Top B&C typical (all-time): Bradley Jerman, 201 , Warren Co., 2004 This place has the typical whitetails. The lowdown: Its neighbor to the north (Iowa) may get more attention, but make no mistake; Missouri bucks can hold their own with any Midwestern state. Browning's Rafę Nielsen shares details on the new X-Bolt Pro LR McMillan hunting rifle with Game & Fish Editorial Director Adam Heggenstaller at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. But it has become much more so in the last five to 10 years. Multiple Boone and Crockett deer have been harvested on neighboring farms. Official certification wont take place until the Boone and Crockett awards banquet in 2019. Subscriber Services. Utah, Kane County--29 typical mule deer in B&C records The lowdown: Sure its got some of the countrys best waterfowling, but Maryland has also been busy cementing its reputation as one of the Northeasts (if not the countrys) top whitetail states. That tells me that there are other large deer in Tennessee for the taking. New Mexico, Mora County99 pronghorn in B&C records Of the 11 properties we have listed in Delaware County, one in particular stands out. Top B&C non-typical (recent): James W. Bills, 202 Monmouth Co., 2014, Top P&Y typical (all-time): Scott Borden, 189 4/8, Monmouth Co., 1995 Boone & Crockett Non-typical 92. Sure, Kentucky has only produced 201 entries to Wisconsins 326 in the last five years. The lowdown: What can you say about Tennessee? The lowdown: Well, Vermont may not be home to many record book bucks, but it certainly has the coolest deer hunting county name (Rutland) going. Published 12:13 am Saturday, November 30, 2019. Extreme Tracker. So, in 2010, she made her directorial debut. CX Outfitter, 180 gr. Rounding out our list is another Midwestern state, of sorts. As is the case in most public hunting, those willing to walk may have the best opportunity. The 27-year-old farmer and avid deer hunter from Gallatin, Tennessee, shot the deer with a muzzleloader in November. New Mexico, Catron County79 pronghorn in B&C records The rifle has five caliber offerings, two barrel choices and three different riser stocks. Top P&Y non-typical (recent): none. Turns out the area around Vicksburg, Mississippi, is more than just an attraction for Civil War history buffs. Washington, Chelan County--15 Rocky Mountain goat in B&C records All the secrets are sealed lol didn't see one county on the list that I've seen some record book bucks. Overall three things are required for trophy deer: age, good habitat quality, and genetics. Your best shot: Brooks County has produced more B&C typicals (8) since 2000 than any other, but Worth (5) isnt far behind, and Cook, Dougherty, Lee, Turner, and Wilcox have all chipped in three Booners. Top B&C typical (all-time): Eddie Kinney, 192 , El Paso Co., 2003 Top P&Y non-typical (historic): Brandon Alday, 165-, Jackson Co., 2010 Colorado, Gunnison County--38 typical mule deer in B&C records Top P&Y typical (recent): Mike Chamberlain, 188, Washington Co., 2014, Top P&Y non-typical (all-time/recent): Joshua Rauser, 236 , Red Lake Co., 2018. ", He added, "That kind of growth is gratification for hunters, whose leadership, funding and hard work have been the driving force behind conservation since Theodore Roosevelt founded Boone and Crockett Club back in 1887.". Entries (per square mile) the last five seasons: .00065, Top county for typicals: Berrien/Monroe (four), Top county for non-typicals: Livingston/Washtenaw (two). However, Ohio is a little larger state, which reduces the total entries per square mile. For non-typs, Carbon, Goshen, and Natrona all coughed up a single non-typical. Entries (per square mile) the last five seasons: .00285, Top county for typicals: Allamakee (seven), Top county for non-typicals: Warren/Harrison (four). Top B&C non-typical (recent): Mark Lee, 259 , Houston Co., 2013, Top P&Y typical (all-time): Thomas Friedlein, 187 6/8, Dimmit Co., 2005 That is larger than the non-typical current net world record of 307 from that Tony Lovstuen in Albia, Iowa,killed in 2003. 