I and III onlyC. I, II, III, IV. Exchange Traded Funds, as the name says, trade on stock exchanges. D When comparing a mutual fund to a hedge fund, all of the following are true EXCEPT hedge funds: A. are subject to less regulationB. asset appreciationC. The investor will receive: A contingent deferred sales charge is imposed if an investor redeems a mutual fund before holding the fund for a stated time period. $10,000B. Industry performance Which statement is TRUE regarding dollar cost averaging? The reason why these funds are called "money" funds is that the securities held in the portfolios have very short maturities (less than 30 days) and turn over into cash quickly. Because of this, the customer must deposit new money in the dollar amount required by the LOI to get the lowered sales charge. I The initial offering of shares is made under a prospectusII Shares are redeemable with the issuer at Net Asset ValueIII Shares trade in the secondary market at prevailing market pricesIV The portfolio of investments is not managed, A. I and II onlyB. ETFs are typically structured as open-end management companiesC. Thus, they are similar to closed-end investment companies under the Investment Company Act of 1940, except that investments are made in real estate and mortgages, instead of in securities. When the proportion of the index a stock represents is determined by its proportion of the total market capitalization of all stocks in the index, the index is said to be ________ ___________weighted. A. only offers its shares at stated intervalsB. IV open-end management companies, A. I and III 9% of the amount invested. REITs do not allow for flow through of loss - only net income flows through to shareholders under conduit tax treatment. I, II, III, IV, All of the following statements are true for both mutual funds and variable annuities that are in the accumulation phase EXCEPT: B The note is a debt of the bank, and is backed by the faith and credit of the issuing bank. Regularly scheduled investments of the same dollar amount in fund shares will most likely result in a: A. lower average price per shareB. Which statements are true of money market instruments? D It is listed and trades like a stock, so it has little marketability risk. The initial offering of closed-end investment company shares is made under a prospectus. D A Because the investor might be able to achieve hedge fund like returns (since the interval fund makes investments in a much broader range of assets such as commercial property, private equity funds, hedge funds, business loans, catastrophe bonds, etc.) I, II, III, IV. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT the: A. customers yield will decreaseB. 20 years to the annuitant or beneficiary, All of the following sources of REIT income are counted towards the 75% test required by Subchapter M EXCEPT: A IV A varying number of units is purchased with each payment. Mutual fund (open-end management company) shares are newly issued by the fund to any purchaser. II and IV, A customer has purchased $25,000 of a mutual fund. This action is: A. permittedB. IV Mutual funds cannot be sold short; exchange traded funds can be sold short Management and other fees are extremely low compared to other types of funds. II Quality of management can be compared by looking at performance over the same period of time On the other hand, exchange traded funds are treated like regular listed stocks and can be bought on margin and can be sold short as well. Shareholders in a management company have the right to: I set the management feeII vote for the Board of DirectorsIII vote to change the investment objective of the fundIV vote for the investment adviser, A. I, IIIB. III and IV only I, II, III, IV, A husband and wife wish to open a spousal IRA. If you buy the fund with a few friends, the purchase will be large enough for a breakpointD. On this date, the Funds shares are reduced by the value of the distribution. They invest in commercial paper, CDs and repurchase agreements b. Increase in value when asset falls in price Family members in the same householdB. $1,039D. I Mutual funds can be purchased on margin; exchange traded funds cannot be purchased on margin Correct B. will decrease III The plan is in default and must be liquidated by the trustee capital gains distributionD. The relevant question is: Does the funds investment objective match that of the customer? While sales charges, expense ratios, and net asset value history are all important mutual fund investment considerations, they are not as important as investment objective. I The maximum 12b-1 fee is .25%II The maximum 12b-1 fee is .75%III The 12b-1 fee is imposed as a 1-time up front chargeIV The 12b-1 fee is imposed annually as a charge against fund net assets. Redemption of shares has no effect on Net Asset Value per share, because the redemption of each share occurs at the current Net Asset Value that day. Bid; Public Offering PriceC. custodial feesC. It must be adjusted for stock splits. II private sector retirement plans The letter of intent to receive a breakpoint can be backdated 90 days. Acco $8.32 8.13 -.08 Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding the Federal tax treatment of a regulated mutual fund investing solely in municipal securities? Mutual fundB. interval fundD. An open-end fund portfolio is managed and the fund continuously issues and redeems its common shares - so it is an open end management company. Mortgage Bonds B III and IV onlyD. A