You may be able to use telehealth forhaematologyand bone marrow transplantation, medical and radiation oncology, palliative care, nursing and allied health. The first test obtained is typically a barium swallow. 720.848.9264. Technology and surgical technique has evolved that allow equivalent operations to be performed through small incisions and without rib spreading. Diagnosis of thoracic outlet syndrome requires a good interview with the patient followed bya detailed physical exam. Use My Current Location to calculate the distance to this facility. Tags: Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service, Critical care, Critical care unit, Education, ICU, Intensive care, Intensive care unit, Learning packages P: +61 7 4226 6679 | E: [email protected] Almost all cases of pleural mesothelioma can be linked to asbestos exposure. Computed tomography (CT) scan This cross sectional X-ray of the chest gives a more detailed map of the location of the tumor and any potential regions of spread. Thoracic outlet syndrome is produced by compression of the nerves and vessels in the area behind the collarbone. This is the preferred method of treating cancerous diseases, as well as benign diseases that have not responded to less-invasive techniques. Smoking is the main risk factor, and these tumors tend to grow quickly and cause bleeding and shortness of breath. Family members of those who worked with asbestos are at risk due to secondhand exposure to asbestos fibers carried home on clothing. Medical treatment options include: Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer in which tumors form in the lining of the chest (pleural mesothelioma) or the abdomen (peritoneal mesothelioma). Crystal Clinic Orthopaedic Center Hospital. There were over 224,000 new lung cancers diagnosed in the United States in 2014 with 159,000 deaths reported. Become part of a network of professionals working in respiratory and lung health clinical care and treatment, research, health promotion and advocacy. Duke Cancer Center. The surgeons in the Department of Thoracic Surgery at Baylor University Medical Center diagnose and treat a variety of diseases affecting the trachea. These options vary dependent on the stage of the cancer (how advanced it is), a patients age and overall medical condition as well as the tumors histology (how aggressive the tumor appears under the microscope). Unfortunately, the effect of Botox wears off over time, and more than 50% of patients relapse and require repetitive injections at 6-24 month time intervals. 165 The Esplanade, Cairns North QLD 4870 (07) 4226 4711 Website Add to favourites About Us Chest surgery at Mayo Clinic (also known as thoracic surgery) involves the organs of the chest, but extends to the esophagus (tube between mouth and stomach), the trachea (airway) and the chest wall (rib cage and breastbone). Surgery is an option to treat severe hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) in patients who have failed topical therapies. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Massachusetts General Hospital. The clinics team meets with the patient and provides comprehensive assessment, discussion and a plan of care. Peroral esophageal myotomy (POEM) is an endoscopic technique used to divide the circular muscle fibers of the lower esophageal sphincter. 0 Likes. Healthdirect Service Finder: The esophagus is the muscular tube of swallowing that connects the throat to the stomach. This is forecast to increase to an expected 450,000 people by 2026 - an 82 percent increase. Fortunately, this occurs extremely infrequently. National Cancer Institute. During the procedure, a needle is placed between the ribs to sample the mass. All thoracic surgeons in theDepartment of Thoracic Surgery at Baylor University Medical Centerhave extensive experience in surgery for mesothelioma. Learn more about the thoracic conditions we treat and procedures performed at the Baylor Scott & White Center for Thoracic Surgery. A babys thymus gland weighs between .7 and 1.1 oz. Adenoid cystic carcinoma: much less common, these tumors grow slowly and are not associated with smoking. The Royal Children's Hospital Foundation Limited The Gregory Terrace Foundation Cairns Language Centre Pty Ltd The West Australian Group Training Scheme Incorporated Kardinia Christian Fellowship Stella Prize Inc The Moerlina School Inc Southern Gulf NRM Ltd Australian Band And Orchestra Directors Association Victorian Branch Incorporated Cairns Base Hospital Thoracic and sleep Cairns, Australia Position Managing Director Publications Publications (10) Mediastinal melioidosis: A case series from far North Queensland. Biopsy: tumors of the airway or surrounding structures can be biopsied at the time of endoscopy, or rarely at a separate