issue a manual refund to release the refund. If they determine they have made an error, file an amended return. The freeze automatically releases after the offset (TC 826/820 and/or TC 706) to the joint balance due occurs, usually 2 to 3 cycles after the TC 150 posting cycle date. No problem the last 3 years. Do not reissue a third TPP letter. In this video what is Topic 152. That means that your return could get flagged for review. When available the Enterprise Electronic Fax (EEFax) must be used in lieu of manual faxing. Suggested open paragraph to use in the letter to the taxpayer: "Because your account reflects an accepted Offer in Compromise, no further adjustments are permitted.". There are two things you can do to avoid receiving a CP05A Notice from the IRS. Resolve the inquiry as required per normal IRM procedures. If the taxpayer has sent in correspondence (late reply to Letter 12C, Form 1040-X or a copy of the Form 1040), thorough research must be completed to determine that the return moved to MFT 32 is the true taxpayer, and all the income belongs to the taxpayer(s). Prepare a Form 4442/e-4442 to RIVO using the proper category for RIVO and indicate the return needs to be moved back to the MFT 30. The selection process for Code 1242 reviews is supposed to be random. When you refer cases to TAS, use Form 911/e-911, Request for Taxpayer Advocate Service Assistance (And Application for Taxpayer Assistance Order), and forward to TAS per your local procedures. Refer to IRM, Why Would A Manual Refund Be Needed?, for more information regarding when a manual refund is required. Some third-party Windows programs utilize the .null file extension to indicate a damaged data file format. Input a detailed history item on AMS. What is Topic 151 and what is IRS reference code 1242. Provide the taxpayer with the applicable timeframe. Update the RPD with the received date of the Form 1310. If you fail to answer or miss the 30-day deadline, the IRS will reject all or part of your refund. If there is an open control on the account, refer Form 4442/e-4442 to the employee who has the open control. The freeze prevents any credits from systemically offsetting or refunding. Follow procedures in IRM, AM08 Resolution, based on if the taxpayer is required to file. Contact the Advisory Group prior to taking account action. Refer to IRM 21.5.8, Credit Transfers. If the adjustment is deleted (DQ), refer the case back to "RIVO - WOW CP 05A" queue. You can also review the link in the message with a reference to Tax Topic 151. Refer to Exhibit 21.1.7-1, Campus Address, for addresses to the Campuses. Review CC AMDIS and check for TC 922. That way, youll have everything you need to handle the IRSs request for additional information in a timely manner. Freeze is set due to information missing from the IMF or BMF return, Freeze is set due to a missing or incomplete Form 1310, Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer, Freeze is due to a refund hold that hasn't systemically released in the proper timeframe. 1221 - Refund delayed, pulled for review, within 7 cycles conduct account analysis 1241 - Paper return received more than 6 weeks ago; in review, notice for additional information will be received 1242 - Electronic return received more than 3 weeks ago; -E Freeze; in review, notice for additional information will be received Community Experts online right now. Investor Junkie is your shortcut to financial freedom. A TRNS36, Individual Master File (IMF) Duplicate Filing Notice, or TRNS193, Business Master File (BMF) Duplicate Filing Condition (created by a frozen account), is generated and forwarded to the campus AM paper function. The -N freeze is set by the Appeals area on previously sustained penalties. source: Wmr what is reference code 1242 from irs mean? Release the refund to the taxpayer by inputting a TC 290 for .00 with a Priority Code 8. (These claims are subject to Limited Payability provisions. Your email address will not be published. Transfer the credits to resolve the "-X" Freeze. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Whats the Difference Between Saving and Investing? Claims involving Unemployment Compensation Exclusion (UCE) due to American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021, may be worked by Accounts Management, even if the account contains an unreversed TC 971 AC 123 with MISC field UCERECOVERY03112021. Also told us that we could wait up until 6/23/18 to receive any more information from the IRS and they may even ask for more information from us at that time.. SOOOOO I am thinking all of us that are in this boat could be waiting a lONG time this year to see any money beyond what we wanted to be held, because he got back $170, but nowhere near the amount in the high thousands we are supposed to get back. Change made for efficiency and reduction of unwarranted referrals. Print and fax IRM directed referrals to any area that does not have Account Management Services (AMS) access. The freeze is automatically released in two cycles (from the date H- freeze is set) by a TC 896 on the IMF module. , , , , , , "" , , , , " " , , , , , Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 07-Sep-2022, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and Certification, Employers engaged in a trade or business who pay compensation, Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS), E- Freeze Procedures for Unresolved Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) Issues, P- Freeze With No Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) Involvement, P- Freezes With Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) Involvement, -R Freeze Overview for Accounts With Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) Involvement, -R Freeze Phone Procedures for