Bottom line God is our Shepherd, and we as His sheep are to fully follow Him in this life and every single directive and command that He will be giving us along the way. 1. Marriage involves forgiveness and opening up your heart when you feel like crying. A little self-examination never hurt anybody. As we all know, these 10 spies flunked this test not only for themselves, but for the rest of the men and woman over 20 years of age. I just need Him to tell me what to do next. Protection. Copyright by Michael Bradley and Chris Bradley. God's trying to give you more blessings. Though our outer self is wasting away,our inner selfis being renewed day by day. They seemed to come within minutes. In our human reasoning this seems like a very encouraging message. Ever since I fell back into the sin everything has spiralled slowly worse in my life. I can do all thingsthrough him who strengthens me.. 33 Signs You're Not Ready For Marriage You feel alone and unhappy without your partner No one in your life can give you constructive criticism about your relationship Insecurity and fear stop you from being your authentic self You aren't able to see your partner's weaknesses You think their red flags aren't a big deal When you have love, you can move mountains. Breakthrough happens when we take the first offensive step against the barriers in our life. He told these 10 spies that they and all of the other men over 20 years of age would not enter into this Promised Land. The pains started again,it was as though life was leaving my body. I then called 911 screaming for help. Scripture: Philippians 4:6-7. Part of the conditions for this ultimate sacrifice for all of us was that it had to be a perfect sacrifice, which meant that Jesus had to be perfect in His human flesh form, meaning that He had to be completely sin-free. Everything you touch is powerfully transformed. It was crucial but I didn't tell anyone,because my appointment was that morning. If God is taking away the people, places, and things in your life that are hindering your growth, this pruning process can be very hard and painful. 5 Things that Will Happen in Your Life When Satan Is Attacking You, 10 Things You Will Notice If You Carry Gods Presence. Step 2: Resist the evil one, which is a huge battle. There will be hard moments in life which will be hard to endure in marriage, but with God in both of your hearts you will withstand. God often delays the breakthrough because through the delay he is preparing you for the breakthrough. Hi, I'm Mark Ballenger and I'm so happy you've come to When things start falling apart, possibly because you and I are doing something contrary to Gods will, He will gently nudge us with a bit of correction. Youre excited for a relationship, but youd still love God without one. Take your time and submit to Gods healing process. Gods desire is for us to know Christ better, and that should be our desire too, but how can we know Him better? You are content and peaceful being single. Forthis light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison,as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen.. Pursuing your purpose and shining brightly has become a non negotiable for you. If you ever find yourself facing this kind of trying test, make sure that you do not let your impatience get the better of you and cause you to walk away from that door that you are sitting in front of as that door could be opening up at anytime. Getyour copy of The Ultimate Guide to Christian Singleness and access to all of our eBooks. You may feel like the waiting for your breakthrough is the problem. Revelation: God may decide to lead you to your spouse through dreams, vision, trance, prophecy or whatever means that is not natural. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc Used by permission. Here are 20 signs that could indicate that some divine intervention is happening, even if it doesn't feel like it. You are focused on someone with Godly character, but youre not fixated on the package in comes in. When I think back God was showing me that my situation was getting worse. They prepped me for that Monday for surgery. Youre learning to love yourself and you dont need the approval of others. 23. Is divorce, addictions, silent treatment, un-forgiveness, depression, anxiety, control, manipulation, and other unhealthy behaviors present? God showed them exactly what was waiting for them on the other side. The second area in which God might put us to the test is our faith; he wants to know how much we trust and believe in him. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The main ingredients in a healthy marriage are two imperfect people that are committed to being perfected by God." 1. He promises them that the exact blessing they want will always come if they just have enough faith. All we can do is obey His Word, trust in God, and then leave everything else up to Him.. Gods Presence: Discovering Intimacy with God in your Daily Life, Psalms the Ultimate Guide to Prayer (David). But instead of sending all of them immediately in, He sends in only 12 spies so they could first spy out the land so they could see exactly what they were going to have to face once they actually entered into this land. Well youre not alone, we all have generational patterns that we have adopted from our guardians. If thats you, you be aware that God likes to talk to us about EVERYTHING not only for the sake of relationships. That hunger and thirst for Gods Word is not from a human source, because none of us seek God on our own (Rom 3:11); it is God Who seeks us (John 6:44), so if you want to inspect yourself, inspect the Word of God because it will inspect you. This specific test was given to Abraham way back in the beginning of the Bible in the Book of Genesis. Flunk this test, and you will either lose the call all together and then be forced to settle for Gods plan B for your life, or you will be demoted and set further back until you are ready to pass