appointment through the skin. Cancerous cells begin their growth microscopically, but as they continue to multiply, turn into masses called tumors. Hospital facilities Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service (CHHHS) covers an area of 142,900 square On the other hand, patients with a hiatal hernia may have symptoms attributed to it that are in fact related to another process. They make up approximately 78% to 88% of non-mesothelioma tumors of the pleura. Queensland Government acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land and pays respect to Elders past, present and future. Cairns Base Hospital Birth Suite 65-171 Esplanade, Cairns North QLD 4870, Cairns, Queensland, Australia 4870 Coordinate: -16.9118494327, 145.767985187 ( 2. Please note that our team cannot provide clinical advice. The mediastinum is surrounded by the breastbone in front, the spine in back, and the lungs on each side. Our success in postgraduate surgical education is well known both across the country and internationally. Request proxy access in the MyBSWHealth app to help family members schedule their appointments, view test results, message doctors and more. Antiperspirants: Antiperspirants and topical drying agents are the first line treatment for hyperhidrosis. We offer the full range of Urological procedures in Cairns. Some patients may have these symptoms: If you notice any of these symptoms in yourself, you should consult your healthcare provider as soon as possible. The Far North Regional Obstetric and Gynaecological Service (FROGS) is a cost-effective outreach service which provides equitable access to specialist care for remote people and . We are a government-funded service, providing quality, approved health information and advice. Chondroma: these tumors grow from the cartilage portion of the airway and are very rare. Duke Cancer Center Radiation Oncology. . 2023 Baylor Scott White Health. The technology uses impedance planimetry to estimate cross-sectional area. The surgeon works at a console next to the patient in the operating room that provides visualization of the inside of the chest and control of highly responsive robotic arms. 919-862-5971. Although there is not yet a known cure for mesothelioma, there are several treatment options available that are aimed at extending and improving a patients quality of life. Please check and try again, Your email is invalid. In evaluating patients with possible achalasia, an upper endoscopy rules out tumors or scarring (strictures) as causes of dysphagia, which may mimic achalasia symptoms (pseudoachalasia). connection to land, sea and community. Intensive care Midwifery education Neonatal education LKC resources The following lists of resources are available for borrowing by CHHHS, TCHHS staff; JCU students on placement at Cairns Hospital. A biopsy is the removal of a sample of tissue for examination under the microscope by a pathologist, a physician trained in examining this tissue. Surgery for esophageal cancer should be performed by surgeons with specific training and focus on cancers of the esophagus. It is common among people who perform over-the-head activities whererepetitive motions of the arm and shoulder are carried out. Ph: (02) 4921 4509 E: [email protected] For application related enquiries contact: Sally Jordan - Senior Medical Recruitment Consultant Ph: (02) 4985 3353 E: [email protected] Applications close: 22 March 2023 NSW Health does not require or accept the 'Fit2Work badge' offered as an option in eCredential Download the MyBSWHealth app. Surgery on the trachea involves removal (resection) of the diseased segment followed by reattachment of the ends of the airway (reconstruction). Posted at 23:41h in Sem categoria by 0 Comments. It can also be used to assess the muscles of the chest wall and mechanics of breathing. It is very rare for compensatory sweating to be so severe that the symptoms are worse than prior to surgery. Templates are currently available for Medical Director and Best Practice using Medical Objects or Healthlink. It is useful in staging esophageal cancer. The procedure requires a small incision (4-5 cm) above the collarbone allowing visualization of not only the nerves in charge of moving the arm and hand but also the vein and artery that supply and drain blood from the arm. Thymectomy should be performed by a thoracic surgeon with specific expertise in removal of the thymus gland for MG. Theoretically, this removes the source of abnormal antibody production. Results depend on the location of the disease area within the lung as well as the patients exercise capability and ability to tolerate surgery. [3] The hospital offers general services to Cairns and surrounding areas, a population of about 250,000 people. Some