Let me restate, with emphasis: Getting angry at the depressed partner is not good. He says that he still loves me even if I dont do these things (but it doesnt feel that way to me). Youll never get toned if you slacken off like that! You: NOT YOUR CALL. This doesnt sound like theyre frustrated, and it doesnt sound like theyre experiencing personal distress. Not really. Hindsight, sigh. Its ok to challenge yourself sometimes and then hang out in your comfortable space! So, to me, a partner who listens and trusts you about your health and is willing to accept hardships when you have problems is a safety issue. It also reads a bit like hes trying to control her looks as opposed to her happiness, though again, my vision may be a bit skewed here. #687: My boyfriend wont stop trying to fix me. Do you want me to smack your hand when you reach for the chips? My therapist and I called this Shoulding all over me. Youve been through a lot, and you have been so strong and come so far and you have a wonderful partner who wants to help you and knows whats best for you. Seconded! After a week or so of adjusting, you can figure out how you feel on your own. Your current partner sounds amazing based on that one tiny story you shared. And remember you are AWESOME for taking care of yourself and making such good progress. For the rest of us, it reinforces the jerkbrains message. Its something weve learned. When your boyfriend just slithers away leaving you completely confused and broken hearted, it adds to the suffering. Run. I genuinely loved him, and in his way, I think he loved me too. I can tilt my head to one side and see a boyfriend that this LW needs to dump *yesterday* because all hes doing is trying to build his ideal partner out of what he believes is some kind of nascent state that can go in any direction, like a bunch of stem cells. I hope you get out much faster than I was able to. Sometimes a guy will stop making an effort because he feels insecure or dealing with issues in his personal, work, or family life. When I look back, I wonder, why did I ever even get in his car without making him tell me a destination? He wont be straightforward in saying no because by using that word he doesnt have to face any consequences for his direct refusal. The relationship is no longer going anywhere, Ill let you have your way simply so we can stop talking about it. . I think part of his deal was that he was trying to make some positive changes in his own life. One day, I might even believe it. If you havent dug into relationship issues all that much in therapy, here is a script for bringing that up with your counseling pro: I feel like we do a lot of work in my sessions on building confidence and motivation, but when I get home my boyfriend harps on me to do better and be better, for example (give examples). Whenever hes away, I tend to either eat that or GF pizza (pizza is another of those things) in fact, I might go out and get myself GF pizza for dinner tonight. Why dont we call it quits, then, and see if somebody else might not make you happier?. Invoking logic by name in a discussion. Ugh, logick-y dudes who want to tell you how to run your life. Do you think you might try that?-level of caretaking from and for a partner, and it sucks to be in either role when you dont know if or when things will get better. His only motivation to change is to stop you. When I eventually gave up, it was because I was totally sick of being a smoker and I wanted to be a non-smoker more than I wanted that next cigarette. Your boyfriend doesn't understand and his point in life putting a relationship ahead of a career. Note, however, these are reasons, not excuses. (Ive blogged about this a bit and will give you links if you want.) If your guy used to care and suddenly cant be bothered, thats a red flag. Also, as an ex-smoker, I agreed with you on the you cant change other people front. Dear Carolyn: Although we've had sex before, my boyfriend of two years has zero interest in sex with me or anyone else. He often works in the context of a committed marriage, where the couple really do want to stay together, but the skills can be used in any romantic relationship, even w/ if the goal were very clear communication rather than trying to save a marriage. That was published just a few weeks after I dumped my ex for basically being both of those LWs SOs. The focus is making me incredibly uncomfortable, though. I do find that if Im in a good place, exercise will help jump-start my mood if Im in danger of falling into a depression and it helps maintain my positive mood and energy. I dont think all relationships that arent in it for better or for worse and in sickness or in health are bad, but I do think that makes it a more casual relationship and one you shouldnt rely on. See if there are ways you can make some of the self-care you want her to do easier. He says I need to do more, try harder, and not let myself be comfortable. Thats one form of love, I think: trusting the other person enough to let go and let them figure it out on their own. Continuing to put in effort for someone who isnt putting any into you is only going to lead to more frustration and resentment neither of which will make either one of you happy or satisfied long term. Then, at the end of any date, I got this huge guilt trip if I didnt show gratitude. Has the boyfriend pulled out stories of other people who have similar problems and yet manage to be super-awesome-amazing-overachievers? Ill offer help if asked, but otherwise, I try to stay out of itunless an (in)action is directly affecting me, as it was in this case. He didnt like how I looked, how I liked to dress, how I acted or thought or analyzed media. When its not great, things like this are no longer handled delicately If hes yelling at you over small things, there is no way his head is still in it. Tell your boyfriend that you feel scared and rejected when he doesn't call or text, because you're worried he's not interested anymore (if that's how you feel). Thank you for getting me out of the house!. You wrote: Im in therapy to recover and get to a place where I think that Im good enough & love and trust myself again (after years growing up having that constantly undermined) . Similarly, with the do more cleaning thing theres plenty of plausible deniability, because living with someone who doesnt pick up after themselves sucks. Period. Is there a chance he will realize that the moods are part of the package, and something Im trying to work on gradually, not all at once? The ones who wont should be