As Keon grew more assertive, John began to react violently and even head-butted Keon when he was slapped by the official, but Keon managed to subdue John and show him the battered and bruised bodies of the students of New Bostin High School. John is the anti-villainous main protagonist of UnOrdinary. he's a cripple. In addition, manages to convince Juni that he's not the one chasing her down despite literally coming through the doors right after her. [13] After John punched Claire unconscious, he turned around, spotted Adrion attempting to call somebody. Claire pleaded with him to just understand their point of view, but he refused to acknowledge his tyranny. It's the culmination of years acting like someone without powers, so that the tragedy of Bostin High School wouldn't be repeated. Most students consider her the strongest in school and one of the reasons why John's bullying hasn't been worse. The last chapter of unOrdinary left off with John taking his fellow students by surprise, revealing that he wasn't without powers after all. John Doe is the villainous protagonist of UnOrdinary. unOrdinary: How Does John's Supernatural Ability Work - & Does It Have Limits? John had taken to spending most of his time on the school's roof, the only judgement-free zone available. Revealed later on to have started out as a cripple, but ended up going through some sort of change that resulted in him having a power level of over 7.0. He told Claire of his ambitions, and said that she'd have to work twice as hard as well. But he had a fiendishly clever idea to step around this obstacle. Even when his friends realized he used them, John got them to come back and revise these roles in all his subsequent matches. It soon became apparent that John had a knack for combat, and with Claire's information from the future backing him up, he rarely lost anymore. John's story fiercely brings historical parallels to the French Revolution of 1789, and in particular, John holds certain parallels to Maximilien Robespierre. After a fallout with his best friend, he is enraged and takes over as the school's tyrannical King alongside Zeke. Arlo's troubled, but even the former king can't do anything about it. WARNING: This article contains spoilers for unOrdinary episode 188. The two of them made up a lot of lost bonding time. He let his anger get the better of him and isn't afraid to beat down anyone who went against his word. [19][20], After he was all set, John bid his father farewell, moved to Wellston Town, and settled into a new abode[15][17]. A "John Doe" is a nobody. John was a 7.0 God-tier when he was expelled from New Bostin two years ago. Such hateful words cut John worse than any attack, and he commanded her to stop disrespecting him. Failure to deliver those things leads to John using violence to demand them. Adrion informed John that he overheard Claire speaking with Zirian about a few visions she had. When school started again, John took advantage of the true potential of what became known as "Aura Manipulation". John himself sees no wrong in this, as people like them have sought to ruin his life just to feel powerful and important. However, it is later revealed that John's isn't a mere imitation; it's actually aura manipulation. He would threaten or bark orders to them, and get angry whenever he didn't get the results he wanted. He must continually study to further his grasp over it, and it's still uncertain whether or not he can no longer optimize it. Instead, he tells Zeke of what would be occurring if their positions were swapped: John would be getting beaten continuously, as he did so much in the past. During the start of his third year, during school hours, he was typically found wearing the Wellston school uniform with his hair gelled flat against his head and a single lock hanging over his face (Seraphina calls this hairdo his "helmet"); his casual hairdo is unkempt and spiky. He is motivated to become a better person, even though he isn't sure if he can be one. Back before he discovered his ability, he hated all the bullies at his school for lording their power over other people and treating everyone around them like dirt. Even without powers, he can still hold his own against multiple mid-tier opponents, After he becomes the new King of Wellston, he declares he is the one who rules. While John initially started out as a rather bitter person, after discovering his ability, he proceeded to become the excessively violent tyrant of his school and even began abusing the friends who had been with him even when he was still a cripple, John was a late bloomer, and over time became more and more brutal and merciless to the point where he was uncontrollable and wound up beating up half of his class. UnOrdinary , unordinary when does john reveal his powers to sera, HOW JOHN GOT HIS POWERS | unOrdinary Episode 181 Reaction , r/unOrdinary What chapter did john reveal his power to . While John's ability seems overpowered at face value, it does have weaknesses. Justified as his ability varies in effectiveness and may be completely useless when facing someone who doesn't have abilities. If John is wearing a mask, he's guaranteed to be hurting someone. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. John was even willing to cut ties with his best friend when she found out about his history, convinced that she saw him as a monster just as his hometown peers did. Little did they know they were fanning the flames. John's ability relies on perceiving this aura flow and copying it. As a result, John claims that he's going to, Due to the Spectre agents attack, John's one of the first that knows about Sera losing her powers. WARNING: This article contains spoilers for unOrdinary episode 188. However, he isn't born with complete mastery over it yet. Weeks of no progression passed when Claire suddenly ran up to him in the park. The woman is shocked to hear that Claire survived and is revealed to possess the ability of pyrokinesis. While activating her ability, her eyes glow a bright yellow colour. Fulfilling his destiny won't be. Later on, he tried shaking something helpful out of Claire. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. As a result, she considers it. Back when he was a New Bostin student 2 years ago, John was at a 7.0 God-tier power level, and his ability is called Aura Manipulation, Once John starts using his ability, he really starts dishing this out on others, Prior to beating up Blyke in chapter 138, all the Wellston students who John ends up providing a brutal beatdown to have wronged him or Sera in some way previously, which John gets them back for. A large part of why he goes off the deep end is because he sees himself as completely irredeemable. During the presentation, John proceeded to improvise most of the presentation by fabricating information, resulting in him and Seraphina receiving a B-. John spat at Claire's suggestion that he try being a little more merciful, reminding her that it wasn't long ago when he was denied such leniency. In addition to these skills, John is capable of detecting and sensing intensities of auras given off by abilities and amplifying any of the abilities he copies. Sera is slightly stronger than her mother, and comparing Narissas chart with John, we can see that John only trumps Narissas in terms of Trick. The hypocrisy of self-serving rules the upper tiers abide by when convenient conflicting with the reality of the behaviors John has himself experienced from them, has lead to his belief that all humans are innately selfish and have hidden agendas for personal gain at your expense if you are not careful. When Blyke was facing the Rowden Royals, John was able to successfully deduce the abilities of the four Royals and their limitations, and inform Blyke on the most efficient way to take them down. However, the number of abilities he can copy appears to be only 4. Yo, this was legit one crazy season finale. Back at the palace, Kiggs hands them over to the Queen and Comonot and turns in for the night. [3], When graduation was around the corner, their group came into conflict with Oliver's yet again. He also rationalizes Seraphina's confrontation about his past and him being Joker and Arlo intervening when he began to assault her were all planned to decieve and betray him and declares both of them are dead to him, swearing to never see them ever again. One day, during his final year of middle school, John was in his room trying to build a house of cards. Pretending yo be nice so then can take advantage of him. It is known that Johncan copy and amplify powers which means that if Sera can't take him down quickly enough he will be able to over power her. After a summer of preparation, the trio became classmates in New Bostin High School. Cecile after she realizes that John had no intention of ever taking charge and maintaining order after wannabe Jokers show up to wreak havoc. Then she realized that he was the masked Joker who had more than enough strength to beat the combined might of the Royals. In defiance of her bullying, John dropped the cake. It was not until the third part of the project,Julio and Romiette, that John became more diligent with his work and asked Seraphina for help interpreting the some of the lines. This however is then proven wrong when Sera refuses to give up on him and finally manages to knock some sense on him. It's implied that John wasn't always a powerhouse back at his old school, but rather started off as a cripple who mastered his ability and quickly rose to the top and became a brutal dictator. It should be noted that during his second year, Arlo was an elite-tier with a level of 4.8 before ascending to high-tier with a level of 5.4 that same year. After all, John's main reason for attacking the high tiers is because of their relentless cruelty towards anyone weaker than them. In order: Arlo, Meili and Ventus ambushed and attacked him, Zeke bullied him and Sera, Juni showed off an article she wrote that revealed Sera losing her power to the school, Tanner and Rouker bullied him, Abel attacked him for hanging out on the school roof, Isen treated him horribly during the fake interview, and Illena, Krolik, Crail, Wenqi and Misa all kidnapped and beat up Sera, In chapter 145, John makes it clear to Arlo that he wholeheartedly believes that Arlo ruined his life by forcing him back into the power rankings. And the intro well, I have a link to it for you all due to copyright issues.Make sure to read the webtoon and support the creator here! Despite being clear winner of any fight, John would attack attacking students long after they could no longer fight back. Adrion eventually stepped in and tried to get John to stop beating up an opponent past the point of defeat. Ability Mixing: John can combine the abilities he's copied, once Blyke's "Energy Beam" with Isen's "Hunter" to create homing energy beams