features, tools or interaction may not work correctly. Mount Sinai Heart - Cardiovascular Surgery. Privacy Policy and The symptoms of GERD can easily be mistaken for other disease processes. All our thoracic surgeons at Baylor University Medical Center focus specifically on chest malignancies. The surgery involves removing the first rib and the muscles that are attached to it. TSANZ acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia. You . It remains effective for up to 6 months. In order for the patient to be able to eat, the stomach is freed up in the abdomen and connected to the upper portion of the esophagus, above where the tumor has been removed. Advanced Training in Respiratory Medicine, with a focus on general thoracic and sleep medicine, pulmonary malignancy, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary rehabilitation, respiratory physiology,. Spinal cord injury (SCI) causes inflammation and neuronal degeneration, resulting in functional movement loss. Widespread utilization of this screening technique holds great promise in improving survival from lung cancer. Based on this observation, surgeons began removing the thymus gland in myasthenic patients without thymic tumors and noted a similar response. Emergency. Localized The lung cancer is confined to the esophagus and has not spread, Regional The esophageal cancer has moved from the esophagus into local drainage basins known as lymph nodes (glands) attached to the esophagus, Distant The cancer has spread (metastasized) to other parts of the body. A mediastinoscope (small lighted instrument approximately an inch in diameter) is inserted through a small incision at the base of the neck or between the ribs in the front of the chest. Localized cancers are treated by surgery. 760 Pacific Highway, Chatswood M Stage (whether or not the tumor has metastasized) and Grade (pattern of the tumor cells aggressiveness under the microscope). Compare and book now! 1. The thymus glands importance in immune development is felt to dissipate by puberty and diminish in size. EVT may be suitable if you have COPD with severe emphysema and your symptoms are no longer improved with medication, pulmonary rehabilitation and oxygen therapy. Percutaneous biopsy Performed by a radiologist, this procedure is completed using a computed tomography (CT)-guided needle biopsy while a patient is awake but sedated. Duke Cardiothoracic Surgery - Clinic 2F/2G 40 Duke Medicine Cir Durham , NC 27710-4000 Office: 919-681-1300 Get Directions Lobectomy: removal of the entire lobe of the lung that contains the cancer. These biopsies are looked at under the microscope by a pathologist who is physician specially trained in diagnosing cancers. Mediastinoscopy with biopsy Performed under general anesthesia, mediastinoscopy is a minimally invasive method to examine the mediastinum and sample tissue. Treatments range from the administration of medication (such as chemotherapy) or radiation, to endoscopic interventions, to open surgery. Newly developed targeted medicines use newly discovered weaknesses in the growth pathways of cancer cells and provide the potential for improved outcomes with less side-effects when compared to traditional IV approaches. The cause of a hiatal hernia is not entirely known. Therefore, it is critical to undergo thorough evaluation and testing before undergoing any surgery for a hiatal hernia or GERD. Contact us. Thoracic Surgery Clinics updates you on the latest trends in patient management, keeps you up to date on the newest advances, and provides a sound basis for choosing treatment options. If esophagectomy is required, replacement of the esophagus is performed using the patients stomach and return to eating and swallowing with good quality of life is still achievable. This leads to symptom relief in 50-90% of patients, although efficacy typically dissipates over time. Normally, the esophagus (tube of swallowing) passes from the neck, through the chest and then down through the hiatal passageway to the abdomen where the esophagus joins the stomach. Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service RMO Campaign 2023 . While many patients experience some degree of compensatory sweating, it is typically mild and the vast majority of patients are extremely satisfied with the results of their surgery and report improved quality of life. Click on the links below for best contact details or phone 07 4226 7071 and follow the prompts. A segmentectomy is appropriate for smaller tumors. None of the patients had a presurgical history of AF or AFL by design, and 318 patients (94.6%) had no documented AF during hospitalization. Your surgeon and gastroenterologist will choose the best treatment for you. be the primary point of contact for you and your health care team, help