We do have the divine nature, but we also have the sin nature, so the battle continues. In the bible, original translations do not show the writings of Enoch. The Holy Spirit provided that essence, thereby making him part human but also divine. Thank you for your deep comment and question. HE WAS THERE IN THE BEGINING OF CREATION AND HE CAME TO LIVE AMONG MEN TO SHOW MAN THE NATURE OF GOD ALMIGHTY WHOSE ATTRIBUTES ARE SPIRITUAL. 1. It never ceases to amaze me that the thousands of pastors, priests and who ever is involved in shouting the same story from the rooftops 24 hours of the day get enough money from the witless audiences to live without doing any work. We should all love and seek the truth, it is important. God created the world in 6 days the world is only 6000 years old not like sciens make it out to be please my bothers and sister in Jesus the world are not billios and billions of Years old please do study the word more. Please share with us. November 24, 2013 at 10:36 pm. Wang when G-D divided/Split the red sea..can any best scientist in this planet earth can explained the force that divided the red sea?.any general commander of any special force can do what Joshua did in the city of Jericho,,,,march round the city 7 days and on the 7th day they march 7 times .as a result they won just by Great Noisewhat I want to say is .we can say anything non sense or sense but we cannot go more any further beyond G-D cos he is the Beginning and the End .AMEN, Dear friend then I wonder who created the sun the moon the stars and all thats in this planet earth, the first cardless was given to first human cuoples adam and eve that card less today know as prayer. Careless readers may get misled by the fine presentation, but (I am sorry) I have to straighten one thing: The Bible never mentioned DNA in all of its records, instead, the Bible, especially Lord Jesus, in most of His services based his actions and teaching in Spiritual terms. Even they never saw that before. JESUS CHRIST WAS BORN THRUOGH THE NATURAL PROCESS AND ANYTHING ABOUT HIM IS SPIRITURAL. Whats gods QQ number wechat address maybe mary had sex with a stranger and didnt tell joseph so many ways to explain the bibles mistakes read Holy blood holy grail the bible never mentions how many wise men came yet its always said that their was 3 given the location of Jesus home land, why do western pictures always show a White man and the fact that many people had the name Jeseu so much information if people would only open their minds and stop believeing fairy tails the truth is out there yep ALIENS. You let the evil manifested you and you let the demons power control your body and soul even your brain! And in: To further reiterate the significance of the bloodstains on the cloth, researchers have pointed to the fact that they perfectly resemble what is now known about Roman crucifixions.In Christian art, particularly in the Middle Ages, Jesus is frequently depicted as . hi again wang. Why do modern omit Enochs book as part of the bible? Earthly churches is under the devil rulership whithout them even knowing it. 12 When your days are over and you rest with your ancestors, I will raise up your offspring to succeed you, your own flesh and blood, and I will establish his kingdom. I sit with my brother at my hostel and begin to converse I begin, brother!, do you know that our mother has never existed , he just realizes that may be am not in my senses. However, later in His ministry He took on all the sins of the world. Really WHO do you all think you are? According to your Quran, Isa (Jesus) is alive in Heaven. Scripture also states that Joseph intended to put her away because he believed she must have been unfaithful to him. Man becomes a sinner through his own sins (Deut 24:16, Ezekiel 18:20) and therefore receives spiritual separation from Adonai. Chromosome 9 is made up of about 141 million DNA building blocks (base pairs) and represents approximately 4.5 percent of the total DNA in cells. Actually, the DNA of Christ was found by Ron Wyatt and tested in Israel. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them. Some one told that to me I have been looking it up in the Bible I cant find it anywhere. We respect all beliefs, but do not agree with yours, at all. Yes, I suspect it was the egg cell of Mary which brings up a question concerning the epigenetics of Jesus. Even Jesus said There shall be wars and rumors of wars, but such things have to be. There will always be fights between the haves and have-nots, good vs evil, light vs darkness. . But that father cannot be a human father because the other 22 chromosomes on the father's side are missing. http://christianreading.com/jmartins/. How would you respond to someone who used Isaiah 66:17 or 65:3-4 to prove that Christians ought not to eat pork? Also, we have been give the ability to take the scriptures and look at physical evidence and apply our human ability to reason. Two chromosomes in human DNA have been "fused" by some sort of process we don't yet understand. Marihot Tobings comments seem plausible and present another more realistic view of Jesus, who cried bitterly on the cross My Go, my God, why have you forsaken me. Because of his inequities which are very serious, like. Nunca haba ledo algo similar, pero me parece muy interesante y sobre todo con muchas posibilidades de ser cierto, felicitaciones por este aporte! Jesus as Moses, Abraham, Noah and all the prophes before him, and only Mohummud after him, (Allahs highest blessings upon them all) was a man of flesh and blood as accepted by all. It is obvious that the writer of the Bible (God) understood this process very well; this is because He created it. When you came to Christ, you were circumcised, but not by a physical procedure. jesus' blood found and tested. There seems no DNA analysis in this article but this is only a blend of baseless qualitative arguments. on formation ( John 10:16 ) its not yet created, still So, this statement is wrong So, when the Holy Spirit conceived Jesus in Marys body, He took her DNA, and merged it with the perfect DNA that was created on day 6 of creation. This never happened for YESHUA because he never sinned. The Body of Christ 1 Corinthians 12:12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. Thats why the poison and cancer was inside of you! Can a Christian be a blood donor(give own blood to others)? Mankinds Odyssey, as we can view through history, is an evolution where-in shedding of our animalism and acquisition of humanism (forgive me for coining the two phrases), seems to be programmed over an undefined span of TIME.. unraveling the Beginning and the End . Aameen. His response (paraphrased), I have to make money somehow. I strongly urge you to not use Wyatts material and if you have published anything on line, you should take it down and perhaps apologize for putting out unreliable material. When you look at the verse in the Greek, which God had me do. The letters are left for the individual reader to get confirmation from the Holy Spirit. to the bible, there are 1,000 Qs to be answered, if from adam patriarchs to jesus to muhammad (PBTH) were prophets what prophesy those 3 gave n fullfilled? the best thing in me of all your comments n knowledge are your express want n search for TRUTH at this point in time of our lives. A simple minded person like yourself thinks that life appeared where there was no life and evolved into humans. Yes, we agree: Jesus is the Son of God. I am amazed at your sense of grandeur people? Sun Myung Moon. Just open your mind to understand the truth, What about these verses, Psalm 82:6 But those that do not that do not love Him and the truth is not in him and is lier. Adams DNA, please, published more the likes of dna and we as person now. So how do we know about everything that exsist or who talled us to know all these things my answer to that is the word of God. To answer you there is none greater then God because from the beginning of genesis things were greated and today man were not there when it happend so how do they know what happend in the beginning God word went out and to this day still exsits tell me a if anyone are the age of 6000 jears old. Very interesting. but with an strong assurance from the GREAT IAM that IAM.she felt a greatest environment of such peace that she never experiences in heras a result.she accept the prophecy by G-D through his servant ISAIAH. your right wang science can explain almost anything today because of the discoveries they got that God let them havebut my question is are they all explain it perfectly? Look it up in the Bible. I agree someone (A advanced civilization) maybe of beings of pure energy. The Hereafter is a reality that will make manifest all things to everyone. This is a proof that the apostles and the religions twisted Gods word to make it appear that Jesus is a literal Son of God, Acc. just myth. Test the spirits and do believe that our Lord Jesus is comeing soon and will establish his goverment on earth that is why he was greated for Rulership and He is worthy for that rulership. He then said that on one of the crosses there were human bones and blood that had dripped down into the sand. WORD of G-D came to NOAH, and he accepted (G-D)(WORD) and he translated the word into physical substance named ARK ..G-D manifest. intact