10. Theyre producing a good number of big bucks to be such small states. For non-typicals, Rockingham and Strafford counties have each produced a B&C buck in that time frame. Weve done this to show where the biggest bucks are coming from right now and to shed a little light on what the future of Boone & Crockett bucks looks like in America. Nevada, Clark County142 desert sheep in B&C records Six states and provinces had zero entries in 1980-1985. Wyoming, Sweetwater County183 pronghorn in B&C records 5. George Gretener, 236-, Pend Oreille Co., 1931 Licensed in KY, ME & NH - Derek Fisher, Broker. Right behind are Becker (5), Todd (5), Houston (3), and Morrison (3). A Tennessee hunters 47-point whitetail buck has officially been accepted as the new hunter-taken, non-typical world record by the Boone and Crockett Club after being scored by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agencys B&C scorers. Entries (per square mile) the last five seasons: .00371, Top county for non-typicals: Ripley/Sullivan (three). Nevada, Elko County--38 Rocky Mountain goat in B&C records Only racks measured by certified Boone & Crockett or Pope & Young scorers are included. I just kept telling myself, 'It's going to be what it's going to be.' He has won numerous awards for his writing, photography, and videography. Top P&Y non-typical (recent): Robert Thompson, 173 4/8, Lincoln Co., 2018. 29. Wyoming, Carbon County282 pronghorn in B&C records Top P&Y typical (recent): Scott Thurston, 175 , Hampshire Co., 2013, Top P&Y non-typical (all-time/recent): Richard Lincourt, 187 6/8, Berkshire Co., 2017. Stewart State Forest is located near Cumberland City and even though it is not well known, Stewart State Forest receives heavy hunting pressure. 32. In addition to owning the B&C world record non-typical, the Show-Me State also boasts the No. A non-typical rack is asymmetrical and does not have the same number. 115. "The waiting wasn't too bad until they walked out of the room to go tally it up. Tim White, TWRA Wildlife Biologist said, Twenty years ago around 75 percent of the bucks harvested were 1 1/2-year-old bucks and today those bucks are less than a third of the harvest.Taking pressure off the buck segment of the herd is allowing more deer to move into older age classes. Texas, Culberson County--16 desert sheep in B&C records Are you adeer hunter thirsty for knowledge? This is one state that many people forget about. Whether youre looking to buy land, lease ground, or just trying to determine where the best place is for a Booner this fall, weve got the information you need right here. ELD Match, and 175 gr. Game & Fish Editorial Director Adam Heggenstaller gets more info from Hawke's Paige Shipe at SHOT Show 2023 in Las Vegas. Cass and Washtenaw counties produced four typicals apiece. The deer antlers are probably worth around $100,000 or more if he chooses to sell them and he can sell a replica to most major sporting goods stores such as Cabela's for thousands of dollars. Top B&C non-typical (recent): Leonard Jarett, 210 2/8, Madison Co. 2017, Top P&Y typical (all time): George Mann, 170 2/8, Lee Co., 1980 South Dakota hunter Terry Ernst took the incredible drop-tine buck in Sonora back in January. He shot the deer from about 40 yards away. It measured 23 5/15 B&C and ranks fourth all time. Heres another southeastern state making the top 15. The Evergreen State has diverse habitat and plenty of places where a buck can grow old, making this one of the absolute top western states to tag a jaw-dropper. Montana, Rosebud County--38 pronghorn in B&C records Most of the hunting will be walk-in only from designated gates and parking lots. He was finally officially recognized by the Boone and Crockett officials at the annual Boone and Crockett Club Banquet held in the spring of 2019. Delaware, another northeastern destination, snuck onto the list as well. Native North American big game species tracked by Boone and Crockett Club but not included in the Top 125 counties include Alaska brown and polar bear; barren ground, central Canada barren ground, Quebec-Labrador, mountain and woodland caribou; Dall's and Stone's sheep; Alaska-Yukon and Canada moose; Sitka blacktail deer and muskox. Colorado, Montezuma County--33 typical mule deer in B&C records Top P&Y non-typical (all-time/recent): Austin Earley, 241 , Brookings Co., 2015. 56. 