coordinate your hospital appointments, liaise with and refer to other hospitals, GPs and other community services in your ongoing care, help you understand consultations, treatment plans and treatment outcomes. Our home doctors are 100% bulk billed and arrive at your door less than 3 hours after you book online or call us on 13 55 66. Once inside the chest, the surgeon has the ability to inspect the entire chest cavity. This ensures patientsreceivethoroughand personally tailored treatment for their disease. State: QueenslandRegion: Cairns. Spinal cord (SC) anatomy is often assimilated to a morphologically encapsulated neural entity, but its functional anatomy remains only partially understood. This tissue, known as a needle biopsy, is then examined under the microscope for cancer cells. The surgical treatment involves dividing the sympathetic chain which is the nerve that conducts the abnormal stimulation to the sweat glands. A hiatal hernia is a protrusion of the stomach or other abdominal contents through the hiatus into the chest. Please check and try again, Please fill in the required details below, Thank you for sharing our content. Some tumors of the mediastinum require complete removal. All payments made via the automated phone payment system will post the next business day. 1d ago. Immunotherapy: A better plan to tackle cancer. We also work with GPs, community health services, the Queensland Cancer Council, the Leukaemia Foundation and other community services. Additionally, imaging is performed including but not limited to: Your surgeon will determine if additional preoperative tests are necessary based on the findings of these studies and your medical history. DOI:10.4328/ACAM.20048 Received: 24-07-2019 Accepted:18-08-2019 Published Online: 01-09-2019 Printed: 2020-09-01 Ann Clin Anal Med 2020;11(5):488-491. Queensland Government acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land and pays respect to Elders past, present and future. It is a benign condition but can have a serious impact on a patients quality of life. It is connected above in the neck to the larynx (Adams apple) and below in the chest it divides into the left and right bronchi which connect to each lung. Endoscopy: fiberoptic tubes that are inserted through the mouth or nose and relay a high-definition image to the operator allowing direct visualization inside the body. For select patients, LVRS has been demonstrated to improve breathing ability, exercise capacity, and quality of life. One or two drainage tubes are left in each side of the chest to remove fluid and air which typically accumulate after lung surgery; once drainage of fluid and air has ceased, the tubes are removed and the patient is discharged home, which is typically 7-10 days after surgery. Please check and try again, Please enter recipient's Ultrasound uses sonography to see inside the body. Address: If you need to speak to someone about a bill from a Baylor Scott & White Hospital, our Customer Service department is available to take payments over the phone from Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM and can be reached at 1.800.994.0371. They can typically be performed through a tiny fiberoptic camera (flexible bronchoscope), but occasionally require a larger metal scope (rigid bronchoscope); either way, no incisions are made and side effects are minimal. Your thoracic surgeon will determine whether you are a candidate for surgery and whether tumor is removable. Your surgeon and neurologist will choose the best treatment for you. The treatment most likely to achieve a cure is chosen while being mindful of maintaining the patients quality of life. Tissue is then placed into a specially designed retrieval bag and removed through the same ports, avoiding need for conventional large incisions. Cancerous cells begin their growth microscopically, but as they continue to multiply, turn into masses called tumors. "It has been an incredible two weeks and I am thrilled to . About 50% of patients have symptom relief at five years after pneumatic dilatation. Or. Our lung transplant program offers sophisticated diagnostic testing and innovative therapies for patients with advanced chronic lung disease. We evaluate more than 400 patients with this rare condition every year and perform more than 100 surgical procedures yearly, including Dilations, Heller Myotomy and POEM, which we tailor and individualize to each patient's needs. The trachea can also be externally compressed by other structures, most commonly tumors of the thyroid gland and esophagus. Patients with significant symptoms of heartburn should first be treated with antacid medications and modification of their eating habits to avoid foods that predispose to heartburn. Your physician will inform you of the stage of your esophageal cancer and the best treatment options. If not diagnosed and treated, swallowing becomes more difficult and progresses to the point where a patient is only able to swallow liquids. 