A friend received a call and told me they said some of the committees haven't even met yet because of Covid and the Inauguration, so all calls did not go out at the same time this year (as in years past). I replied to their email on 4/22 and they let me know that I am awarded. (11/16) Anyone have news? Also, based on past years it sometimes looks like rejections lag behind transcript requests, even when they were emailed rather than snail mail (2/4). Fingers crossed for you, though!! 4/17: does anyone know what the "priority" levels correspond to in terms of funding? 6/24 - nothing yet, but seconding that last year's 'you'll definitely hear in April' was really September. That is a small number of applicants, especially in comparison to previous years. (8/19) Any word? Good luck all ~V, 4/12 received an acceptance e-mail but will likely decline in the next couple of weeks. On 2/18/2022 at 6:55 PM, Coffee Snob said: On 2/23/2022 at 7:03 AM, Coffee Snob said: On 3/18/2022 at 2:02 PM, DarkSideOfTheMoon said: On 2/10/2022 at 11:21 AM, GreenCholulaForLife said: On 4/6/2022 at 10:01 PM, gorgogliante said: (((My speculation is some of the reviewers got distracted with the harvard letters last week, sothey couldnt meet the. Tomorrow is the deadline to notify the CES about accepting. My university Fulbright point-person took a while to send out the Intent Form (first notification of the form on this site was 6/29, and my Fulbright point-person forwarded the Intent Form 7/6, despite them having received it 6/28), so I hope that's just the case now. Can other years confirm this? 2/21 Has any of the successful candidates received any updates, since they're supposed to send out more info by 2/19? I think we will hear something by April 10th or so. Hoping they will preserve that humane format this time round - or, even better, just put "Congratulations!" Not sure what the correlation between getting asked to fill out this form and receiving the award is though. ^ History! 4/14 -- I still haven't heard anything from Marquette. Kind of shitty of them to say in a few weeks and then give radio silence for over a month. A similar conversation about the review results link is happening over at gradcafe: https://forum.thegradcafe.com/topic/127397-2021-ford-foundation-fellowship/page/2/#comments, 03/22 6:30AM MST - Not awarded (Biology- Dissertation). The email announcing the award was titled "International Dissertation Research Fellowship" and the first line of the email was "Congratulations!" 9 Signs You Have What It Takes to Major in Finance, The Disadvantages of Receiving a Psychology Degree, What You Need to Know About Becoming a History Major, Is Management Information Systems a Good Major? I keep refreshing my email 5/11 sorry to just add to the chaos, but has anyone heard anything? ^Cul/Anth here. Is this good, bad?? ^It's not just you, I'm pretty sure they've removed the link from the website until the next application round. Module 2 Exercises. Good luck to all! The IDRF welcomes proposals from full-time graduate students in the humanities and humanistic social sciences who are enrolled in Ph.D. programs in the --for future applicants: the new system has a lot of kinks that need to be worked out. Research within the United States must be site-specific (e.g., at a particular archive) and cannot be at the applicants home institution unless that institution has necessary site-specific research holdings. This waiting game is terrible. The IDRF program expects fellows to remain at their research site(s) for the full six- to twelve-month funding period. It then morphed into two submission. ^ Mine also says submission. Please drop a comment if youve heard any, From past chats, it is usually by email notification. God knows what the fuck any of this means. (Told myself July) Some other grants allow you to accept multiple ones as long as you aren't double-dipping, like if you got Mellon ACLS and Fulbright you could accept both so long as you didn't use money to pay for the same things (i.e., divide into housing, research, travel, expenses.) Will keep this space updated. I know I'm not selected, but this seems later than usual and I'm worried something has gone wrong with my file. To clarify, did you apply for the one year research grant or a short term grant? And good news for CA students: they are also planning to discuss whether or not to permanently limit the fellowship to CA applicants at the meeting today. Fingers crossed ?? Can someone else confirm? Prizes are awarded for the best single photo, the best self-portrait, and best photo essay following a. (Jan. 27), Nothing here either. Good luck and congratulations to recipients! Typically wards are announced any where from April 8-12. Received email on 4/12 indicating that I'm an alternate. ^3.22 It's a weird year, and my advisor did say they hadn't heard anything yet about acceptances. My colleague is an alternate as well. [2022 Guide], Why Chemical Engineering? (2/4), Ugh. I imagine we'll hear back by Friday at the latest. Best of luck to all! And then you get asked for transcripts if you're being considered but not top of list. April 1, 2021. Then its back to the grind. If you are awarded a Carter Manny Award, we are flexible with respect to simultaneously holding other awards. You and your research are worth it! I've already figured it is a rejection (I was lucky to have other fellowships this cycle), but it would be nice to hear either way. Given that most applicants are grad students of color, I would hope that they are working toward a more timely notification process 4/27 Sorry to hear that. ^ That's what I'm hoping. The first submission and the finalist submission when I submitted my transcripts. when did they hear back? 5/7 ^ ugh, same. SSRC-IDRF Recipient Jang Wook Huh on Crafting an Effective Dissertation Fellowship Application Can more than one department within an institution apply? In 2013, Narges Bajoghli was awarded the SSRCs International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) to conduct her PhD research in Iran. 1/25 Have also heard of Chester Dale and Paul Mellon calls. Just received my rejection email too. ^ No news. 4/27- I don't think we'll hear anything until at least next week, as their website says May. Feedback varied. Good luck! I sent an emailing inquiring but no response. Agency deadline: April 5. 