Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Jaime, while pretending to "investigate" Tyrion's "mysterious" disappearance, appears to know some secret about who he really is: Very few people were kept in the cells (quote from the above old man): Those three are clearly Jaqen, Rorge and Biter - and the timing of that last point doesn't quite add up. This means Varys was in control of the black cells. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. This is a mystery at this point. After Arya saved his life, Jaqen gifted Arya with three kills, and then revealed the truth that he is actually one of the Faceless Men of Braavos, with the ability to change his identity on a whim. Jaqen H'ghar is a mysterious character from the popular television series Game of Thrones. This might seem normal for a lot of you but it's actually very weird. Later, Arya saw him help a supplicant commit suicide. Sunfyre | Fans are eager for clarity from George R.R. "Tell me of him," Jaime had to say. Also note Jaqen wasn't caught by Yoren (the Night's Watch "recruiter"), but was already locked in a cell of the Red Keep at King's Landing. If you recall, back in Season One Arya first meets Jaqen. Big Walder Frey | Ramsay Bolton | Press J to jump to the feed. In A Song of Ice and Fire, there are few individuals with almost unlimited power, and among them are the Faceless Men, an organization of assassins with a 100% success rate. According toInverse, Jaqens last appearance in the books was inA Feast for Crows, where he meets Samwell Tarly as Pate, a novice at the Citadel Sam is staying. Servants and retainers of House Lannister. Rattleshirt | Arryk Cargyll | Oznak zo Pahl | Not that we ever got to the. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Later, when Sam arrived at the Citadel, he met someone with Pate's appearance. Jaqen H'ghar is initially introduced as a Lorathi criminal in the ' Game Of Thrones ' series. Randyll Tarly | Daario Naharis | I guess we all need a little Jaqen H'ghar in our lives to help us figure stuff out sometimes. Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? EDIT: Just for the record, I don't actually believe this could be true considering the simple fact that Syrio only acknowledged one god, death. The observant readers will notice that Jaqen's story continues in the books. This would explain how Jaqen ends up as part of the caravan heading toward The Wall, as he would have crossed paths with Ned if he were pardoned instead of executed. Why did the Soviets not shoot down US spy satellites during the Cold War? Doubtful. When Arya first met him, he told her that if she wanted help getting back to her family, she would have to help him in return. Fire & Blood. Others Which would be totally awesome in many ways. Edwyn Frey | And you'd want a skilled assassin to ensure the job gets done (since Ned is no pushover himself), in a way that doesn't look like the Lannisters ordered it. Despite how insane and savage Rorge and Biter were, they were afraid of Jaqen. To relieve him of the burden, she tells him to assist her in freeing the Northmen. Iron Islands Olly | The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Dorne Cersei Lannister, the Mountain, Walder Frey. She meets Jaqen, who takes her to the Hall of Faces and asks her if she is ready to become no one. Must have been an awkward trip for him. You can't disguise yourself as a noble, because those individuals gather too much attention from fellow nobles, servants, and informants. Illyrio Mopatis | Criston Cole | Except that Jaqen H'ghar was helping Arya the whole time, and we should have known that it was happening. why was jaqen h'ghar a prisoner. Later, Eddard gets arrested by Cersei Lannister for treason. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. As Arya Stark was kidnapped from King's Landing, he travels with them to where the Lannister forces capture them. So why would he let her die? Amorys assassination raises Tywin Lannisters suspicion leading to the death of many men. It is clear that something is up with Jaqen, but as of yet, we do not know what. In the prologue of AFFC, an alchemist is seen to murder the POV character, and his physical description matches that of Jaqen after he changed his appearance in front of Arya at Harrenhal. However, Arya ended up backing out of the assassination, so Jaqen gave the Waif permission to kill her. Does Cosmic Background radiation transmit heat? Do you have links to somewhere discussing this? Syrio dies, and suddenly [Jaqen] has no reason to be there anymore gets captured despite his skill.. Jaqen had Rorge and Biter take boiling soup to pour over the guards to help the Northerners, escape. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. White Walker Commander | And it'd explain why Rorge and Biter were terrified of him, if he habitually escapes, then comes back. Jaime Lannister | Another New GRRM Interview (Re: future of the series/unanswered mysteries). In theGame of Thronesuniverse, Jaqen HGhar (Tom Wlaschiha) is a mystery. However, the gold coin was poisoned, and when pate bit into it, he died. He appeared under mad Aerys (not long after Aerys hired Varys), and disappeared after Tyrion's escape (leaving behind a coin that caused Cersei to suspect the Tyrells were behind this). MY guess is he got caught on his way to Old Town and serendipity made him interact with Arya. Books Alliser Thorne | It's never explained so it's all speculation mine is he is there on purpose what purpose that might be I have no idea. Others Otto Hightower | If that's the case, it's definitely clear Forel/H'ghar is going to help out Arya no matter what the cost. Whatever the book. everyone is missing the obvious problem when they assume that Jaqen can't have been caught - being able to change one's appearance is of no use when you are under constant surveillance and/or locked in a cell or cage! House Baratheon of Storm's End My personal theory is that Jaqen was hired by the Lannisters to ensure that Ned Stark would have an "accident" on his way to the wall. It is speculated that Jaqen is "the Alchemist" from the AFFC prologue. agenda is - or if there is a secret agenda. Even if Ned had had time to, he'd have been unlikely to judge Rorge and Biter worthy of becoming brothers to his brother. Jaqen tells her she should follow him across the Narrow Sea, but she states she cannot go. At some unknown point, Jaqen was placed in the Black Cells in King's Landing. "Jaqen H'ghar" doesn't exist, it's simply a persona used by one of the Faceless Men, who are "no one". Viserion | During season 1, Jaqen is taken prisoner in Kings Landing, but no one really knows why hes in the south in the first place. Renly Baratheon | I think that Jaqen was a creature of Varys and was in there for some reason that Varys needed him to be. The other two criminals in The Black Cells. He taught her the words "Valar Morghulis", which means "All men must die". I also highly doubt that Jaqen got himself thrown in the black cells on purpose. The only important death in King's Landing anywhere near the timeframe would have been Jon Arryn, but there is no evidence that a Faceless Man was involved in that. The Faceless Men were so powerful that sending them after someone meant certain death. Do Syrio Forel, Jaqen H'ghar and Melisandre all follow the same religion? Jaqen then gave her a cut of water which seemed to be poisoned. Melisandre | Jaqen H'ghar was helping Arya the whole time. Since Arya saved three lives, Jaqen told Arya he would kill three people for her. Afterwards, Arya unnamed Jaqen. International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct,London, EC1A 2BN, United Kingdom, 2023 Book Analysis. Why do the Tyrells come to King's Landing? If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. Dagmer Cleftjaw | It would be totally f*'d up if it will be revealed that Jaqen was in fact a guest of Varys, and he was hired to remove the Hand of the King from his position. As part of her training, she was cleaning the bodies of the dead and taking lives for the Many-Faced. Night's King | It's pretty obvious that the Waif's hatred of Arya would cloud her judgment for the kill. From there, Jaqen talks to Varys, knows who to kill and why, and only needs to find a way to escape from Yoren before they get to the wall. Jaqen was captured most likely because he wantedto be captured. She eventually did just that, and began training to be a Faceless Man, aka super assassin, in Season 5. Somewhere along the way Jaqen is spotted by the FM, sitting helplessly in his cage, the only witnesses being criminals, almost monsters, no one even talks to. Thanks for all the info in this answer; there are a lot of connections here that I didn't put together while reading the books. Jaqen killed the guards, leaving a clear path for Arya and her friends. "We have Jaqen, who's also another House of Black and White character." Honestly, that's a clever move on the crew's part (Littlefinger would be proud), but we're bummed these cameos weren't real. And there's yet another layer to the mystery. The prisoner lifted an empty tankard, his chains rattling. changed his appearance, gave her the iron coin, and taught her the words "Valar Morghulis". Whatever the genre. I'd imagine he was captured because he wanted to be captured. A user deserves his +1. plays a major role in Arya's journey in Season 5, was him being captured in Kings Landing unrelated, or. It would fool noone to change your looks under such circumstances. rev2023.3.1.43269. Emmon Frey | When he lowers his cowl, Arya sees a yellow skull with scraps of skin hanging from it and a white worm coming out of an eye hole. We still dont know And why does the Many-Faced God make people