this kind of a test at a later date. 1. We have another article in our site titled Obedience to the Lord.. Your breakthrough is in your love. Also, my faith in God is badly damaged, because all of the good promises to the faithful aren't true for me anymore, and I can't apply the warnings of the Bible as a guide because I already failed. God May Be Delaying Your Breakthrough as a Way of Making You Weak Enough to Receive It. The delay may be unpleasant. This may translate into a career shift. They have no other choice but to just sit and wait for God to move to part the Red Sea. I have not come to call the righteousbut sinnersto repentance. Ephesians 2:8-9 also states, Forby grace you have been savedthrough faith. Closed Doors. God will know where your jugular veins and weak spots will be on these kinds of tests, so He will probably arrange for these types of tests to target some of your weak and vulnerable spots, just like He did with Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his one and own only son at the time that this test was being set up. God expects us to obey his word. Many may be facing depression and mood disorders, or mental illness. Many couples think their issues fade away when theyre high on love, but eventually everyone comes crashing down and the crash can be emotionally devastating. Challenges keep coming. This is where you will be shown all of the Goliaths and strongholds that you may have to face and engage with once you cross over into the actual calling. When the tests were passed, these people then went into the heart of their true calls with the Lord. It is either you give up and quit or the obstacle or failure gives up and makes way for your success to come through.". 12. God is becoming your main source of love and joy. God hears every pure prayer and always desires good for his people, but he will certainly not always give us what we want even if we are asking for something good. Teriffed I left the hospital, contacted a friend and was given a cardiologist to go and see. 22. The trials of life work together and move us forward in sanctification, and becoming more Christ-like. If God Is Removing Harmful People, Places, and Things from Your Life, This Could Be in Preparation for a Breakthrough. The grace to give is another sign God is about to open a door for you soon. One sin would have totally disqualified Him, and He then would not have been able to go to the cross to save all of us. The back story here is that the Israelites had been in bondage for 400+ years and they were being oppressed by the Egyptians. And you are learning to run to God with your pain and not away from him. 1. And if He would have committed so much as one sin against His Father, then He would not have been able to go to the cross to save any of us. You decide you are GOING to believe God no matter what so you do. They had just seen God miraculously deliver them from the Egyptian rule, so they knew God would have no problems in taking out the giants and strongholds they saw in this Promised Land. I just wasn't able to obey though. This next test is exactly what God the Father did with His Son Jesus. He may ask you to give up the job you are currently working at, or the person you are currently dating, as this person may not be the one that He has personally picked out to be your mate in this life. What might help is the fact that we will see them again. 15. What do I do? Notify me of follow-up comments by email. God speaks to you. 10. I say, Yes! He is a God whom we can trust because only He can see around the blind corners of time. You know that your voice matters and you dont bottle up all your emotions. 4 Specific Tests From the Bible. 7. The more you know of Christ and His sufferings (Isaiah 53), the more youll know about Him, and the more you get to know Him, the more youll love Him, so God wants something better for us, and that is a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, which also gives you that same relationship with the Father, for whoever loves the Son, loves the Father. The enemy is mad when God gives us something good, so he works to take it away before it reaches our hands. For your gift of any amount. The fact that YOU are HERE is the number one sign that God is preparing you for a relationship that leads to marriage. Tell Him you'll do life His way. Broken Dreams. 1 Peter 1:6-9 NIV God has a goal with all of his tests. Sign God Is Speaking to YouHis Word One of the simplest ways God speaks is through His word. We hope this article will serve as good heads-up for any of you who will either face this kind of testing in your near future, or if by chance you are already in the middle of this type of testing right now due to the close proximity of entering into your true calling in the Lord. Related Article: Are You Tired of Waiting On God for a Husband? God may be tempering your faith with the trials of life to ensure its strong enough for the next flight of faith or spiritual breakthrough. Waiting will allow God time to heal you of generational patterns and self-protection behaviors that the enemy wants to use to destroy your marriage. As Paul said in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, which states: But he said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Just as God allowed Adam and Eve to be tested in the Garden of Eden, and His own Son Jesus to be tested in a desert setting with the devil, God may allow some of you to be tested on this same kind of issue. Your email address will not be published. You run into so many roadblocks that it's almost comical. Some of you could be tested on your ability to forgive what others may have done to hurt you in your past. Forthis light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison,as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen.. I told her I couldn't drive home,so I spent the night. God 2. And the test was can they believe in God and His supernatural power to defeat the enemies and