And whatSo you can just wimp out?! As she leaves, Howard tells her that Chuck best understood Jimmy. Jimmy informs Kim who is less than pleased by the danger Jimmy will put himself in, but reluctantly agrees. Jimmy is given an appeal hearing to reinstate his law license, and at Kim's suggestion reads the letter that Chuck left him. While Castellano is making a statement to the judge defending the plea agreement, Saul rises and asks to address the court. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! 90 days with good behavior, we're doing this! Jesse reports that he was able to find all the precursor chemicals except for methylamine. WaltYou are not talking about a time machine, which is both a real and theoretical impossibility. He identifies a vacancy in a strip mall, which he decides to rent because of its proximity to the courthouse, the county jail, and the city's bail bonds offices. He's a lawyer, he can defend himself very well at court. When she did not give in to Gene's threatening attitude and informed the authorities of Gene's true identity as Saul moments afterwards, a scared Jimmy abandoned his life as Gene and trying to go on the run once again. Hamlin's. At the hearing, however, Saul decided to change tactics after learning that Kim had already confessed to everything that had happened in the lead-up to Howard Hamlin's (Patrick Fabian) death at the hands of Lalo Salamanca (Tony Dalton). The neo-Nazis would have been a minor threat, if a threat at all - They have $69 million, they are holding Jesse hostage to make meth for them and they have killed two federal agents. ("El Camino"), Following his disappearance by Ed and arrival in Omaha, Saul takes up the new identity of Gene Takavic, working behind the counter at a shopping-mall Cinnabon located in Omaha, as he had previously predicted in a conversation with Walt. ("Piata"), Over the course of several months, Jimmy continues to use his "Saul Goodman" alias to sell burner phones to Albuquerque's criminals while at the same time continuing his PPD. Oakley doubts he can mount a successful defense against the evidence that the district attorney and the government have gathered against Saul. Have your kindergarten teacher read them to you. After Jeff and his friend leave, Gene calls Ed from a payphone for another extraction. As Mike states that he was hired to do a job and simply did it, Jimmy declares that he knows what stopped him and swears that "it's never stopping me again." In 1992, a drunken Jimmy encountered Chet at a local Dairy Queen and decided to perform a "Chicago Sunroof" (defecating through the sunroof of Chet's car) as revenge. Is that all there is, Chuck? As it turns out, Walt was the one behind Brock being poisoned, and Saul unknowingly assisted him with the poisoning. Frankly, I'd have more respect for you if you did.Chuck. That's a bit of a reach, don't you think, Dave? We always end up having the same conversation, don't we?Chuck, UnoJimmy talking to himself while looking at a mirror. Additionally his association with Jesse and Mike Ehrmantraut is well known to the police. He wouldn't have any way of knowing all of that. Gene weeps, heartbroken at the reminder of the man he used to be and can never be again. rev2023.3.1.43269. Walt encourages Jesse to keep looking for methylamine, but Jesse doubts he'll be able to scare any up. While Cliff is open to the idea, seeing a previous ad run by D&M convinces Jimmy that the firm will never agree to the style or time of broadcast he needs. Just as she raises the revolver and is about the shoot the person answering the door, Mike appears from behind and disarms her, forcing her into the house. Stressed by the encounter, Jimmy inadvertently escalates the matter by getting into a confrontation with Mike over a parking validation dispute, but in the process figures out Craig and Betsy Kettleman staged their own abduction to evade further scrutiny. "Perspective." All that was left is Saul Goodman. I refused. Suspicious referee report, are "suggested citations" from a paper mill? Actually, I think that the very first part of BCS may have been taking place when Walt was still up in New Hampshire cabin-ing, playing cards, trying out new glasses and stuff. Gene explodes at Kim, telling her that she has no idea what he did or didn't do and challenging Kim to turn herself in since Kim's the one who's conscience has been bothering her and Gus, Mike and Lalo are all dead and can't take revenge for her revealing the truth about the scam against Howard and his murder. Gus watches through the surveillance monitors at the Ryman residence while Mike questions Kim. Walt, incredulous, states that "you were always like this" and returns to fixing the water heater, leaving Saul sitting on his cot. asks Walt: he's already convinced, and so is Jesse. Watching helplessly as the kid is pulled out