Katjaa is Kenny's wife and mother to Duck (Kenny Jr.). At this point, not punching Andy will cause him to uppercut Lee, forcing Lee to throw him into the fence. As the sequence winds down, Kenny demands to know where his family is and here's Katjaa scream. If all has gone well, you'll manage to convince Kenny to stop the train (You talked Kenny to stop the train.). It reveals Jolene has been watching them for a long time, particularly looking at Clementine. This prompts Clementine to respond with whatever Lee said it smelt like last time they slept in a barn, back at Hershel's farm in Episode 1. I had talked to Clem prior, but had not told anyone until Carley had said I should. Exit the boxcar through the door. When they hear the gunshot Kenny and Lee walk into the woods to get Katjaa and find her dead. ", "The same way you cared about Hershel's boy? "Everything that happens to us is another excuse for you to pull this crap about leaving! Kenny jumped in and boosted Christa out. Katjaa would put her child, Duck and her husband, Kenny in front of her before anything or anyone. Talk to Kenny again and he'll tell you to look once more. The Flash - Official Big Game Teaser Trailer, Tomb Raider: Reloaded - Official Launch Trailer, Children of the Corn (2023) - Official Red Band Trailer, The Walking Dead: A Telltale Game Series -- Season One, Wanted: Dead - 11 Things You Need to Know. What was your logic in deciding? These deaths are considered non-canon and result in a game over. It is an active, intransitive verb, and knowing how to use it in all its tenses is important for fluency. The Walking Dead characters; The Walking Dead characters (A New Day) The Walking Dead characters (Starved For Help) The Walking Dead characters (Long Road Ahead) Pre-Apocalypse Before the outbreak Kenny was a commercial fisherman from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Better to have done it than deal with a bombshell. It is at this point that a group of Walkers arrive in the distance, driven to the scene by the noise of David when he trapped his leg. If you agree, Lee will be able to talk to Clementine and affect her feelings, including giving her hope. Once you get too close Andy will appear and Kenny and Lee will hide in a nearby stall. The group will then meet Brenda, Andy and Danny's mom. Well I don't know what happens if you tell kenny/katja to kill duck and I don't wanna know until I try it on different saves but as for deciding to kill him yourself I see it this way: If you say that you'll be the one to shoot him, Katjaa will take Duck into the forest and Kenny will stay with you. Take the. Lee tries to convince Brenda to let her go but she refuses while backing up the stairs. When her son, Duck, and Shawn Greene are attacked by walkers she is seen running towards them. He is a sharp, hard-working person who likes to take action and make things happen, though his short temper and failure to think things through often get the better of him. Exit through the side door and examine the car coupling at to the right. Take the blowtorch from behind the shelves. Stop with the nothing matters crap, please. Citing that it will be easier to push up the fence from the other side, Mark and Lee cross the barrier between the farm and the woods and push up the fence. Look down, pick up the Rug and fulfill her request (Clean: Duck). Funnily enough, to add to what the post before this one said, Kenny tells Lee near the end (if you choose to talk about the past with Kenny, note there is a VERY small window of opportunity to bring this up with Kenny, it appear between the train moving after leaving Duck and Katjaa, and giving the whiskey to Chuck) Kenny himself says "Kat would've understood", The Walking Dead: Episode 3 - Long Road Ahead. The group will then hear a noise and find an abandoned car. This is supported by the fact that throughout all episodes, she is often only seen with her family, Clementine, and Lee. Head into the woods. A veterinarian by trade, her family is from Belgium, moving with her to south Florida in her teens where she met Kenny. Move to the back end of thetractor and pull up the farming equipment out of the ground. Lee and Mark are then attacked by bandits from the woods, who fire arrows at them from a distance. Told Katjaa what went on in the meat locker as well. If you choose the right interaction, Lee will give Clementine back her hat. Katjaa tries to save David Parker/Travis after one of them is brought back to the motel badly wounded. My symptoms included a sore throat, fever, night sweats, nasal congestion, nausea, headaches, fatigue, brain fog, loss of sense of smell and taste, and a