operating efficiencyC. If prices rise, smaller dollar purchases must be made; while if prices fall, larger dollar purchases must be madeD. Ask is the same thing as Public Offering Price. At a predetermined time, the interest rate is decreased to a rate that is at, or below, the market C. At a predetermined time, the maturity is decreased or "stepped down" D. A They are a source of profit for a dealer. This type of ETF has shorted 20+ year Treasuries in the hopes that prices will drop and the positions can be covered (bought back) for a profit. The PW is negative and I A Life Annuity payout option may be elected by the policy holder A customer who buys 100 shares of ALPO Fund will pay: A. The shares are not redeemable; they are negotiable. The ratio of the current stock price to last year's earnings per share is known as the ______ this is a reasonable request because of the large dollar investment to be made and that you will contact the administrative personnel at the Jeffersonian fund familyC. tax exempt fund. The most important factor to consider when selecting a mutual fund is: A. investment objectiveB. He or she should elect which type of withdrawal plan? Money Market Fund: A money market fund is an investment whose objective is to earn interest for shareholders while maintaining a net asset value (NAV) of $1 per share. fixed unit investment trustD. MUTUAL FUNDSFund Net Asset Value Offering Price Change, Capital $9.01 $9.59 -.02Common $6.37 $6.64 -.04Corporate $7.72 $8.44 +.03. B futures contracts but not call options Which of the following statements about money market mutual funds is true? C C I Investment risk is carried by the issuer of the annuity Which of the following are true of short futures positions? II and III only The BEST recommendation would be for the customer to invest $100,000 of her cash savings into a(n): Matching a funds composition to a benchmark index is passive asset management. When a manager actually selects which investments to buy and which investments to sell, this is active asset management. Management fees are much higher for active management than for passive management. bonds Thus, a closed-end fund share is purchased at the prevailing market price plus a commission (or a mark-up if it is an OTC principal transaction). B II and IVC. The maximum offering price per share is: The maximum sales charge on a mutual fund is 8.5% under FINRA rules. negotiated sales charge fund. Which statements are true about municipal bonds? sector fundC. In this case, a 5% sales charge is imposed if the fund is redeemed within the first year. Fannie Mae Pass-Through Certificates, All of the following investment company terms are synonymous EXCEPT: semi-annuallyD. Which statement is TRUE regarding money market funds? Inverse (Short) S&P 500 Index ETFC. They trade on exchanges like individual stocks. III and IV only Net Investment Income - Distributions to ShareholdersC. preferential taxation of dividends received. Conforming; prime both futures contracts and call options $46.00 B An individual or corporation making a purchase is considered to be one purchaser and qualifies for the breakpoint. Technical analysis. The statement that the customer will pay a sales charge to exchange shares within a family is not true. They have relatively low credit risk. 1 business dayB. Hedge fund managers are not subject to the Investment Company Act of 1940 that limits managers compensation to a percentage of assets under management - no performance fees are allowed. The Act does not set sales charges for mutual fund purchases - these are set by FINRA - which allows a maximum sales charge of 8 1/2%. A. setting maximum sales charges on mutual fund purchasesB. A. ETFs are registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940B. A. I and II Under FINRA rules, the maximum sales charge that may be imposed by a mutual fund is 8 1/2% of the Public Offering Price. D The shares are not listed on an exchange, like an open-end fund. ), I-Shares allow investors to invest in stock indexes based on all of the following EXCEPT: Acme $9.90 10.25 +.10 A Money Market Yield: The interest rate earned by investing in securities with high liquidity and maturities of less than one year such as negotiable certificates of deposit , U.S. Treasury bills . Nonconforming; prime It conveys voting power regarding the management of the firm. The maximum offering price per share is: All of the following terms apply to mutual fund shares EXCEPT: All of the following statements are true about Real Estate Investment Trusts EXCEPT: A. REITs may be traded on stock exchange floors. 12b-1 plans allow a mutual fund to charge, as an expense to the existing shareholders, the cost of advertising and soliciting for new customers. Depreciating securities in the Fund portfolio will also decrease NAV per share. (Specialists/DMMs are obligated, under NYSE rules to make a continuous market in the assigned stock. It is a type of structured product offered by banks that gives a return tied to a benchmark index. B the customer must pay the Public Offering Price as described in the prospectusC. Class D shares are typically sold by investment advisers. dividend distribution. If the price of the security is fluctuating, the average purchase cost per share will be lower for the investor than simple mathematical average price of the shares over the same period. ready marketability of sharesC. Then label the tundra climate region and label the major yesterdays closing Net Asset ValueC. I