and arrested, Gene's old instincts flare up and he suddenly shouts at the boy to say nothing and hire a lawyer. Hmm could be a real son of a bitch. Hi. For nothing! Realizing Nacho is very likely intending violence against Craig and Betsy Kettleman, Jimmy attempts to warn the family. Here we go! Saul has Huell and Kuby collect Walt's money from the storage bin, and Walt gives Saul a cut of the earnings, and a little extra that's meant for Walt as "insurance" in case Walt needs Saul later on. ("Green Light"), Saul sets up an intervention between Walt and Jesse, offering to give Walt a percentage of Jesses future deals. Food for thought, yeah? Sneaking into Chuck's house under the cover of family ties, Jimmy carefully removes documents containing the address of Mesa Verde's proposed site for a new branch: 1261 Rosella Drive, Scottsdale, Arizona. If I'm on the run, I'm going to be paranoid no matter who I see that might recognize me. The firemen didn't do that. Jimmy is apparently unaffected by the contents of the letter. Sure, the Feds are a concern and he would definitely be facing lots of charges (especially considering he's one of the last ones alive that can actually face charges) but I think it's more so about the criminals. Gene excuses Jeff and himself from the kitchen, perturbing Marion. Following the success of the large sale to Gus which leads to Saul buying better suits Saul pushes Walt to take Guss lucrative offer to continue cooking. ("Nacho"). Mike continues working as a private investigator for Saul, who has become a useful source of information on the criminal landscape of Albuquerque for Gustavo Fring, albeit one kept at an arms length. It's possible Walt is still alive. He is discovered by the cops and surrenders. So, trespassing? ("Mabel"), After passing out, Gene is taken to the hospital where he undergoes tests to determine the cause of his collapse and if it was a heart attack. Despite Jimmy and Kim's unconditional love for each other, Kim left him and Albuquerque after one of their schemes goes horribly wrong, stating that they are bad for everyone around them, with the couple divorcing later that year. Jimmy goes back to the hotel, packs their possessions, and informs Kim when he gets back. Jimmy then proposes a TV commercial; specially timed to reach prospects during daytime hoursa point of access Sandpiper cannot block. I'd be a a sha shadow. Kim is disturbed that Jimmy has been selling phones to criminals and agrees to look into Huell's case although he refuses to ruin Platt. You're gonna do whatever it takes, do you hear me? Saul became a local celebrity in Albuquerque through his flamboyant advertisements for his services on television through commercials, and began to maintain extensive connections within the criminal underworld, serving as a go-between connecting drug distributors and other criminals-for-hire. () Do you know how much time, how much effort I put into finding the perfect mark?! However, the fact that Marion's fear and, more specifically, her stating that she had trusted him caused Gene to hesitate suggests that he may have been reminded of the man he once was by Marion's reaction and saw he had gone too far. Cliff confronts Howard about his supposed cocaine use. Why was Ted Beneke hiding revenue in Beneke Fabricators? Jimmy is eventually given information by Mike allows him to get Lalo bail at seven million dollars. Did you not realize that Skyler's case named him, among others, as being co-conspirators? Kim returns to the office to find Jimmy lying on the floor, with his half of the rent, indicating he used the "slip and fall" to coerce the guitar shop into paying him off. Jimmy and Kim got married in 2004, with Kim also becoming Jimmy's confidant to gain spousal privilege. Go on. It's a bacterium! After all the costs associated with Badgers arrest, he only has $16,000 left. That was the plan, but it turns out your lovely abuelita, she drives a car that's a whole lot like the Kettlemobile. Numerous cartel and other underworld characters could link Saul to Mike (and by extension Fring) and to Heisenberg. Jimmy pushes Wendy out of the car in front of Cliff and Kim, further suggesting to Cliff that Howard is using cocaine and has prostitutes. There are a number of exceptions to the (attorney-client) privilege in most jurisdictions, chief among them: the communication was made, Jimmy goes to meet Ira to collect his proceeds from the Hummel figurine sale and is surprised that it is more than he expected. The "she" Saul summons in the cold open is of course Kim, and this full-color flashback to the Saul Goodman days establishes their last point of contact before she left for Florida, coming into . After they engage in conversation about the moral consequences of white-collar criminals, Lingk's beeper goes off and he begins taking pills; he admits to Gene that he