Now the green blade rises from the buried grain; Wheat that in dark earth for may days has lain; Love lives again, that with the dead has been: Love is come again like wheat that rises green. Frame 6: You are a special and unique image of God. I expected that such a thrust would have released my arm from Alans iron grip. In the face of the pastors shouts, I stood as still as I could muster. healed those who believed in him, received all who sought him. //jQuery('#submit-action').attr('href','/paupress/?rel=pauContent&pau_type='+thisact); The Easter Peace is shared *Hymn This Is the Day God at that moment was transformed into a violent, murderer, willing to put my beloved Jesus to a torturous death. 2014-04-20 liturgy [Easter sunrise] Author: Mike Farley But there is more going on in this story than just the literal words on the page. A small but secure fortune in hand. Working, dancing, and church, a blessed trinity designed to secure passage back into my travels abroad. Peace begins with non-violent resistance. The numbers, they are staggering. But she couldnt see it, so she reached in for her candy and thats when she got stuck and she couldnt get her hand back out. A reading from 1st Corinthians chapter 13: When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child. But try as we might we are in bondage to sin and we cannot free ourselves. During the breaking of bread, the Lamb of God or other appropriate song or chant is sung. Killer whales. /* Bit by bit, hope has begun to build upon hope as we look forward to Spring when we call launch forth into fuller more robust living. After spending far too long cornered by Steve, who preached a gospel of not very good news, I was desperate to silence him, so, I reluctantly agreed to attend a Tuesday night youth service. To which Jesus responded, From the cup I drink of, you will drink; the baptism I am immersed in, you will share. O God, who gifts us moments of amazement, help us to accept the rhythm of the ordinary and the extraordinary that we may retain a steady awareness of your presence both in grey days and in bright. Certainly, in the church the Bible is considered to be the supreme authority of the nature of God. Bert Polman ([email protected]) is a hymnologist who is a professor and chair of the music department at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan. The vibrancy of the vision is only exceeded by the discovery thatones spirit has a home everywhere. Thanks be to ALL that is HOLY! and for the mystery of life beyond death. Then he said to them, Today, in your hearing, this scripture passage is fulfilled. (Luke 4:14-21). After warming myself on my cars heating vent, I caught sight of sundog begin to emerge as the Sun was still setting. One: On this day, we shout Hallelujah! Somehow, the flight of the billionaire Bezos phallic Blue Horizon thrusting its five privileged passengers across our screens will capture more attention from those of us who are wealthy enough to own screens, than the roughly one and a half billion men, women, and children who are consigned to live in poverty. . Resurrection is not about the physical resuscitation of a corpse. It was just politicians doing what politicians do, rattling sabers like little boys, stomping their feet, and insisting on their own way. Thats where youre opponent wrenches your arm behind your back and applies just enough pressure to cause pain, but not enough to break anything. Or break the very atoms down to see how they are made, For more than a decade and a half churches around the world have been relying on Sacredise for prayers, liturgies, sermon starters, and devotional materials to help them create worship gatherings that draw people in and that connect them more deeply with God, themselves, others, and our world. 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13. Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and his reputation spread throughout the region. According to the story humans are in bondage to sin and we cannot free ourselves. Jesus knew this. we invite your Spirit to lead us ever more faithfully to be the body of Christ in the world. (LogOut/ Risk it all for the sake of LOVE. What matters is that LOVE rises. He . Today, during this season of Easter, our doubts about the possibility of resurrection are not as important as our doubts about the possibility of peace. jQuery('#submit-action').click(); It is in Jesus life, not his death that we will find salvation. Suddenly, one of those magnificent monsters rubbed up against the bottom of our dingy. LOVE and not violence. Do this as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.". I mean who in the hell believes that billionaires ought to be allowed to engage in a giant pissing contest disguised as a space race? Leader: Brothers and sisters in Christ, the gospels tell us that on the first day of the week, the same day on which our Lord rose from the dead, he appeared to his disciples and was made known to them in the breaking of the bread. The liturgy was adapted by Dr. Bert Polman from a form prepared by the Liturgical Committee of the Christian Reformed Church for use during an Easter Service; this liturgy can be used for all Sundays in Eastertide. We can only begin to imagine the magnitude of what a conquered, oppressed, suffering people has lost. Or are we afraid that stripped of the security which our wealth affords us, our privileged positions will disappear, and we too shall find ourselves dependent upon the goodness of others? In the 17th century, Galileo Galilei a personal friend of the Pope, published a paper demonstrating that the sun could not possible revolve around the earth. Resurrection is a statement of how reality works. Frame 10: Always remember the compliments that you received. Let