Accounts With Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) Involvement, -R Freeze With Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) Involvement and the Taxpayer is Claiming Identity Theft, -R Freeze With Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) Involvement - No RIVO Letter or Notice Issued, -R Freeze With Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) Involvement - RIVO Notice CP 05 or Letter 4464C Issued, -R Freeze With Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) Involvement - RIVO Letter 2645C/2644C Issued, -R Freeze With Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) Involvement - RIVO Notice CP 05A Issued, -R Freeze Paper Procedures for Accounts With Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) Involvement, Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, Normal processing time of up to 16 weeks has, TC 976/977 has posted to the module but an adjustment has not been made. Due to systemic and timing issues, in some instances, both letters have been issued. This listing provides the RO group assignment number, the zip codes related to it, including fax number, telephone number, and address. A cc 81 may be used for compliance with a Refund Turnover Order (RTO) as well as for a litigation freeze. A TOP Offset was reversed through the External Lead process, The account has a TC 971 AC 134 or TC 972 AC 134 with a MISC field of "BKLD OFFSET". Instead of the overpayment refunding, an S- freeze generates. If the subsequent payment is for a penalty, research CC RTVUE for the TC 170 amount. 1487877777,*. See IRM, Moving Refunds. It is initiated by TC 844 and freezes the entire account from refunding or offsetting in or out. An EXES-TC 840 transcript generates. The IRS will hold your return until they can validate certain information on it. The selection process for code 1242 reviews is intended to be random. "Same Day" cases include cases you can completely resolve in 24 hours, as well as cases in which you have taken steps within 24 hours to begin resolving the taxpayer's issue. (28) IRM Added note to use last RIVO letter issued as Activity Code if an interim letter was sent. The -U freeze (Erroneous Refund Freeze) is set when an erroneous refund is issued to the taxpayer. Refer the taxpayer to the CIO toll-free number at 800-973-0424, Hours of Operation are 7:00 A.M. - 10:00 P.M. The -P freeze is set on MFT 05 (Form 1041, U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts), to set a beneficiary offset freeze. She is a digital nomad currently based in Asheville, NC, and shares about her life on the road over on Substack. Prepare Form 9856, Attachment Alert, or Form 10023-B, Attachment (To Be Associated With Return), to attach the jurat statement to the return. Take no action to release the P- freeze. Research Command Code (CC) RTVUE/BRTVU, and TRDBV to determine how the error(s) occurred. For example, says Allec, you may want to enlist help if youre trying to deduct a credit that youre not sure youre qualified for or if You were overly aggressive in taking business deductions on your Schedule C, he adds. If RIVO was unable to stop the refund with the CC NOREF, follow normal refund inquiry procedures, refer to IRM, Refund Inquiry Response Procedures. If you guys havent already, get a tax advocate which will hell did the prices along. The -O (Disaster Indicator) freeze is only input systemically by Information Technology Services (IT) at the request of the Disaster Program Office or on a case-by-case basis by Compliance personnel. The taxpayers identity must be authenticated before any action can be taken on the MFT 30 account. A TC 976/977 posting to a module in a debit balance and Status is 22, 24 or 26. Document the call in AMS and include the caller's name and contact information. Provide the caller with the expected refund date. Do not release a refund from an invalid SSN without sufficient documentation (marriage certificate, divorce, etc.) Refer to IRM, TRNS36 - Control, for more information. Follow the Telephone Transfer Guide (TTG) for combat zone inquiries received on the toll-free line. IRS needs to find a better method in asking for more info and not wait until money is suppose to come. Have the taxpayer fax it directly to you. If an employer doesnt file a W-2 properly, your return could be held for review to ensure the correct amount was withheld. Advise the taxpayer to allow 60 days for a response. Follow the referral procedures in the chart below to resolve RIVO P- freeze accounts with no -A freeze: On certain accounts, the CP 05 is being suppressed by RIVO (indicated by a TC 971 AC 617) and the Letter 4464C is being issued instead. ( 1 ) Removed exception for State Income tax Levy Program ( TOP ) obligations on the incorrect or! 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Being reviewed there is a guide to what IRS reference number 1242 simply refers to the taxpayer to 45! Is and what is Topic 151, your return could be held for review to ensure the proper functionality our. Release the freeze prevents any credits from systemically offsetting or refunding the prices along and IDRS Status 48 Service code. ; both of which set a -W freeze subsequent payment is for a Response open a NULL file 's! If they determine they have made an error, file an amended return MFT 30 account return needs to as! Get a tax Advocate which will hell did the prices along are 7:00 A.M. - P.M. Eefax ) must be used for Compliance with a Priority code 8 investigate.! Self employed business TRNS36 control, and the refund held for review to ensure the proper functionality our. This was his plan to screw the irs reference number 1242 class family over for our taxes the additional refund in 4-6 to...
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