has cancer. Huell is arrested and Jimmy tries to bargain his freedom for moving his business elsewhere. Also Gene very likely has PTSD after everything he's been through. They certainly could have questioned him about certain other matters, but not about the core of their investigation. If that's what you want, y'know? Jimmy wants to practice criminal law and reform Wexler McGill, but Kim's plans do not coincide with Jimmy's. Jeff sells the information to criminals in exchange for money and payments in whiskey; Jeff stockpiles his proceeds on top of his hidden shoebox. While being taken to prison, Saul's fellow inmates recognized him immediately and chanted "Better Call Saul" in reference to his adverts about helping give justice to criminals like them. Did he catch the news that everything that could be after him is gone? Watching Kim through the surveillance monitors, Gus calls Victor, who is standing in the room with Kim, and asks to speak with her directly. No friends. I wasn't there when it was sold. More so than Jessie Pinkman. Oh, to be nineteen again! If he was afraid of the neo-Nazis or Lydia (if he even knew about her) he would quickly learn that the destruction of the neo-Nazi's HQ for meth cooking had been destroyed and Heisenberg, Todd & co. were all dead. The call ends with Gene slamming the phone down on the receiver and kicking in one of the glass panels of the phone booth. You . Desperate to get rid of the money, he resorts to throwing stacks of money into peoples' yards as he drives by. Over the following years, nearly $14,000 was embezzled from the store either from Jimmy or Charles Sr being taken advantage from, which eventually led to its closure. ("Blood Money"), When Hank discovers that Walt was Heisenberg the entire time, Walt goes to Saul's office so they can discuss what to do with this problem. Skyler, feeding lines to Kuby, is eventually successful and purchases the car wash ("Open House"). His name, "Saul Goodman", is a play on the phrase "it's all good, man". Kim finally intervenes, claiming that a passerby must've found the broken-down car and wrecked it for fun. Returning to his residence, he retrieves his shoebox and overhears information about his car being broadcast on the police radio frequency. He rents a room at a luxury hotel and begins running scams on the other guests. Kim defends Jimmy, criticizing Chuck for his cold and judgmental treatment of his brother. You embarrassed Howard who, God help him, inexplicably vouched for you with Cliff Main. Another flashback saw Saul, then Jimmy McGill, reunite with his late brother Chuck (Michael McKean) in a scene where he brought his sibling supplies and they bickered about Jimmy's work as a lawyer. You're shredding in there! However, Jimmy receives an urgent call from Howard, informing him that Chuck had an altercation with the police and has been hospitalized. Despite his newfound shady nature as Saul Goodman, glimpses of Jimmy McGill can still be seen, exemplified by his genuine disgust for having to defend Lalo Salamanca for his brutal murder of the innocent Fred Whalen and his remorse for Fred's loved ones present in the courtroom. Incensed, Jimmy resolved to burn the case to the ground rather than give it to HHM, and considered quitting the law altogether and returning to his old ways. Jimmy's law license is returned, but Kim is shocked to learn that Jimmy did not mean one word from the speech and meant it to sway the members of the committee into reinstating his license. Now, do you remember? You're not gonna play by the rules. Jimmy has repeatedly shown worry for Kim, as seen by his reaction to some of her decisions that have likely been influenced by his own behavior, such as quitting her job at Schweikart and Cokely and her confidently conspiring to embark on a warpath against Howard for insulting them both by destroying his legal career to obtain their share of the Sandpiper Crossing settlement. blurts Saul, pointing out that any for hire assailant would likely know Mike, and have to outmaneuver him. You know, years ago, I bought a Betamax. It's my responsibility to fix it. Gene catches a bus back to his apartment and waits for a call to come from Jeff, which eventually comes the next morning: with Gene posing as Jeff's father, Jeff tells him he is in jail in connection to the car accident and a suspected robbery, revealing Lingk came outside to flag down the cops after having noticed his property missing and the glass panel smashed. Magic ManGene quoting his old catchphrase to Jeff. Attorney client privilege is waived if prosecutors can show that the privilege was being used to further an active conspiracy. Realizing his culpability in Chuck's collapse, Jimmy explains his actions as a "little bit of razzmatazz" and reassures Chuck that as he now has clients, the incident will not be repeated. He is shown to be willing to resort to whatever measures necessary in order to gain clients and to ensure that his clients, who are complete criminals, avoid arrest such as manipulating police, fabricating evidence and even stealing from his clients for blackmail purposes. 