it go. Sure enough, the vase slipped off as smooth as silk. What mechanisms do I use to attempt to tame the untamable wind of Gods Spirit? Helping you win loyal friends through your communications, All the stuff I should be writing down for a book someday, Soulful leadership in its many manifestations, A Liturgy for Easter Day (with HolyCommunion), Preaching Thomas on Low Sunday Some PossiblePathways, Reflection and Hymn: The Most DeliciousBread, Encampments: In Situ Poems and Found Devotions, This was the Original Episcopal Cafe site. Jesus vision of peace through justice, what he called the BASILEIA ton THEON, the Empire of GOD, is the already but not yet SHALOM we long to find. Metanoia is an invitation to think new thoughts. We join our tears to theirs and when we have no more tears to cry, we roll up our sleeves and we do what we can to help them. These parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost sons, point us in a direction of a way of being in the world characterized by foolish and passionate abandon. Your resurrection we affirm with joy. jQuery(document).on('change', '#submission-action', function(){ View the full Worship Video for the Second Sunday of Easter below, CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD the Worship Bulletin. Nor can I believe that Jesus saw YAHWEH, the GREAT I AM as a fool. This dear friends is what it means for you and me to sit at Jesus side. Practicing resurrection begins when we huddle together refusing to let our fears entomb us. When I opened it, I found several passages of scripture written out in Annas immaculate style. People: It is right for us to give thanks,It is our joy and peaceat all times and in all placesto give thanks to you, almighty, everlasting God,through Christ, our Lord. Remember how many times these parables must have been told before they were written down. May this meal be blessed as we gather to celebrate together. But I suspect that justice, the kind of justice which ensures that everyone has enough so that everyone can live in peace, is something worth leaving behind everything you have in order to pursue. It is not a lofty mountaintop vision. I know that we wont solve it in time to save Ukraine. Only a foolWould sweep and sweep and sweep, leaving her purse unguarded, to search for one lone coin. Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again. Contact Us. But those fools made their billions serving us, satisfying our desires, fortifying our comforts, delivering our lifestyles to our doorsteps. As the ancient storytellers weave their tail, Elijah was familiar with the voice of YHWH, so much so that he dared to argue with the voice. What could have changed these bumbling, terrified, betrayers, abandoners, who seemed to be always getting things wrong, into a bunch of leaders who began a movement that spread throughout the Empire within their own life-times and then based on the power of their witness, spread throughout the world and continues to nourish and sustain millions of people from generation to generation? O Little Town of Bethlehem - Spoken Word - Christmas Mini Movie. This story was written by the anonymous gospel-storyteller we know as John some 70 years after Jesus' death, some twenty years after the Jewish war with Rome in which the Empire destroyed the Temple, raised most of Jerusalem to the ground, and sent Jews and the followers of Jesus into exile. The proud questioned your power, devised your death. Jesus said, I have come that they might have life and may live it abundantly! LIFE and not death. I say quote to be polite, which is generally not the way these Christians impart these words of Scripture to me. So it is with the resurrection of the dead. What and Where to use this ritual: Altar-building. In the past he was patient and overlooked peoples sins; but in the present time he deals with their sins, in order to demonstrate his righteousness. sermon 4 Giving Up God for Lent John 3:16, GOD IS DEAD! I am using it this Sunday and sharing your credit information! You are invited to this table of life as we join with each other and seek communion with God. The free worship planning material is easy to locate using an extensive index. Jean and I have studied the historical Jesus in depth and found him to be someone who had a powerful impact on the world because of his radical perception: He modeled for us how to live in the Truth and stand up for justice. Robert Solon Jr. What can progressive Christians say about the story of Easter? All risings of the human spirit are preceded by brokenness, loss or rejection. It was quite a beginning to what promises to be an exciting journey. . It was barely nine oclock and the sun was already beginning to set. One of the authors of the Book of Genesis described creation like this : And God said, Let there be afirmamentin the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made thefirmament and divided the waters which were under thefirmamentfrom the waters which were above thefirmament: and it was so. I Suspect that You Do Too! Support our mission with a tax-deductible donation! Then it is given the body designed for itwith each kind of seed getting its own kind of body. Benedicite - a Song of Creation Benedicite - a Song of Creation (shorter version) Venite - a Song of Triumph Jubilate - a Song of Joy The Easter Anthems Evening Prayer. When we focus upon the life of Jesus of Nazareth rather than the death of Jesus, we can begin to hear some of the things that Jesus was passionate about. This gospel was written some 70 years after the life and death of Jesus of Nazareth. God did this in order to demonstrate that he is righteous. Only a fool would leave to search for the stray who might be wounded, damaged, dying, not interested in being