2 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 5.00 out of 5. Mesothelioma can be difficult to treat given the fact that it is often discovered after it has spread throughout the body. Robotic thymectomy is preferred for MG. A camera is inserted through one of the incisions and the surgery is performed with video guidance. Queen Elizabeth Centre. Our specialists provide crucial follow-up care and treatment guidance for patients who have had a lung nodule or lesion discovered by their physician on CT imaging or chest X-ray. These studies have demonstrated a significant reduction in death from lung cancer using CAT scan screening. Where are the coordinates of the Cairns Base hospital Fracture Clinic? Baylor Scott & White Center for Thoracic Surgery at Baylor University Medical Center leads the field in minimally invasive thoracic surgery. Plan to rest and limit your activities for at least one week following the procedure. Your thoracic surgeon will determine whether you are a candidate for surgery and whether tumor is removable. What Are The Symptoms Of Esophageal Cancer? Radiation therapy uses high-energy X-ray beams to kill cancer cells. Blood tests are drawn that can give clues to the cause of some tumors. In general, 70 percent of patients have complete remission or significant reduction in medication needs within a year of the procedure. Respiratory Physiology LaboratoryCanberra HospitalBuilding 1Level 2Yamba DriveGARRAN ACT 2605, Gosford HospitalRespiratory Investigation UnitLevel 3Holden StreetGosford NSW 2250, Wyong HospitalRespiratory Investigation UnitLevel 2Pacific HighwayHamlyn Terrace NSW 2259, Respiratory Function UnitDept of Respiratory MedicineThe Childrens Hospital at WestmeadCorner of Hawkesbury and Hainsworth StreetWestmead NSW 2145, Respiratory Function UnitLevel 7 WestConcord Repatriation General HospitalHospital RoadConcord NSW 2139, Paediatric Respiratory LaboratoryLevel 2John Hunter Childrens HospitalLookout RoadNEW LAMBTON HEIGHTS NSW 2305, Respiratory & Sleep Medicine Diagnostic ServicesPulmonary Function LaboratoryJohn Hunter HospitalLookout Road, New Lambton Heights NSW 2305, Respiratory Function LaboratoryNepean Lung and Sleep28 Derby StreetKingswood NSW 2747, Newcastle Pulmonary Function LaboratorySuite 2, Ground FloorSky Central East Building20 Smart StreetCharlestown NSW 2290, Peninsula Respiratory Group Respiratory and Sleep DisordersLevel 2, Building 1,Forest Central Business Park49 Frenchs Forest Road East, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086, Respiratory Function UnitDepartment of Respiratory MedicinePrince of Wales HospitalLevel 2, Campus Centre,320-346 Barker St Randwick NSW 2031, Respiratory Investigation UnitRoyal North Shore HospitalLevel 8A Herbert Street, St Leonards NSW 2065, Respiratory Investigation UnitRoyal Prince Alfred HospitalLevel 11 West, Missenden Road, Camperdown NSW 2050, Department of Thoracic MedicineXavier Level 4St Vincents Hospital SydneyVictoria StreetDARLINGHURST NSW 2010, Respiratory Medicine UnitSydney Childrens HospitalLevel O South West Wing, High Street, Randwick NSW 2031, Respiratory Function LaboratoryWestmead HospitalCnr Darcy and Hawkesbury RdsWestmead NSW 2145, Respiratory Function LaboratoryLevel 1, Harold Stokes Building, Austin Hospital145 Studley Rd, Heidelberg, VIC 3084Respiratory Function LaboratoryBethlehem Hospital152 Como Pde West, Parkdale, VIC 3195, Box Hill Hospital Respiratory LaboratoryBox Hill HospitalLevel 3, Building B,Nelson RoadBox Hill VIC 3128, Maroondah Hospital Respiratory LaboratoryMaroondah HospitalGround Floor1-15 Davey DriveRingwood East VIC 3135, Monash Medical CentreMonash Health Respiratory Laboratory246 Clayton Rd Clayton, VIC 3168, Berwick HealthcareRespiratory Laboratory76 Clyde Rd Berwick VIC 3806, Dandenong Hospital Respiratory Laboratory110 David St Dandenong VIC 3175, Department of Respiratory MedicineNorthern Health185 Cooper StreetEpping VIC 3076. More specifically, esophageal cancer is staged by T stage (depth of the tumor into the wall of the esophagus, N stage (involvement of lymph nodes with cancer cells). Our expert team has pioneered minimally invasive VATS (video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery) approaches to lung cancer treatment, as well as robotic surgery for the treatment of many thoracic diseases. This consists of a daily home treatment of electrical stimulation to the affected area with a portable device. Click on the links below for best contact details or phone 07 4226 7071 and follow the prompts. 