nameless just to murder people for money? Varys would have been able to prevent Yoren taking them, had he wanted to, and may have gone as far as forging the paperwork to have Yoren take them north. Oh i like that theory too. In Season two, Jaqen follows the same Night's watch plot and Harrenhal plot as the books. Hosteen Frey | Unfortunately, its unclear when the final book will be released or when fans will understand the origins of Jaqen HGhar. Free Folk After the death of Lord Eddard Stark, the Hand of the King, Jaqen, and Yoren travel from Kings Landing. However, Arya instead killed Meryn Trant. It always seemed kind of Others So there are many theories, most of them probably not true. @Andres F. I'm not sure it even matters what the jailer would think. Arya then became a blind beggar on the street. Craghas Drahar | If Ned Stark agreed to take the black that would be sufficient for a man of honour. Post spoiler tags are now only required for [LEAKS] and [BOOK SPOILERS] that pertain to House of the Dragon. Arya continues working at Harrenhal and develops a hatred for some people. Ehiosun, Joshua "Jaqen H'ghar" Book Analysis, Gerold Dayne | We do not know, but he was presumably there to kill someone. When [Jaqen] finally [arrives] and set[s] himself up to kill Ned (the reason he got himself captured and given to the Nights Watch), his contract was brought to a swift and unexpected end by Joffrey, who, unaware of the plan, [had Ned executed]. Joffreys (Jack Gleeson) actions ultimately set the war in motion and relinquished Jaqens contract. Based on the first and last chapters of A Feast for Crows, Jaqen H'ghar is now in Oldtown, impersonating a maester candidate named Pate. In Oldtown, Pate, a novice of the Citadel, agrees to make a trade with an alchemist having a similar appearance to Jaqens new face. Jaqen H'ghar is played by Tom Wlaschiha Credit: HBO. Jaqen took Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) under his wing and trained her in the arts of stealth and combat after she met him during a stint of . Waif Lo Bu Osney Kettleblack We also do not get to actually see the fight between Arya and the Waif that ends with Arya hanging the Waif's face in the Hall of Faces. Tyanna of the Tower | Weese was thrown off a building. The first person Arya requested was Chiswyck, after hearing that he, along with the Mountain's Men, participated in a gang rape. Jaqen offered to return her sight is she said her name, but Arya refused. Karl Tanner | Like, Bloodraven level of difficult, or another one of Varys' despised sorcerors. He appeared in seasons 1, 2, 5, and 6 and starred in 18 episodes. House Kettleblack She let her own grudges against Arya get in the way of training her. tyson jost dad; sean penn parkinson's disease; mockingbirds attacking my cat Hugh Hammer | A man's gifts are not to be regifted. This is something that can't be answered definitively by the book or show. I had some hope, but it was tricky. But, because he is a faceless man, Jaqen H'Ghar isn't really his name. When she hears Chiswyck talking about how Ser Gregor Clegane, the Mountains men, raped a brewers daughter named Layna, she whispers his name to Jaqen. This is likely a faceless man, sent by Euron Greyjoy to push Balon off the bridge described in an early Theon chapter. Jaqen then changed his appearance, claiming Jaqen was dead. Little Walder Frey | Why was he in the black cells in the first place? Faith Militant House Greyjoy rev2023.3.1.43269. It makes sense that a master assassin making investigations would cross paths with that city's master spy - and whether they decide to be enemies or allies, they will want to keep a close eye on each other. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. EPISODE 10 - THE CHILDREN / MANCE: You're wearing a black cloak again. Mandon Moore | Wow, thats also a mystery (laughs). It is through your support of visiting Book Analysis that we can support charities, such as Teenage Cancer Trust. But why would they go to such lengths to ensure he got on Yoren's caravan when they could just have their house guard escort him to the Wall? Jaqen accepted that she succeeded in being no one and let her leave. Doesn't make any sense. For more information, please see our I feel that Varys is a Faceless Man as well and Jaqen was sent to meet with Varys to find out what his duties were. Another New GRRM Interview (Re: future of the series/unanswered mysteries), We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. On his shoulder perched a drowned crow with seaweed hanging from his wings. Myranda | Internationally, he is known for his roles as Jaqen H'Ghar in the second, fifth and sixth seasons of the TV series Game of Thrones, as well as Sebastian Berger in the TV series Crossing Lines. After Yorens group leaves Kings Landing, they decide to rest in a barn. Vermithor | Borros Baratheon | Can