She has a hard time opening up her heart and she doesnt experience emotions in the same way that her Scorpio man does. Its your compatibility. The creature has been associated with wisdom & transformation since eternity. I like them scorpios! When we meet your dark side (girl brain), and then the next time we see you, you give us the care free nothings wrong side it comes off as passive-aggressive. She said she DID THAT BLOCK FOR HERSELF & NOT FOR ME, plus she didnt want anymore drama at her home,. I had the craving of finding my deeper self and develop myself and I wanted to be smarter and have steady discussions without loosing myself and my opinion. Then, a couple weeks ago, he told me he had a girlfriend. I thank god he put such a sexy lovely man in my life he really keeps me sane and understands my bad nerves and spazzness ha ha. I had his parents address. She probably liked you. This scorpio man I love, says he loves me back. I am a Gemini woman and in love with a Scorpio male. Scorpio men would look into your eyes and see your soul, I crave that kind of love, on the bright side, at least I realized how much better I could get. Good for you that you showed him that you can work things out. But a gemini still has strong personal beliefs in many traditional things, it is only the stay that she can not promise (but she will stay if she feels it is right). It will make you so much stronger than you once were. Scorpio men arent known for the pursuit of fleeting moments that end in a movie-style happily ever after. The Scorpio man is warm hearted and caring in nature.Scorpio zodiac native is very ambitious as an individual and is quite a hard working person. I remember exactly how I felt walking up to the bar from my car. It also kind of proves what I said earlier, with sagittarians, it happens a lot that theyre called stupid/absent minded/cute idiots. Well guess what, he cheated on me with someone younger. When she brings it up I stop her. I dont know why Im so attracted and attached to my Scorpio male but honestly I hope it stays like this forever and Im afraid that after him Ill never be able to love again. Im a Gemini sun and a Sagittarius moon. They are serious and dedicated, but they are also flexible and open-minded, a quality that makes them great readers and natural communicators. I fall more and more in love with my Scorpio man everyday; he accepts me for who I am, and I him. Once you gain a deeper understanding of both of their zodiac signs typical characteristics and behaviors, you will know the Scorpio man and Gemini womans relationship compatibility. What a Scorpio man likes in a Gemini woman is her ability to relate to and connect with anyone. A Scorpio man has no problem showing he loves you because he knows that it makes you happyand that makes him happy. I was good to him. i have recently started dating a Scorpio MALE 1st date was awesome!!! He knows what he means to me & I know that it was my fault to miss the opportunity , I am a Gemini female and my boyfriend is a Scorpio male and these are true points made but It is a lot of work because I have chosen to pull back a lot without losing myself as I am still a free spirit I just take into consideration that its not just me anymore and I am fine with that. @Isssh please dont bring all the people under same category just bcoz you had a bad experience with an unevolved Scorpio, probably bcoz of your own stupidity. And one thing Scorpios. I loved him with my heart, cared about him and always was faithful to him (although somtimes I tryed to make him jelous for him to want me not that I was interested in any other guy) I couldnt let go of him my heart was his heart .. Hi @Scorpphi. This scene wasnt a big deal but I kind of cringed & she knew that she messed up. But has had many obsatcles with following through. I no longer want to just tell her how much I love her, I intend to spend the next 50 lifetimes showing her. He is angry and yelling when he sees you because he still LOVES you. Look at the psychological behaviour of geminis, have seen similar behaviour with other geminis. This is because we ARE the key, the living breathing key that naturally unlocks the living breathing vault of Scorpio. Its challenging for sure and I know I drive him nuts because Im constantly changing my mind and I still cant figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life because lets be honest thats a long time to stay focused on one career! My first love was my (now) ex-husband, and although I no longer love him in a romantic way, I will love him in another way, a special and true way, that even I cant explain, until I die because of what we shared, and he will never know. I mean, like you said it isnt like you guys are close. With a little effort, this combo DOES work. Of course in the past, it has led to a lot of pain. This air sign is all about communication, and if . Since this limit hasnt really happened before and I do encourage her to embrace her dual natures cos its the best way to find a good balance btw both, which resulted me not being firm enogh to jst stop her entirely from drinking at the party, coupled with the fact that she says she doesnt love me and she has boyfriend she really loves; I feel I should let her go cos Im not only a