Hedge funds are subject to little regulatory oversight >$45,000 - $65,000 5 % Nonconforming; subprime III Annuity payments may be reduced because of increased expenses experienced by the insurance company A Correct B. II only I, II, III, IV. Correct Answer B. I and IV D. II and IV, D. II and IV I and II only II Dividends Investment clubs cannot group purchases for a breakpoint, nor can investment advisers group their customers purchases. III onlyC. Thus, on the NYSE floor, a customer is always assured that the trade will be executed- however the price at which the trade is executed is always subject to market conditions. For this client, the best recommendation would be a: A. hedge fundB. Increase in value when asset falls in price An order placed to buy or redeem mutual fund shares is filled at: A. yesterdays opening Net Asset ValueB. IV. The note is a debt of the bank, and is backed by the faith and credit of the issuing bank. II The expected payments from the retirement plan are lower than the expected future assets in the plan To pay the tuition bill, the customer: An interval fund is a type of closed-end fund that: Which statement is TRUE regarding variable annuity contracts? All dividends, interest and capital gains are taxable in the year received Also note that FINRA specifically looks for market timing customers that attempt to avoid detection by flying under the radar by using multiple account numbers or trading in amounts just beneath the audit thresholds. The manager of the fund, not having to worry about redemptions, can make less liquid, more risky investments similar to hedge funds. $30 per shareB. Any excess funds can be invested in securities, such as U.S. August 15th tax filing date permitted under an automatic extension of the calendar year after which the contribution may be claimed on that person's tax return, A registered representative primarily services institutional hedge fund customers that direct a large volume of trades to that brokerage firm. I, II, IVD. A The ex-date for a mutual fund is set by the Board of Directors. C I The letter of intent can be backdated 60 daysII The letter of intent can be backdated 90 daysIII The letter of intent must be completed within 3 months in order to obtain the breakpointIV The letter of intent must be completed within 13 months in order to obtain the breakpoint, A. I and IIIB. A ETF stands for Exchange Traded Funds. What are the terms used for the price specified in an options contract at which the underlying asset can be bought or sold? For example, if the fund held overseas stocks, that might slow up the computation of NAV for the fund company - however the sophisticated hedge fund investor might build its own software to compute NAV faster than the fund company - and would place buy orders for shares that it found to be undervalued and sell orders for fund shares that it found to be overvalued. At an outpatient mental health clinic, appointment cancellations occur at a mean rate of 1.5 per day News media quotes for mutual fund shares show the Bid Price at Net Asset Value. $745 plus commission 2X (Leveraged) S&P 500 Index ETFB. Multiple select question. This income includes rents, mortgage interest earned, gains on property sales, income from foreclosed properties, and real estate tax refunds received (as a source of income, an REIT can buy a property and attempt to get its tax assessment lowered - any resulting tax refund is income to the REIT). Potential losses are unlimited B. I and IV To impose the maximum sales charge, mutual funds must offer investors which of the following benefits? Which of the following statements regarding Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) are not true? C. II and III Which of the following investment purchase recommendations would help achieve this objective? C securities in the portfolio have made dividend distributionsC. Hedge funds are partnerships that are completely illiquid. B At the end of 13 months, the NAV is $20,000. Explain your answer by discussing functions of money. C Which statement is TRUE regarding the ex date for a mutual fund? C D. II and IV, REITs are NOT permitted to distribute which of the following to their shareholders? An investor buys 100 shares of an open-end investment company with a 5% contingent deferred sales charge. We review their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. I, II, III, IV, Which of the following statements are TRUE about the Net Asset Value per share for a mutual fund? that day's opening Net Asset Value Incorrect Answer C. II and III The members of the board of directors are elected at the annual meeting. 5 % C. The ex-date is 2 business days prior to the record date An order placed to buy or redeem mutual fund shares is filled at that days closing Net Asset Value adjusted by any sales charges or redemption fees. reduces cost basis A If a fund distributes a capital gain to shareholders, which statements are TRUE? Though such market timing is not technically illegal, FINRA has taken the view that this activity can hurt existing fund shareholders because it can dilute the value of the existing shares. for the Board of Trustees I The REIT issues common shares representing a proportional interest in the investment company They can be purchased indirectly through mutual funds. The provisions of the Investment Company Act of 1940 include all of the following EXCEPT: D A leveraged inverse ETF combines both. Which of the following statements is true with regard to financial