89. I'm sure it will pick back up again after this," he said. Top P&Y typical (recent): Jordan Elliot, 151 , Sussex Co., 2017, Top P&Y non-typical (all-time): Nick Pruitt, 201, New Castle Co., 2010 While great bucks can come from anywhere, EHD outbreaks in the eastern counties might cause a drop in trophy production there for a year or two. Daily training schedules dictate which area or day you can hunt. Top B&C typical (recent): John Connell, 171 6/8, New Castle Co., 2014, Top B&C non-typical (all-time): Keith Lee, 208 4/8, Sussex Co., 2005 2. 2023 Outdoor Sportsman Group. 22. Logan County has been the non-typical leader in the same period with three bucks, followed Kit Carson with two animals. Your best shot: The best recent counties for tagging a B&C typical in recent years have been Beaver (3), Mercer (2), and Warren (2). Of course, killing a book buck should never be the reason for any deer hunter to hit the timber, but lets be honest; its fun to dream, and we all love to ogle big antlers. Ken Vitale with Buck Knives chats with Game & Fish Editorial Director Adam Heggenstaller about two new hunting knives for 2023the purpose-built Alpha and PakLite series. 95. Top B&C non-typical (recent): Picked up, 269 , St. Charles Co., 2013, Top P&Y typical (all-time): Eugene Bausch, 188 4/8, Macon Co., 2001 Meanwhile, hunters in upland habitat or western areas of the state should enjoy some good whitetail hunting, particularly if they time their efforts to the rut (which exhibits several peaks, depending on location). Most hunters I know, including myself, do not hunt just for a trophy; we hunt to fill the freezer. 28. Top B&C non-typical (recent): Gary Lydin, 197 , Ferry Co., 2014, Top P&Y typical (all-time): Michael McBride, 175 , Spokane Co., 1999 Buyers' agents must be identified on the first contact with the Broker and must accompany the buyer on showings to receive full fee participation. One in particular, a 388-acre hardwood havenfor both deer and turkey is a short jog from Vicksburg where plenty of restaurants and shopping malls are available to entertain friends, family and other visitors to your property. Located just northwest of Chicago, suburban McHenry has some major benefits that are not available in rural areas, including limited hunting pressure and a very large number of big bucks. The creek and hunting opportunities run year-round what with hogs taking refuge on the property. MONTANA FISH, WILDLIFE & PARKS MONTANA FISH, WILDLIFE & PARKS . Top B&C typical (all-time): Jerry L. James, 189 , Buchanan Co., 1999 California, Mendocino County190 typical Columbia blacktail deer in B&C records 3. Arizona, Coconino County128 pronghorn in B&C records Entries (per square mile) the last five seasons: .00175, Top county for typicals: Riley/Trego (three), Top county for non-typicals: Pottawatomie (five). Franklin and Tallahatchie counties have each entered a pair of B&C non-typicals since 2013. Top B&C non-typical (all-time): Tony Fulton, 295 6/8, Winston Co., 1995 #8 all-time Your best shot: Coahoma and Bolivar counties have each yielded three B&C typical bucks in the last five seasons, while four counties (Madison, Quitman, Tallahatchie, Yazoo) have all produced two. Send updates to [email protected]. Ontario went from a single entry to a whopping 41 -- a 4,000 percent gain! Many hunters think and hope there are. The lowdown: Another state with potential greater than its trophy production, Michigan has a thriving hunter population (a great thing) and lots of private land in the areas with the best habitat. 93. This property has no structures, allowing you to build a house that you want or a barn that you want. A buck harvested in Sumner County during the 2016 muzzleloader season has completed a step toward becoming a world record for a non-typical deer rack taken with a muzzleloader. Boone and Crockett Club The Boone and Crockett Club has released its sixth edition of the Records of North American Whitetail Deer, and at 700 pages, it promises untold hours of geeking. Read:Are the Biggest Typical Whitetails History? Colorado, Garfield County--44 typical mule deer in B&C records Top B&C non-typical (recent): Joseph Jacques, 193, Strafford Co., 2000, Top P&Y typical (all-time): Scot Chevalier, 175 4/8, Rockingham Co., 2004 With that lame joke aside, the states Fish & Wildlife Department just instituted some of the most sweeping hunting rules changes in recent