and active ( Matthew 16:16 )up to now and who said that my flesh, blood n water when eaten, drinked u thirst and hungry no more, i am the giver of everlasting life, is he abusing the christ which is the power and wisdom of God in him? None moved by his own will but by the Will of The Merciful Lord, just as He desired to instruct mankind at their stage of development. Cold world where everyone needs a hug.. God The Same Yesterday, Today and Forever.. if our blood was related, because, like Jesus, he only had a female set of chromosomes in his blood, since Jesus had no human father. Every rabbi throughout history has repeatedly told you that Jesus is NOT the Son of Man, indeed Jesus himself said the same: many shall come in my name saying I am the Christ, see that you believe them not. You know the Son of Man not from Adam. What He did, we did. The same happens now, He will listen to your words and you may ask whether Jesus is merely a Prophet, or the Judge in the end-times, or even the God-incarnate in human form. Psa 82:6 I said, You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you; (ESV), When Jesus repeated this in John 10:34,35, He used the word Theos in Greek which, again, is not an independent god, but rather the God. We are mortal and will die someday, so epigenetics will not give us eternal life, but it does affect us. He was a Jew, as me and many others. I AM COMPLETELY OVERWHELMED !BUT I MUST DO MY PART AS jESUS DID HIS. He stated that he was to be the God of those he created. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. Both Daniel and Zechariah Ch 9-14 are the product of the Hellenistic era and have no messianic prophecies. If John Doe is in the right environment, everything works and the cancer suppressors are free to do their job. The church is not a building, nor is it a stated religion per se It is comprised of the true followers of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. However, as i know it, that Jesus (GOD) original intention is to restore Humanity by object of reconciliation and his sacrifice on the cross as the Lamb and that the DNA ws from Jesus to Adam (Man referred to as Adam) sinned and came short of Gods Glory!!! HE ALLOWS EVENTS TO HAPPEN OR NOT HAPPEN. And with that blown Spirit, men can live eternally, because it is a Godly Spirit (1 John 3:9) or the incorruptible seed (1 Peter 1:22-23). WHEN HE DOES WRONG, I WILL PUNISH HIM WITH A ROD WIELDED BY MEN, WITH FLOGGINGS INFLICTED BY HUMAN HANDS, In the said verses: 2 Samuel 7:12-14 we can read that God speaks of a coming offspring of David and not a literal son of God as what the religions preach. Some claim the 4.3-meter (14-foot) linen sheet is evidence that Jesus Christ was crucified on the . Mary kept it secret. We all know that DNA is merely some minute matter, but work only following the LIFE being present in creatures. This Spirit is also called the Holy spirit, or the Spirit of God. There are 23 chromosomes from the mother and a "Y" chromosome from a father. when??? Please elaborate . (3) How does a drop of water get to the top of a Sequoia? God is so powerful and sinless. The miracle of life rests in the heart and mind of our God, who is the only one that understands the how things evolved. The scriptures are perfect and it all converges on the same principle we belong in Christ. of the 66 bible books some NT parts were not books but letters, giving one proof of koran by comparing to the bible is fatal by knowing that there are more than 200 ancient manuscripts been unearthed, found and translated, like 28 gospels where Judas gospel is very different saying if i come to save sins of men, i must select my 12 representing sinners and thus evil in judas must betray him not as a traitor but to remove christ in a sacrificial lamb. As far as wars go, wars arent about religion, thats just another rationalization to try to justify a quest for power or gain. We were all created for a purpose. And we are also connected to Adam and are therefore carrying Christ in us. Is that from this site or a post from a comment? I THINK GOD IS WONDERFUL.AROUND 1000000PEOPLES ARE CONVICED THAT GOD IS EXISTING.CAN WE EXCHANGE PHONES NUMBER I AM IN CAMEROON.THE BIBLE SAYS IN JOHN CHAPTER 3VERSE 16.THAT HE LOVED US SO MUCH AND THAT IS WHY HE SENT HIS ONLY CHILD JESUS FOR US TO HAVE LIFE, BROTHERS AND SISTER I HAVE A GOOD NEWS.CAN WE MAKE A DAY OF EVANGELISATION, Leave behind every thing (i love myth because they make us strong whenever we feel low) but Whether, what or where, people you should put this in mind, God is not every where?? Think about it. Learn how your comment data is processed. I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. JESUS'S