So I said goodbye to my mom and moved to America. Whistleblower and former employee of Britain's global surveillance center GCHQ (Government Communications Head Quarters) Katharine Gun smiles as she speaks to the media during a press conference February 25, 2004 in London, England. Marcia Mitchell is a writer, researcher, and the author of "The Spy Who Tried to Stop a War: Katharine Gun and the Secret Plot to Sanction the Iraq Invasion." And then, she said when she got in therenow bear in mind that she still is bound by the Official Secrets Act. You dont have to agree with what she did, Im just telling you what she did. She also opposed the pending war. He said she didnt even know what the job was. David Dayen: No problem. We were in development with a particular studio, and I don't mean to be funny after such a heavy film but sometimes we need a little bit of humor. It was like a neon sign that was flashing at me, Gun says. Gavin Hood: And that really happened. It was what I was thinking, what I was feeling. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. Much to the distress of our former partners in the Iran nuclear deal, Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the agreement and announced tougher sanctions. To tell too much more of the story would spoil the film, but one part of its ending is clear. WebIts the tale of whistleblower Katharine Gun, a former translator for the UKs Government Communications HQ, who leaked a top-secret memo in 2003 on the eve of a divisive US-led war. On the other hand, she and Ben, to this day, feel they never got their day in court. She's based (and born and raised) in Brooklyn, New York. Not good enough, the trio decided. It remains entirely to the credit of Roger Alton, at the time the paper's editor, that he stuck with the story, despite its potential implications. The days and weeks dragged agonisingly by. WebWe speak with a British whistleblower whose attempts to expose lies about the Iraq invasion was called "the most important and courageous leak" in history by acclaimed She was charged For me as a journalist who was really getting started around that time, this climate of fear that was in place in the United States and also in the UK. Only now, more than a decade and a half later, is this disturbing sequence of events once again receiving the attention it deserves thanks to Official Secrets, a brilliant new movie starring Keira and former Doctor Who, Matt Smith. Had the film appeared any earlier, however, I dont think Id have been able to watch it, let alone help the makers. As a film of her story is planned, she tells of her anger and frustration but not her regrets, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, Katharine Gun back in Cheltenham last week: 'This is the ugly truth of what goes on.' Unfortunately, perhaps, I have a conscience and my dishonesty gnawed at me persistently until the next day, when I confessed. So we're in this development meeting, and the executive looks at me and goes, Gavin, I mean we need her running down alleys more, someone needs to throw a brick through her damn window, and when does she don her cape? It was literally the line. Americans find it hard to believe that it could happen, but it happens, it happens fast. And Where Is Katharine Gun, JUST 36 HOURS TO GO IN OUR WINTER CAMPAIGN. And she and many in her world knew, and many in the CIA knew, as Mel Goodman who's the man in the boathouse in Washington knew, that this was B.S. Despite the millions affected by the Iraq War, its now far removed from British and American news cycles, displaced from the headlines by todays political turmoil. His philosophy comes from a military intelligence model, which actually, by the time you go to war, now it's about winning. "I never aligned myself specifically with the anti-war movement. WebHer late husband, Tom, a former special agent of the FBI and one-time head of counter-intelligence in New York, co-authored the Gun story. Happy and carefree, Id recently married my handsome husband and was working at GCHQ as a linguist. Gun had, of course, been forced to abandon her career in the civil service Gabrielle Bruney is a writer and editor for Esquire, where she focuses on politics and culture. Official Secrets is, for the most part, a historical account of these events in 2003, but as with nearly all films based on a true story, some things have been changed to aid the drama of the narrative. But this specificinstance is the ugly truth of what goes on.". Then, the following November, after eight months of worry, I was finally charged. And I know whose throat it really sticks in, is [British journalist] Ed Vulliamy, who I adore. Her husband said its a job, its just a goddamn job, I work at a caf. However, when her friends start being interrogated about the leak, Gun confesses to being the whistleblower, leading to her being arrested and taken to court for breaching the Official Secrets Act. He is wonderfully articulate but super pissed off, and his PTSDbecause hes been in Iraq for yearsmanifests at just disdain for that certain person you mentioned. Gavin Hood: Yes, it really sticks in my throat too. Now someone else may beI don't know if I could hack people's phones and computers, personally. The same countries demanded immediate answers from the British government about its involvement in the spying. The more we find out that in fact the million-person march was a real cause of worry for Downing Street and for Blair personally, it makes you think we were so close and yet so far.". "We started wondering whether we should do the blonde hair and the glasses and wondering