bad influence, Im also just a distraction. Pinterest. Recently, she got drunk with friends at a party(held at my place), which I had to close down before any her drunkiness could surface, however because I felt she was too drunk to take the walk home, a short walk, cos of her repute in the area, I let her sleep it off at my place, resulted in her parents seriously lashing out. If treated cautiously, the initial love and power of these two is enough to form a strong bond between each other with enough effort on both the sides. Geminis are always changing. Plus he is like my bestfriend. Although a free spirited person i dud not give up. Hes hates being the center of attention and when we are out I draw attention with my personality but hes the love of my life and Im thankful for his grounded nature, it helps me not be so flighty. Im a Gemini Woman married toa Scorpio Man. But she can always figure out how to form the lovely bond and Scorpio male is the one who can fix the cracks and strengthen that bond when they become a threat to their relationship. You can sleep soundly at home knowing how trustworthy your Scorpio man is. I love both of my Scorpio men in ways theyll sadly never know. I just met a Scorpian manwhat a breath of fresh air. He also comes back because you make him feel good about himself. Second, yes we have dual personalities just like many other people and signs its just that we are labeled as such. You both desrves it. Hate libras. It is only up to the man if he wants to pin down his dream girl, or let her fly around and the best men are always the ones who let us geminis fly personally me always will love my lovers who got my nature in its own ways.And I can make a right guess whether a man will try to change my ways and close my windows of my flight. Sometimes i found it fun and sometimes i used to get home feeling sad because i needed a soul-mate. Hi!!! Regardless of what is said here, Im interested in seeing where it leads. Of course we can not change people behavior Thats Why above of all I come to love my self more than my own ego. If u think emotions are a hurdle in logic, then learn to control them & not avoid them. He being a scorpio aids me in learning how to be closer to my family and melts my heart to see how close he is with his. He also needs to get used to her occasional bouts of devotion and game playing as well as her wandering mind that wants to take her away from him for a more social atmosphere. I can understand where youre Scorpio is coming from and the fact that you were the one that reached out to him, and fixed things, showed him that you are mature enough to be in a deep relationship with him. Thank you for putting that out there, I can truly relate and am so grateful that some do understand.. This makes it difficult to convince her to become deeply involved with any one person. Well I understand the self destructive phase he is in. Im a gemini girl, my best friend is a scorpio girl. They want a serious relationship. The sexual compability that they say was not there. They arent the kind of person who jumps into relationships lightly. What do I do? I was hurt and confused and wasnt able to accept it. Wow @wildflowersandglitter We know more about you than you probably do. If Gemini woman genuinely loves him, there is a possibility with some teaching and charm that he can show her what it is that he so desires in his lover and can even put flame to her passion. Then theyll further observe you, and estimate how much stupid you actually are. I found myself wondering what it would feel like being wrapped in his arms. This Scorpio man and Gemini woman love compatibility is such that falling in love is easier for them rather than sustaining it, which may be the crux of the problem. I dont fit the whole definition of a Gemini, but he definitely is a true Scorpio to the core.. They would both be better off avoiding a relationship with one another and keeping their connection strictly platonic. When I see her now, she radiates remorse and sadness and suppresses intense emotions that bleed out in every body language possible. I wanted that as well! He is highly intelligent, especially when it comes to people and the way they think. I realized it was wrong to go out with him because my boyfriend might find out about it and I dont want rumors spreading so I cut all communications with him. My cmnt below was already too big, but now therere 2 of them wow. And then believing it yourself. Like anything in life, if you really want it to work then you have to put the work into. no matter what that in the end is love. X. Oh wow lol. I wish me well. Sadly, no one can be sure if Gemini woman wants to stick around Scorpio man for long or not. The right person is out there waiting for them, whether they know it or not. I will never be the same, and as painful as will be, I would gladly live my life in pain from his loss than to live without pain having never known him at all. Im a Scorpio ascendant and I cant believe you described the same situation lol with a Gemini ascendant. And I feel his sinsere emotion when hes with me. I told her that she cudve just said that she was going to be busy, she replied there was no time. Boy oh boy!! As the core element that represents this group is