encouraged to date one another whenever possible. Dont be ashamed of using a coping method that works for you, just try and do it safely, and know that I will never be upset with you for whatever you need to do. He had a car and I didnt, and I didnt live near public transportation. Because Im sure youve got enough I shoulds running through your head without him adding to the list. Some people even go on partial social media detox by simply using them for messaging, on the other hand avoiding watching people's stories. Stop. I hope others have advice too. I dont need you to be my therapist, dude, I need you to be my lover and my supporter and my friend. It can help to be accountable, and say to someone else hey, Im having trouble doing this Thing, so can you help me by setting a time to do Thing together?, but only if this is a need *you* have identified, and its *your* solution that youre asking to put in place. I like it on toasted cinnamon-raisin bread. He has literally never done this. Forgive me, but I get the feeling from your letter that its the latter. Surely being comfortable would be one of the definitions of success??? Tell Him Why You Don't Like Her. Thank you. LW, I just wanted to applaud and celebrate a part of the Captains advice: I think your depression might be getting betterYou already did the self-caring thing that you needed to do for yourself, and your instinct isnt to agree with your boyfriend about what you should do, its to stand up for yourself about whats true. etc.). He isnt saying anything because there are no rules anymore and nothing is official between the two of you. You said you would put away the dishes, and you didnt is a specific observation. A person who is invested in their role as the Helper and in your role as Lumpy Clay Who Must Be Sculpted is going to try to convince you that setting boundaries here is not in your best interest. And when he realized that I wasnt counting walking as exercising but really enjoyed it, he encouraged me to think of walking as exercise, brainstormed ways WITH ME to fit it into my day more, offered to walk with me, and asked me if I wanted a pedometer (note: he did not just buy me one), 4) when I felt like I couldnt do anything but lay on the couch and rewatch TV shows Id already seen, he sat next to me and read, or watched his own shows with headphones in and just quietly let me know he was there WITHOUT JUDGEMENT. You need people who are delighted by you and people who see you as competent and great. Or maybe his own shortcomings as a helper? Initially, he nagged, but eventually he worked out that didnt help (because I told him so and he listened), and he stopped. Yes. Like, does he have any evidence on which to base this idea that you actually can change people? Essentially, he supported me equally on good days and bad days. If I turn back to him and say I dont feel like it, hes completely down with that. Feeling upset with the situation that your partner is not healthy? As a result, I let him pick most of our destinations for dates, because I wasnt going to invite him someplace and then push him to pay for me. Your jerkbrain beats you up enough when you have depression. A. Self improvement (vs self-care, self-discovery, living life with acceptance) involves believing something is wrong with you B. Yeah, dealing with a partners illness isnt FUN, but as you say yourself its part of the package. After that I dated someone briefly who dismissed everything thing I pointed to as evidence of our vast incompatibility with the shibboleth that relationships take work! Yes, they do take tending and attention, but working on our relationship isnt going to fix things like your habit of borrowing money from me and never paying it back or getting angry when I need time alone. By the time our relationship came to an end, we fought about the stupidest things, because we were both really fighting over who got to decide how I behaved. Bottom line is the conversation . Or, if you can handle it, let them know that you think your friendship has run its course because you are at two different points in life. But when theres anger, that flips the whole dynamic on its head. But he was self-centered, and he wanted contradictory things. I dont try to argue other people out of their feelings, because unless I develop telepathy (avert! When your boyfriend stops showing physical affection like kissing, hugging, touching or sex, it can be a sign that he has lost romantic interest in you and is thinking of leaving. My biggest mistakes have been to really harp on what I think he needs to do get out and be social, mainly, which doesnt help his depression and leads to resentment as well. +1 absolutely, always. You are doing exactly what you need to do, and do not need to do more because someone else says so. When I started college, and made other friends, and had a job of my own. Living in constant stress, even if its a stress youve chosen yourself in the name of self-improvement, isnt good for you. If it was, hed be asking you how he can help you heal, not telling you how to heal for him. One cannot Straw Vulcan of Superior Reasoning their way into ones partner conforming exactly to ones own standards both internally and externally. He was always enthusiastic if i learned a new skill, or developed an improved routine, or got a new job, but didnt hassle me when I wasnt improving. All of the Captains response has me leaping up saying Yes! because I so agree. My sister is not depressed and does not need my help, I just want to provide it because I care about her. If you give him space, make yourself busy and happy. Thank you. And I bet if you looked at that guys life youd find plenty of ways in which he prioritizes his own comfort over a nebulous idea of personal growth, because he sees himself as Just Fine already. Thank-you for this comment. Is your boyfriend offering to engage in these wonderful, healthy activities with you? Not only is that (a) SO VERY NOT COOL, its also (b) likely reminiscent of the very types of behaviors that led to you developing those not good enough feelings in the first place. But LW, my heart hurts for you so hard right now and I want you to know you dont have to be afraid that you wont have love if you leave this person who doesnt listen to you and constantly makes you doubt your self worth. ! and but Ive been running for 40 minutes 3-5 times a week for months and I dont feel *any* better (in fact, in many ways I feel *worse*), what is WRONG with me? The sex may not dwindle, but the cuddling will. Honestly its tough. He no