about prosthetics, but one point Keira said to me, 'You know, the last thing I want is the audience to say, 'Oh, I don't know if I like her blonde,'" said Hood. As opposed to trying to be Katharine Gun. Hood said that this was a purposeful choice by Knightley. But when Gun's lawyers threaten to question the U.K. Attorney General Lord Goldsmith about Britain's involvement in the Iraq war, the government drops their case against Gun. His most recent book is Monopolized: Life in the Age of Corporate Power.. And the reason? That would be awkward. And isnt it also time to re-examine the Official Secrets Act? She said, I thought that might be quite interesting and exciting. So WMD may not have been as important, had they gotten that resolution. And it's also true that we were then attacked by the Drudge Report for what would now be called 'fake news. Enter Katharine Gun. Rishi Sunak is urgently reviewing his private exchanges with Matt Hancock after bombshell leak of ex-Health 'Drinks cold in fridge at DH!' So right there, you are pulling out the highlights," said Hood of the key issue with making Official Secrets. By the time Gun and around 100 of her colleagues received the emailed memo that would change her life, she had already come to the conclusion that the arguments for war with Iraq were not really valid arguments, she tells me. Interestingly I think we faced a challenge, which some of you may or may not agree with. The film also captures my determination to do what I believed was right and reveals how divisive the Iraq War was, particularly highlighting the anger within certain sections of the intelligence services as the sabre-rattling statements of Mr Blair and his spokesman Alastair Campbell were accepted without proper challenge by some in the media. I am an American citizen; I have a strange accent but Ive been here 25 years; my kids were born here. And just coming from my perspective, the press, because a lot of this is a story about the press, and how they handle it. I didn't plan to have this movie out today and know what was going to be going on. There's an obvious scene of the immigration deportation. An insider with courage. Gun was visiting friends and family in Cheltenham when I talked to her, with the strain obvious on her face but still looking much younger than her 38 years. Theyre talking about diplomatic negotiations, and having all the cards on the table, but behind that what theyre doing is trying to bribe UN diplomatic members to vote for a war which has no legal justifications, Gun says. When my turn came, I entered a small side office, faced the security official and, putting on my best poker face, denied any involvement. I answered an advert in The Guardian newspaper for a translator. As of 2020 Gun lives in Turkey and Britain. Since 2003, my life and Gun's have continued to cross from time to time. Donald Trump also is saying he doesn't want war, which is probably true. I became a mother, we moved countries and I have come to terms with that year of my life, though it will always define me in some ways. She hoped that if people know about the lengths to which theyve gone to legitimize an invasion of Iraq, then it would blow apart, and people will suddenly think, No, this isnt right, and the whole house of cards would come tumbling down.. To legitimize an invasion and get rid of Saddam, a new UN Security Council resolution, going beyond SC1441 and specifically sanctioning the invasion, was the answer. The risks Gun took in revealing the UN email's existence were huge. What appealed to me in the end is that Katharine is in fact, far more like us. Im gratified, too, that the film shows the love and support my husband gave me throughout this ordeal. Feel free to republish and share widely. But the invasion was forced to proceed with the backing of Bushs coalition of the willinginstead of with the support of the United Nations. Then, the world is safer until the sequel when it all happens again. When you support The American Prospect, youre supporting fellow readers who arent able to give, and countering the class system for information. Maybe thats rewarding. "There seems to be this blas attitude the spying goes on, everyone does it and so it's nothing to get all hot under the collar about. Supported by Liberty, the prominent British civil-rights campaigning organiza-tion, Gun and her lawyer, Ben Emmerson (Ralph Fiennes), decided to cite grounds of necessity in order to contest the charges laid against her. A transcript, lightly edited with explainers where necessary, follows. WebFor example, a scene where Gun tries to get her husband out of an immigration detention center actually played out over three days during which she did not know where he was. WebKatharine Gun, as passionately embodied here by Knightley, skews too noble to be particularly interesting, and the film is weakest when its focused on her and her husband Actually, there were two incidents at sea, blamed originally on the North Vietnamese. In leaking it to the Observer, she was also doing something unprecedented in the history of espionage. They're more polite to their suspects. WebWhen the film opens, Gun (Keira Knightley) is happily married to Yasar (Adam Bakri), a Turkish national living in the UK on a temporary visa, and passionately invested in She was a spythe communications she translated had been obtained covertly, but she did the work in the interest of protecting Britain. Later, it turned out that the Attorney General had indeed judged the war to be illegal in his initial advice, but that fact was not revealed until six years later in 2010. Give today. We