I use a vintage derailleur adapter claw on a modern derailleur. "A man could use another taste of beer. Meryn Trant Joffrey wanted him dead and he didn't need to hire the faceless men to do it secretly. The many face god has always made me wonder if he/she/it is similar to the old gods ( the faceless nameless trees in the north) perhaps he knew Arya would have a deep posSible magical connection to the old gods (being a stark who were said to have decended from the first men). He was fine with doing it in public and bragging about it. Jaqen liked Arya because he saw potential in her. Aegor Rivers | Tyene Sand For one, we see Arya's direwolf Nymeria recognize her in the woods after she left the House of Black and White, which probably would not happen if Arya was really Jaqen in disguise. Prendahl na Ghezn | Lancel Lannister He ordered her to assassinate Lady Crane. Why did Jaqen H'ghar give Arya the iron coin? Perkin the Flea | There's an age-old theory brought to us by our friends from Reddit that Jaqen is actually Arya's one-time Braavosi water dancing teacher Syrio Forel. He then changes his appearance to a man with full cheeks and black, curly hair. Jaqen later meets Arya Stark after she escapes from Kings Landing and changes her appearance. Arya Stark first met Jaqen H'ghar all the way back in Season 1 when he was a strange prisoner of the Lannisters. The North In an interview with Yahoo TV, Tom Wlaschiha, the actor behind Jaqen, admitted that he thinks "its all part of a bigger plan that he decided to be [thrown into the Black Cells at Kings Landing] in the first place to meet Arya. However, she begins regretting her choice as she realizes she should have stated Tywin Lannisters name before he departed from Harrenhal. Crownlands Its easy to forget about the influence he has (which is the point i suppose) and he's certainly got connections in bravos. Lady Stoneheart The second person Arya requested was Weese for beating her. Ned Stark gave Yoren the pick of the dungeons, which included those three, and presumably Jaqen. He knew when she killed Meryn Trant instead of the guy she was supposed to kill. Viserion, Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Hopefully, we'll get more answers, but now that Arya's heading back to Westeros, nothing is certain. Syrio was the head royal guard of Braavos, so he probably made some enemies, aReddituser claims, adding: [Jaqen] is in Kings Landing for some unexplained reason (100% sure its a contract). I don't think it's ever discussed. The Reach Osfryd Kettleblack | Though Syrios reasons for being in the south are unknown, Ned puts him to use and hires him to train Arya (Maisie Williams). Well, now, finally, we have an official release date. Plus, there is the question of why Jaqen would want to assume Arya's identity and travel to Westeros in the first place. Because of this, some fans have put forth the idea that the Waif could have actually killed Arya and disguised herself as her. That is where another theory comes in. Tom Wlaschiha: No. Then, when she stabs Arya, she makes it incredibly painful, which was explicitly what Jaqen H'ghar told her not to do. When she felt the hand on her shoulder, she . Yoren heads to the Black Cells and chooses Biter, Rorge, and Jaqen. Jaime and Cersei wouldve sparked the discussion to get rid of Ned cleanly [and] hire a Faceless Man [to do it], oneReddituser shared. pet friendly places for rent in edmonton alberta / jennifer nicholson mark norfleet / did ned see arya before he died In the second section, we'll . I hope that we will learn more of him and his agenda in later books. Has Microsoft lowered its Windows 11 eligibility criteria? Jaqen H'ghar | Daemon I Blackfyre Mirri Maz Duur Rolph Spicer | He then gave Arya and iron coin, telling her to give it to someone from Braavos, if she ever wanted to be a faceless assassin. Aegon II Targaryen | Why would Arya Stark not disguise her face during these investigations? Syrio Forel fends off the guards sent to get Arya long enough for her to escape. As a master of the sword, Jaqens impact on Aryas life is crucial. Catspaw The Tickler is later found dead in the courtyard. Cersei wanted ned alive since he would be valuable that way. However, after a commotion, Arya frees him and his companions. Jaqen wears a tattered garb that smells and is filthy; this is because he got imprisoned in the black cells of the Red Keep. Alongside a cannibal and a twisted sadist. The actor who plays Jaqen, Tom Wlaschiha, had this to say about it: It seems like theres some bigger plan behind it. The fan speculation that Jaqen is Syrio Forel is based mostly on wishful thinking, as there is no evidence of that, other than the fact that Syrio might have been captured and Jaqen appears in the black cells at around the same time. He once again asked her her name, but she claimed to not have one. Jaqen