rescued. What a stupid argument. During his blessing, Jesus reminded them how he would go to the ends of the earth in his love for them. Frame 12: Good friends are like stars, you dont always see them but you know they are there. Today, on this International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, how many of us will satisfy ourselves with righteous indignation rather than sacrifice? Boys and their toys the put downs come, pardon the pun, a little too easily. My reign as world champion would have continued if it werent for the abrupt ending of my amateur status. You responded with grace, humility, and welcome. <> The endless loop projects many faces of CHRIST. All who are truly sorry for their sins, who sincerely believe in the Lord Jesus as their Savior, and who desire to live in obedience to him, are now invited to come with gladness to the table of the Lord. We must put aside our expectations of a quick and easy fix and settle in for the difficult generational evolution of our species. The followers of Jesus began to understand themselves in a whole new way. Resurrection is about the wisdom and the courage to proclaim with our lives that Jesus vision of the Reign of LOVE continues to rise in us. /* Worship Resources by Lisa Frenz, Mt. Nothing that exists is ever completely destroyed. The response is Alithos Aneste! What is the anonymous gospel-storyteller we know as Luke trying to tell his community with these parables? McCourt was a schoolteacher, and he tells this story about a particular class in which he was challenging the assumptions of his young students. Letting go isnt as simple as it sounds. Yes, the woman should have been content with her 99 coins. Indeed, it can mean freedom to BE in ways which affirm REALITY, the REALITY we long to know, the ONE which IS BEYOND the BEYOND and BEYOND that Also, this LOVE which we call GOD. Written by Rev. The moss, the kelp, the zebrafish, the very mice and flies, My first conscious memory of hearing the BAT KOL, the Daughter of a Sound, the still small voice of DIVINITY happened on a sojourn into a Thin Place during a summer camping trip when I was just 13. Above the sky were the Heavens. Let us affirm the resurrection by living as Jesus lived, embodying the LOVE which IS the DIVINE MYSTERY. - Trinity Sunday, Moon-Dancing Bears, Jesus and Nicodemus: a sermon on John 3:1-17. Lutheran good order can and does ensure that such ecstatic behavior never happens in worship. I can hear them now, those held captive to by our ancestors limited understanding, I can hear them. They all knew the dangers of traveling to Jerusalem. The eradication of poverty is the work of LOVE in the world, this world, here and now, on this wonderful bountiful planet, upon which there is already more than enough to nourish abundant life for all. SALTs Lectionary Commentary for Lent 3, Cross Purposes: SALTs Lectionary Commentary for Lent 2, Change Your Life: SALTS Lectionary Commentary for Lent 1, What Freedom Is For: SALTs Lectionary Commentary for Epiphany Week 5, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Mark 1, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Mark 1:29-39, Revised Common Lectionary Commentary Isaiah 40:21-31, What Is Salvation? Occasionally, I was able to hear Jesus say, Have you believed because you have seen me? I can certainly identify with the disciples in the story who became angry with the sons of Zebedee for jockeying for seats alongside Jesus in the next world, when the forces of Empire in this world continue to suck the life out of the poor. Imagine knowing everything there is to know about that final day in Memphis, about the motel, about the people who were on that balcony when Dr. King was shot, about the shooter, the gun that was used, about the funeral procession, the grieving, and about the people who tried to go on walking in the ways of Dr. King. Suddenly, the Cosmos reminded me that freedom from ancient ways of knowing does not mean freedom from REALITY. The truth has left its footprints in the dust between the stars. Concessions will be made, and war averted. Faced with the needs of so very many, what can I do? (SYSJ). As the night lengthened, Jesus took a simple portion of bread. You are saved by the gospel if you hold firmly to it unless it was for nothing that you believed. We trust that with your grace present, even the smallest act of kindness, the shortest practice of goodness, or the slightest gesture of generosity can have significance well beyond all expectations. There we stood, we three kindred creatures, waving together as ONE, held in a vast Cosmos touched by the MYSTERY which is the LOVE which permeates ALL that IS, including us, for we are ONE, ONE with DIVINITY. The Resurrection is witness to the golden incandescence at the heart of life which neither suffering nor death can destroy. The following liturgy was submitted by Rev. Whilst many were written for specific purposes or occasions, many are adaptable to suit others. The followers of Jesus were lifted up from a crouching or cowering position as they boldly proclaimed what they had learned from Jesus. Remember, should you have to choose between them in the strife, The text is taken in large part from Martin Luther's Small Catechism, with which Zinzendorf . The term liturgy merely means "the . She phoned her own mother and told her to get there as fast as she could. As we toasted ourselves by the fire, my mind wandered back to the Cremation of Sam McGee and I wondered, if Id ever learn what strange things are done beneath the mid-night sun. Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountain apart and shattered the rocks by YHWEHs powerbut YHWH was not in the whirlwind. Easter communion liturgy, involving children Ana Gobledale, UK. The number crunchers tell us that Bezos hubristic space jaunt cost him 5.5 billion dollars for 4 minutes in space, which kinda makes a ticket on Bransons Virgin Galactic sound like a bargain. Weakness is sown, strength is raised up. Shalom dear ones. I expect things to be resolved. The trouble is, we all live in the 21st century and we know that the definition of what it means to be human that these stories rely upon no longer rings true. jQuery.noConflict(); Now there are those that insist that it was the power of Jesus having been physically resuscitated from the dead that motivated his followers to change their lives and the lives of millions who have come after them. It is right to give our thanks and praise. Strip away our biased convictions so that through our selfless giving we can gaze clearly on your vision for our lives. and of the sufferings that are going on around us, let us pray for the establishment of peace, in our hearts and on earth. Only a foolWould find. The safety of the mountaintop must have been glorious. In those sepia images of sad, forlorn, frightened faces. For GOD is not safely ensconced in the Heavens and we do not need saving from our own depravity by a human sacrifice because there simply is no Hell below us. Follow Michelle L. Torigian on, musings about liturgical adventures, poetic journeys and such, Wednesday Prayer Searching for Gratitude. The delight of new awareness can be a prelude to a life lived inthe mellow light of love. (BL),,, Singing the Sacred, Vol 1 2011 World Library Publications, Jesus Christ is alive and lives in me. Peace be with you. Because if the dead are not raised, then Christ is not raised, and if Christ is not raised, your faith is worthless. Today, in the midst of colossal violence, it is long past time for us to see beyond our conditioning about what to believe about resurrection so that we can focus our attention on practicing resurrection. Humans are incomplete beings. Let it be so. It is beautiful! All tears are part of the river of life. Ice and water below me, the Sun shining before me, and behind me the Moon rising, all holding me in the embrace of a Cosmos the likes of which exceeds the farthest horizon of my ability to comprehend. Theres nothing wrong with that. Strike-slip fault and overthrust and syn and anticline Still no luck. And he took a cup, and when he had given . At this point, we would do well to remember that CHRIST is not Jesus last name. Gig Harbor, WA 98335 They were never meant to be followed in their entirety. Glory be to you, Lord Jesus. Support our mission with a tax-deductible donation! So, I will not presume to answer for Jesus hometown congregations murderous intentions. He was teaching in the Galilean synagogues, and all were loud in their praise. Try as I might, I could never convince either of them that I was saved by grace. Our very freedom from ancient ways of knowing and being sets of a chain-reaction of freedom which can, if we let it, become Good News for the poor, as we finally begin to understand what Jesus knew all along, when Jesus insisted, I and the ABBA are ONE. For if Jesus and the ABBA are ONE, the Good News is that you and I and our neighbours, we are ONE with ABBA. When humankind struggles, we all struggle together. She used warm soapy water to try to loosen the toddlers hand, which was stuck all right. We live a resurrection life. Do you grant permission to use (with credit) for worship? According to the story, paralyzed by their fear, hiding behind a locked door, something happened that gave them the strength to burst forth from their own tomb and change the world. Frame 9: When you think the world has turned its back on youtake another look. Many: On this day, we celebrate resurrection in our lives. (I have searched for the source of this story, withoutsuccess. Scholars tell us that the letter was written between the years 53 and 57. They may not want to hurl me off a cliff, although some have wished me dead, or at the very least judged and punished by their god of eternal torment. I share these tears with you knowing full well that tears wont put an end to war, nor will they end our constant reliance upon violence to maintain a fragile peace. The story I want to tell you comes from the Irish author Frank McCourts autobiography entitled Tis. Nothing was said until dinner the next day, by which time Steve and Anna had been back to church twice. The flat earth was supported over the waters on pillars. who was compassionate and stood up for justice. If we fix our gaze upon the surface, we limit the power of these parables to do what parables are designed to do, to turn worlds and lives upside down and inside out. good times, bad times - give me some of that: blogging on faith and life. Alleluia! Center for Liturgy, St Louis University. Pachena Bay is by far one of the most beautiful places in all of creation. Shalom. It was as if my whole being was alive. Add to Bin. Through this space and time together today, we celebrate the covenant that ties us with God, Jesus the Christ, our neighbors and creation. that they may be washed away by the mercy of our risen Lord. Mortal tongues and angels say: Alleluia! What can we see in the wounds which are depicted in this story? } Resurrection is not a solitary endeavor. Give us the gifts of this holy communion , [This triple blessing and sending/commissioning may be delivered by three different voices.]. Alas, such a deep breath choked on the frigid air, as if my lungs rejected their own impulse to breathe, lest they themselves freeze as solidly as the lake beneath my feet. *Leader: Congregation of Jesus Christ, since the Lord has blessed us with his Word (and Holy Supper), let us praise his name with thanksgiving. 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