have a blondish-looking Katharine. He said: "Very close. Keira calmly said: Oh, that was probably me. I still blush to the tips of my toes when I think about it. None of the Government reports into the war acknowledged it, nor did the history books. Ed, I know some people have said that Rhys Ifans [who plays Vulliamy] is slightly over the top. But I know some folks because of films I made like Eye in the Sky, and before that I made a film called Rendition. What It Feels Liketo Survive a Chemical Attack. The invasion was a huge blow, says Gun. Martin Bright, who is in the movie very briefly I guess, is no longer in journalism as I understand it. Gun, her husband, and their four-year-old daughter shed their coveted privacy long enough to allow Katharine to be one of two former Sam Adams Award winners to present this year's award. Jeb Bush Just Botched the Iraq Question. Healthy mother-of-two, 32, collapsed and died from brain bleed while she led fitness bounce class. And they failed, in part, I believe, because Katharine Gun leaked that memo, Official Secrets director Gavin Hood told Democracy Now!. It was the first time I had worked with characters who were still alive, and they very much wanted it to be accurate or they wouldn't sign over their life rights. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. [Gun's husband Yasar, a Kurd, was nearly deported back to the Middle East at one point, even though he had nothing to do with the leak.]. Then the most almighty cacophony erupted, a roar so loud we could barely hear to speak. Perhaps it was no wonder that Tony Blairs government decided to abandon the case without offering any evidence. I don't think I've ever met a more determined character and she remained utterly convinced of the justice of her cause: "There's nothing subsequent to the invasion that makes me think it was the right decision made by Bush and Blair." The difficulties of translating Gun's story also made writing the climax of the film tricky. Now there is the possibility that Gun's singular life will be made into a movie. You can look up Nicole Mowbray, she wrote an article in The Guardian a couple weeks ago, about this worst day of her life. What do you think resonates? I didnt know until I looked really deeply into this that theres really two schools of thought. The truth is when she speaks to me, and she says, Gavin, we also go to lunch like everybody else in any other office. Perhaps they don't trust him to keep his word. However, her husband and the father of her daughters name is Yasar Gun. Whatever, she blew the whistle ultimately revealing the truth behind the build-up to the Iraq War--regime change, disguised as terrifying threats of weapons of mass destruction. But George W. Bush did something that, thankfully, Trump hasnt pulled off yet: He took us to war. It is written by Sara and Gregory Bernstein, a California-based husband-and-wife writing partnership who have worked with British director Jonathan Lynn. In fact, I had no idea what was going on. The issue is provocation. Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). So somehow in my rolodex, sometimes they sought me out. To me, it was a way of showing that Iraq cannot be dismissed as a horror show of suffering, but is an ancient and sophisticated culture that goes back thousands of years. Liberty, the civil rights organisation, and Ben Emmerson QC had already agreed to defend me and we prepared for trial. So, that's where we had to go for WMD. As Bright noted, however, what we see in the movie is close to the real events. Every day we worked together for about five to six hours and then I referred back to her many times, subsequently, but I had literally just said, let's start at the beginning and let me hear first-hand from you your story and then I'll tell that story. Please, become a member, or make a one-time donation, today. As the Trump administration shreds norms of American governance like a Shih Tzu going to town on a roll of toilet paper, the last worst president is largely silent, busied with .css-umdwtv{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:.0625rem;text-decoration-color:#FF3A30;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:background 0.4s;transition:background 0.4s;background:linear-gradient(#ffffff, #ffffff 50%, #d5dbe3 50%, #d5dbe3);-webkit-background-size:100% 200%;background-size:100% 200%;}.css-umdwtv:hover{color:#000000;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;-webkit-background-position:100% 100%;background-position:100% 100%;}canine portraiture and now the subject of nearly fond nostalgia. So when I sent the script to Keira, and I was very hopeful that she would do it because she does a lot of period dramas, and you dont often see her in a modern drama and I thought shed be great. But that shouldn't be the philosophy pre-war when you're trying to decide whether to go to war. We even got as far as the Old Bailey. Later, she gave the document to a friend, who passed it onto a contact in the anti-war movement, until it finally landed with journalists Martin Bright and Ed Vulliamy The Observer. Gavin Hood: There is a kind of cognitive dissonance. Some called her a traitor; others Right: Entertainment One, Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion. Because it's just an Executive Branch trying to grab power as an authoritarian. She wasnt planning to get caught and then the dilemma was, My friends are all going to have their lives ruined.. If if wasnt, what does that mean for the rule of law? However, the Pentagon says the US deployment is "in response to indications of heightened Iranian readiness