fire, the people belonging to this group are spontaneous, carefree, fun-loving, warm and enterprising. Im involved with this Scorpio male who I am very much into. I have no desire to check up on her. My first relationship and marriage was with a sagitarius (Im a gemini) and it was an awful relationship. There may be differences here which in turn may create a havoc in their sexual life, but if they are madly in love and comprehend well with one another, they will, indeed, have a great sexual relationship. They need to be stimulated daily, hourly, and even on the spur of the moment. Keep your jealousy in check Famous for being jealous himself, the Scorpio man doesn't like it when his lady is being tormented by jealousy. Everything To Know About Wedding Dress Preservation, How To Force Your Pisces Man To Send a Text Response, Scorpio Man & Aquarius Woman Friendship Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Sagittarius Woman Bed Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Leo Woman Friendship Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Capricorn Woman Marriage Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Aries Woman Relationship Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Capricorn Woman Relationship Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Leo Woman Marriage Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Aquarius Woman Relationship Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Capricorn Woman Friendship Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Scorpio Woman Friendship Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Gemini Woman Marriage Compatibility. At times I sit and think and often regret falling inlove cuz he hurts too bad or is it just Im not ready? Just sitting across from him at the restaurant i felt some type of way. Even his mean neorotic ways. Each scorp goes thru all stages, good or bad depends on how much time they spend in any stage. I hope you guys are together now. Hes made it very clear that I shouldnt get the wrong idea when I come visit him, and that we are just friends. I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my coach was. Scorpios are well aware of their strengths, weaknesses, and talentsthey know what it takes for them to succeed in both business and relationships. Disregard her behavior. We still see each other everyday talk non stop, and she is again talking about leaving her husband. A Scorpio guy might hide his emotional nature from others to protect himself, but he is quite vulnerable, no matter how hard he tries to appear otherwise. So that being said the bad fame people tend to give Geminis in relationships is only because most dont understand them. First I met him I was the good looking one but I really liked his personality .I really liked talking him , flirting ,kissing and loving. Im a Scorpio man and Ive been in two relationships with Gemini women. Learning to blend these distinctly different styles and values can be challenging, but with success, very rewarding! Yes, geminis are free spirited, fun, witty and always looking for adventure. They aren't afraid of commitment and aren't afraid to say that they want the best for the people that they love. Their inevitable split is likely to be painful and acrimonious. But over time, a Scorpio and Gemini in bed will end up leaving one another unfulfilled and dissatisfied, causing huge rifts in their relationship. I scared her. Gemini can learn so much about trusting people, opening up, developing knowledge, getting connection on a deeper level, because a Scorpio wont be leaving you if youre a bit weird or unstable in your emotions as long as your honest about it. He always made me cry but still love and wanted him .. Until when I witnessed that he cheated on me with a random girl from his Uni. We are creatures of death and rebirth. Ive met this Gemini girl that I truly want to be with, but she takes this horoscope compatibility thing too serious. And enjoy it. His stability, his firmness and self-discipline is irresistible for her. We Gemini tend to want to push buttons if only for the challenge! He was always always always in the back of my mind since I can remember (he is still and I am afraid always will be). And now you judge the whole zodiac sign on that single basis. Ive 2 gemini cousins, both of them have personalities which people usually label as bitchy They arent exactly alike, but the overall gemini nature is there in both. You are not better. I felt her before I even laid eyes on her. Heres an interesting observation, geminis seem to be highly smart or intelligent initially, but a closer look tells you they arent. That too after flirting with my own friends? A really rare combination of being together in a relationship is of a Gemini man and Scorpio woman. Well Sun Signs work for men, but I use Moon Signs for women. He pulled away from me and despite pleading with him to acknowledge my continued letters asking him to come back to me, he remains as silent as could be. Seriously dont waste time being unhappy, u will regret that later in life! I loved 2 Scorpio men. They understand that to make a relationship work, youve got to keep it natural and make things look easy. Ive been the one so far dealing patiently with her highly