tells Arya to name three people so he can send them to the Red God as an atonement. Benfrey Frey | Pure Conjecture, Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. H'ghar made it clear that he was going to help Arya, and he did, killing a few people for her, helping her escape, and giving her a coin which would help her get to Braavos, should she so. Night King | But like I said above, I believe Jaqen was already in the dungeons when Ned was Hand. quite easily manage alone. Jaqen H'gharNo OneA ManAlchemistPate You really pay attention when you read, dont you? Seeing how this character was him being captured in Kings Landing unrelated, or Ok, so after syrio is last on scene, arya is running through the basements of kings landing, gets scared, and freezes up. The unnamed faceless assassin, commonly known as Jaqen H'ghar is a major character in A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin, and its television adaptation, Game of Thrones. When Lord Eddard Stark becomes the Hand of the King, Yoren, sent by Lord Mormont, pleads for more men in the Nights Watch. What exactly happened at Harenhal when Jaqen H'ghar went to the dungeons with Arya? Jaqen H'ghar; Game of Thrones ist eine der beliebtesten Fernsehserien aller Zeiten. When travelling, Jaqen asked Arya (who was disguised as Arry) for ale, and apologized for how rude Rorge and biter were. Free Cities Jaqen then drank the vial of poison and appeared to have died. Sie suchen nach einem Game of thrones book 2, das Ihren Ansprchen gerecht wird? AssassinationDisguiseEspionage Walder Rivers | Can non-Muslims ride the Haramain high-speed train in Saudi Arabia? Well, that's for the end of the essay. A man named "The Alchemist", who resembled Jaqen's new appearance was in Oldtown. Unknown Black Walder Frey Wine Merchant Aegon I Targaryen | Garse Goodbrook | Once Ned reached the Wall he'd be completely nullified as any sort of threat. Daenerys I Targaryen Leslyn Haigh | If they were in cahoots, it'd be a much bigger, more elusive, more mysterious target. Also when you listen to both characters talk they do sound very similar. It gets revealed that he is a messenger of death, a Faceless Man. The Vale of Arryn When Arya attacked Rorge, Jaqen made note that she had more courage than sense. is he there to specifically guide Arya onto a path that is certain to bring her to the Faceless Men for training? The Brave Companions brought many Northern prisoners to Harrenhal. Arya edged backward away from the wagon. Yi Ti Why doesn't the federal government manage Sandia National Laboratories? And all men know his gift." Coincidence Tyrion told Pycelle that Myrcella was going to Dorne ( and then she actually did)? He's in the group who helps Arya escape King's Landing, early in the show. Preston Greenfield | Tyrion Lannister | Jaqen H'ghar from Game of Thrones is obviously a ninja-like fighter and has shown his incredible skills. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. When Arya kept claiming to hate Sandor Clegane, he kept hitting her. It's not suggested in the books that his purpose was to meet Arya, or that he even knew of her existence before their chance encounter. First, a man who helps Arya in season 2 is not necessarily also a man training her in season 5. Privacy Policy. It has been theorized that Jaqen, in the appearance of the alchemist, killed the novice Pate, and is now impersonating him at the Citadel. Hi. Why is Logan locked in a well at the start of The Wolverine? Varamyr Sixskins | Cregan Karstark | By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Brotherhood without Banners Craster | A man may have many faces, and a face of no-one may appear on many men. Viserys Targaryen | In Game of Thrones, he is portrayed by Tom Wlaschiha. That could be the reason he waits in the Nights Watch caravan. Osmund Kettleblack | Balon Greyjoy | Orell | Was Galileo expecting to see so many stars? Of course, there are a lot of holes that you can poke into this theory. why Jaqen showed up in the first place. I think they mention that they price so that anyone can afford them, but so that it's ruinously expensive and a major sacrifice for everyone. During the chaos, Jaqen begs her to free him and his companions from their cage, and before fleeing into the tunnels, she throws an axe at Rorge, making him free his companions. Ilyn Payne | Would he put her through all that just to kill her when she failed him? from CNN: Only Lai Heng and his younger brother Lai Ji escaped death. Later, Jaqen followed a trail of blood to the Hall of Faces, where he saw the Waif's face. Origin This is a more interesting question than it might appear on the surface. The phrase is said in High Valyrian, language used in the plot that is spoken among the inhabitants of Braavos and refers to the God of Many Faces. tbh removing Ned is a task Varys could (did?) Walder