BLOOD: The Astonishing DNA Analysis of Jesus Christ - Jesus Had Twenty Four Chromosomes https://sites.google.com/site/thedivinityofjesus/home/jesus-s-blood . Whatever love we have in us is the one atom of the same element because we are made in Gods image. You must break down all walls in order to see science, God and the Truths of The Universe clearly! Thank you for your good questions. They all preached, practiced and propagated truth for the benefit of humanity just as instructed by The Lord. All Creation being HIS Expression! In doing so, your words become nothing more than fragmented opinion. Lets all worship Manholes ! ( 1 Tim. And, we know that Jesus, the Son of God, was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Is it possible we get a new body in heaven for eternal life? And who was Jesus father? The point Im making here, Rod, is this If youre going to quote Scripture as being fact, i.e. stop all these nonsense plz. oh how nice that God knew about meiosis and he didnt tell us more detailed because he thought we are too stupid for it.We must find it for ourselves.you suck!God had created Google as well.Accept this Quote also since u think u can qoute Einstein:The desire for love and support create a social and moral need for a supreme being; both these styles have an anthropomorphic concept of God. I have mine and I stick to it since it is in tune with the Bible. Thank you very much, Otto. As a person of faith (Muslim) to you people of faith, my only advice is to open ur eyes and do ur research regarding ur faith. If Jesus blood is necessary for forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22), then how is Johns baptism for the forgiveness of sins? Biblical Scripture states that Jesus is the Son of God. He claims to have found the Ark of the Covenant in Jerusalem in a secret cave under the actual spot where Christ was crucified, and it had Jesus' blood . Of course both fullblooded bloodline decendents yet far enough apart to have normal children with each other. Chromosomes are thread-like structures located inside the nucleus of animal and plant cells. Contradicting statements such as youve made are not only illogical, but are also not credible. Sequencing all 24 human chromosomes uncovers rare disorders. If Jesus had only one copy of DNA, none of us could exist in the resurrection (3) Mary had the DNA from the family of Judah and it had genetic mutations; the Holy Spirit had to clean these mutations up. To have followers? The church is the children and chosen ones of God. having a DNA similar to adam and Jesus with no mutations then i can live forever.. the same Spirit must resurrect too me like Jesus..AMEN. In which the Head is I really love to read this kind of information. The Bible is clear that our lives are better when our spiritual lives are in order: prayer, faith, trust, time with God, etc. Brother, you have sense in you, thank you. I do believe that gods creations of man in the form of Adam and in the form of jesus points directly to gods work. so the image of God should not be meant of literally will be called As you have read it, Jesus was only a son or a descendant of David not a real son of God; he was just a man. This way, like you said, he would look exactly like Adam as he had the same genetic makeup. Since Joseph was a man, Jesus couldnt have been Josephs son. What a subject you are all discussing! Mat 22:39 And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. God..created..human..in..his..imageAdam,then..created easilyso he choose the right term and right wordlike God did to Moses. no god will come no 2nd comming. Thats what Paul was saying. searching for truth is like finding real gold unless subjected not in itself but outside by acids or we cannot say bible or koran words is true by subjecting one verse to another, we must test outside. Multiple tests have been completed to uncover the truth about the bloodstains in the Shroud. Torah teaches that obey or disobeying commandments results in blessings or cursings (Deut 30). But Ron Wyatt reported that every single scientist involved in the blood testing converted to Christianity afterwards! This kind of information someone ( a advanced civilization ) maybe of beings of energy... Of Adam and in the Shroud multiple tests have been give the ability to jesus' blood found 24 chromosomes free... And it all converges on the exactly like Adam as he had the same element because we also... Then said that on one of the Bible I cant find it anywhere through own... There shall be wars and rumors of wars, but do not agree yours... 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