2/25 Notified of semi-finalist status (64 out of 413 total applicants), (3/26) Does anyone know what the dates for review panels were? My discipline is geography. 3 reviewers all gave positive feedback. I've got nothing so far. Due to budget constraints they could only fund 15 4-month HSS fellowships. 4/14 5:53pm. 01/15: Nothing yet - with interviews usually in early-mid Feb, I would think they would contact those selected for interviews in the next 7-10 days, but maybe it will be later if interviews are going to be conducted virtually this year? I'm also trying not to get my hopes up. Mostly positive feedback, but, alas, not positive enough! Violence against Women in Politics in Brazil: An Instrument of Power and Anti-Egalitarian Obstruction, District Selection and Racial Identity: Voting Preferences in the Colombian Congress Black District, Improving Evidence and Relevance at the Same Time, RFP | SSRC Religion, Spirituality, and Democratic Renewal Fellowship, Understanding and undoing the far right: India and beyond, The Overlooked Spoilers Beclouding Nigerias 2023 Elections, A Goal-Means Analysis of Security in Political Parties Manifestos for Nigerias 2023 Presidential Election. After Descriptive Title, I see Status, Status Date, Received Date, Requested Amount. (I applied for one of the other SAR fellowships, but I figured they sent out all decisions at the same time). On their website, they say successful applicants will be notified in march and nothing about notifications for those shortlisted. 06/22 - After asking about it a week ago, I got this message: "The Peace Scholar Dissertation fellowship will be announced by the end of June, 2021.". 1/25 I know only of a Kress call. Based on thetimeline last year, finalistsshould be hearing from them this weekend. 2/23 Does anyone know why some of us still haven't heard? I just saw it on a common friend's page and that's how I found out. :( 3/29 12est (x2). I think those of us who haven't received a transcript request and whose portal doesn't show 'Needs Attention' are at this point only waiting for a rejection. Trying to weigh my options. ^Not sure about your two questions, but the application form up until late December said apps were due Jan. 15 (for graduate students), which was consistent with past deadlines. Applicants notified of standing on Feb. 8. 3/18: Like many of you, the "review result" link appeared yesterday. IDRF Program The International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) Program supports the next generation of scholars in the humanities and humanistic social Last year they announced somewhat late (June 8), but it seems customary to announce on June 1/2 most years. I know their website says notifications will be late March, but given how in past years it's usually the first week of March I'm quickly losing faith. Fellowship amounts vary depending on the research plan, with a per-fellowship average of $20,000. I know they send out notices later than others, but has anyone heard anything yet? Email saying that the status has been updated. 5/31 ^This twitter acct https://twitter.com/ChateaubriandUS? The waiting anxiety is growing thick! Sounds like not everyone has been notified yet. -Ah! But I wonder why this line implies the politics. I was an applicant and haven't received any communication. In addition to international dissertation research, the program invites proposals for dissertation research with US Indigenous peoples Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, or Pacific Islanders on Native topics that are conducted within the United States. Craft Your Own Consent Language. None here. Either way, please keep us posted tomorrow (and I will do the same)! in the subject line for the fortunate few. anyone else has heard? (History), 6/25 - I have not received any news, the portal still says "undecided". Applicants to the 2022 IDRF competition must complete all PhD requirements except on-site research by the time the fellowship begins or by December 2022, whichever comes first. ^I now have two apps, one for "SIFP" and one for "SAAM", No changes for me (proposed working at NMAH, NMAAHC, NPG), 2/24 Received acceptance via email! (2/5) Moving to the second round without receiving a transcript request may have happened in previous years but I don't it will be the case this year (see what another poster above has highlighted in bold). Mine still says submission. The SSRC app waseasily myleast favorite - I reread my material and they areonly slightly coherent and messy af. Lol,I have a feeling that SSRC has shut down withoutany notice to the parties that have stakes. ^Not at all - I am exclusively Cul Anth. Be affiliated with a university and progressing toward a PhD and in good standing. Hoping to hear something soon! Its odd as last year they sent out all these reminder emails and what not along the way. Do you remember what the lag time was between being asked to sign the "intent form" and finding out about your status? Rejection 2/1, two positions for 100 applicants. Mine says last edited May 1 when I click on preview and it didn't before. I haven't heard anything yet so I'm guessing Monday. ^It looks like ppl were notified on 3/4 and 3/6 two cycles ago, and last year someone was accepted on 3/10/20. Received notification of award 4/22/2021 ---On 4/21, I have received an email that asked some questions about my current project and funding situation. Do people have a better sense of the timeline? Free shipping for many products! Unfortunately, we do not have comments available from the screener round. 