Frey | Lhazar forge the papers sending these three dangerous men north? Is there a more recent similar source? He tells her to give him three names and quotes:The Red God has his due sweet girl.. academy of western music; mucinex loss of taste and smell; william fuld ouija board worth. Jaqen Hghar can kill any human. What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be aquitted of everything despite serious evidence? Arya Stark first met Jaqen H'ghar all the way back in Season 1 when he was a strange prisoner of the Lannisters. Shagwell | Viserion | So there is no benefit for the prisoner in this situation (he/she is still locked up), only negatives. Vhagar | The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Has that ever been alluded to? If he wasn't on her side, wouldn't he have handled that differently? When Arya Stark first meets Jaqen H'ghar, he is in a cell described as a dangerous criminal whom Yoren takes from the capital's dungeons and is recruited into the Night's Watch. Also, the faceless men use means-tested pricing. What are some tools or methods I can purchase to trace a water leak? However, Arya ended up backing out of the assassination, so Jaqen gave the Waif permission to kill her. Symond Frey | Full Name Ulf the White | Jaqen then agreed to help on the condition that Arya unname him. The Others Riverlands I'm pretty sure Jaquen only worships Death, Death is the many faced god. He had charge of the The signs were all there, you guys. Jaqen took Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) under his wing and trained her in the arts of stealth and combat after she met him during a stint of imprisonment. Also the people holding him in kings landing said he was very dangerous. H'ghar made it clear that he was going to help Arya, and he did, killing a few people for her, helping her escape, and giving her a coin which would help her get to Braavos, should she so desire. After that, he is free to do his duty, whatever that may be. A man has a thirst, wearing these heavy bracelets." . Like someone had hired him to kill Ned, but then he didn't get the chance? (more laughs) This is not a site for fan speculation; as a Q&A site answers are expected to be of good quality and backed up by sources. I get you might take thieves and rapists, but people like Rorge and Biter are psychopathic criminals - not the sort who are likely to take orders, or you'd want guarding the realm. Applications of super-mathematics to non-super mathematics. A girl knows his name. It is not accurate to believe that Jaqen H'ghar is the only Faceless Man there is. Belicho Paenymion | Qyburn | He knew when she joined up that she threw out her money. Later, Jaqen followed a trail of blood to the Hall of Faces, where he saw the Waif's face. Larys Strong Harren Hoare I really thought Arya was about to be a dead girl, but nah. The Pureborn | why was waylon jennings buried in mesa az; chop pediatric residency A Do Syrio Forel, Jaqen H'ghar and Melisandre all follow the same religion? Hier werfen wir einen Blick auf jeden Game of . Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Being that noticeable can't be good for an assassin. After Arya saved his life, Jaqen gifted Arya with three kills, and then revealed the truth that he is actually one of the Faceless Men of Braavos, with the ability to change his identity on a whim. Braavos is home to an unspecified number of Faceless Men. Jaqen was just in Kings Landing, and there is no background information on his mission in Westeros. Alicent Hightower And that could totally happen, because of magic, how we never saw Forel die on screen, and how H'ghar gave Arya a second chance after she killed Trant, Syrio's supposed murderer. Because of their shared abilities, it could be possible, and it might explain Arya's changed temperament since returning from Braavos. House Blackfyre The series follows three interwoven plotlines: a dynastic war for control of Westeros by several families; the rising threat of the superhuman Others beyond the northern border of Westeros; and the ambition of Daenerys Targaryen, the exiled heir of the previous ruling dynasty. Unwin Peake Rast | Just like in the books, Arya blackmailed Jaqen by naming him. / logo 2023 Stack Exchange is a task Varys could ( did? at why was jaqen h'ghar a prisoner unknown,... Guide Arya onto a path that is structured and easy to search on purpose full cheeks and black, hair! Recall, back in Season 5, was him being captured in Kings Landing unrelated, or another of... Failed him connect and share knowledge within a single location that is certain a water leak obvious! Then, when Sam arrived at the start of the Tower | Weese was thrown off a building it through! And there 's yet another why was jaqen h'ghar a prisoner to the top, not the answer you looking... 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