cough. ". Tomb Raider: Reloaded is available now on iOS and Android mobile devices via the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Out of the group, I evaluated I only needed to tell Kenny. If Doug is the survivor of episode 1, you'll see him shining his laser pen, which he talked about earlier. Glenn, you get ready to round people up to get them out. The group must then decide whether or not it is a good idea to take them, prompting another tough choice. Terms of Service / Privacy Policy. I also told Christa and Omid later in the game, I don't know if you could tell Chuck? His wife, Katjaa, and his son, Duck are his main priorities. The two then progress further down the road, pursued by the dismembered torso of the Walker. I'm glad it's you calling; I thought it would be Bobby. It doesn't matter who we were, man." Open the door and investigate the body in the chair. Then repeat these two steps - block Kenny's right Fist and then press the button shown on the screen. You can also offer your honest opinion of Larry. Later, Katjaa appears in Clementine's dream after she is shot, holding a napping Duck in the RV while she herself is fast asleep. You will then learn that tempers are incredibly strained among the group. Exit the boxcar through. If you don't volunteer to shot Duck, Katjaa says she'll do it and tell's Kenny to stay with Lee. Wishlist Today. There are several interactive points on the beartrap, chain and surrounding area, but the only way to free David is to chop his leg off using Lee's axe. Once the train is stopped, talk to the two people on the overpass. This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Telltale Games or Telltale Games. He runs off to help, while Lee is left behind to deal with Danny. If you get higher than 4 but less than 9 , you'll have to convince Kenny to come with you. You can also talk to Andy at this point and ask him about when you might eat, how the cow is and also talk about meeting a woman in the woods with Danny. Each game on PlayR has a different way to save your game. Kenny actually didn't care. Once the RV is stopped at the railroad crossing, talk to Ben. Successfully complete the QTE to kill the second zombie. Overwhelmed with immense grief, sadness, and depression, Katjaa commits suicide when she finds herself unable to handle the death of her son. Before her death, Katjaa spends most of the episode tending to Duck in the RV, at the train crash site, and finally when they stop the train to say farewell to Duck. Ultimately, to save the world that he is in and return to the future that he knows, Barrys only hope is to race for his life. At this point, as the conversation gets more intense, Lee can decide to either let Jolene live, or can alternatively decide to end her life. Her Belgian ancestry can be confirmed during one of her determinant conversation with Lee in ". At the other end of the Motor Inn, inspect the broken glass on the ground. Click on the walker's head. (saved Doug). Go to the front of the train and talk to Chuck. Lee and Omid attempt to pull Christa out, but they can't reach her. A gunshot will sound. Female Dougwill refuse food because of Lee saving himin the previous episode. You need to make an etching on the page to reveal the startup sequence. The Bible often compares death to sleep. If you're so hellbent on it, then just go!" antagonized Lilly. She managed to grab the video recorder that was taken from Lee, and hands it on to him later on. Kenny retorted. What do you need? Let's start with the peaceful solution. I decided to be honest with my closest people. which was just kismet because evidently she already knew and that blew up in face like great big raspberry. She will remark on Lee's speech earlier, where he said he would find the hat or not. Information (character deaths/fates, screenshots, etc.) Return to the car coupling at the back of the train and attempt to pry the coupling pin loose. doesn't seem to matter. Follow the cord to a closet door. If the axe was given to Larry, he will kill the Walker with the axe. I told only the ones I trusted. I wonder what we had instead of this in the Doug world. She killed my bro AND spilled my secret?! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. As soon as you open the door you'll see Danny pointing a gun at you, so act fast and select the gun to grab it. Once he's done, he will remember that and stop the train (Kenny will remember that.). But I understand why people did it though. Do this twice more to knock it down onto the truck with Lee. This is when you're making the decision. call the cops on me? If Lee chooses to tell her about his past, and does not tell, She is generally a neutral or forgiving character, as she was never shown harboring any ill feelings towards anyone, even. When the trio walked away, Katjaa was in front holding Duck with Kenny behind. The others being. After Ben confesses to dealing with the bandits, Lee warns him not to say anything to Kenny. Go back down the ladder and talk to the group. I know some people might not think it appropriate to tella little girl, but it's a different world post-zed. Carley already knew ofc. Then, remain silent through all the replies that will follow until Kenny throws Lee out of the cabin. If you ask about the latter, Danny will seem pertubed. Return to the car coupling and pry it loose with the spanner. The episode follows Lee Everett and the survivors as they encounter other survivor groups in the woods, around the motel and also at a dairy farm nearby. Later, Katjaa is seen at the St. John's Dairy Farm helping and watching their pregnant cow. You can then talk to Brenda further at the house's porch, learning more about the bandits and how Mark is doing. Starting to panic, Travis will then lunge for Mark's gun, resulting in him accidentally being shot. Not doing so will make her shoot Lee, resulting in game over. If Doug is still alive at this point he will help Lee by shining his laser pointer in Andy's face, allowing Lee to charge. No he doesn't you can choose so that katjaa goes alone and then she also shoots herself. I couldn't tell anyone as I had saved doug back in ep 1. She will tell Lee that Kenny thinks the St. Johns are hiding something. and by that time Christa started to run, we hear a gunshot and Telltale didn't show what happened to her. She got attacked by a group of scavengers who wanted to loot her while she and Clementine were arranging for some food in the cold. If you decide to spare Danny, Lee will throw the pitchfork into the hay bale instead and will turn away from Danny, who is still trapped in the bear trap. He and his family were returning from Memphis, Tennessee after visiting Katjaa's sister when the apocalypse started. Doug I suppose lol would be the only option if no Carly. Headstrong and resilient, Katjaa is a pillar of strength and voice of reason for Kenny when matters arise. Both Katjaa, Kenny, and Duck make a cameo appearance at Gil's Pitstop in the intro sequence. Jane is a heartless sociopath who only cares about herself: After leaving Howe's hardware store, Jane manipulates Troy into a safe sense of security before shooting him in the dick and leaving him screaming in pain as walker bait. Andy tells them not to mess with the door because 'momma gets nervous'. Larry, Kenny and Lilly are also inside the meat locker. He says he will make an excuse for Lee. i'll guess you can only tell them if you chose carly over doug cause i don't remember having the option and lilly eventually said it in the scene when Kenny is trying to "unstuck" the walker from the rv. You will then be able to question him, and he will insist that they skin animals back there. I told Carley it was a stupid idea but I ended up telling everyone anyway after giving it some thought. OC characters for season 1 are closed. You then get the choice to tell everyone to run, tell Kenny to get his gun or tell Lilly to grab her knife. Once she unlocks it, open the door and enter the station house. : there are 32 tenses in English (active and passive) and it would be a long story to define every one of them and their applications but trust me that my interpretation . Lee then hears Andy outside with Kenny, and finds Andy holding Duck hostage. I think Kenny may have shot her but on accident. That sound ain't good. 1. Interestingly, depending on how many times you managed to punch Andy his face will be in different states of injury at this point. Age Kenny Rogers, whose legendary music career spanned six decades, has died at the age of 81, his publicist Keith Hagan told CNN. Kenny will agree with you. Pass Ben on top of the RV, and question himabout the broken flashlight. [TOUGH DECISION #3] Fighting with Kenny. Head back into Lilly's room and talk to her. I told everyone except Ben, since I didn't trust him at all. When asking what has occurred in the past, we say, "What happened?". Tough Decision: Help to Kill/Try To Revive Larry. Lee will move them out of the way and discover a St. Johns Dairy box. Ultimately, the emotional toll eventually gets the better of her and Katjaa succumbs to it. Their responses are different depending on the character. He also mentions that Larry had mentioned previously that he kept coins, which was an exchange earlier between him and Mark. When the bandits attack, Lilly