4/14/21, > I'm pending, last updated 4/06. Hear us SSRC!! No word on anything yet. I think we will hear something by April 10th or so. Last year, acceptance/ rejection letters were sent on April 8th I thin (5/9) My status date has changed to 5/7 and Program Contact has changed from Jeffrey Mantz to Siobhan Mattison. Apparently, it meant that the candidate was ranked highly in the first round of evaluation. 04/27 - Usually they send decisions out last week of April / early May. I'm another of the x2 above who applied, and my last edit was back in January too. Hi everyone Have anybody heard anything from SSRC? Any update on the application portal? 3/13: Sorry to hear that you didn't get it. WebThe SSRC IDRF is rightly known for supporting interdisciplinary and humanistic social science inquiry that is global in its remit, and local in its focus. Is there any change in the application portal for anyone? ^sorry to have not clarified! Ahh ok, I applied for the dissertation completion fellowship as well. 1/28 I haven't. Did you do a mixed methods or bio anth project and submit to cultural anth? So jealous of applicants in previous years who were notified in late Feb. Maybe we will still hear something today? I hope they put their money where their mouth is and support a more diverse/accountable range of projects/people from now on. For more information about guidelines and to begin an application, please visit: https://www.amscan.org/fellowships-and-grants/fellowshipsgrants-to-study-in-scandinavia/, The email we got when applying seemed to imply the end of April, Heard that they willl be announcing the results in early May. I don't feel super comfortable hoping/thinking that I'm on a short list until I know of more people who heard back with negative answers. I am unaware of cases where someone doesn't get a transcript request and moves on. Latina/a/x studies; Native American Studies, etc.) It disappeared today though and my application is now current. Applicants to the 2021 IDRF competition must complete all PhD requirements except on-site research by the time the fellowship begins or by December 2021, whichever comes first. No official letter of acceptance yet but I think this is good news. It's fine if you've held Fulbright IIE previously, you just obviously can't hold IIE and FH at the same time. Only one reviewer gave comments. I suppose this means that each year the grant committee has a cut-off and if you fall below that you're out and if you're above then you're in. I would assume they are being done over the course of two days as per years past, though you never know. I do think they roll out the emails individually rather than send them all at once, and it looks like this has taken several days in the past. I didn't receive one, app listed as pending. Anyone know if the 2021-23 fellowship is on pause due to COVID-19? I think they just want to make sure applicants are still interested and eligible before they make first-choice and alternate offers. Kujenga Amani facilitates the exchange of ideas about diverse aspects of peacebuilding in Africa. SSRC IDRF 2021 SSRC IDRF 2021. Former grantee here as well - I found out the decision in September of my year and can confirm the point system described above. 6/2: ^Thanks for that info. It was a worrying moment because USPS was (and is) having so many issues. In this respect, it is distinct among the sources of funding for field research. She's also an administrator for Cul Anth, from what I can see on the NSF page. 4:00PM CST - No email response again. https://www.ssrc.org/programs/idrf/idrf-announcement/. Citizenship is required by the work positions and other fellowships I've held, as well as the ones I stated I was currently applying to (they are all on my CV), but idk why I forgot to scan and attach something like a passport or ID to my app. English x1 (for the postdoc; note for future applicants that I emailed CFD and they confirmed that Dissertation Fellowships are especially hard to get). (09/10) Received notice of award from campus coordinator. -N, [4/12] Good luck! Meanwhile, I'm still waiting to hear back anything ^ https://webportalapp.com/sp/login/met_museum_fellowships. ^Any idea what is going on with this? 1/21 haha no worries! Thank you for alerting us to this. Required fields are marked *. Thats why its best to arrange your application using that points explainer like a checklist. I guess they are finally doing away with snail mail. So I guess it should be today then? Im starting a new thread for the applicants this year. You will receive an email from the Lauder Center with a decision regarding your application in the coming week.. 2/22 yes, heard initially on 2/2, contract came 2/16 (art/visual culture). So I would say that you definitely won't hear before June and will likely not hear until after. Digging through the archives it seems like acceptances and rejections are released around last week of April and first week of May, but some people don't hear back until much later. 3/18: like many of you, the best single photo, best. Next couple of weeks former grantee here as well ( s ) the! A comment if youve heard any, from past chats, it meant that candidate., app listed as pending, though you never know out about your Status add to the parties that stakes! As last year someone was accepted on 3/10/20 if the 2021-23 Fellowship is on pause due to COVID-19 acceptance! From what I can see on the research plan, with a per-fellowship average of 20,000... 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Just saw it on a common friend 's page and that 's I!