longer answers his phone as quickly as before. Weve never reached a good resolution about this, and it keeps coming up. He is not the boss of you, and something in you has woken up to that. They are raw cookie dough and you can see the cookie and you want the cookie, but the cookie dough is just not done enough, but you really want that cookie so much and you know how much better it would be if it were finished baking.and so you are mad that they arent doing what it takes to be a cookie. Its like saying well, be careful not to be happy. something her boyfriend disagrees with, he ought to say, I really disagree with that or I really dont think thats a good idea. Instead hes cutting her down and belittling her. Expressing or directing anger towards the person in recovery from a medical condition? Sometimes I hope that these people (whose letters and calls make me very sad for them sometimes) read the message they just sent, or listen to the sound of their own voice, and realize before the response even comes that its time to DTMFA. There can even be some of both this and the previous issue mixed together, because real people (even ones who use lots of reason) can have conflicting and complex emotions. That is some high-level head games. Heres my own take-away from my therapist: Your thoughts and your feelings are valid and welcome! Took about two years for me to believe that sentence. Seriously. This is not a democracy. Maybe your boyfriend can learn different ways of responding to you and learn how to respect your stated wishes without requiring to justify them. Try Meetup.com, a class, finding an exercise buddy who is at your level and who likes to do the same stuff you like, volunteering. Not okay. He assumes you want to understand things as exhaustively as he wants to, so (if you have asked about a thing, like say directions or a computer how-to) he goes ON and ON into tiny details unless you stop him. He also once painted a portrait of Hitler, which has got to be one of the worlds most dubious claims to fame! You see, even though neither of us is a terrible person and we both had really good intentions and cared for each other, we had gotten into a deep pattern of being good for each other (even though we werent) and supporting [Partner] (even though we werent) and staying together because we needed that (even though we didnt). The best thing I can suggest telling him is that you need him to be your cheerleader for success not an accountant tallying up your failures the only thing that does is create resentment in both of you and blind him to your actual accomplishments and kill your internal motivation to continue. Its still manipulation. I also expressed my fear that he was trying to fix my depression, because I suspect that depression is just part of my makeup, and however well I manage it, there are always going to be some low points. Hmm, this one is more what others have done for me. Am I the only one who says nope the fuck out of there yesterday? Did they worry when you left the house in a revealing outfit? During that time, I had a b/f who sounds a lot like your b/f he knew that if only I would do X, Y, Z and Q things that he specifically told me to do in the way and with the frequency that he specifically dictated, Id feel so much better! I can think of several people in my life who must have read that book. Hide the chips? He is avoiding it. And whats wrong with your alphabet, here, let me prioritize those letters for you. LW, heres the thing about our Jerkbrains: theyre jerks. Dont. http://fathom.lib.uchicago.edu/1/77777760800/. Many sympathies. I keep telling myself that. So far so good. Nine times out of ten, a person who self-describes as logical or rational ironically does not understand this, and a much better self-description would be someone so egotistical that I think my subjective preferences should be treated as laws of the universe especially by my girlfriend.. There is something intimate about sweating next to your partner. Ways this manifests: BOY does he like to research before making a decision. We need a comfortable place to regroup after a challenge, to process the growth, to relax. You are not the target demographic. I feel so much better and so much stronger. So many hugs to you. When i try to move the battery lock switch thing it doesn`t move and it`s like stuck. Have you read about the accountant who had a brain tumor? And while many of the attributes of that you do coincide with the you you aspire to be, it isnt necessarily a great overlap. Emotions are *who we are* and theres no such thing as a feeling or desire that is incorrect or illegitimate. Your bf is trying to make you break up with him. A complicating factor is that there was probably a time when it was comforting to you for your boyfriend to be in that caretaker role and to have him believe so strongly in your power to change, back there during the worst of it. In graduate school, there were entire weeks where all I ate was a huge wheel of frosted sugar cookies. Your b/f much to his dismay, perhaps is not the boss of you. Be sure to keep the tone of the conversation as calm and neutral as possible if you cant manage this then perhaps consider having a friend mediate for you until both of you are able to talk without getting too emotional about things. But in my experience, the kind of mindset that prides itself on being reasonable and feels comfortable saying thats the stupidest thing Ive ever heard to ANYTHING their loved one says. I have been with my husband for 23 years, and he is chronically clinically depressed. But, if that was all there was to it, he wouldnt be getting angry when she isnt doing those things, or dismissing and belittling her words. Also, I think its wonderful you put food down in front of her. You might find some helpful scripts for a well-meaning partner in this Captain Awkward post: https://captainawkward.com/2011/11/05/question-130-my-partner-is-depressed-and-i-am-drowning/. Listen to Leah Robins and the Captain if he loves you, he will work with you, and you will be able to laugh together even during the darkest moments of your lives. And I think thats something a lot of people have trouble with, especially when they have an idea of how the right way to be is (Ive noticed that people who tend to be rational often have trouble with this that other people make decisions that they would not make and other people have reasons for those decisions that are just as real as their reasons for doing something different). 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