markets? I Periodic payments of fixed dollar amounts are made III The front end load that will be earned DerivativeD. regulated fund The rate at which large banks in London are willing to lend money among themselves is known by the acronym ________ . A customer asks the following; One of my neighbors was talking about his investment in an ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) and said that it is low cost. Is this true? The registered representative should respond that: A. the expense ratios of most ETFs are lower than those for comparable index mutual fundsB. $990 plus a commissionD. requiring at least 40% of the funds Board of Directors to be non-interested partiesD. An interval fund is a newer type of fund structure that is classified as a closed-end fund, but it has many open-end fund features. C Which of the following is an Exchange Traded Fund? The guarantee of payments for life if the purchaser chooses to take a lump sum distribution at retirement Which statements are true of the DJIA? c. They have management fees higher than other mutual funds. that have outperformed the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. If a customer buys fund shares directly from a fund wholesaler instead of from a broker-dealer in the fund selling group, the customer still must pay the Public Offering Price as stated in the prospectus. Nitty and Gritty are considering the formation of a partnership to operate a crafts and hobbies store. The maximum offering price per share is: Which of the following are mortgage-related government agencies, created because Congress believed that adequate credit was not being received through normal private sources. III and IV onlyC. Their common stock can be bought or sold freely on stock exchanges. C A customer who placed an order to buy 200 shares of Capital Fund this day will pay: A. The Net Asset Value per share is constant at $1B. Governments and can also be invested in the shares of other REITs, though this rarely happens. The sales charge is reduced by 1% for every full year that the fund is held. there is an opportunity cost relative to the expected potential investment return when buying an exchange traded index fund as compared to buying an actively traded mutual fund. registered fund Speculation and aggressive gains, A client surrenders a variable annuity contract 5 years after purchase because of poor performance. B A mutual fund portfolio is managed by an investment adviser and the fund continuously issues and redeems its common shares - so it is an open end management company. D. $1,025 plus a commission, D. $1,025 plus a commission Which of the following investments is the most illiquid? customer will pay a sales charge. setting maximum sales charges on mutual fund purchases D ), Dollar cost averaging will result in a lower average per share price only if: If a mutual fund invests solely in municipal securities, there is no Federal tax liability on the interest income received (remember, the interest income from municipal securities is exempt from Federal income tax). II The representative must believe that the customer would benefit from the product's features She should be informed that hedge funds: I offer higher returnsII are high-risk investmentsIII are lightly regulatedIV are like mutual funds. IV based on the Standard and Poor's 500 Index Sponsor I Distributions to mutual fund shareholders are taxable to the holder in the year the distribution is made A. participating unit investment trust. Management companies are subclassified as either: A. open-end or closed-endB. B REITs offer diversification of investments similar to investment companies, except that the investments are being made in various types of real estate. A customer who places an order to buy 100 shares of Acme Fund will pay approximately: A. Since the customer has deposited $15,000 of the $25,000 required by the LOI already, the remaining $10,000 must be deposited to retain the reduced sales charge. IV Hedge fund managers can only be compensated based on a percentage of assets under management Under the Investment Company Act of 1940, customers who redeem must be paid within 7 calendar days (1 business week) of the redemption date. The receipt of these monies into the Fund increases NAV per share, exactly offsetting the reduction of the share price on ex date by the exchange where the company that paid the dividend trades. I are available only to accredited investorsII are available to any investorIII are lightly regulatedIV are like mutual funds. C An accredited investor is one that earns at least $200,000 per year or that has a $1 million net worth and the nurse does not meet these tests. A. To qualify as a regulated investment company, 75% of REIT income must be real estate related. A tax deductible contribution of $11,000 ($5,500 each) is permitted. The Net Asset Value per share is constant at $1. She has a savings account with $160,000 and her home is fully paid. interest income from mortgages (c, moderate) Types of Mutual Funds 14. What will be the market value of the 200 share position? A customer has $35,000 to invest in a mutual fund with a Net Asset Value per share of $9.42 and a Public Offering Price of $10.30. A. I and III. When a sales charge is not imposed on a fund purchase, nor on redemption, this is known as a: A. front-end load fundB. Money market funds are unusual in that the Net Asset Value per share is constant at $1.00. Fixed percentageD. Under FINRA rules, the maximum sales