that cannot be dodged. It didn't pan out the way John had wanted to, but he made the effort to keep up the charade anyway. He really is Joker !" [24], After returning from the infirmary, John and Seraphina were forced to be partners for a three-part literature project, much to the reluctance of both parties. Especially towards those he knows are jerks, such as Arlo and Cecile, he tells Remi that Rei can go the hell for all he cares. get make use of Arlo's plan to expose him and turns him into a pawn to keep Sera safe, albeit unwillingly as well as manipulate nearly everyone in the series, even Sera, something even Arlo can't do. Adrion was hesitant to engage his friend for this test, but the two of them begged for him to lend his strength to the experiment. It is also responsible for the distribution of ability amplify drugs to known criminals. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Spectre ran him over and he got up immediately to fight back. All it took was one older kid bumping into and threatening him for John to realize that high school would be much rougher than even what he was used to. The reason he doesn't use his ability is because he fears that he will become a monster. It is known that John can copy and amplify powers which means that if Sera cant take him down quickly enough he will be able to over power her. So Im sure that John is definitely isnt as strong as Sera. But John was willing to scale any mountain in the name of becoming stronger, and he fought through the fatigue that came with altering his channels and intesifying whatever he copied. John tends to waver between two social states as his 'ideal': either being completely removed and separated from the garbage people, and being the ultimate power and squashing them. He went and did a lot of personal research on the ability Claire described. John ignored the words of his father and walked away. Turns out, he was much worse in middle school. His sense of judgment and common sense are often clouded by his own anger, fears, and arrogance, making him oblivious to truths that are obvious to others. Who wins? [12] It was only then that he acknowledged that Adrion was telling the truth, and sincerely asked why Claire would betray him like this. Despite initially not using any abilities, John is shown to be capable of holding his own against mid-tiers such as Gavin,[23] Krolik[24], and Hower[25] with his fists and reflexes. John is a dangerous character to talk about, since despite being a victim, the author (Uru-chan) has made a disgusting work and demonized him in the most nonsensical way. They were offended enough to activate their abilities and try anyway. As one of the strongest god-tiers in unOrdinary, John does not have many weaknesses to speak of and has never lost a battle unless he chose not to activate his ability; his ability combined with his high pain tolerance and hand-to-hand combat proficiency makes him a formidable opponent regardless of the situation. When Sera gets her results for the final part of project, she is relieved to see they got an "A". unOrdinary: How Does Johns Supernatural Copy Power Work? Chapter 148 for example shows him off sensing Isen through the other side of a wall, Once he starts actually fighting back, he really starts showing off these kind of smiles. Her persistence finally pays off in chapter 224, Sera spends a good portion of the story as a powerless cripple after Spectre depowered her. All of the Royals attacked John in unison, broke his arm, electrocuted him, and shot multiple holes through his body, yet he still gets back up to demolish all of them by himself, No, the second strongest student in the entire school. When John could no longer deny the fact that Seraphina learned of his secret, he dropped all pretenses and once again began openly treating everyone with hostile contempt. In a way, John and Cecile play the villain duo that goes about beating up the Wellston Royals in order to throw the school into chaos by dismantling the hierarchy. As he was about to go to his mathematics class, Elaine cordially greeted John and struck up a friendly conversation with him. TimesMojo is a social question-and-answer website where you can get all the answers to your questions. He feels immense satisfaction watching major supporters of "might makes right" squirm when he puts them on the receiving end of their own philosophies. [21], Word had spread about John being a cripple, and he later found himself cornered by Crail and Lin to be "educated" on his position in the school hierarchy. Because of his bullheaded stubbornness, he firmly refuses to ever accept he is in the wrong, going to great lengths to make his beliefs true, and denying any proof they aren't. He's not that bothered by this, seeing as it means he's not the type to devise long-term plots against people, save for Arlo. Will he begin the Reign of Terror, likes Robespierre did, or will he attempt to establish a new system of equality? He then congratulated John on turning his meager ability into something useful. This shows that he is no longer going to continue denying who he is (as his slicked-back hairstyle symbolized) but also not as brutal and ruthless (as his old hairstyle symbolized. Furthermore, John seems to have a limit of abilities he can copy, with the maximum so far being four abilities, and he appears to be unable to copy certain abilities altogether such as Flash Forward and Clairvoyance. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. John was pulled off his victim and sent to the principal's office. The last chapterof unOrdinary left off with John taking his fellow students by surprise, revealing that he wasn't without powers after all. In fact, he is even more short-tempered than before now, vowing to sabotage Remi's "Safe House" simply because she insulted him. Neither of them had a clue on how to make this a reality, so once more, they hit the books. Thoroughly convinced that everyone else is just as monstrous as he is, John decided that mercy was wasted on them. While his behaviors and reactivity have tempered significantly in later seasons, his basic ideologies (that humans are self serving trash, society should be avoided, and that John and his few friends are at the top of the food chain) remain unchanging. Sera would have to knock John out with the first hit other wise John would heal himself and become more powerful then her. A self-imposed action by John due to the authority worker, Keon, breaking him mentally. Sera would have to knock John out with the first hit other wise John would heal himself and become more powerful then her. [6] But John couldn't go anywhere in school anymore without hearing others talk about what a horrible king he was. In the end, Arlo decides to not push any further since he's finally realized that his actions have done nothing but drive John and Sera further away from him, for not having an ability to defend herself, stabbing the incapacitated Ventus in the back, the Joker is a wild card that can be used like any other card, forced to relive his own memories over and over. John didn't have his answer then, but he has it now: because that brutality is exactly what happened to himwhen he pretended not to have abilities. "Everyone is just as f-ked up as I am! John thought he was better off not dwelling on impossible dreams any longer. In terms of grades, John is only an average student. But due to Keon's lessons, John saw himself as a selfish weakling who couldn't help but become corrupted by power. After a month, John returns to Wellston, reunites with Seraphina, and steps down from his royal position, passing it on to Blyke. Unable to fight back, Oliver resorted to calling John a fraud. (Set slightly before the og timeline of uno. Juni is a short girl with light green hair tied into twin buns and yellow eyes. As with his Monster personality, John does not relent when he fights, and sadistically beats his opponents within an inch of their lives. John concluded that despite the corruption that he succumbed to when using his ability, he would never achieve any results by holding back. However, once Season 2 comes around, he finally takes Arlo's place as the King of Wellston. In a world where. He often practices hand-to-hand combat against a punching bag during workouts, and his proficiency in hand-to-hand combat far outclasses many of his peers. The most interesting and perhaps strongest of them all is John's power to copy. As of Chapter 199, Blyke is currently a high-tier with a level of 5.0, though his passive ability has not been made obvious yet. One week later, William entered his room and left the book Unordinary, in hopes to help his mentally distraught son. This made him a popular target to bully. John has begun developing other unsavory personality traits as a result of his crusade. John blames high-tiers for setting a horrible example for everyone beneath them and allowing mid-tiers to mercilessly bully low-tiers. Part of this is him having reached a breaking point regarding all the bullying, and because he's copying other's powers that will help him search for a kidnapped Sera, John beats up Isen in order to get his ability to help with the search for a kidnapped Sera, John beats up Illena, Wenqi, Krolik, Crail, and Misa for their roles in kidnapping and beating up a depowered Sera, John begins his plan of dismantling the school hierarchy by beating up Blyke, who's the school's 6th strongest "Jack", John continues his plan of dismantling the school hierarchy by beating up Cecile, who's the school's 5th strongest, and Wellston's former "Queen", Despite Cecile believing that she's teamed up with John to dethrone Arlo, John makes it clear to her that after beating up Blyke, who's the school's 6th strongest, Cecile is the next that he will need to beat up since she's the school's 5th strongest, John's appearance changes when he begins to break down. Though the odds were no different than usual, John refused to listen to Claire's advice to just stand down. He almost tears one group to shreds with his ability when they take it too far. For at one of these rumbles, he was able to sense everybody's auras all at once from the sidelines, without even activating his ability. His secret ability doubles down on this motif, as in poker. He went behind the backs of his fellow Royals and prepared to enlist unwitting subsitutes as teammates for all subsequent matches with rival schools. Something useful the tragedy of Bostin High school would n't be repeated spoilers for unOrdinary episode 188 & # unordinary when does john reveal his powers to sera. Around the corner, their group came into conflict with Oliver 's yet again hateful words cut John than. He did n't pan out the way John had no intention of taking! Was much worse in middle school, John got them to come back revise... 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