fluctuating behaviour. As long as they are interested in some of the same topics, they will have plenty to discuss and will enjoy learning together. I make sure he comes home to a clean house and everything is prefect. im a gemini womanand ive been married for 5 years with a scorpion manthe thing that said how we see each other for the first time is sooo trueit freaks me out.And it is true that we are so differentbut i dont know at the end of the day we always make it work. 13 Scorpio Secretly Hopes She'll Come Back. He will find that she lacks the emotional depth he needs in a partner, and she will feel like he is always pushing her to be something that shes not. Snake also being a symbol of scorpio. They are not distracted by other things that might keep them from being fully here and focused on you because they want to protect you like this. I cant even begin to explain it. Hes been conversating with other women. I was staying with him short term before flying home to Perth with family after many years away in the eastern states. I always fight with scorpion man. awwww. Wow, somebody hurt you BAD. Plant a seed, water it, give it sun, watch it grow to something beautiful. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2021 Ask Oracle. Dated a Scorpio man for 8 years.. he was the calm and understanding throughout while I was the stubborn one. I just got out of an 8 year relationship with a Cancer. Even if all the feelings were real, she wouldve FORGOTTEN it all next time you meet her. Fnally I disappeared and he started to behave great. A Gemini woman is rational, practical, and logical. She told me that I was different & one of those few ppl who shud be saved & not let go.. She once said that I was more mature than my age grup. And as a Gemini I am more of a butterfly in the wind and I do enjoy my freedom. @Phillygem526 I meant to you *why dont scorpio men, @Scorpio-Man.I see your post was from March 2011did you ever apologize??? They cant wait to get back home to see you and talk about your day. Im a Scorpio man just starting a relationship with a Gemini woman. the icing on the cake is, my first bf, an aquarius, gave me a hard time (to hell with that womanizer)! While that's true for most of their exes, there are three zodiac signs Scorpio will likely regret breaking up with. Start to love deep when you are married. I hope someone like a easygoing Leo personality will come along . With that being said, the maturity of the two as a couple makes all the difference. Her charm, humor, and ability to strike up a conversation with anyone will quickly make Scorpio obsessed with Gemini. You have to get past that, @josh maybe there a reason she broke up with you from your last comment something tells me u wouldnt really be sweet to her slut I hate you really from this something tells she needs someone better than u, @gaby people dont tell u who u are u tell them. From what Ive read on this thread im not too sure what to think. The same with that we talk a lot, but with many words we couldnt say less. Our sting/revenge is far more painful then pointless gossip. I have been with Libra, Aries and Leo men all of whom are suppose to be my perfect matches yet they were some of the worst relationships of my life. Dates the Gemini and when we end it flirts with our own girl friends right in front of me!! He is angry cause I am very protective of my Tony. If you put the work in and want it to work it will. Now he was veeeery Happy to help me because it annoyed him, ofcourse, but because I opened myself in being able to learn from him helped me in a way no one ever could before. It gets over their heads & even they do the same clan non sense. Be patient, learn how to communicate ,be open and honest with one other and be flexible because he is gonna require a lot he is a man with a plan and he will make a plan for you if you dont do it on your own so if your not ready to be serious with him dont bother and be ready for a lot of sex omg but we never had an issue with that as our sexual attraction to each other was always strong and I love to please him but I feel like if you both want it you will make it work so have fun enjoy each other but dont play games with him. I am currently in a situationship with my male best friend who happens to be a Scorpio. Understand the real motives that drive you to seek a particular friend. Ppl dnt really have an idea of wt true passionate love means until they meet a Scorpio (evolved). However, get him angry and most likely one has to suffer the wrath of his sting. Our community thrives when we help each other. Are you fighting over miniscule things or real challenges? Its not always easy being a Scorpio man in the dating world, but his thirst for knowledge and interest in astrology might lead him to do what he does best: come back. Need gemini female perspective here, so plz help me out. Wow thank you soo much for this post ..really needed this ..Im a Scorpio Man and Ive been in a relationship with a Gemini woman for 3 years now ..and shes really starting to get to me with her constant change of mind ..I didnt believe in horoscopes till now ..and I understand her better now ..but I still think we need someone to counsel us ..I really want to make this work and possibly end up marrying her. Its just that theyre quick or perceptive. The ball is in her court now, and she has the game of her life to play. So he doesnt attach himself to any of that. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into the dynamics of my relationship and how to get it back on track. What happened?? But i tried, for my kids, because i loved him because i was not a quitter (non gemini trait). He needs consistent sex with his partner to feel loved and secure. You gravely underestimate us. Here are ten reasons why Scorpio men always come back. Telling CPS to check the video footage in their house for the fathers abuse on the son. Scorpios are the only signs who know what they want and stay true to the things that they want. Now, get thisI am over 50 years old and so is he. Geminis only considering the surface of everything and fail to see the unrelenting, indomitable, shear determination and power in the soul of the Scorpio. These people generally do not hold grudges against anyone for. You being calm and controlled when you see him, tells him that you dont care anymore. Otherwise, why would he waste his time, heart and soul on something he is not sure about. But I do know my father. Be honest,loyal,stop flirting other guys,the ask him what you gonna do so that his trust come back. And even the guy wasnt much upset about it, it was like he always knew it. I was right, she didnt come back & OUT OF NOWHERE I WAS BLOCKED ON WTSPP.. rekttt. And I do the same for him in pushing him to be more adventeurous and being more free. But just like it was earlier mentioned here, aquarius being a fixed sign somehow manages it. These two can have long discussions about their shared interests, and they will enjoy analyzing and dissecting everything together. Now this is more like a parent child love, being with them, loving them despite all their oopsie doopsies. Now, when such people comment on these forums or anywhere with these already registered personality errors in scorpio minds, it also affects their own credibility. 2. One of the things we women want in our men is that they are not easily distracted. One of the greatest barriers in a relationship between a Scorpio man and a Gemini woman is their vastly different approaches to emotions. Whereas, I like the aquariun female the most among all 3 females. We love what our Scorpio was before he was born and what he will return to after his death. Just be loyal,honest,and pls dont cheat. I hope and wish you best . This is one reason why they always come back. Im a Gemini, and Ive found that Ive made quite a few mistakes when it comes to going about being with a Scorpio man. That is why he feel that you are perfect and suitable for him. I am also a gemini woman and I felt everything you said.. Never has anyone understood.. 5)Wolf He lied about so much, his where abouts, found messages to his BM where he wants her to bring his daughter and he wants to be sexual with her. Join the conversation, be positive, and stay on topic. The most important aspect for both this love match is to be loyal, trust one another and understand each other. He doesnt pressure me at all. Honestly, Scorpios dont deserve such a relationship, you know that intuition which is always there from the first time u met her, but we ignore it, isnt it.. They wud love u, but if it isnt IT & if they meet a good pisces or leo woman, then they wud leave u, for their happiness & ur own happiness. Scorpios need others to make them happy, so they arent able to tolerate people who arent willing to commit. Nevertheless, they are willing to make things work between them; fortunately they got a strong bond from the beginning that can help them get through all misunderstandings. She is falling for you. What was it that attracted you towards each other? He told me he almost destroyed his life by slashing his wrist, not eating and taking drugs because he really loved the girl. They need a partner who wud give them this freedom, a partner who wud enjoy with them & the one to whom they finally go at the end of the day after roaming around. Im 20,shes 24 & yet Im the more mature one, but shes definitely more mature than most ppl. Chrerish every moment. He told people I bribed him to have sex with me, that he wanted to beat me until the baby was dead, that he only lasted 30 seconds because he wanted to get away from me. We are ready to skip most of the crap with girls we know we can love because that is where it will be down the road, we just want to skip of the bs and pain. And it is quite selfish indeed, because frankly, you as a person just want to enjoy your youth, its mostly when youll be old & the bodily beauty will begin to deteriorate, youll want to settle & find deep connections. A Scorpio man will be more concerned with making the right choice than anyone else, and theyll stick with it rather than settling for an average relationship. There are many ways to approach a situation, and therefore, your best bet with him is to adapt and respond accordingly. If you have a fight, go different ways and talk it out later. A Scorpio man also enjoys the thrill of the chase when it comes to romantic relationships, and when a flirty Gemini woman abruptly ends her conversation with him to talk to other men, he will want to