3. There is a total of 5 errors on this form, details are below. Obesity may predispose to hiatal hernia and certainly worsens the symptoms of GERD. There were 18,170 new esophageal cancers diagnosed in the United States in 2014 with 15,450 deaths reported. For those requiring surgical treatment, we offer several options: Surgical myotomy with an antireflux procedure is performed minimally invasively at the Center for Thoracic Surgery using a robotic technique. Squamous cell carcinoma: this most common type of tracheal tumor usually grows in the lower part of the trachea. MG is considered to be a neuromuscular autoimmune disease. Positron emission tomography (PET) scan This non-invasive test involves the injection of radioactive sugar into the blood. With a paraesophageal hernia, there is the possibility of the stomach twisting and possibly strangulating (twisting off its blood supply). Minimally invasive approaches include: Video-assisted thoracic surgery(VATS) is a procedure that uses video-assisted technology to minimize trauma and speed recovery. Botox is injected endoscopically and has minimal side effects. Outpatient (hospital day visit) clinics Outpatient clinics provide specialist medical and surgical services that do not require hospital admission. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan MRI scans are non-invasive tests in which radio waves created by powerful magnets produce a detailed picture of the body. Surgery is the mainstay of treatment. We currently support Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Safari. The improved visualization and dexterity allows our surgeons to perform complex procedures that were previously only possible through large incisions. Several autoimmune disorders and infections can cause inflammation of the trachea which functionally blocks air flow similar to tracheal stenosis. What treatments are available for mesothelioma? Endoscopy is performed on an outpatient basis. Vincents Public HospitalLevel 1, Bolte Wing, Building F, 14 Nicholson Street Fitzroy VIC 3065, Lung Function LaboratoryPhysiology ServiceRespiratory Medicine1st floor, Linay PavilionThe Alfred55 Commercial RoadMelbourne VIC 3004, Respiratory Function ServiceDepartment of Respiratory & Sleep Disorders MedicineFootscray Hospital1st Floor South Block, Gordon StreetFOOTSCRAY VIC 3011, Sunshine Hospital Lung Function LaboratoryPod 4, Ground Floor, Acute Services BuildingSunshine Hospital176 Furlong RoadSUNSHINE VIC 3021, Respiratory LaboratoryThoracic ClinicCairns Hospital165 The EsplanadeCairns QLD 4870, Lung Function LaboratoryGold Coast University HospitalBlock D, Level 1, Area 71 Hospital Boulevard, Southport, Queensland 4215, Greenslopes Lung FunctionGreenslopes Private HospitalsNewdegate StGreenslopes QLD 4120, Respiratory Investigation UnitPrince Charles HospitalRode Road, Chermside QLD 4032, Respiratory and Sleep Medicine (5a)Queensland Childrens HospitalLevel 5501 Stanley Street,South Brisbane QLD 4101, Queensland Respiratory ServicesWesley Medical CentreLevel 2, Suite 26,40 Chasely StAuchenflower QLD 4066, Lung Function LaboratoryClinical Measurements DepartmentRobina HospitalBlock A, Level 1,2 Bayberry LaneRobina, Queensland 4226, Thoracic Medicine DepartmentLevel 3, Dr James Mayne BuildingRoyal Brisbane & Womens HospitalButterfield St & Bowen Bridge RdHerston QLD 4029, Department of Thoracic Medicine The Royal Adelaide Hospital North Terrace ADELAIDE SA 5000, SALHN Respiratory Function LaboratoriesLevel 2Flinders Medical CentreBedford Park SA 5042, SALHN Respiratory Function LaboratoriesLevel 1, Noarlunga GP Plus Super Clinic, Alexander Kelly DriveNoarlunga Centre SA 5168, Respiratory Medicine UnitThe Queen Elizabeth HospitalLevel 4A Main Building28 Woodville RoadWoodville South SA 5011, The Lung LabDepartment of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine, 6th floor, Gilbert Building, Womens and Childrens Hospital, 72 King William Road, Nth Adelaide SA 5006, Respiratory Function LaboratoryPerth Childrens HospitalClinic F, Level 115 Hospital AveNedlands WA 6009, Pulmonary Physiology LaboratoryRespiratory MedicineRoyal Perth HospitalLevel 6 A BlockWellington Street PERTH WA 6000, Pulmonary Physiology and Sleep MedicineSir Charles Gairdner HospitalHospital Avenue, Nedlands WA 6009, Pulmonary Physiology LaboratoryFional Stanley Hospital11 Robin Warren DriveMurdoch WA 6150, Respiratory Function LaboratoryLevel 10, Wellington CentreRoyal Hobart HospitalArgyle StreetHOBART TAS 7000, Module 7aManukau Super Clinic901 Great South RoadManukau Auckland 2104New Zealand, Hutt Valley District Health BoardHutt Hospital638 High StreetBoulcott, Lower Hutt 5010New Zealand, Palmerston North HospitalMidcentral District Health Board50 Ruahine StreetPalmerston North 4442New Zealand. 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