memory, changing the timing of the muzzleloader season from December to October, dropping antler point restrictions for archers (who can now use crossbows), and broadening antlerless hunting opportunity across the board. Top B&C typical (recent): John Beasley, 185 , McMullen Co., 2014, Top B&C non-typical (all-time): Unknown, 284 , McCollough Co., 1892 Time will tell. Here's the story of his hunt. The measurement took place at the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency and Tucker was allowed to watch. Biggest Non-typical Whitetail Ever Killed By A Hunter. Top B&C non-typical **** (recent): none, Top P&Y typical (historic): Robert Ballard, 153 4/8, Columbia Co., 1980 38. 108. Deer racks are measured from several angles at the farthest points using the official Boone and Crockett scoring method. 91. Illinois deer hunting has greatly declined in the last 10 years. From the Boone & Crockett Club's most recent data: #1 - Wisconsin Wisconsin is the #1 ranked state with 1,822 total entries and 6 counties in the top 20 U.S. counties with the most records produced. Wisconsin, Buffalo County86 typical whitetail deer in B&C records Wyoming, Lincoln County--40 Shiras moose in B&C records Right behind it are Adams, Knox, and Marshall, with three each. Your best shot: With the whitetail harvest (and record book entries) relatively low we went back to 2000 for a look at the strongest B&C counties in Wyoming. Utah, Garfield County--36 bison in B&C records The Prairie State boasts two of the biggest non-typicals ever killed by hunters (seriously, two 300-inch-plus whitetails from the same state?!) Hunters willing to scout to find prime habitat and food could meet up with a dandy. Top B&C typical (all-time): Terry Daffron, 181 , Guilford Co., 1987 A Tennessee hunter's 47-point whitetail buck has officially been accepted as the new hunter-taken, non-typical world record by the Boone and Crockett Club after being scored by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency's B&C scorers. No bull. The NWTF is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. 70. Licensed in IN - Dan Bates, Broker. Top B&C typical (recent): John Tuttle, 171 , Rockingham Co., 2015, Top B&C non-typical (all-time): Don Rockett, 228 4/8, Person Co., 1998 To get started, click the link below to visit and learn how to access your digital magazine. In the States of Nebraska & North Dakota DBA Whitetail Trophy Properties Real Estate LLC. Wyoming, Teton County--67 bison in B&C records Top B&C typical (recent): David Barber, 162 6/8, Lincoln Co., 2014. Its not uncommon to see deer that will break the 200-inch mark., To find out about hunt permits, application procedures, seasons and hunt area availability on Fort Campbell go to the Fort Campbell Fish and Wildlife page 64. Top B&C typical (recent): none, though there was a 162 6/8 picked up in Bennington Co., in 2012. Deer numbers are strong throughout the state, and a long archery season with an early opener creates some fantastic opportunity for bowhunters. Indiana is one such state. And my deductions from the typical frame and the deductions from the typical frame today were exactly the same at 4 as they were for that first measurement.". See the list below to find out how your state or province ranked: B&C Trophy Whitetail Production, 2005-2010, plus comparative data from 1980-1985. One location for lodging is Dixieland Cabins where you will find five cabins that sleep from two to six people, plus RV hookups. 6. We have one property listed in Pulaski County right now, a 385-acre plot that has been managed for deer and turkey. Top P&Y non-typical (recent): Andy Cobb, 170 4/8, Madison Co., 2013. The ones in Southwest Arkansas near Texarkana have DNA from the Texas Odocolleus virginianus texamus ( Mearns) variety. Washington, Okanogan County--15 Rocky Mountain goat in B&C records Want even more information on record deer? Arizona, Yuma County--67 desert sheep in B&C records Top B&C typical (all-time): William Wyatt, 176, Pickens Co., 1994 The lowdown: The Sooner State has been on record book fire lately and should be viewed as one of the top states to tag a trophy whitetail. Second place was a tie between Brevard, Escambia, Pinellas, and Putnam counties, which have all placed a pair of bucks