to conduct offensive operations against US forces and our interests.". Some of those same birds are still flapping wings in the skies above Washington. Right now my priorities are to ensure I am there for my daughter.". What did you think was going to happen? "You get to the end, and there's this court case. And she said, I dont work for the government. That was my first thoughtwhat do you mean you dont work for the government? What is this paper? His exact words to describe the intelligence method is, The goal of the intelligence is not the truth, but victory. That is a quote from Shulsky. Most whistleblowers leak after the event to expose perceived wrongdoing. When do the clocks change in 2023? The decision to leak it was almost instant I felt I had no choice. It left me in an impossible predicament. And she thought she wouldnt get caught. Anyway, the Office of Special Plans and Abram Shulsky make an interesting Wikipedia read, it won't take you very long. For all the relief, there was a weird sense of anti-climax that we would now be unable to give our side of the story to the public. Again. Gun, a translator with the British intelligence service known as Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), received a document just before the war from an NSA manager, seeking British intelligence support in spying on members of the UN Security Council, to effectively blackmail them into voting for a second resolution that would make legal the invasion of Iraq. It's a fascinating film that really evokes the dangers of speaking out in the post-9/11 age, as well as the press's inability to challenge the official story on Iraq, particularly the U.S. press, which really just blacked out the Gun leak entirely. He really wouldnt; that scene in the movie really happened. David Dayen: How did you think Keira Knightley was an asset in showing that emotional journey throughout the movie? Who authorised the NSA email, for example? The increasing presence of US Navy ships and a B-52 bomber task force in their neighborhood might provoke the Iranians to load up their missiles. I was suddenly free and bewildered. WebKatharine Gun was a young specialist working for Britains Government Communications Headquarters when she exposed a highly confidential memo that revealed the United David Dayen is the Prospects executive editor. Gun sacrificed so much when she decided to leak and has worked only intermittently since. This is a story about my life and my leak after all, and I still believe in the issues passionately. Our institutions matter. Indeed the action movie beats the living hell out of the bad guy, or if its every other Marvel movie, beats the hell out of all the bad guys. She now has a four-year-old daughter who she is bringing up in Turkey. The memo from Frank Koza, chief of staff at the "regional targets" section of the National Security Agency, GCHQ's sister organisation in the US, remains shocking in its implications for British sovereignty. Thank you! It almost started with, well, would I have the courage to do what she did in another setting maybe? Was the British government aware of it? KatharineGun did not stop the war,but was it all entirely in vain? My shock turned to anger as the significance sank in. She had been following that war, as many of us had, for a year. If Keira Knightleys remarkable performance in Official Secrets can help change that, the film will truly have been worthwhile. What resonates to me is the somewhat more, I hope, timeless thing. This is not to say that Iran does not have a trick up its sleeve, or that wild-eyed Iranian hawks aren't circling its leaders. A translator for UK intelligence agency GCHQ, Gun read a brief from the US National Security Agency urging its British sister organisation to spy on members of the UN Security Council, to gain influence i n a vote Gun discusses her attempt to stop the Iraq War, which is the subject of the new movie Official Secrets. Across the world, millions protested the invasion of Iraq, doing their own small parts to attempt to prevent the war. I was arrested for a breach of section one of the Official Secrets Act 1989 and held overnight in a cell in the basement of the Cheltenham Police headquarters. Iran, of course, isn't interested in dealing with him. And in her case, she risked both her job and her freedom and whatever you think of her politically, I think that takes some guts. ", Keira Knightley and Katharine Gun at the London premiere of "Official Secrets. The only thing that we altered in that is that I didnt have time to tell it for as long as it went on. The truth is that I didnt know who Katharine Gun was until my producer Ged Doherty called me up one day, we made Eye In The Sky together, and said, Have you ever heard of Katharine Gun? Thats one of those moments where you think: Sounds like I ought to have, but I hadnt. This content is imported from youTube. EXCLUSIVE: Lanzarote sticks to its guns and insists it WILL limit tourists and move away from relying on Jeremy Clarkson is axed as Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Under Creative Commons ( CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 ) my first thoughtwhat do you mean you dont to. Husband-And-Wife writing partnership who have worked with British director Jonathan Lynn said Hood the... Just 36 HOURS to go to war 's story also made writing the climax of key. Make a one-time donation, today it also time to tell too much more of the story would spoil film... A neon sign that was probably me as the Old Bailey leak it was almost instant felt... 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