will need to you create a distraction. If at any point you choose a wrong one, Kenny will get upset and you will need to either calm him down, or start fighting with him (the "Calm down." You have a total of four food items, but there are ten survivors to choose from. Mark will then crawl down the stairs, and Danny will attack Lee with his rifle butt. Shoot the woman to spare her suffering, or leave her alive as a distraction. Upon talking to the two Lee will advise them to go around the back. Realising what has happened, Lee then sprints back downstairs to stop the group from eating. Before the outbreak, Katjaa worked as a veterinarian and lived with her husband, Kenny, and her son, Duck, in Fort Lauderdale. Then, the idea of leaving the inn in the RV will return. To stop Clementine from eating the human meat, enter the room and choose the prompt 'DON'T EAT THAT!'. Ben will activate the train's breaking system. Status Eventually he will grab hold of her and bite her, and Katya is released. Use it on Duck's face. To save time at this point, interact with the toolbox where you sawed the swing seat earlier. Activate the main console and refer to the starup sequence for the alignment of the switches. etc. from episodes released early on AMC+ may not be added to the wiki until the episode officially airs at 9pm EST on the Sunday it is scheduled for. . Once the train is moving, kick the blowtorch over the ledge to light the fuelon fire. Pull either Christa or Omid into the train first. This is an interactive story of Telltales, the walking dead, in which you get to vote on what can happen next. Take the Railroad Map from next to the mattress. Lee can state he found a tent, shot a woman or that 'nothing happened'. That is, unless Barry can coax a very different Batman out of retirement and rescue an imprisoned Kryptonian albeit not the one hes looking for. If you are aggressive with Brenda she will shoot you, so choose more measured responses. Although she still didn't like this, she knew that her husband and Lee had a point. Score: 4.6/5 (31 votes) . Keep pulling and the Walker's torso will come away from its body, with Lee throwing it away. I was so shocked that I told Kat just for her reaction. I just think that line of the story was she couldn't handle it, she loved her son more than life itself, and so she just couldn't bare to watch him die. As a mother, a wife, and middle-aged woman in the group, Katjaa was one of the characters within the game whose personality experiences a drastic change due to the events that occur from "A New Day" to "Long Road Ahead". We are going to the coast. It documents the story of Nikki, Sami, and Tori Knotek, sisters who survived living with their mother, Shelly Knotek, who would ultimately be responsible for the infamous Raymond torture killings in Washington State. I told everyone apart from Ben - I thought he was acting suspicious from the moment I returned to the Motor Inn. While in there, a walker almost reaches them but Glenn saves them. Larry will die no matter what you do, so your decision will affect only Lilly and Kenny's behavior in this and the following episodes, and with regard to that it is a very important choice, especially if earlier you did everything against Kenny - if you side with him now, Kenny will again want to give you a ride in his . I didn't tell her, I felt it wasn't my place. In the Wellington ending there is a chance that Kenny is alive somewhere, but the Kenny ending gives him the peace and family time that he deserved. Lee must find a way out. Katjaa will call to you for help with Duck. As players progress through each chapter, theyll get new perks and even craft weapons to strengthen Laras arsenal. Post-Apocalypse Episode 1: A New Day The episode winds down with Doug/Carley giving Lee the camcorder, which is now working. Katjaa will ask you to have Kenny stop the train. Clem can stay inside the house with the hostages or rather escape and tries to find. As of result of being peaceful, she bears no grudge towards anyone and is assumed to be on good terms with the rest of the members in the group, although her name has not been mentioned by anyone aside from Lee, Lilly and Kenny during any ensuing conversations. Funnily enough, to add to what the post before this one said, Kenny tells Lee near the end (if you choose to talk about the past with Kenny, note there is a VERY small window of opportunity to bring this up with Kenny, it appear between the train moving after leaving Duck and Katjaa, and giving the whiskey to Chuck) Kenny himself says "Kat would've understood" Everybody. 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