strongholds they would have to directly face or will they want to turn around and go back into the desert, never giving God a chance to show them what He could miraculously do for them? Good! The faith and belief test is no joke, and I worry now that I disappointed God by the decision I made. He tells people what they want to hear so that they will keep coming to him and listening. God will also test you in your life before your breakthrough be it in ministry, spiritual, or your financial life so that you can give Him the glory He deserves when you finally receive that breakthrough you have been praying for a long time. If you want to enter into your true calling in the Lord, then get it settled right now in your mind and in your heart that you will fully obey the Lord with every specific thing that He will be asking you to do for Him in this life. It can feel like an attack sometimes, but it is God strengthening your ability to stick it out in hard times. I remember opening the door and then I passed out on the floor. Defeat the fear: One good way to overcome this is to find scriptures that show God handling . 11. Fornow we see in a mirror dimly, butthen face to face. God is doing this so you can easily merged with someone elses life and determine if your partner is a good match in these areas. 14. Abraham passed his test and you saw what happened to him as a result. Posted on Last updated: February 23, 2021. If God is no respecter of persons, and He was able to do this for Joshua and the rest of the Jewish people in this story, then God can still do the exact same thing for every born-again believer who will fully surrender to His call on their lives and then be willing to have enough faith and belief in Him to enter into that call and take on all of the opposition and roadblocks they will end up facing down the road in that calling. Life Challenges. This is where you have done everything you have been asked to do, but now God is going to ask you to just sit and wait for the big breakthrough to occur. 21. God doesn't try to grow seeds in soil that is not good. Though our outer self. Not only must you fully rely on God to make these chess moves in your life, but you must also rely on His perfect timing as to when He will be making all of these specific chess moves. However, as a result of these other 10 spies coming back with this bad report, this kindled the anger of God and caused Him to then pronounce a very severe judgment on all of them. He wrote, For as we share abundantly in Christs sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too (2nd Cor 1:5). If we are left to ourselves and without discipline, then we are not a child of God, so see Gods correction and being His affection. These types of tests can also be brought your way by the Lord at any time during your lifes journey with Him. If you do, then God will continue to bring you up higher in your divine destiny with Him. When God does this, He may show you what some of the obstacles, roadblocks, and opposition may end up being. Waves that will smash walls that have been built up in front of you. If God is giving you a greater hunger for the Word of God, and its like you cant get enough of it, He may be pushing you into some sort of teaching ministry. Actually, this is part of the devil's plan to keep you from receiving your blessings. You are seeking to understand the purpose of a Godly relationship. Test Of Faith/Trust. Thank you for worshiping with us! 4) Lastly, he may give me (you) a heads up, but the point is to be ready at a moment's notice. When God Makes You Wait, it can seem like an eternity. From time to time, the Bible says that the Lord will test the righteous. You are learning to trust God rather getting your own way with toxic self-protection strategies manipulation, blame shifting, gaslighting, control, lying, mind games, etc. God may delay you from getting into a relationship. I went to a Tony Robbins' Date With Destiny seminar in Australia a couple of years ago and there was a big sign on the wall that read, "You're frustrated? [8] Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, [9] for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls. I believe I went through a test a year ago God l believe God had a ministry for me and was going to bring me and my wife back together. Generally speaking, a spiritual breakthrough is an experience of having reached a new level of spirituality, whatever that means to the person who is "breaking through.". in Public Policy. If we lack reverence for God, it shows up in the way we live and in the way we pray. Required fields are marked *. You are learning to rise above false accusations, judgments, blame-shifting, and criticisms from people that dont see you correctly! I am the vine;you are the branches. "At the end, someone or something always gives up. I was smothering until I told them my problem and then was given some help. Shortly after delivering them from the Egyptians, He brought them right up to their Promised Land. There is no place better to be than in the arms of the Father when you're going through seasons of testing. To bring you up higher in your past spent the night front of you, you be aware that is. ; t try to grow seeds in soil that is not good a! A Husband the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that they keep. Getyour copy of the Bible in the Book of Genesis see in mirror. Crucial but I did n't tell anyone, because my appointment was that.. Him to tell me what to do next during your lifes journey with Him years and they being! That God likes to talk to us about everything not only for the breakthrough because through the he... Of Genesis manipulation, and becoming more Christ-like, our inner selfis being renewed by! Again, it can seem like an attack sometimes, but youd still love without. Everything else up to Him our site titled Obedience to the Lord the fact that you are seeking to the! 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