in the P&Y book. 3. South Carolina hunters can click here to see a list of upcoming scoring sessions across the Palmetto State. Score: 199 2/8. Colorado, Jackson County--34 Shiras moose in B&C records Top B&C typical (recent): Rex McMorris, 189 4/8, Tazewell Co., 2013, Top B&C non-typical (all-time/recent): Luke Brewster, 327 , Edgar Co., 2018, Top P&Y typical (all-time): Mel Johnson, 204 4/8, Peoria Co., 1965 However, despite these numbers, Delaware is often overshadowed by Osage and Cherokee, which are the top producing counties in the state. Just the facts. "The last week was probably the worst part of the whole time. Your best shot: Since 2000, the top counties for tagging a B&C typical have been Aroostook and Penobscot (seven entries), followed by Oxford (6), Franklin (3), and Washington (3). 24. 96. Thats pretty significant. Top P&Y typical (all-time): Kevin Lamere, 143 4/8, Orleans Co., 2000 Top B&C non-typical (recent): Robert Brown, 220 , Kit Carson Co., 2016, Top P&Y typical (all-time): Stuart Clodfelder, 194 Logan Co., 1981 Look for Minnesotas top counties for mature whitetails to be split between suburban units and the transition zone in the central part of the state. The story of an old humpback Browning that's Sign up for the Field & Stream newsletter and get the latest intelligence straight to your inbox. Your best shot: Stevens County has coughed up three B&C typicals and as many non-typicals since 2000. Top P&Y typical (recent): Sid Tingen, 137 , Pasco Co., 2018. 55. The lowdown: Theres no shortage of whitetails, or potential, in the Palmetto State, but long seasons and a multiple-buck bag limit crops off a pile of future monsters every fall. Barkley WMA located near Dover is primarily a waterfowl hunting area, but deer hunting is allowed except for five days prior to opening of each waterfowl season. P&Y top non-typical (recent): Kevin Carnes, 195 2/8, Dekalb Co., 2015. Top P&Y non-typical (recent): Chris Evenhouse, 196 2/8, St. Joseph Co., 2014. Tuckers deer weighed about 150 pounds and was estimated to be 3 years old. Top P&Y typical (recent): Robert Grondin III, 151 , Cumberland Co., 2015, Top P&Y non-typical (all-time): Bill Gardner, 178, Cumberland Co., 2005 Only time will tell, though. While Webb County has led the typical books in recent years with 17 entries, it has plenty of company from Maverick (16), LaSalle (10), Dimmit (9), Kleberg (5), and Hemphill (4). Top B&C non-typical (recent): John S. Everett, 245 , Logan Co., 2017, Top P&Y typical (all-time): Larry Luman, 185 6/8, Bryan Co., 1997 After four hours of measuring the deer, they finally declared it a new record with a total measurement of the antlers being 312 3/8 inches. Needless to say, Wisconsin is still king in the deer hunting world. Number Mail To: Boone and Crockett Club n 250 Station Drive, Missoula, MT 59801 n (406) 542-1888 n (CHECK ONE): MINIMUM SCORES AWARDS ALL-TIME r mule deer 180 190 r Columbia blacktail 125 135 r Sitka blacktail 100 108 D E E C B G2 G3 G4 G1 H1 H2 F H4 H3 E Detail of . Top B&C typical (all-time): Thomas Dellwo, 199 , Missoula Co., 1974 Sure, Minnesota is great historically speaking. Iowa is the heralded state that so many want to hunt. Theres been a string of giant bucks killed here in recent years, including a bowkill that ranks 11th in the P&Y book and 70th amongtypicals registered in B&C. 15. In addition to a long history for producing giant whitetails, Texas continues to hold its own with any state in the union in recent years; the Lone Star State is ranked #9 for non-typical Booners in the last five seasons (55 entries), and #5 in the typical category (94 entries) in that same time frame. House that you want using the official Boone and Crockett awards banquet in.. Texarkana have DNA from the texas Odocolleus virginianus texamus ( Mearns ) variety ( per mile! 2010, she made her directorial debut, the Show-Me state also boasts the No City! Andy Cobb, 170 4/8, Madison Co., 2014 the B & amp ; PARKS montana FISH, &! Todd ( 5 ), and Natrona all coughed up three B & amp ; PARKS Kentucky has produced. Can you say about Tennessee Crockett deer have been harvested on neighboring farms County coughed! Tells me that there are other large deer in Tennessee for the.! 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