'Cause this is my screw-up. I-I won't fly jet planes; you, uh, stay out of court. Breathing heavily, Gene has a taxi take him back to the mall and spots an air freshener marked Albuquerque Isotopes in the rear-view mirror and the taxi driver appears to be staring at him as if he recognizes him. When AMC . After two failed attempts, Jimmy passed the bar exam himself in 1997. No shit! Gene returns to his car in the now-closed mall parking lot and goes home. Had the Nazis killed Jesse, that would have wrapped up things nicely as the re would have been a paucity of evidence from which a case could be made. Jimmy disappoints Kim by giving Craig and Betsy Kettleman the cash before he leaves. Huh, Chuck? Well you better think again! Kim is intrigued, but initially disagrees she is not prepared to risk her career with Jimmy being the kind of lawyer he is. Jesse and Mike are ready to dismiss the final venue, Vamanos Pests, but Walt demurs, declaring it's perfect. What took her so long?! Walter White is one the biggest criminals in American history. He also accepts a job from Jesse, using Jesses half of the earnings to purchase his aunts house at a dramatically lowered price strong-arming Jesses parents and attorney with a potential lawsuit over the undisclosed meth lab Jesse was running out of the basement. Remembering her prior arrangement with Saul, and eager to duck out of her argument with the tenants, she gets into her car and drives downtown. The website was created to promote the. When Chuck breaks down and begins crying over his "failure" with Mesa Verde, Jimmy has a crisis of conscience, and he confesses his complicity in the incident. The next day, Jimmy removes the advertising sign from the front of CC Mobile. After several attempts, Gene sits against the wall and finds a rusty nail. Viewed by many fans as even better than its predecessor, the . I mean, look at me. He goes downstairs in his apartment and collects a package, which contains a Swing Master machine. He gives Francesca instructions on how to find a hidden pouch containing several thousand dollars in cash. He also hired people to help in criminal activity. When she leaves, Jimmy calls CC Mobile back to accept the position. Mike stresses to them that they are to act casually for the rest of the day and pretend the events of the previous night did not happen. I didn't witness any of the murders, but I damn well knew it was happening. Mr.Bond. Criminals have no recourse. At home the next morning, Kim gives Jimmy documents from a meeting with Howard, including a release stating that he will not contest the $5,000 inheritance, and a letter from Chuck. Lawyers, you know, we're like health insurance. Does Better Call Saul contain Breaking Bad spoilers? ("Fun and Games"), By the next year, in 2005, Saul has become very wealthy after he received his share of the Sandpiper money in addition to Kim's share too, as she had chosen not to take her share of the money. However, opening the door would trigger an alarm and alert the police, who could potentially recognize him. His contact, Ira, breaks into Neff Copiers to steal the figure, but finds Mr. Neff living in the office. Walt asks Saul to inform the DEA that Gus has a hit out on Hank. Now that he's no longer with D&M, Jimmy proposes Wexler McGill - a joint partnership with Kim, sharing all expenses and costs, as well as profits. However, when Jimmy suggests working for HMM on the case Howard flatly refuses to hire Jimmy. Saul had WAY more dirt on her and in return would sell out how big her involvement was in Walters operations. Jimmy began his law career as an earnest lawyer, starting out practicing public defense and elder law before becoming a criminal defense lawyer. Everyone was dead or out of the picture, Saul's lawyer and Skyler were still around, but anything they would say would incriminate themselves, plus it's all hearsay. Lalo agrees. And they find themselves in a little room with a detective who acts like he's their best friend. Inside, Walt and Jesse assuage Saul's doubts about working with Mike again, who threatened to break Saul's legs. He becomes heavily involved with money laundering, purchasing several nail salons to hide his criminal revenue, as well as working with Daniel Danny Wormald, a former client and former associate of Mike and Nacho who runs Lazer Base, a local laser tag business that works as a money laundering front. You are talking about regrets, so if you want to ask about regrets, just ask about regrets, and leave all this time-traveling nonsense out of it! 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