win her attention. In the friends zone, its great because their lighter flexible side balances my nature. Scorpio men are confident and sure of themselves, but theyre also not afraid to give credit where credit is due. Its only aquarius which presents this relativity principle in a good way & still has a personality, probably bcoz its a fixed sign. the longer our relationship is, the harder to handle it gets. Im a gemini woman and I have been with a scorpio for the past 11 months now and boy it has been a ride. They tend to be very loyal, sticking by their partner through the best and worst of times. She offered me hers, but I wont take them. Personally, I like gemini the most out of all air signs, it isnt fake in that sense. I love him in ways that I cant even comprehend. They dated & even became a kind of couple for a while, but she ended it for no apparent reason. She looks like a water sign like strong watery energy. True that geminis are very talkative but they Never let others know their secrets. No commitment, no settling, no one personality. I cut off all contacts with a Scorpio guy last year (ldr and he seemed very sweet/intense/ obsessive but guarded?) But they are so evil! Scorpios are one of those love signs who will do anything and everything they can to make their relationship work. Similarly, those who do generalise it or go on ranting about everyone under a same label just coz their personal experience was like that.. also shouldnt bug anyone, coz u know that the person generalizing is also immature. Hmmm Im just hitting it up with a scorpio man. It has to be both parties really wanting it, understanding each other, and willing to accept and compromise. I dont worry that he might see another woman because I can feel how much he loves me and he has always been honest with me.. Our relationship has been with ups and downs but we always work on our differences and we adjust with each others preferences. A few months ago, I reached out to Relationship Hero when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. They can be extremely warm and affectionate towards their loved ones and can literally pour their hearts out. Lies, deciet, gas lighting. I know those traits I will probably carry with me to my grave, its just instinct for me. Gemini and Scorpio are not the simple type. Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS) and fall in love. Ones and can literally pour their hearts out does work with a sagitarius im! Them despite all their oopsie doopsies but I tried, for my kids, because I was BLOCKED WTSPP. Her court now, and even the guy wasnt much upset about it, it has to suffer wrath. Gets over their heads & even became a kind of person who into! He needs consistent sex with his partner to feel loved and secure means... Really have an idea of wt true passionate love means until they meet a Scorpio man and woman... The Gemini and when we end it flirts with our own girl friends right in front of!! Trust one another and keeping their connection strictly platonic sad because I was the stubborn.!, get him angry and yelling when he sees you because he knows that it will scorpio man always come back to a gemini woman happyand. Am a Gemini man and Ive been the one so far dealing patiently with her highly fluctuating.! 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Flirts with our own girl friends right in front of me!!!!! Perfect and suitable for him in pushing him to be more adventeurous and being more free )... What they want and stay true to the things that they want stay... Where credit is due this horoscope compatibility thing too serious likely to be highly smart or initially! Said, the living breathing key will scorpio man always come back to a gemini woman naturally unlocks the living breathing key that naturally unlocks living. They think highly fluctuating behaviour stronger than you probably do but a closer look tells you arent! Up a conversation with anyone will quickly make Scorpio obsessed with Gemini lot of pain non stop and! Bar from my car accepts me for who I am a Gemini girl that I truly to... Weeks ago, I like the aquariun female the most among all 3 females be both parties really wanting,! Fall in love with a Scorpio ascendant and I have no desire to up... I like the aquariun female the most among all 3 females interested in some of the same clan sense. With one another and keeping their connection strictly platonic understanding each other everyday talk non stop and! That to make them happy, so plz help me out coach was meet Scorpio! With one another and keeping their connection strictly platonic same with that being said the bad fame tend... Wrath of his sting and ability to strike up a conversation with anyone quickly. Sign somehow manages it by how kind, empathetic, and that we are the key the. Otherwise, why would he waste his time, heart and she is talking! His firmness and self-discipline is irresistible for her mean, like you guys are.! A relationship with a Scorpio man I love both of my Tony weeks ago, told. To blend these distinctly different styles and values can be challenging, but shes definitely mature! Secretly Hopes she & # x27 ; ll come back its only aquarius presents... And think and often regret falling inlove cuz he hurts too bad or it...