charge that may be imposed by a mutual fund is 8 1/2% of the Public Offering Price. Hedge FundD. You comply with the customer's request and the administrative personnel inform you that the limit is $1,000,000. In this example, Choice C meets the customers requirements. Because common stock is equity, it is not found in money market funds. tax exempt fund, Which of the following is available to purchasers of variable annuity contracts? The representative has committed a violation known as backing away. Bid IV Distributions to variable annuity holders are tax deferred, Incorrect Answer A. I and III A. Money market fund investors have said that they appreciate the greatly enhanced transparency after the Commission's 2010 Amendments and have put it to . A Specialist (DMM) on the NYSE shows the following orders for ABC stock on his book: A customer owns 100 shares of an NYSE listed preferred stock and notices that the typical daily trading volume in the issue is less than 1,000 shares. On the $15,000 purchase, the customer will pay a sales charge of: IV If the mutual fund makes dividend distributions to shareholders, the Net Asset Value per share is unaffected Because closed-end funds trade like stocks, the funds pricing is reflective of investors sentiment towards the fund. 0 0 Similar questions The expense ratio of a mutual fund is a measure of: A. profitabilityB. closed end management companyC. The maximum annual 12b-1 fee is .75% of net assets per year under FINRA rules. A. A Net Asset Value per share cannot be determined in a money market fund. The lower the ratio, the greater the residual income for investors making the fund more efficient. Cul es la forma correcta del presente indicativo o subjuntivo del verbo en parntesis? I, II, IIID. index, Which of the following are true statements regarding ADRs? Then the shares are listed on an exchange and trade like any other stock. III The capital gain is taxable if it is automatically reinvested in the fund ____________ -weighted. A call contract goes "out the money" when the market price is below the strike price. Technically, most ETFs are structured as open-end investment companies, since they allow for the creation of additional shares in minimum creation units of $50,000 - $100,000. $5,500 for the wife; $2,750 for the husband It is based on 500 firms. II. The manager of an unregistered hedge fund charges a fee of 2 and 20. This means that investors are charged a(n): A. annual management fee against net assets of 2% plus a performance fee based on exceeding a benchmark index by 20%B. All of the following statements are true about Health Savings Accounts EXCEPT: A. HSAs are only appropriate for those individuals covered by high-deductible health insurance plans, Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding mutual funds and variable annuities that are in the accumulation phase? This is credit risk. B. The plan requires that a constant dollar amount be maintained in equity securities, with any excess invested in debt. A Dollar cost averaging results in slightly more shares being bought as prices fall than when prices rise. The sales charge is reduced by 1% for every full year that the fund is held. other REITs. B C Net Investment Income / Distributions to ShareholdersB. Closed-end funds and ETFs trade, so they are liquid. In this case, a 5% sales charge is imposed if the fund is redeemed within the first year. This is a violation known as a breakpoint sale. I and IV are liquid. If they allow me to place redemption orders for their fund shares at 4:10 PM each day, at that days NAV, I will invest $200,000,000 in the Jeffersonian Fund Family. The customer should be informed that: A. because of the large dollar amount involved, there will be no sales charge assessed on any fund purchases within the Jeffersonian familyB. If the price of the security is fluctuating, the average purchase cost per share will be lower for the investor than the simple mathematical average price of the shares over the same period. At the market opening, a customer purchases 200 shares of an S&P 500 Inverse ETF (-1x) at $50 per share. This dilution can occur because the manager of the fund may have to incur extra trading costs to rebalance the portfolio because of the massive amount of daily fund redemptions and purchases being made by the market timers. II and III. $5,500 for the wife; $0 for the husband I Family of FundsII BreakpointsIII Letter of IntentIV Rights of Accumulation, A. I and II onlyB. I The ability of the customer to make periodic payments into the plan Individuals can invest in the money market by buying money market funds, short-term certificates of deposit (CDs), municipal notes, or U.S. Treasury bills. They include the entire fixed income market. due to required industry firewalls, registered representatives are prohibited from talking to the administrative personnel of mutual fund companies. The customer will pay $10.075 per share (rounded). As the fund has earnings, and Total Assets increase, the shareholder receives more shares worth $1.00 each. Instead, it will only redeem anywhere from 5% to 25% of the investors net assets at a single time. And Total assets increase, the purchase will be earned DerivativeD to a benchmark index you comply with customer. Company with a few friends, the best recommendation would be a: A. lower average price per.... Offering of closed-end investment company, 75 % of the following EXCEPT: d a inverse. 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